< Atemmufoɔ 20 >

1 Afei, Israelfoɔ nyinaa; ɛfiri Dan kɔsi Beer-Seba ne Gilead asase so bɛhyiaa Awurade anim sɛ nnipa baako wɔ Mispa.
Therfor alle the sones of Israel yeden, and weren gaderid togidere as o man, fro Dan `til to Bersabee, and fro the lond of Galaad to the Lord in Maspha; and alle the `corneris of puplis;
2 Nnipa no nyinaa ne Israel mmusuakuo no nyinaa ntuanofoɔ, akofoɔ mpem ahanan a wɔkurakura akofena kɔɔ Onyankopɔn mma dwabɔ no ase.
and alle the lynagis of Israel camen to gidere in to the chirche of `the puple of God, foure hundrid thousynde of `foot men fiyters.
3 (Nkra duruu Benyamin asase so sɛ Israelfoɔ mmusuakuo a wɔaka no kɔ Mispa.) Israelfoɔ no bisaa deɛ ɛyɛeɛ a saa awudisɛm yi siiɛ.
And it was not `hid fro the sones of Beniamyn, that the sones of Israel hadden stied in to Maspha. And the dekene, hosebonde of the `wijf that was slayn, was axid, `how so greet felonye was doon;
4 Enti, Lewini a ɔyɛ ɔbaa a wɔkumm no no kunu no kaa sɛ, “Me ne me mpena baa Gilead a ɛwɔ Benyamin asase so bɛdaa hɔ.
and he answeride, Y cam with my wijf in to Gabaa of Beniamyn, and Y turnede thidur.
5 Anadwo no Gilead ntuanofoɔ no mu bi bɛtwaa fie no ho hyiaeɛ, pɛɛ sɛ wɔkum me, na wɔtoo me mpena no monnaa ma ɔwuiɛ.
And lo! men of that citee cumpassiden in nyyt the hows, in which Y dwellide, and thei wolden sle me, and thei bitraueliden my wijf with vnbileueful woodnesse of letcherie; at the last sche was deed.
6 Mefaa me mpena no twitwaa no asinasini de esini baako biara kɔɔ Israel mantam biara so. Ɛfiri sɛ, saa mmarima yi ayɛ atantansɛm ne aniwusɛm wɔ Israel.
And Y took, and Y kittide hir in to gobetis, and Y sente partis in to alle the termes of youre possessioun; for so greet felonye and so greuouse synne was neuere doon in Israel.
7 Enti, seesei, ɛsɛ sɛ Israelfoɔ nyinaa fa adwene wɔ yei ho.”
Alle ye sones of Israel ben present; deme ye, what ye owen do.
8 Nnipa no nyinaa sɔre buaa sɛ, “Yɛn mu biara rensane nkɔ fie.
And al the puple stood, and answeride as bi word of o man, `that is acordyngli, with out ayenseiyng and with out delay, We schulen not go awei in to oure tabernaclis, nethir ony man schal entre in to his hows;
9 Mmom, yɛbɛbɔ ntonto na yɛahunu wɔn a wɔbɛkɔ akɔto ahyɛ Gibea so.
but we schulen do this in comyn ayens Gabaa.
10 Abusuakuo biara mu mmarima nkyɛmu edu mu baako na wɔbɛyi wɔn ama wɔama yɛn akofoɔ no nnuane, na yɛn a yɛaka no nso atɔ Geba so wereɛ wɔ animguasedeɛ a wɔayɛ wɔ Israel no.”
`Ten men be chosun of an hundrid, of alle the lynagis of Israel, and an hundrid of a thousynde, and a thousynde of ten thousynde, that thei bere metis to the oost, and that we, fiytynge ayens Gabaa of Beniamyn, moun yelde to it `for the trespas that that it deserueth.
