< Atemmufoɔ 14 >

1 Dabi a na Samson wɔ Timna no, ɔhunuu Filistini ababaawa bi.
Therfor Sampson yede doun in to Thannatha, and he siy there a womman of `the douytris of Filisteis;
2 Ɔsane kɔɔ efie no, ɔka kyerɛɛ nʼagya ne ne maame sɛ, “Mahunu Filistini ababaawa bi wɔ Timna a mepɛ sɛ meware no.”
and he stiede, and telde to his fadir and `to his modir, and seide, Y siy a womman in Thannatha of the `douytris of Filistees, and Y biseche, that ye take hir a wijf to me.
3 Nʼagya ne ne maame ampene so kaa no anibereɛ so sɛ, “Enti, yɛn abusua yi mu anaa Israelfoɔ yi mu, ɔbaa baako mpo nni mu a wotumi ware no? Adɛn na ɛsɛ sɛ wokɔ Filistifoɔ abosonsomfoɔ mu kɔpɛ ɔyere?” Nanso, Samson ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya sɛ, “Kɔyɛ ne ho adeɛ ma me. Ɔno ara na mepɛ.”
To whom his fadir and modir seiden, Whether no womman is among the douytris of thi britheren and in al my puple, for thou wolt take a wijf of Filisteis, that ben vncircumcidid? And Sampson seide to his fadir, Take thou this wijf to me, for sche pleside myn iyen.
4 Nʼagya ne ne maame anhunu sɛ Awurade na ɔreyɛ nʼadwuma, repɛ akwannya bi a ɔbɛfa so atia Filistifoɔ a saa ɛberɛ no na wɔdi Israelfoɔ so.
Forsothe his fadir and modir wisten not, that the thing was don of the Lord; and that he souyte occasiouns ayens Filisteis; for in that tyme Filisteis weren lordis of Israel.
5 Samson ne nʼawofoɔ rekɔ Timna no, gyata ba bi to hyɛɛ Samson so wɔ beaeɛ bi a ɛbɛn Timna bobe nturo.
Therfor Sampson yede doun with his fadir and modir in to Thannatha; and whanne thei hadden come to the vyneris of the citee, a fers and rorynge `whelp of a lioun apperide, and ran to Sampson.
6 Amonom hɔ ara, Awurade Honhom baa ne so wɔ ahoɔden mu, na ɔde ne nsa hunu waee gyata no apantan. Ɔwaee te sɛ deɛ ɔrewae abirekyie ba bi apantan. Nanso, wanka deɛ ɔyɛeɛ yi ankyerɛ nʼawofoɔ.
Forsothe the spirit of the Lord felde in to Sampson, and he to-rente the lioun, as if he `to-rendide a kide `in to gobetis, and outerli he hadde no thing in the hond; and he nolde schewe this to the fadir and modir.
7 Samson duruu Timna no, ɔne ɔbaa no kasaeɛ na nʼani gyee ne ho.
And he yede doun, and spak to the womman, that pleside hise iyen.
8 Akyire no a ɔresane akɔ Timna akɔhyia ayeforɔ no, ɔmane kɔhwɛɛ gyata no funu no. Ɔhunuu sɛ nwowa kuo akɔyɛ ɛwoɔ wɔ mu.
And aftir summe daies he turnede ayen to take hir `in to matrimonye; and he `bowide awey to se the `careyn of the lioun; and lo! a gaderyng of bees was in the `mouth of the lioun, and `a coomb of hony.
9 Ɔkɔtii ɛwoɔ no bi dii wɔ ɛkwan so. Ɔmaa nʼawofoɔ no bi ma wɔdiiɛ. Nanso, wanka ankyerɛ wɔn sɛ ɔnyaa ɛwoɔ no wɔ gyata funu no mu.
And whanne he hadde take it in hondis, he eet in the weie; and he cam to his fadir and modir, and yaf part `to hem, and thei eeten; netheles he nolde schewe to hem, that he hadde take hony of the `mouth of the lioun.
10 Afei, ɛberɛ a nʼagya reyɛ ahoboa ama awaregyeɛ no, Samson too ɛpono wɔ Timna, sɛdeɛ amanneɛ kyerɛ saa ɛberɛ no.
And so his fadir yede doun to the womman, and made a feeste to his sone Sampson; for yonge men weren wont to do so.
11 Wɔtoo nsa frɛɛ mmeranteɛ aduasa a wɔfiri kuro no mu sɛ wɔmmɛka ne ho.
Therfor whanne the citeseyns of that place hadden seyn hym, thei yauen to hym thretti felowis, whiche schulen be with hym.
12 Samson ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Momma menka aborɔme bi nkyerɛ mo. Sɛ nnanson apontoɔ yi mu, motumi yi ano a, mɛma mo serekyetam ntadeɛ aduasa ne ntadeɛ ahodoɔ bi nso aduasa.
