< Nehemia 3 >

1 Afei, ɔsɔfopanin Eliasib ne asɔfoɔ bi hyɛɛ aseɛ too ɔfasuo no firii Nnwan Ɛpono no. Wɔdwiraa ho, sisii nʼapono, de kɔsii Ɔha Abantenten ne Hananel Abantenten no.
And Eliasiph, the greet preest, roos, and hise britheren, and prestis, and thei bildiden the yate of the floc; thei maden it stidfast; and settiden the yatis therof, and `til to the tour of an hundrid cubitis, thei maden it stidfast, `til to the tour of Ananehel.
2 Nnipa a wɔfiri Yeriko kuropɔn no mu toaa wɔn so yɛɛ adwuma hɔ, na Imri babarima Sakur dii so.
And bisidis hym the men of Jerico bildiden; and bisidis hem Zaccur, the sone of Amry, bildide.
3 Hasenaa mmammarima na wɔsii Mpataa Ɛpono no. Wɔyɛɛ ho biribiara. Wɔtotoo mpunan no, sisii apono no, de nkyerewa ne nnaban hyehyɛɛ wɔn afa.
Forsothe the sones of Asamaa bildiden the yatis of fischis; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris. And Marymuth, sone of Vrye, the sone of Accus, bildide bisidis hem.
4 Uria babarima Meremot a ɔyɛ Hakkos nana na ɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no fa a ɛdi hɔ no. Nʼaboafoɔ ne Berekia babarima Mesulam a ɔyɛ Mesesabel nana na afei Baana babarima Sadok.
And Mosolla, sone of Barachie, the sone of Meseze, bildide bisidis hym. And Sadoch, the sone of Baana, bildide bisidis him.
5 Wɔn a wɔdi soɔ ne Tekoafoɔ, mmom wɔn mpanimfoɔ no ampene sɛ wɔbɛboa.
And men of Thecue bildiden bisidis hym; but the principal men of hem puttiden not her neckis vndur in the werk of her Lord God.
6 Paseah babarima Yoiada ne Besodeia babarima Mesulam na wɔsiesiee Kuropɔn Dada Ɛpono no. Wɔtotoo mpunan no, sisii apono no de nkyerewa ne nnaban bobɔɔ mu.
And Joiada, the sone of Phasea, and Mosollam, the sone of Besoyda, bildiden the elde yate; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris.
7 Wɔn a wɔdi wɔn so yɛ Melatia a ɔfiri Gibeon, Yadon a ɔfiri Meronot ne nnipa a wɔfiri Gibeon ne Mispa a ɛyɛ amrado a ɔwɔ Asubɔnten Eufrate atɔeɛ fam no atenaeɛ.
And Melchie Gabaonyte, and Jaddon Methonatite, men of Gabaon and of Maspha, bildiden bisidis hem, for the duyk that was in the cuntrei biyende the flood.
8 Harhaia babarima Usiel a na ɔyɛ sikadwumfoɔ no na ɔdi so. Ɔno nso dii dwuma wɔ ɔfasuo no ho. Hanania a ɔyɛ aduhwamyɛfoɔ no na ɔdi so. Wɔgyaa Yerusalem fa bi a ɛkɔsi Ɔfasuo Tɛtrɛtɛ no.
And Eziel, goldsmyyt, the sone of Araie, bildide bisidis hym; and Annany, the sone of `a makere of oynement, bildide bisidis him; and thei leften Jerusalem `til to the wal of the largere street.
9 Deɛ ɔdi soɔ yɛ Hur a na ɔda Yerusalem mansini fa bi ano no no, babarima Refaia.
And Raphaie, the sone of Hahul, prince of a street of Jerusalem, bildide bisidis him.
10 Deɛ ɔdi hɔ yɛ Harumaf babarima Yedaia a ɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no fa bi a ɛbɛn ne fie, na deɛ ɔdi ne soɔ ne Hasabnia babarima Hatus.
And Jeieda, the sone of Aramath, bildide bisidis him ayens his owne hous; and Accus, the sone of Asebonye, bildide bisidis hym.
11 Deɛ ɔdi soɔ ne Harim babarima Malkia ne Pahat-Moab babarima Hasub. Wɔkɔsiesiee Afononoo Abantenten no de kaa ɔfasuo no fa bi ho.
Forsothe Melchie, the sone of Herem, and Asub, the sone of Phet Moab, bildiden the half part of the street, and the tour of ouenys.