11 Enti, Israelfoɔ nyinaa ano kɔɔ bɛnkorɔ mu boaa wɔn ho ano sɛ wɔbɛkɔ akɔto ahyɛ kuro no so.
And al the puple, `as o man, cam togidere to the citee bi the same thouyt and o counsel.
12 Israelfoɔ no somaa abɔfoɔ kɔɔ Benyamin abusuakuo no mu kɔbisaa wɔn sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn awurukasɛm na moayɛ wɔ mo mu yi?
And `thei senten messangeris to al the lynage of Beniamyn, `whiche messangeris seiden, Whi so greet felony is foundun in you?
13 Monyi saa amumuyɛfoɔ a wɔfiri Gibea no mmra, na yɛnkum wɔn na yɛntu saa awurukasɛm yi ase mfiri Israel.” Nanso, Benyaminfoɔ no antie.
Bitake ye the men of Gabaa, that diden this wickidnesse, that thei die, and yuel be doon awey fro Israel. `Whiche nolden here the comaundement of her britheren, the sones of Israel,
14 Mmom, wɔfifiri wɔn nkuro mu boaa wɔn ho ano wɔ Gibea sɛ wɔne Israelfoɔ no rebɛko.
but of alle the citees, that weren of `her part, thei camen togidere in to Gabaa, to helpe hem, and to fiyte ayens al the puple of Israel.
15 Akofoɔ mpem aduonu nsia a wɔkurakura akofena kɔduruu Gibea, kɔkaa akofoɔ ahanson a na wɔte hɔ dada no ho.
And fyue and twenti thousynde weren foundun of Beniamyn, of men drawynge out swerd, outakun the dwelleris of Gabaa,
16 Na Benyamin akofoɔ no mu ahanson yɛ abenkumma a wɔn mu biara yɛ toamfom wɔ ahwimmoɔ toɔ mu.
whiche weren seuen hundrid strongeste men, fiytynge so with the lefthond as with the riythond, and castynge so stoonus with slyngis at a certeyn thing, that thei myyten smyte also an heer, and the strook of the stoon schulde not be borun in to `the tother part.
17 Na Israelfoɔ wɔ akofoɔ mpem ahanan a wɔkurakura akofena a Benyamin akofoɔ nka ho.
Also of the men of Israel, with out the sones of Beniamin, weren foundun foure hundrid thousynd `of men drawynge swerd and redi to batel.
18 Ansa na wɔrebɛfiri ɔko no ase no, Israelfoɔ no kɔɔ Bet-El kɔbisaa Onyankopɔn sɛ, “Abusuakuo bɛn na ɛsɛ sɛ wɔdi ɔko no anim tia Benyaminfoɔ no?” Awurade buaa sɛ, “Yuda na ɛsɛ sɛ wɔdi animu.”
Whiche riseden and camen in to the hows of God, that is in Silo; and thei counceliden God, and seiden, Who schal be prince in oure oost of the batel ayens the sones of Beniamyn? To whiche the Lord answeride, Judas be youre duyk.
19 Enti, Israelfoɔ no siim anɔpahema kɔkyeree sraban wɔ baabi a ɛbɛn Gibea.
And anoon the sones of Israel risiden eerli, and settiden tentis ayens Gabaa.
20 Afei, wɔtu teneeɛ de wɔn ani kyerɛɛ Gibea sɛ wɔrekɔto ahyɛ Benyamin mmarima no so.
And fro thennus thei yeden forth to batel ayens Beniamyn, and bigunnen to fiyte ayens `the citee.
21 Nanso, Benyamin akofoɔ a na wɔrebɔ kuro no ho ban no pue kunkumm Israelfoɔ no ɔpeduonu mmienu wɔ akono hɔ ɛda no ara.
And the sones of Beniamyn yeden out of Gabaa, and killiden of the sones of Israel in that dai two and twenti thousynde of men.
