< Yeremia 51 >

1 Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ: “Monhwɛ, mɛkanyane ɔsɛefoɔ bi honhom atia Babilonia ne nnipa a wɔwɔ Leb Kamai.
The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal reise on Babiloyne, and on the dwelleris therof, that reisiden her herte ayens me, as a wynd of pestilence.
2 Mɛsoma amanfrafoɔ akɔ Babilonia sɛ wɔnkɔhuhu ne so na wɔnsɛe nʼasase; wɔbɛtia no wɔ afanan nyinaa wɔ nʼamanehunu da no.
And Y schal sende in to Babiloyne wyndeweris, and thei schulen wyndewe it, and thei schulen destrie the lond of it; for thei camen on it on ech side, in the dai of the turment therof.
3 Mma agyantoni mpoma nʼagyan, mma ɔnhyɛ ne nkataboɔ. Mma ne mmeranteɛ mfa wɔn ho nni; sɛe nʼakodɔm no pasaa.
He that beendith his bowe, beende not, and a man clothid in haburioun, stie not; nyle ye spare the yonge men therof, sle ye al the chyualrie therof.
4 Wɔbɛhwehwe ase a wɔatotɔ wɔ Babilonia, a wɔapirapira yie wɔ ne mmɔntene so.
And slayn men schulen falle in the lond of Caldeis, and woundid men in the cuntreis therof.
5 Na Asafo Onyankopɔn Awurade, nnyaa Israel ne Yuda hɔ. Ɛwom sɛ afɔdie ahyɛ wɔn asase no so ma wɔ Israel Ɔkronkronni no anim, nanso ɔkɔ so ara yɛ wɔn Onyankopɔn.
For whi Israel and Juda was not maad widewe fro her God, the Lord of oostis; but the lond of hem was fillid with trespas of the hooli of Israel.
6 “Monnwane mfiri Babilonia! Montu mmirika mpere mo nkwa! Mommma wɔnsɛe mo ɛsiane wɔn bɔne enti. Awurade aweretɔberɛ aso; ɔde deɛ ɛfata no bɛtua wɔn ka.
Fle ye fro the myddis of Babiloyne, that ech man saue his soule; nyle ye be stille on the wickidnesse therof, for whi tyme of veniaunce therof is to the Lord; he schal yelde while to it.
7 Na Babilonia yɛ sikakɔkɔɔ kuruwa wɔ Awurade nsam; ɔmaa asase nyinaa boroo nsã. Aman no nom ne nsã; ɛno enti, afei, wɔabobɔ adam.
Babiloyne is a goldun cuppe in the hond of the Lord, and fillith al erthe; hethene men drunken of the wyn therof, and therfor thei ben mouyd.
8 Babilonia bɛhwe ase abubu mpofirim. Montwa ne ho agyaadwoɔ! Mompɛ ne yea no ano aduro; ebia ne ho bɛtɔ no.
Babiloyne felle doun sudenli, and is al to-brokun; yelle ye on it, take ye recyn to the sorewe therof, if perauenture it be heelid.
9 “‘Anka yɛbɛsa Babilonia yadeɛ, nanso wɔntumi nsa no yadeɛ; momma yɛnnya no hɔ na obiara nkɔ nʼankasa asase so, ɛfiri sɛ nʼatemmuo aduru ɔsorosoro. Ɛforo ɔsoro te sɛ omununkum.’
We heeliden Babiloyne, and it is not maad hool; forsake we it and go we ech in to his lond; for the doom therof cam `til to heuenes, and is reisid `til to cloudis.
10 “‘Awurade abu yɛn bem. Mommra, momma yɛnka wɔ Sion, deɛ Awurade yɛn Onyankopɔn ayɛ.’
The Lord hath brouyt forth oure riytfulnessis; come ye, and telle we in Sion the werk of oure Lord God.
11 “Monse agyan no ano! Momfa nkataboɔ no! Awurade ahwanyane Mede ahemfo no, ɛfiri sɛ ne botaeɛ ne sɛ ɔbɛsɛe Babilonia. Awurade bɛtɔ were aweretɔ ama nʼasɔrefie no.
