< 3 Mose 8 >

1 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Take thou Aaron with hise sones,
2 “Afei fa Aaron ne ne mmammarima bra Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan no ano. Wɔmfa wɔn ntadeɛ, ɔsra ngo, nantwie ba a wɔde no bɛbɔ bɔne afɔdeɛ, nnwennini mmienu ne burodo a mmɔreka nni mu nkɛntɛmma mmienu
`the clothes of hem, and the oile of anoyntyng, a calf for synne, twei rammes, a panyere with therf looues;
3 na frɛ Israelfoɔ no nyinaa na wɔmmra hɔ bi.”
and thou schalt gedere al the cumpanye to the dore of the tabernacle.
4 Enti nnipa no nyinaa hyiaeɛ wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan ano.
Moises dide as the Lord comaundide; and whanne al the company was gaderid bifor the yatis of the tabernacle, he seide,
5 Mose ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Adeɛ a merebɛyɛ yi, Awurade na wahyɛ me sɛ menyɛ.”
This is the word which the Lord comaundid to be don.
6 Afei, ɔfaa Aaron ne ne mmammarima de nsuo hohoroo wɔn ho,
And anoon Moises offride Aaron and hise sones; and whanne he hadde waischun hem,
7 de Aaron atadeɛ sononko a ne mmeamu ka ho de ne batakari a asɔfotadeɛ a wɔde tam a ɛyɛ fɛ ayɛ nʼabɔwomu hyɛɛ no.
he clothide the bischop with a lynnun schirte, `and girdide `the bischop with a girdil, and clothide with a coote of iacynt, and `puttide the cloth on the schuldris aboue,
8 Afei, Mose de adaaboɔ fam Aaron bo de Urim ne Tumim no hyɛɛ mu.
which cloth on the schuldris he boond with a girdil, and `dresside to the racional, wherynne doctryn and truthe was.
9 Ɔbɔɔ Aaron abotire a ɛwɔ sika abɔnimu kronkron sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no ara pɛ.
And Moises hilide the heed with a mytre, and `settide theronne, ayens the forhed, the goldun plate halewid in halewyng, as the Lord comaundide to hym.
10 Afei, Mose faa ɔsra ngo no de bi petee Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ankasa ne biribiara a ɛwɔ mu ho de tee ne nyinaa ho.
He took also the oile of anoyntyng, with which he anoyntide the tabernacle with al his purtenaunce;
11 Ɔduruu afɔrebukyia no so no, ɔpetee so mprɛnson. Afei, ɔpetee nkukuo a ɛwɔ afɔrebukyia no so no ne atam ne ne ntaamu ho de tee ho.
and whanne he hadde halewid and hadde spreynt the auter seuen sithes, he anoyntide it, and halewide with oile alle the vessels therof, and the `greet waischyng vessel with his foundement.
12 Afei, ɔhwiee ɔsra ngo no guu Aaron tirim de tee ne ho sɛ ɔnhyɛ nʼadwuma ase.
Which oile he schedde on `the heed of Aaron, and anoyntide hym, and halewide.
13 Deɛ ɛdi hɔ ne sɛ, Mose de mmatakari no hyehyɛɛ Aaron mmammarima a abɔwomu ne ɛkyɛ ka ho sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no.
And he clothide with lynnun cootis, and girdide with girdils `his sones offrid, and settide on mytris, as the Lord comaundide.
14 Afei, ɔfaa nantwinini ba sɛ ɔde no rekɔbɔ bɔne ho afɔdeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu aboa no apampam,
He offeride also a calf for synne; and whanne Aaron and hise sones hadden put her hondis on `that calf,
15 ma Mose kumm no. Ɔde ne nsateaa baako bɔɔ ne mogya mu de yɛɛ afɔrebukyia mmɛn nan no ho ne afɔrebukyia no ankasa ho de tee ho, ɛnna ɔhwiee mogya no nkaeɛ no guu afɔrebukyia no ase de tee ho sɛ mpatadeɛ.
he offride it, and drow up blood; and whanne the fyngur was dippid, he touchide the corneris of the auter bi cumpas; whanne the auter was clensid and halewid, he schedde the `residue blood at the `foundement therof.
16 Ɔfaa nʼayamdeɛ ho sradeɛ ne ne berɛboɔ ho sradeɛ ne ne sawa mmienu no ne ɛho sradeɛ hyee ne nyinaa wɔ afɔrebukyia no so.
Sotheli he brent on the auter the ynnere fatnesse that was on the entrails, and the calle of the mawe, and the twei litle reynes with her litle fatnessis;
17 Wɔhyee nantwinini ba no ne ne nhoma ne nʼagyanan wɔ sraban no akyi sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ Mose no.
and he brente without the castels the calf, with the skyn, fleischis, and dung, as the Lord comaundide.
18 Afei, ɔde odwennini maa Awurade sɛ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu aboa no apampam
He offride also a ram in to brent sacrifice; and whanne Aaron and hise sones hadden set her hondis on the heed therof,
19 na Mose kumm no de ne mogya no bi petee afɔrebukyia no ho nyinaa.
he offride it, and schedde the blood therof bi the cumpas of the auter.
20 Afei, ɔbobɔɔ odwennini no nam na ɔhyee asinasini no a ne ti ne ne sradeɛ ka ho.
And he kittide thilke ram in to gobetis, and brente with fier the heed therof, and membris,
21 Na ɔde nsuo hohoroo nʼayamdeɛ ne ne nan no ho hyee no wɔ afɔrebukyia no so maa ne nyinaa hyee pasaa wɔ Awurade anim. Ɛyɛ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ a ɛsɔɔ Awurade ani yie, ɛfiri sɛ, Mose dii Awurade akwankyerɛ no nyinaa so pɛpɛɛpɛ.
and ynnere fatnesse, whanne the entrails and feet weren waischun bifore; and he brente al the ram togidere on the auter, for it was the brent sacrifice of swettiste odour to the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym.