22 Nanso, Israelfoɔ nyaa akokoɔduru boaa wɔn ho ano wɔ baabi a wɔkoo ɛda a ɛdi animu no.
And eft the sones of Israel tristiden in strengthe and noumbre, and dressiden schiltrun, in the same place in which thei fouyten bifore;
23 Na wɔakɔ Bet-El akɔsu wɔ Awurade anim akɔsi anwummerɛ. Afei, wɔbisaa Awurade sɛ, “Yɛne yɛn ara abusuafoɔ a wɔfiri Benyamin nko bio anaa?” Na Awurade buaa sɛ, “Monkɔ na mo ne wɔn nkɔko.”
so netheles that thei stieden bifore, and wepten bifor the Lord `til to nyyt, and counseliden hym, and seiden, Owe Y go forth more to fiyte ayens the sones of Beniamyn, my britheren, ether nay? To whiche he answeride, Stie ye to hem, and bigynne ye batel.
24 Enti, wɔkɔko tiaa Benyamin akofoɔ no,
And whanne the sones of Israel hadden go forth to batel in the tother dai ayens Beniamyn,
25 na Benyamin mmarima no sane kumm Israelfoɔ akofoɔ a wɔnim akofena akodie yie no mpem dunwɔtwe.
the sones of Beniamyn braken out of the yates of Gabaa, and camen to hem; and the sones of Beniamyn weren wood ayens hem bi so greet sleyng, that thei castiden doun eiytene thousynde of men drawynge swerd.
26 Ɛnna Israelfoɔ no kɔɔ Bet-El kɔsuu wɔ Awurade anim kyenee kɔm kɔsii anwummerɛ. Wɔbɔɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ ne aduane afɔdeɛ maa Awurade.
Wherfor alle the sones of Israel camen in to the hows of God, and saten, and wepten bifore the Lord, and thei fastiden in that dai `til to euentid; and thei offeriden to the Lord brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices,
27 Na Israelfoɔ kɔɔ Awurade anim kɔpɛɛ akwankyerɛ. (Saa ɛberɛ no na Onyankopɔn apam adaka no wɔ Bet-El,
and axiden of her staat. In that tyme the arke of boond of pees of God was there in Silo;
28 na Eleasa babarima Pinehas a ɔyɛ Aaron nana no na na ɔyɛ ɔsɔfoɔ). Israelfoɔ no bisaa Awurade, sɛ, “Ɛsɛ sɛ yɛko tia yɛn ara yɛn abusuafoɔ Benyamin bio anaasɛ yɛnnyae?” Awurade buaa sɛ, “Monkɔ! Ɔkyena mɛma moadi wɔn so nkonim.”
and Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, was souereyn of the hows. Therfor thei counseliden the Lord, and seiden, Owen we go out more to batel ayens the sones of Beniamyn, oure britheren, ethir reste? To whiche the Lord seide, Stie ye, for to morewe Y schal bytake hem in to youre hondis.
29 Enti, Israelfoɔ de atɛfoɔ twaa Gibea ho nyinaa hyiaeɛ.
And the sones of Israel settiden buyschementis bi the cumpas of the citee of Gabaa;
30 Ne nnansa so no, wɔboaa wɔn ho ano wɔ beaeɛ korɔ hɔ ara.
and the thridde tyme as onys and tweis thei brouyten forth oost ayens Beniamyn.
31 Ɛberɛ a Benyaminfoɔ akofoɔ pue baeɛ wɔ ɔko so no, wɔtwee wɔn firii kuro no mu. Na sɛdeɛ na wɔayɛ pɛn no, wɔhyɛɛ aseɛ kunkumm Israelfoɔ no. Ɛbɛyɛ Israelfoɔ aduasa na wɔwuwuiɛ wɔ akono petee mu hɔ a ebi deda akwan a ɛkɔ Bet-El ne Gibea ho.
