< Yosua 18 >

1 Afei a asase no abɛdi Israelfoɔ nsam no, Israelfoɔ nyinaa boaa wɔn ho ano wɔ Silo na wɔsii hyiadan.
And alle the sones of Israel weren gaderid in Silo, and there thei `settiden faste the tabernacle of witnessing; and the lond was suget to hem.
2 Nanso, na aka mmusuakuo nson a wɔmfaa wɔn kyɛfa no mmaa wɔn.
Sotheli seuene linagis of the sones of Israel dwelliden, that hadden not yit takun her possessiouns.
3 Enti, Yosua bisaa wɔn sɛ, “Moretwɛn akɔsi da bɛn ansa na moafa asase no nkaeɛ a Awurade, mo agyanom Onyankopɔn de ama mo no?
To whiche Josue seide, Hou longe faden ye `bi cowardise, `ethir slouthe, and entren not to welde the lond, which the Lord God of youre fadris yaf to you?
4 Monyi nnipa baasa mfiri abusuakuo biara mu na mɛsoma wɔn ama wɔakɔsra baabi a wɔnnii hɔ soɔ no. Wɔsane ba a, wɔbɛtwerɛ deɛ wɔhunuiɛ agu krataa so akyerɛ me sɛdeɛ wɔbɛkyekyɛ agyapadeɛ no.
Chese ye of ech lynage thre men, that Y sende hem, and thei go, and cumpasse the lond; and that thei discryue `the lond bi the noumbre of ech multitude, and brynge to me that, that ye han discriued.
5 Akwansrafoɔ no bɛkyekyɛ asase no mu nson, na wɔremfa Yuda asase a ɛda anafoɔ fam ne Yosef asase a ɛwɔ atifi fam no nka ho.
Departe ye the lond to you in to seuene partis; Judas be in hise termes at the south coost, and `the hows of Joseph at the north;
6 Afei, mɛbɔ ntonto a ɛho te wɔ Awurade, yɛn Onyankopɔn anim, apɛ baabi a wɔde bɛma abusuakuo biara.
discryue ye `the myddil lond bitwixe hem in to seuene partis; and thanne ye schulen come to me, that Y sende lot to you here bifor youre Lord God;
7 Nanso, Lewifoɔ no rennya asase biara. Wɔn dwumadie sɛ Awurade asɔfoɔ no bɛyɛ wɔn agyapadeɛ. Na Gad ne Ruben mmusuakuo ne Manase abusuakuo fa no nso renya asase no bi bio, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔanya wɔn agyapadeɛ a Mose a ɔyɛ Awurade ɔsomfoɔ de maa wɔn wɔ Asubɔnten Yordan apueeɛ fam no dada.”
for the part of Leuytis is not among you, but the preesthod of the Lord, this is the eritage `of hem. Forsothe Gad, and Ruben, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden take now her possessiouns ouer Jordan, at the eest coost, whiche possessiouns Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem.
8 Mmarima a wɔrekɔsusu asase no rebɛkɔ no, Yosua hyɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Monkɔkyekyɛ asase no, na monsane mfa deɛ mohunuiɛ ho nsɛm a moatwerɛ agu krataa so mmrɛ me, na menam ntontobɔ kronkron a wɔbɛbɔ no Awurade anim wɔ Silo no so de asase no bɛma mmusuakuo no.”
And whanne the men hadden rise to go, to discryue the lond, Josue comaundide to hem, and seide, Cumpasse ye the lond, and discryue it, and turne ayen to me, that Y sende lot to you here in Silo, bifore youre Lord God.
9 Mmarima no yɛɛ sɛdeɛ wɔhyɛɛ wɔn no, kyekyɛɛ asase no nyinaa mu nson, twerɛɛ nkuro a ɛwɔ asase no nkyekyɛmu biara so. Wɔsane kɔɔ Yosua nkyɛn wɔ Silo atenaeɛ hɔ.
And so thei yeden, and cumpassiden that lond, and departiden `in to seuene partis, writynge in a book; and thei turneden ayen to Josue, in to the castels in Silo.
10 Silo hɔ na Yosua bɔɔ ntonto kronkron wɔ Awurade anim de pɛɛ asaseta a ɛsɛ sɛ abusuakuo biara fa.
Which Josue sente lottis bifor the Lord God in Silo, and departide the lond to the sones of Israel, in to seuene partis.
11 Asase no nkyekyɛmu a ɛdi ɛkan no kɔɔ mmusua a ɛwɔ Benyamin abusuakuo no nsam. Na ɛda nsase a wɔde maa Yuda ne Yosef mmusuakuo no.
And the firste lot of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees, stiede, that thei schulden welde the lond bitwixe the sones of Juda and the sones of Joseph.
12 Atifi fam ɛhyeɛ no firi Asubɔnten Yordan kɔ Yeriko nsianeɛ no atifi, na afei, afa bepɔ mantam ne Bet-Awen ɛserɛ so akɔ atɔeɛ fam.