To whiche Sampson spak, Y schal putte forth to you a probleme, `that is, a douyteful word and priuy, and if ye `asoilen it to me with ynne seuen daies of the feeste, Y schal yyue to you thretti lynnun clothis, and cootis `of the same noumbre; sotheli if ye moun not soyle,
13 Sɛ moantumi anyi ano nso a, mo nso mobɛma me serekyetam ntadeɛ aduasa ne ntadeɛ ahodoɔ bi nso aduasa.” Wɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ka aborɔme no ma yɛntie.”
ye schulen yyue to me thretti lynnun clothis, and cootis `of the same noumbre. Whiche answeriden to hym, Sette forth the probleme, that we here it.
14 Ɔkaa no sɛ, “Deɛ ɔdie mu na wɔnya biribi a wɔdie; ɔhoɔdenfoɔ mu na ɔdɛ firi ba.” Nnansa akyi no, na wɔntumi nyii ano.
And he seide to hem, Mete yede out of the etere, and swetnesse yede out of the stronge. And bi thre daies thei myyten not assoile the `proposicioun, that is, the resoun set forth.
15 Ne nna ɛnan soɔ no, wɔkɔka kyerɛɛ Samson yere sɛ, “Gye aborɔme no mmuaeɛ firi wo kunu hɔ ma yɛn, anyɛ saa a, yɛbɛhye wo ne wʼagya fie ama wɔawu. Motoo nsa frɛɛ yɛn wɔ ha sɛ morebɛsisi yɛn anaa?”
And whanne the seuenthe dai cam, thei seiden to `the wijf of Sampson, Glose thin hosebonde, and counseile hym, that he schewe to thee what the probleme signyfieth. That if thou nylt do, we schulen brenne thee and `the hous of thi fadir. Whether herfor ye clepiden vs to weddyngis, that ye schulden robbe vs?
16 Enti, Samson yere de su baa ne nkyɛn bɛkaa sɛ, “Wonnɔ me. Wotan me! Woaka aborɔme bi akyerɛ me nkurɔfoɔ, nanso, wonkyerɛɛ me aseɛ.” Samson buaa ne yere no sɛ, “Saa ara na mʼagya ne me maame nso menkyerɛɛ wɔn aseɛ. Na adɛn enti na ɛsɛ sɛ meka kyerɛ wo?”
And sche schedde teerys at Sampson, and pleynede, and seide, Thou hatist me, and louest not, therfor thou nylt expowne to me the probleme, which thou settidist forth to the sones of my puple. And he answeride, Y nolde seie to my fadir and modir, and schal Y mow schewe to thee?
17 Enti, ɔsu guu ne so biribiara ɔne no wɔ hɔ. Ɔkɔɔ so saa ara nna a aka na apontoɔ no aba nʼawieeɛ nyinaa. Nnanson so no, ɛsiane ha a ɔhaa no enti, ɔkyerɛɛ no aseɛ. Ɔno nso kaa aborɔme asekyerɛ no kyerɛɛ mmeranteɛ no.
Therfor bi seuene dayes of the feest sche wepte at hym; at the laste `he expownede in the seuenthe dai, whanne sche was diseseful to hym. And anoon sche telde to hir citeseyns.
18 Na nnanson so, ansa na owia rebɛtɔ no, kuro no mu mmarima baa Samson nkyɛn bɛkyerɛɛ no aseɛ sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na ɛyɛ dɛ sene woɔ? Ɛdeɛn na ɛwɔ ahoɔden sene gyata?” Samson buaa wɔn sɛ, “Sɛ mo ne ɔfatwafoɔ no antu agyina, anka morennya aborɔme no asekyerɛ.”
And thei seiden to hym in the seuenthe dai bifor the goyng doun of the sunne, What is swettere than hony, and what is strengere than a lioun? And he seide to hem, If ye hadden not erid in my cow calf, `that is, my wijf, ye hadden not founde my proposicioun.
19 Afei, Awurade Honhom de ahoɔden kɛseɛ bi baa ne so. Ɔkɔɔ Askelon kuro mu. Ɔkunkumm mmarima aduasa faa wɔn agyapadeɛ nyinaa. Ɔde wɔn ntadeɛ maa mmarima a wɔyii aborɔme no ano no. Na Samson bo annwo deɛ ɛbaeɛ no ho yie enti ɔkɔɔ ne fie na ɔne nʼawofoɔ kɔtenaeɛ.
Therfor the spirit of the Lord felde in to hym; and he yede doun to Ascalon, and killyde there thretti men, whose clothis he took awey, and he yaf to hem that soiliden the probleme; and he was ful wrooth, and stiede in to `the hows of his fadir.
20 Enti, wɔde ne yere no maa ɔbarima a na ɔdi Samson nan ase wɔ wɔn ayeforɔhyia mu no awadeɛ.
Forsothe his wijf took an hosebonde, oon of the frendis and keperis `of hir.

< Atemmufoɔ 14 >