Scharpe ye arowis, fille ye arowe caasis; the Lord reiside the spirit of the kyngis of Medeis, and his mynde is ayen Babiloyne, that he leese it, for it is the veniaunce of the Lord, the veniaunce of his temple. The kyng of Medeis is reisid of the Lord ayens Babiloyne.
12 Mompagya frankaa bi ntia Babilonia afasuo! Mommia banbɔ mu, momma awɛmfoɔ no nnyinagyina. Monsiesie ahintaeɛ! Awurade bɛma nʼatirimpɔ aba mu, deɛ wahyɛ atia Babilonia no.
Reise ye a signe on the wallis of Babiloyne, encreesse ye kepyng, reise ye keperis, make ye redi buyschementis; for the Lord thouyte, and dide, what euer thing he spak ayens the dwelleris of Babiloyne.
13 Mo a motete nsuwansuwa bebree ho na akoradeɛ abu mo so, mo awieeɛ aba, ɛberɛ a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔtwa mo twene no.
A! thou Babiloyne, that dwellist on many watris, riche in thi tresours, thin ende cometh, the foote mesure of thi kittyng doun.
14 Asafo Awurade aka ne ho ntam sɛ: mede nnipa bɛhyɛ wo ma sɛ mmɛbɛ, na wɔabɔ ose wɔ wo so.
The Lord of oostis swoor bi his soule, that Y schal fille thee with men, as with bruke, and a myry song schal be sungun on thee.
15 “Ɔde ne tumi bɔɔ asase; ɔtoo ewiase fapem wɔ ne nyansa mu na ɔde ne nhunumu trɛɛ ɔsorosoro mu.
The Lord swoor, which made erthe bi his strengthe, made redy the world bi his wisdom, and stretchide forth heuenes bi his prudence.
16 Sɛ ɔbobɔm a, ɔsoro nsuo woro so; ɔma omununkum ma ne ho so firi nsase ano. Ɔsoma anyinam ka ɔsutɔ ho na ɔma mframa bɔ firi nʼakoradan mu.
Whanne he yyueth vois, watris ben multiplied in heuene; which Lord reisith cloudis fro the laste of erthe, made leitis in to reyn, and brouyt forth wynd of hise tresouris.
17 “Onipa biara nnim nyansa, na ɔnni nimdeɛ; sikadwumfoɔ biara anim agu ase, ɛsiane nʼahoni enti. Ne nsɛsodeɛ yɛ atorɔ; wɔnni ahome biara wɔ wɔn mu.
Ech man is maad a fool of kunnyng, ech wellere togidere is schent in a grauun ymage; for his wellyng togidere is fals, and a spirit is not in tho.
18 Wɔn ho nni mfasoɔ, wɔyɛ aseredeɛ nneɛma; sɛ wɔn atemmuo duru so a, wɔbɛyera.
The werkis ben veyn, and worthi of scorn; tho schulen perische in the tyme of her visityng.
19 Deɛ ɔyɛ Yakob Kyɛfa no nte sɛ yeinom, ɛfiri sɛ ɔno ne adeɛ nyinaa Yɛfoɔ a nʼadedie abusuakuo ka ho bi. Asafo Awurade ne ne din.
The part of Jacob is not as these thingis; for he that made alle thingis is the part of Jacob, and Israel is the septre of his eritage; the Lord of oostis is his name.
