< Hiob 13 >

1 “Mʼani ahunu yeinom nyinaa, mʼaso ate, na ate aseɛ nso.
Lo! myn iye siy alle thingis, and myn eere herde; and Y vndurstood alle thingis.
2 Deɛ wonim no, me nso menim; wo nsene me.
Euene with youre kunnyng also Y kan, and Y am not lowere than ye.
3 Nanso mepɛ sɛ mekasa kyerɛ Otumfoɔ no na me ne Onyankopɔn toatoa adwene wɔ mʼasɛm ho.
But netheles Y schal speke to Almyyti God, and Y coueite to dispute with God;
4 Mode atorɔ mmom na afɔre me ho; mo nyinaa moyɛ ayaresafoɔ a mo ho nni mfasoɔ!
and firste Y schewe you makeris of leesyng, and louyeris of weyward techyngis.
5 Sɛ mobɛyɛ komm koraa a ɛno na ɛbɛyɛ nyansa ama mo!
And `Y wolde that ye weren stille, that ye weren gessid to be wise men.
6 Afei montie mʼano asɛm; montie mʼanoyie.
Therfor here ye my chastisyngis; and perseyue ye the doom of my lippis.
7 Mobɛka amumuyɛsɛm ama Onyankopɔn anaa? Mobɛka nnaadaasɛm ama no anaa?
Whether God hath nede to youre leesyng, that ye speke gilis for hym?
8 Mobɛkyea mo aso ama no? Mobɛka Onyankopɔn asɛm ama no anaa?
Whether ye taken his face, and enforsen to deme for God?
9 Sɛ ɔhwehwɛ mo mu a, ɛbɛsi mo yie anaa? Mobɛtumi adaadaa no sɛdeɛ modaadaa nnipa no anaa?
Ethir it schal plese hym, fro whom no thing mai be hid? Whether he as a man schal be disseyued with youre falsnessis?
10 Sɛ mokyeaa mo aso wɔ kɔkoam a, sɛdeɛ ɛteɛ biara, ɔbɛka mo anim.
He schal repreue you; for ye taken his face in hiddlis.
11 Nʼanimuonyam mmɔ mo hu anaa? Ne ho suro nntɔ mo so anaa?
Anoon as he schal stire hym, he schal disturble you; and his drede schal falle on you.
12 Mo kasatɔmmɛ yɛ mmɛbuo a ɛte sɛ nsõ; mo anoyie yɛ dɔteɛ.
Youre mynde schal be comparisound to aische; and youre nollis schulen be dryuun in to clei.
13 “Monyɛ dinn, na menkasa; na deɛ ɛbɛyɛ me biara mmra me so.
Be ye stille a litil, that Y speke, what euer thing the mynde hath schewid to me.
14 Adɛn enti na mede me ho to amaneɛ mu na mede me nkwa to me nsam?
Whi to-rende Y my fleischis with my teeth, and bere my lijf in myn hondis?
15 Ɛwom sɛ ɔkumm me deɛ, nanso ne so na mʼani bɛda; ampa ara mɛdi mʼakwan ho adanseɛ wɔ nʼanim.
Yhe, thouy God sleeth me, Y schal hope in hym; netheles Y schal preue my weies in his siyt.
16 Nokorɛm, yei na ɛbɛyɛ me nkwagyeɛ, ɛfiri sɛ deɛ ɔnsuro Onyankopɔn no rentumi nkɔ nʼanim!
And he schal be my sauyour; for whi ech ypocrite schal not come in his siyt.
17 Montie me nsɛm yi yie; monyɛ aso mma deɛ meka.
Here ye my word, and perseyue ye with eeris derke and harde figuratif spechis.
18 Afei a masiesie me nkurobɔ yi, menim sɛ mɛdi bem.
Yf Y schal be demed, Y woot that Y schal be foundun iust.
19 Obi bɛtumi abɔ me kwaadu anaa? Sɛ ɛte saa deɛ a, anka mɛyɛ komm na mawu.
Who is he that is demed with me? Come he; whi am Y stille, and am wastid?
20 “Ao Onyankopɔn, yɛ saa nneɛma mmienu yi pɛ ma me, na afei meremfa me ho nsuma wo:
Do thou not to me twei thingis oneli; and thanne Y schal not be hid fro thi face.
21 Yi wo nsa firi me so kɔ akyirikyiri, na gyae wo ho hu a wode hunahuna me no.
Make thin hond fer fro me; and thi drede make not me aferd.
22 Afei samena me na mɛba, anaa ma menkasa na bua me.
Clepe thou me, and Y schal answere thee; ethir certis Y schal speke, and thou schalt answere me.
23 Mfomsoɔ ne bɔne dodoɔ ahe na mayɛ? Kyerɛ me me mfomsoɔ ne me bɔne.
Hou grete synnes and wickidnessis haue Y? Schewe thou to me my felonyes, and trespassis.
24 Adɛn enti na wode wʼanim asie me na wodwene sɛ meyɛ wo ɔtamfoɔ?
Whi hidist thou thi face, and demest me thin enemy?
25 Wobɛyɛ ahahan a mframa rebɔ no ayayadeɛ anaa? Wobɛtaa ntɛtɛ a awoɔ anaa?
Thou schewist thi myyt ayens a leef, which is rauyschid with the wynd; and thou pursuest drye stobil.
26 Wotwerɛ soboɔ a ɛyɛ yea tia me, na woka me mmabunuberɛ mu bɔne nyinaa gu me so.
For thou writist bitternessis ayens me; and wolt waste me with the synnes of my yong wexynge age.
27 Wode nkyehoma gu me nan; wohwɛ mʼanammɔnkwan nyinaa so yie na wode ahyɛnsodeɛ ayeyɛ mʼanammɔn mu.
Thou hast set my foot in a stok, and thou hast kept alle my pathis; and thou hast biholde the steppis of my feet.
28 “Enti onipa nkwa sa te sɛ biribi a aporɔ, te sɛ atadeɛ a nweweboa adie.
And Y schal be wastid as rot, and as a cloth, which is etun of a mouyte.

< Hiob 13 >