12 Halohes babarima Salum ne ne mmammaa na wɔsiesiee ɛfa a ɛdi hɔ no. Ɔno na na ɔtua Yerusalem mansini fa a aka ano.
Sellum, the sone of Aloes, prince of the half part of a street of Jerusalem, bildide bisidis hym, he and hise sones.
13 Sanoafoɔ a Hanun da wɔn ano no na wɔsiesiee Bɔnhwa Ɛpono no, sisii nʼapono, de nkyerewa bobɔɔ mu, bramm no. Afei, wɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no anammɔn apem ne ahanum de kɔsii Sumina Ɛpono no.
And Amram, and the dwelleris of Zanoe, bildiden the yate of the valei; thei bildiden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris therof; and thei bildiden a thousynde cubitis in the wal `til to the yate of the dunghil.
14 Rekab babarima Malkia a na ɔda Bet-Hakerem mansini ano no na ɔsiesiee Sumina Ɛpono no. Ɔsiesie wieeɛ no, ɔsisii apono no, de nkyerewa hyehyɛɛ mu, bramm no.
And Melchie, the sone of Rechab, prynce of a street of Bethacarem, bildide the yate of the dunghil; he bildide it, and settide, and hilide the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris.
15 Kol-Hose babarima Salum a na ɔtua Mispa mansini ano no na ɔsiesiee Asutire Ɛpono no. Ɔsiesiee, bɔɔ so, sisii nʼapono na ɔde nkyerewa bobɔɔ mu, bramm no. Afei, ɔsiesiee Siloam abura ho ɔfasuo a ɛbɛn ɔhene mfikyifuo no. Ɔsane too ɔfasuo no kɔsii ntwedeɛ a ɛsiane firi Dawid kuropɔn mu no.
And Sellum, the sone of Colozai, prince of a toun Maspha, bildide the yate of the welle; he bildide it, and hilide, and settide the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris; and he bildide the wallis of the cisterne of Ciloe `til in to the orchard of the kyng, and `til to the greces of the kyng, that comen doun fro the citee of Dauid.
16 Deɛ ɔtoa ne so yɛ Asbuk babarima Nehemia a na ɔtua Bet-Sur mansini fa ano no. Ɔtoo ɔfasuo no kɔsii baabi a na ɛne adehyeɛ amusieeɛ no di nhwɛanimu, kɔsi nsukoraeɛ no so ne Nnɔmmarima Fie.
Nemye, the sone of Azboch, prince of the half part of the street of Bethsury, bildide after hym til ayens the sepulcre of Dauid, and `til to the cisterne, which is bildide with greet werk, and `til to the hous of stronge men.
17 Wɔn a wɔtoa so yɛ Lewifoɔ ekuo a na wɔhyɛ Bani babarima Rehum ase yɛ adwuma no. Hasabia a, na ɔyɛ Keila mansini fa ntuanoni no na ɔsii nʼankasa mansini ananmu, hwɛɛ ɔfasuo no toɔ so.
Dekenes bildiden after hym; and Reum, the sone of Beny, bildide aftir hem. Asebie, the prince of half part of the street of Cheile, bildide in his street aftir hym.
18 Wɔn a wɔdi so yɛ ɔno ara ne manfoɔ a na Henadad babarima Binui tua wɔn ano. Ɔno na na ɔtua Keila mansini fa no ano.
The britheren of hem, Bethyn, the sone of Enadab, prince of the half part of Cheyla, bildiden after hym.
19 Wɔn a wɔdi wɔn so yɛ Yesua babarima Eser a ɔtua Mispa ano no. Wɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no fa bi a ɛne akodeɛ akoradan fapem di nhwɛanimu no.
And Aser, the sone of Josue, prince of Maspha, bildide bisidis hym the secounde mesure ayens the stiyng of the `moost stidefast corner.
20 Onipa a ɔdi so ne Sabai babarima Baruk a ɔsiesiee fa bi firi fapem no, de kɔsii ɔsɔfopanin Eliasib fie ɛpono no ano.
Baruch, the sone of Zachay, bildide aftir hym in the hil the secounde mesure fro the corner `til to the yate of the hows of Eliasiph, the greet prest.
21 Uria babarima Meremot a ɔyɛ Hakos nana nso, siesiee ɔfasuo no fa bi firi baabi a, ɛne Eliasib efie ɛpono di nhwɛanimu no, de kɔsii efie no nkyɛn baabi.
Marymuth, the sone of Vrie, sone of Zaccur, bildide after hym the secounde mesure fro the yate of Eliasiph, as fer as the hows of Eliasiph was stretchid forth.