20 “Woyɛ me ko asaeɛ, mʼakodeɛ a mede kɔ ɔsa; mede wo dwerɛ amanaman, mede wo sɛe ahennie bebree,
Thou hurtlist doun to me the instrumentis of batel, and Y schal hurtle doun folkis in thee, and Y schal leese rewmes in thee;
21 mede wo bobɔ apɔnkɔ ne wɔn sotefoɔ, teaseɛnam ne wɔn kafoɔ,
and Y schal hurtle doun in thee an hors, and the ridere therof; and Y schal hurtle doun in thee a chare, and the stiere therof;
22 mede wo dwerɛ mmarima ne mmaa, mede wo dwerɛ nkɔkoraa ne mmabunu, mede wo dwerɛ mmeranteɛ ne mmabaawa,
and Y schal hurtle doun in thee a man and womman; and Y schal hurtle doun in thee an elde man and a child; and Y schal hurtle doun in thee a yong man and a virgyn;
23 mede wo dwerɛ nnwanhwɛfoɔ ne nnwankuo, mede wo dwerɛ akuafoɔ ne anantwie, mede wo dwerɛ amradofoɔ ne adwumayɛfoɔ.
and Y schal hurtle doun in thee a scheepherde and his floc; and Y schal hurtle doun in thee an erthetiliere and his yok beestis; and Y schal hurtle doun in thee duykis and magistratis.
24 “Mɛtua Babilonia ne wɔn a wɔtete Babilonia ka wɔ mfomsoɔ a wɔayɛ wɔ Sion nyinaa, wɔ wʼanim,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
And Y schal yelde, seith the Lord, to Babiloyne, and to alle the dwelleris of Caldee, al her yuel, which thei diden in Sion, bifore youre iyen.
25 “Ao, bepɔ sɛefoɔ me ne wo anya, wo a wosɛe asase nyinaa no,” Awurade na ɔseɛ. “Mɛtene me nsa wɔ wo so mɛpia wo afiri abotan no so, na mayɛ wo sɛ bepɔ a ɛnka hwee.
Lo! Y, seith the Lord, to thee, thou hil berynge pestilence, which corrumpist al erthe. Y schal stretche forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal vnwlappe thee fro stoonys, and Y schal yyue thee in to an hil of brennyng.
26 Wɔremfa ɔboɔ biara mfiri wo so nyɛ tweatiboɔ anaa sɛ fapem mpo, ɛfiri sɛ wobɛda mpan afebɔɔ,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
And Y schal not take of thee a stoon in to a corner, and a stoon in to foundementis; but thou schalt be lost with outen ende, seith the Lord.
27 “Mompagya frankaa wɔ asase no so! Monhyɛn totorobɛnto no wɔ amanaman no mu! Monsiesie amanaman no ma wɔnkɔko ntia no; Momfrɛfrɛ saa ahennie ahodoɔ yi ntia no: Ararat, Mini ne Askenas. Monnyi ɔsahene ntia no; momfa apɔnkɔdɔm te sɛ mmɛbɛ mmra.
Reise ye a signe in the lond, sowne ye with a clarioun in hillis; halewe ye folkis on it, telle ye to the kyngis of Ararath, of Menny, and of Ascheneth ayens it; noumbre ye Tapser ayens it, and bringe ye an hors, as a bruke hauynge a pricke.
28 Monsiesie amanaman no ma wɔntu ne so sa, mo ne Mede ahemfo, wɔn amradofoɔ ne wɔn adwumayɛfoɔ nyinaa, ne aman a wɔdi wɔn so nyinaa.
Halowe ye folkis ayens it, the kyngis of Medey, the duykis therof, and alle magistratis therof, and al the lond of his power.
29 Asase no woso, na ɔnukanuka ne mu, ɛfiri sɛ Awurade atirimpɔ a ɛtia Babilonia sɛ ɔbɛsɛe Babilonia asase a obiara rentumi ntena so no nsesaeɛ.
And the erthe schal be mouyd, and schal be disturblid; for the thouyt of the Lord schal fulli wake ayens Babiloyne, that he sette the lond of Babiloyne desert, and vnhabitable.
30 Babilonia nnɔmmarima agyae ko; wɔhyehyɛ wɔn aban mu. Wɔn ahoɔden asa; wɔayɛ sɛ mmaa. Wɔatoto nʼatenaeɛ ahodoɔ no mu ogya, na wɔabubu nʼapono akyi adaban.