22 Afei, Mose de odwennini baako a ɔyɛ ahoteɛ dwennini baeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu nʼapampam.
He offride also the secounde ram, in to the halewyng of preestis; and Aaron and hise sones puttiden her hondis on the heed therof.
23 Mose kumm no na ɔde mogya no bi kaa Aaron aso nifa ase ne ne nsa nifa kokurobetie ne ne nan nifa kokurobetie.
And whanne Moises hadde offrid the ram, he took of the blood, and touchide the laste part of the riyt eere of Aaron, and the thombe of his riyt hond, in lijk maner and of the foot.
24 Ɔde mogya no bi yɛɛ Aaron mmammarima no nso aso nifa ase ne wɔn nsa nifa kokurobetie ne wɔn nan nifa kokurobetie. Ɔde mogya no nkaeɛ petee afɔrebukyia no ho nyinaa.
He offride also `the sones of Aaron. And whanne he hadde touchid of the blood of the ram offrid the laste part of `the riyt eeris of alle, and `the thombis of the riyt hond and foot, he schedde the `tothir blood on the auter bi cumpas.
25 Afei, ɔfaa sradeɛ no, ne dua, ne ne mu sradeɛ, ne berɛboɔ kotokuo, ne sawa mmienu no ne ɛho sradeɛ ne nʼabati nifa
Sotheli he departide the ynnere fatnesse, and the taile, and al the fatnesse that hilith the entrails, and the calle of the mawe, and the twey reynes with her fatnessis and with the riyt schuldur.
26 ɛnna ɔde saa burodo ntrawa a mmɔreka nni mu no baako nso ne burodo ntrawa no baako a wɔde ngo agu so ne burodo ntrawa baako a wɔfaa ne nyinaa firii kɛntɛn a wɔde bɛsii hɔ wɔ Awurade anim no mu guguu yeinom nyinaa so.
Forsothe he took of the panyere of therf looues, that was bifor the Lord, looues without sour dow, and a cake spreynt with oile, and he puttide looues first sodun in watir and aftirward fried in oile on the ynnere fatnesse, and the riyt schuldur; and bitook alle thingis togidere to Aaron,
27 Wɔde yeinom nyinaa hyɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima nsa sɛ wɔnhim no afɔrebukyia no anim sɛ ɔhim afɔrebɔ mma Awurade.
and to hise sones. And aftir that thei `reisiden tho bifore the Lord,
28 Mose gyee ne nyinaa firii wɔn nsam hyee no wɔ afɔrebukyia no so de maa Awurade; na afɔrebɔ no sɔɔ Awurade ani.
eft `he brente tho takun of her hondis, on the auter of brent sacrifice, for it was the offryng of halewyng, in to the odour of swetnesse of sacrifice `into his part to the Lord.
29 Afei Mose faa ne yan no hinhim no Awurade anim; yei ne Mose kyɛfa wɔ ahoteɛ odwennini no mu sɛdeɛ Awurade ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no.
He took also the brest of the ram of consecracioun in to his part, and reiside it bifor the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym.
30 Afei ɔfaa ɔsra ngo no ne mogya a ɔde apete afɔrebukyia no so no bi de petee Aaron ne ne mmammarima ntadeɛ mu de tee Aaron ne ne mmammarima ne wɔn ntadeɛ ho maa Awurade dwumadie.
And he took the oynement, and blood that was in the auter, and `spreynte on Aaron, and hise clothis, and on `the sones of hym, and on her clothis.
31 Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima no sɛ, “Monnoa ɛnam no wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan ano na momfa nni burodo a ɛwɔ kɛntɛn a asɔfohyɛ afɔrebɔdeɛ wɔ mu no sɛdeɛ meka kyerɛɛ mo no.
And whanne he hadde halewid hem in her clothing, he comaundide to hem, and seide, Sethe ye fleischis bifor the `yatis of the tabernacle, and there ete ye tho; also ete ye the looues of halewyng, that ben put in the panyere, as God comaundide to me, `and seide, Aaron and hise sones schulen ete tho looues;
32 Ɛnam ne burodo biara a ɛbɛka no, monhye.
sotheli whateuer thing is residue of the fleisch and looues, fier schal waste.
33 Bio, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔntena Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ano nnanson, mfa nwie asɔfohyɛ dwumadie no.
Also ye schulen not go out of the dore of the tabernacle in seuene daies, til to the day in which the tyme of youre halewyng schal be fillid; for the halewyng is endid in seuene dayes,
34 Mose kaa bio sɛ, deɛ ɔyɛɛ no ɛda no nyinaa no, Awurade na ɔhyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ mfa nyɛ mpata mma wɔn.
as it is doon in present tyme, that the riytfulnesse of sacrifice were fillid.
35 Ɔsane hyɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima no sɛ wɔntena Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ano anadwo ne awia nnanson. Ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, ‘Sɛ mofiri hɔ a, mobɛwuwu. Yei ne asɛm a Awurade aka.’”
Ye schulen dwelle dai and nyyt in the tabernacle, and ye schulen kepe the kepyngis of the Lord, that ye die not; for so it is comaundid to me.
36 Enti, Aaron ne ne mmammarima dii nsɛm a Awurade nam Mose so hyɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔnyɛ no nyinaa so.
And Aaron and hise sones diden alle thingis, whiche the Lord spak bi the hond of Moises.

< 3 Mose 8 >