But also the sones of Beniamyn braken out of the citee booldli, and pursueden ferthere the aduersaryes fleynge, so that thei woundiden of hem, as in the firste dai and the secounde, and killiden bi twey paththis `the aduersaries turnynge backis; of whiche paththis oon was borun in to Bethel, the tother in to Gabaa. And thei castiden doun aboute thretti men;
32 Afei Benyamin akofoɔ no teaam sɛ, “Yɛredi wɔn so sɛdeɛ yɛdii wɔn so wɔ ɔko a ɛdi ɛkan no mu no!” Na saa ɛberɛ no na Israelfoɔ no apene so dada sɛ wɔbɛdwane ama Benyamin mmarima no ataa wɔn wɔ akwan no so, na ama wɔatwe wɔn afiri kuro no mu.
for thei gessiden to sle hem `bi customable maner; whiche `feyneden fliyt bi craft, and token counsel, that thei schulden drawe hem fro the citee, and that thei as fleynge schulden brynge to the forseid paththis.
33 Ɛberɛ a Israelfoɔ akodɔm kɛseɛ no duruu Baal-Tamar no, wɔdanee wɔn ho koeɛ. Ɛhɔ na Israelfoɔ a wɔatɛ wɔ Geba no puee prɛko pɛ firi wɔn atɛeɛm
Therfor alle the sones of Israel risiden of her seetis, and settiden schiltrun in the place which is clepid Baalthamar. And the buschementis, that weren aboute the citee, bigunnen to opene hem silf litil and litil,
34 kɔsii Benyaminfoɔ no akyi tohyɛɛ wɔn so. Ɔko no mu yɛɛ den ara kɔsii sɛ na Benyaminfoɔ no ntumi nhunu amanehunu a ɛbɛba.
and to go forth fro the west part of the citee. But also othere ten thousynde of men of al Israel excitiden the dwelleris of the cite to batels; and the batel was maad greuous ayens the sones of Beniamyn, and thei vndurstoden not, that perisching neiyede to hem on eche part.
35 Ɛno enti, Awurade boaa Israel ma wɔdii Benyamin so nkonim. Saa ɛda no, Israelfoɔ kunkumm Benyamin akofoɔ no mpem aduonu enum ne ɔha, a na wɔn nyinaa nim akofena ano ko yie.
And the Lord smoot hem in the siyt of the sones of Israel, and `thei killiden of hem in that dai fyue and twenti thousynde and an hundrid men, alle the werryours and drawynge swerd.
36 Afei, Benyaminfoɔ no hunuu sɛ wɔadi nkoguo. Israelfoɔ no dwane firii Benyamin akofoɔ no anim, sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wɔn a wɔakɔ atɛ no bɛnya ɛkwan ayɛ wɔn adwuma.
Sotheli the sones of Beniamyn bigunnen to fle, `whanne thei sien, that thei weren the lowere. And the sones of Israel sien this, and `yauen to hem place to fle, that thei schulden come to the buyschementis maad redi, whiche thei hadden set bisidis the citee.
37 Afei, wɔn a na wɔatɛ no firii afanan nyinaa kɔɔ Gibea, kunkumm obiara a ɔwɔ kuro no mu.
And whanne thei hadden rise sudenli fro hid places, and Beniamyn yaf backis to the sleeris, thei entriden in to the citee, and smytiden it by the scharpnesse of swerd.
38 Wɔtuee wisie kumɔnn wɔ kuro no so,
Sotheli the sones of Israel hadden youe a signe to hem whiche thei hadden set in buyschementis, that aftir that thei hadden take the citee, thei schulden kyndle fier, and that bi smook stiynge an hiy, thei schulden schewe the citee takun.
39 a ɛyɛ nsɛnkyerɛnneɛ ma Israelfoɔ no sɛ wɔnsane mmra mmɛto nhyɛ Benyamin akofoɔ no so. Saa ɛberɛ no na Benyamin akofoɔ no akum Israelfoɔ no aduasa, a wɔteaam sɛ, “Yɛredi wɔn so sɛdeɛ yɛdii wɔn so ɔko a ɛdi ɛkan no mu no!”