The stronge men of Babiloyne ceessiden of batel, thei dwelliden in stronge holdis; the strengthe of hem is deuourid, and thei ben maad as wymmen; the tabernaclis therof ben brent, the barris therof ben al to-brokun.
31 Abɔfoɔ didi so asomafoɔ didi so a wɔrekɔbɔ Babiloniahene amaneɛ sɛ, wɔafa ne kuropɔn no,
A rennere schal come ayens a rennere, and a messanger ayens a messanger, to telle to the kyng of Babiloyne, that his citee is takun fro the toon ende `til to the tother ende;
32 wɔagye atwaeɛ a ɛdeda asubɔnten no so afa, na wɔde ogya ato ɔwora no mu, na asraafoɔ no abɔ huboa.”
and the forthis ben bifore ocupied, and the mareisis ben brent with fier, and the men werryours ben disturblid.
33 Yei ne deɛ Asafo Awurade, Israel Onyankopɔn, seɛ: “Ɔbabaa Babilonia ayɛ sɛ ayuporobea wɔ ɛberɛ a wɔretiatia hɔ. Aka kakraa bi, na ɛberɛ a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔtwa no sɛ nnɔbaeɛ no aduru.”
For the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, The douyter of Babiloyne is as a corn floor, the tyme of threischyng therof; yit a litil, and the tyme of repyng therof schal come.
34 “Babiloniahene Nebukadnessar adwerɛ yɛn, ɔde yɛn ato ɔhaw mu, wayɛ yɛn sɛ ahina a hwee nni muo. Wamene yɛn sɛ ɔtweaseɛ no na ɔde yɛn nneɛma a ɛyɛ dɛ ahyɛ ne yafunu ma, na wape yɛn afiri nʼanom agu.
Nabugodonosor, the kyng of Babiloyne, eet me, and deuouride me; he made me as a voide vessel, he as a dragoun swolewide me; he fillide his wombe with my tendirnesse, and he castide me out.
35 Ma ayakayakadeɛ a wɔde dii yɛn honam no mmra Babilonia so,” nnipa a wɔtete Sion na wɔka. “Ma yɛn mogya ngu wɔn a wɔtete Babilonia so,” Yerusalem na ɔka.
Wickidnesse ayens me, and my fleisch on Babiloyne, seith the dwellyng of Sion; and my blood on the dwelleris of Caldee, seith Jerusalem.
36 Enti yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ: “Hwɛ, mɛdi mo asɛm ama mo na matɔ were ama mo; Mɛma ɛpo a ɛwɔ no no awe na mama ne asutene awewe.
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal deme thi cause, and Y schal venge thi veniaunce; and Y schal make the see therof forsakun, and Y schal make drie the veyne therof.
37 Babilonia bɛyɛ mmubuiɛ sie, sakraman atu ahodwiredeɛ ne fɛdideɛ, baabi a obiara nteɛ.
And Babiloyne schal be in to biriels, it schal be the dwellyng of dragouns, wondryng and hissyng, for that no dwellere is.
38 Ne nkurɔfoɔ nyinaa bobom sɛ agyata, wɔpɔ so te sɛ agyata mma.
Thei schulen rore togidere as liouns, and thei schulen schake lockis, as the whelpis of liouns.
39 Nanso ɛberɛ a wɔahwanyane wɔn ho no mɛto ɛpono ama wɔn na mama wɔaboboro nsã sɛdeɛ wɔde nteateam bɛdi ahurisie, na wɔadeda a wɔrennyane bio,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
In the heete of hem Y schal sette the drynkis of hem; and Y schal make hem drunkun, that thei be brouyt asleepe, and that thei slepe euerlastynge sleep, and rise not, seith the Lord.
40 “Mede wɔn bɛba te sɛ nnwammaa a wɔrekɔkum wɔn, te sɛ, nnwennini ne mpapo.
Y schal lede forth hem, as lambren to slayn sacrifice, and as wetheris with kidis. Hou is Sesac takun, and the noble citee of al erthe is takun?