And the terme of hem was ayens the north fro Jordan, and passide bi the side of Jerico of the north coost; and it stiede fro thennus ayens the west to the hilli places, and it cam to the wildirnesse of Bethauen;
13 Ɛhyeɛ no firi hɔ kɔ Lus (a ɛyɛ Bet-El) wɔ anafoɔ fam, na ɛtoa so kɔ Atarot-Adar ne bepɔ atifi a ɛwɔ Bet-Horon Anafoɔ wɔ anafoɔ fam.
and it passide bisidis Luza to the south; thilke is Bethel; and it goith doun in to Astoroth Adar, in to the hil which is at the south of lowere Betheron; and is bowid,
14 Afei ɛhyeɛ no fa anafoɔ fam, nam bepɔ a anim hwɛ Bet-Horon wɔ atɔeɛ fam no ntentenesoɔ, kɔsi Kiriat-Baal akuraa (a ɛyɛ Kiriat-Yearim), Yuda abusuakuo no nkuro no mu baako. Yei ne atɔeɛ fam ɛhyeɛ.
and cumpassith ayens the see, at the south of the hil that biholdith Betheron ayens the north; and the outgoyngis therof ben in to Cariathbaal, which is clepid also Cariathiarym, the citee of the sones of Juda; this is the greet coost ayens the see, at the west.
15 Anafoɔ fam ɛhyeɛ no, firi Kiriat-Yearim mfikyire. Ɛfiri hɔ fa atɔeɛ fam kɔ Neftoa nsuwansuwa asutire ho,
Sotheli fro the south, bi the part of Cariathiarym, the terme goith out ayens the see, and cometh til to the wel of watris of Nepthoa;
16 na ɛsiane akɔ bepɔ a ɛwɔ Hinom bɔnhwa a ɛwɔ Refaim bɔnhwa no atifi fam no ase. Ɛtoa so kɔ Hinom wɔ anafoɔ fam, na atwam wɔ nsianeɛ a na Yebusifoɔ teɛ no anafoɔ fam na akɔduru En-Rogel.
and it goith doun in to the part of the hil that biholdith the valei of the sones of Ennon, and is ayens the north coost, in the laste part of the valey of Raphaym; and Jehennon, that is, the valei of Ennon, goith doun bi the side of Jebusei, at the south, and cometh to the welle of Rogel,
17 Ɛhyeɛ no firi En-Rogel a ɛkɔ atifi fam, kɔsi En-Semes na atoa so akɔpem Gelilot a ɛne Adumim di nhwɛanimu na afei ɛsiane akɔ Bohan boɔ ho (Na Bohan yɛ Ruben babarima).
and passith to the north, and goith out to Emsemes, that is, the welle of the sunne,
18 Ɛtoa so fa nsianeɛ a ɛhwɛ Yordan Bɔnhwa no atifi fam. Afei ɛhyeɛ no kɔ bɔnhwa no mu,
and passith to the litle hillis that ben ayens the stiyng of Adomyn; and it goith doun to Taben Boen, that is, the stoon of Boen, sone of Ruben, and passide bi the side of the north to the feeldi places; and it goith doun in to the pleyn,
19 ɛkɔfa Bet-Hogla nsianeɛ no atifi fam na akɔpem Nkyene Ɛpo no atifi faka ano a ɛyɛ Asubɔnten Yordan anafoɔ fam abɔeɛ.
and passith forth ayens the north to Bethagala; and the outgoyngis therof ben ayens the arm of the salteste see, fro the north, in the ende of Jordan at the south coost,
20 Apueeɛ fam ɛhyeɛ no yɛ Asubɔnten Yordan. Yei ne agyapadeɛ a wɔde maa mmusua a wɔbɔ mu yɛ Benyamin abusuakuo no.
which is the terme therof fro the eest. This is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her termes in cumpas, and bi her meynees;
21 Nkuro a wɔde maa mmusua a wɔbɔ mu yɛ Benyamin abusuakuo na ɛdidi soɔ yi: Yeriko, Bet-Hogla ne Emek-Kesis,
and the citees therof weren Jerico, and Bethagla, and the valei of Casis,
22 Bet-Araba, Semaraim ne Bet-El,
Betharacha, and Samaraym,
23 Awim, Para ne Ofra,
and Bethel, and Anym, and Affara,
24 Kefar-Amonai, Ofni ne Geba, nkuro dumienu ne wɔn nkuraaseɛ.
and Offira, the toun of Hesmona, and Offym, and Gabee, twelue citees, and `the townes of tho;
25 Gibeon, Rama ne Beerot,
Gabaon, and Rama,
26 Mispa, Kefira ne Mosa,
and Beroth, and Mesphe, and Caphera, and Ammosa,
27 Rekem, Yirpeel ne Tarala,
and Recem, Jarephel, and Tharela,
28 Sela, Ha-Elef ne Yebusifoɔ kuropɔn (a ɛyɛ Yerusalem), Gibea ne Kiriat-Yearim, nkuro dunan ne wɔn nkuraaseɛ. Yei ne agyapadeɛ a wɔde maa mmusua a wɔbɔ mu yɛ Benyamin abusuakuo no.
and Sela, Heleph, and Jebus, which is Jerusalem, Gabaath, and Cariath, fouretene citees and `the townes of tho; this is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees.

< Yosua 18 >