22 Afei, asɔfoɔ a wɔfifiri amantam a atwa hɔ ahyia na wɔdi soɔ.
And prestis, men of the feeldi places of Jordan, bildiden aftir hym.
23 Wɔn akyi no, Benyamin ne Hasub ne Asaria a ɔyɛ Maaseia babarima a na ɔyɛ Anania nana nso siesiee ɔfasuo no afaafa a ɛbemmɛn wɔn ankasa afie.
Beniamyn and Asub bildiden after hem ayens her hows; and Azarie, the sone of Maasie, sone of Ananye, bildide aftir hym ayens his owne hows.
24 Deɛ ɔdi hɔ yɛ Henadad babarima Binui a ɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no fa bi a, ɛfiri Asaria fie kɔsi fapem no ne ntweasoɔ hɔ.
Bennuy, the sone of Senadad, bildide after hym the secounde mesure fro the hows of Azarie `til to the bowyng and `til to the corner.
25 Usai babarima Palal toaa adwuma no so firii baabi a ɛne fapem no ne ntweasoɔ hɔ no di nhwɛanimu, ne abantenten no a ɛde ba atifi ahemfie a ɛbɛn awɛmfoɔ no adihɔ no. Deɛ ɔdi ne so yɛ Paros babarima Pedaia,
Phalel, the sone of Ozi, bildide ayens the bowyng, and the tour that stondith forth, fro the hiy hows of the kyng, that is in the large place of the prisoun; Phadaie, the sone of Pheros, bildide after hym.
26 ne asɔredan mu asomfoɔ a na wɔte kokoɔ Ofel so. Wɔsiesiee ɔfasuo no kɔsii Nsuo Ɛpono no de kɔ apueeɛ fam ne abantenten a ɛyi ne ho adi no.
Forsothe Nathynneis dwelliden in Ophel til ayens the yate of watris at the eest, and the tour that apperide.
27 Afei, Tekoafoɔ nso toaa so. Wɔbɛsiesiee ɛfa foforɔ bi a ɛne abantenten kɛseɛ a ɛyi ne ho adi no ntentenesoɔ kɔsi Ofel ɔfasuo no.
Aftir hym men of Thecue bildiden the secounde mesure euene ayens, fro the greet tour and apperynge `til to the wal of the temple.
28 Asɔfoɔ no nso siesiee ɔfasuo no a ɛwɔ kokoɔ so na ɛtoa Apɔnkɔ Ɛpono no soɔ no. Obiara siesiee baabi a ɛne ne fie di nhwɛanim.
Forsothe prestis bildiden aboue at the yate of horsis, ech man ayens his hows.
29 Deɛ ɔdi hɔ yɛ Imer babarima Sadok, ɔno nso too ɔfasuo no fa a ɛtoa ne fie so. Deɛ ɔtoa so ne Sekania babarima Semaia a na ɔyɛ apueeɛ ɛpono ano hwɛfoɔ no.
Seddo, the sone of Enner, bildide ayens his hows aftir hem. And Semeie, the sone of Sechenye, the kepere of the eest yate, bildide after hym.
30 Selemia babarima Hanania ne Hanun a ɔyɛ Salaf babarima a ɔtɔ so nsia no siesiee ɔfasuo no fa bi, ɛna Berekia babarima Mesulam nso too ɔfasuo no fa a ɛtoa ne fie so.
Ananye, the sone of Selemye, and Anon, the sixte sone of Selon, bildide aftir hym the secounde mesure. Mosallam, the sone of Barachie, bildide ayenus his tresorie after hym.
31 Malkia a ɔyɛ sikadwumfoɔ no mu baako siesiee ɔfasuo no, kɔsii Asɔredan mu asomfoɔ ne adwadifoɔ fie a Badwa Ɛpono no ne no di nhwɛanim. Afei ɔtoa so kɔsii abansoro a ɛwɔ ntweasoɔ hɔ no.
Melchie, the sone of a goldsmiyt, bildide aftir hym `til to the hows of Nathynneis, and of men sillynge scheldis ayens the yate of iugis, and `til to the soler of the corner.
32 Sikadwumfoɔ a wɔaka no ne adwadifoɔ no siesiee ɔfasuo no firii saa ntweasoɔ hɔ de kɔsii Nnwan Ɛpono no ano.
And crafti men and marchauntis bildiden with ynne the soler of the corner and the yate of the kyng.

< Nehemia 3 >