41 “Wɔbɛfa Sesak, Sesak a agye asase nyinaa ayɛyie no! Babilonia bɛyɛ ahodwiredeɛ wɔ amanaman no mu!
Hou is Babiloyne made in to wondre among hethene men?
42 Ɛpo bɛbunkam afa Babilonia so; na nʼasorɔkye bɛkata ne so.
And the see stiede on Babiloyne, it was hilid with the multitude of hise wawis.
43 Ne nkuro bɛda mpan. Ɛbɛyɛ anweatam a ɛso awo, asase a obiara nte soɔ, na obiara nntu ɛkwan mfa so.
The citees therof ben maad in to wondryng, the lond is maad vnhabitable and forsakun; the lond wherynne no man dwellith, and the sone of man schal not passe bi it.
44 Mɛtwe Bel aso wɔ Babilonia na mama wape deɛ wamene agu. Amanaman no nnto santene nkɔ ne nkyɛn bio. Na Babilonia ɔfasuo bɛbubu.
And Y schal visite on Bel in to Babiloyne, and Y schal caste out of hise mouth that, that he hadde swolewid, and folkis schulen no more flowe to it; for also the wal of Babiloyne schal falle doun.
45 “Me nkurɔfoɔ, Momfiri ne mu mfi! Montu mmirika mpere mo nkwa! Monnwane mfiri Awurade abufuhyeɛ ano.
Mi puple, go ye out fro the myddis therof, that ech man saue his soule fro the wraththe of the strong veniaunce of the Lord;
46 Mommma mo bo ntu na monnsuro sɛ mote atesɛm wɔ asase no so a; atesɛm bɛba afeɛ yi na foforɔ bɛba afedan, basabasayɛ ho atesɛm bɛba asase no so a ɛfa sodifoɔ a wɔsɔre tia afoforɔ ho.
and lest perauenture youre herte wexe neische, and lest ye dreden the heryng, that schal be herd in the lond; and heryng schal come in a yeer, and aftir this yeer schal come heryng and wickidnesse in the lond, and a lord on a lord.
47 Na ampa ara ɛberɛ no bɛba a mɛtwe Babilonia ahoni aso; nʼasase no nyinaa anim bɛgu ase na nʼatɔfoɔ nyinaa bɛhwehwe ase wɔ ne so.
Therfor lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal visite on the grauun ymagis of Babiloyne; and al the lond therof schal be schent, and alle slayn men therof schulen falle doun in the myddis therof.
48 Ɔsoro ne asase ne deɛ ɛwo mu nyinaa de ahosɛpɛ bɛteam agu Babilonia so, ɛfiri sɛ ɔsɛefoɔ bɛfiri atifi fam abɛto ahyɛ ne so,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
And heuenes, and erthis, and alle thingis that ben in tho, schulen herie on Babiloyne; for rauynours schulen come fro the north to it, seith the Lord.
49 “Ɛsɛ sɛ Babilonia hwe ase, ɛsiane Israel atɔfoɔ enti, sɛdeɛ atɔfoɔ a wɔwɔ ewiase nyinaa ahwehwe ase ɛsiane Babilonia enti no.
And as Babiloyne dide, that slayn men felle doun in Israel, so of Babiloyne slayn men schulen falle doun and in al the lond.
50 Mo a mo adwane afiri akofena ano, monkɔ na monntwentwɛn mo nan ase! Monkae Awurade wɔ akyirikyiri asase so, na monnwene Yerusalem ho.”
Come ye, that fledden the swerd, nyle ye stonde; haue ye mynde afer on the Lord, and Jerusalem stie on youre herte.
51 “Wɔagu yɛn anim ase, ɛfiri sɛ wasopa yɛn na fɛreɛ akata yɛn anim, ɛfiri sɛ amanfrafoɔ ahyɛne Awurade efie kronkronbea ahodoɔ hɔ.”
We ben schent, for we herden schenschipe; schame hilide oure faces, for aliens comen on the halewyng of the hous of the Lord.