And whanne the sones of Israel set in thilke batel sien this; for the sones of Beniamyn gessiden hem to fle, and thei sueden bisiliere, whanne thretti men of her oost weren slayn;
40 Nanso, ɛberɛ a Benyamin akofoɔ no hwɛɛ wɔn akyi, na wɔhunuu wisie a atu nam ewiem wɔ kuro no mu baabiara no,
and `the sones of Israel sien as a piler of smoke stie fro the citee; also Beniamyn bihelde bihynde, whanne he siy the citee takun, and flawmes borun in hiye,
41 Israelfoɔ no sane baeɛ bɛto hyɛɛ wɔn so. Afei, Benyamin akofoɔ no hunuu sɛ asɛm aba na wɔbɔɔ huboa.
thei that feyneden fliyt bifore, `ayenstoden strongliere with face turned. And whanne the sones of Beniamyn hadden seyn this, thei weren turned in to fliyt,
42 Enti, wɔdwane de wɔn ani kyerɛɛ ɛserɛ so. Nanso, Israelfoɔ no taa wɔn kunkumm wɔn.
and thei bigunnen to go to the weie of deseert; while also aduersaries pursueden hem there, but also thei, that hadden brent the citee, camen ayens hem.
43 Israelfoɔ no twaa Benyaminfoɔ no ho hyiaeɛ, taa wɔn anibereɛ so, kɔtoo wɔn wɔ Gibea atɔeɛ fam.
And so it was doon, that thei weren slayn of enemyes on ech part, nether ony reste of men diynge was; and thei felden, and weren cast doun at the eest coost of the citee of Gabaa.
44 Ɛda no, Benyamin akofoɔ akɛseɛ mpem dunwɔtwe na wɔtotɔɔ ɔko no mu.
Forsothe thei, that weren slayn in the same place, weren eiytene thousynde of `men, alle strongeste fiyteris.
45 Wɔn a wɔanwuwu no dwane kɔɔ ɛserɛ so baabi a ɛbɛn Rimon botan no ho. Nanso, Israelfoɔ no kunkumm wɔn mu mpem enum wɔ ɛkwan no so. Wɔtoaa so taa wɔn, kɔsii sɛ wɔkumm mpenu wɔ baabi a ɛbɛn Gidom kaa ho.
And whanne thei that leften of Beniamyn hadden seyn this, thei fledden in to wildirnesse, and thei yeden to the stoon, whos name is Remmon. And in that fliyt the sones of Israel yeden opynli, `and yeden in to dyuerse places, and killiden fyue thousynde men; and whanne thei yeden ferther, thei pursueden hem, and killiden also othere twei thousynde.
46 Enti, Benyamin abusuakuo no hweree akofoɔ akokoɔdurufoɔ ɔpeduonunum saa ɛda no,
And so it was doon, that alle that felden doun of Beniamyn in diuerse places, weren fyue and twenti thousynde, `fiyterys moost redi to batels.
47 ma ɛkaa mmarima ahansia pɛ a wɔdwane kɔɔ ɔbotan Rimon ho kɔtenaa hɔ abosome ɛnan no.
And so sixe hundrid men leften of al the noumbre of Beniamyn, that myyten ascape, and fle in to wildirnesse; and thei saten in the stoon of Remmon foure monethis.
48 Afei Israelfoɔ no sane baeɛ bɛkunkumm abɔdeɛ biara a nkwa wɔ mu wɔ nkuro no nyinaa mu, firi nnipa so kɔsi anantwie ne biribiara so. Na kuro biara a wɔduruu so no, wɔhyee no dworobɛɛ.
Forsothe the sones of Israel yeden out, and smytiden with swerd alle the remenauntis of the citee, fro men `til to werk beestis; and deuourynge flawme wastide alle the citees and townes of Beniamyn.

< Atemmufoɔ 20 >