52 “Nanso nna bi reba,” Awurade na ɔseɛ, “a mɛtwe nʼahoni aso, na nʼasase so nyinaa apirafoɔ bɛsi apinie.
Therfor lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal visite on the grauun ymagis of Babiloyne, and in al the lond therof a woundid man schal loowe.
53 Sɛ Babilonia kɔka ɔsoro mpo, na ɔmiamia nʼaban tenten banbɔ mu a, mɛsoma ɔsɛefoɔ abɛtia no,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
If Babiloyne stieth in to heuene, and makith stidfast his strengthe an hiy, distrieris therof schulen come on me, seith the Lord.
54 “Osu nnyegyeeɛ bi firi Babilonia, ɔsɛeɛ kɛseɛ bi nnyegyeeɛ firi Babiloniafoɔ asase so.
The vois of a criere of Babiloyne, and greet sorewe of the lond of Caldeis,
55 Awurade bɛsɛe Babilonia; ɔbɛma nʼasotuatua nnyegyeeɛ no agyae. Atamfoɔ a wɔte sɛ ahum bɛtu sɛ nsuo akɛseɛ aba ne so; wɔn mmobom bɛgyegye.
for the Lord distriede Babiloyne, and lost of it a greet vois; and the wawis of hem schulen sowne as many watris. The vois of hem yaf sown,
56 Ɔsɛefoɔ bi bɛba abɛtia Babilonia; wɔbɛfa ne nnɔmmarima nnommum na wɔbɛbubu wɔn tadua mu. Ɛfiri sɛ Awurade yɛ Onyankopɔn a ɔhyɛ anan mu; ɔbɛtua so ka pɛpɛɛpɛ.
for a rauenour cam on it, that is, on Babiloyne; and the stronge men therof ben takun, and the bouwe of hem welewide, for the stronge vengere the Lord yeldynge schal yelde.
57 Mɛma nʼadwumayɛfoɔ ne nʼanyansafoɔ aboro nsã, nʼamradofoɔ, ne mpanimfoɔ ne nnɔmmarima nso saa ara; wɔbɛdeda afebɔɔ a wɔrennyane,” sei na ɔhempɔn a ne din ne Asafo Awurade no seɛ.
And Y schal make drunkun the princis therof, and the wise men therof, the duykis therof, and the magistratis therof, and the stronge men therof; and thei schulen slepe euerlastynge sleep, and thei schulen not be awakid, seith the kyng, the Lord of oostis is name of hym.
58 Yei ne deɛ Asafo Awurade seɛ: “Wɔbɛdwiri Babilonia afasuo a ɛtrɛ no agu fam na wɔbɛto nʼapono a ɛwoware no mu ogya; nnipa no ha wɔn ho kwa, ɔman no adwumayɛ ma ogya no dɛre mmom.”
The Lord God of oostis seith these thingis, Thilke brodeste wal of Babiloyne schal be mynyd with mynyng, and the hiye yatis therof schulen be brent with fier; and the trauels of puples schulen be to nouyt, and the trauels of hethene men schulen be in to fier, and schulen perische.
59 Yei ne asɛm a Yeremia ka kyerɛɛ Neria babarima Seraia a ɔyɛ adwumayɛfoɔ panin na ɔyɛ Maseia nana no, ɛberɛ a ɔne Yudahene Sedekia kɔɔ Babilonia wɔ nʼadedie afe a ɛtɔ so ɛnan no mu.
The word which Jeremye, the profete, comaundide to Saraie, sone of Nerie, sone of Maasie, whanne he yede with Sedechie, the kyng, in to Babiloyne, in the fourthe yeer of his rewme; forsothe Saraie was prynce of profesie.
60 Na Yeremia atwerɛ amanehunu a ɛbɛba Babilonia so no nyinaa agu nwoma mmobɔeɛ so, deɛ watwerɛ a ɛfa Babilonia ho nyinaa.
And Jeremye wroot al the yuel, that was to comynge on Babiloyne, in a book, alle these wordis that weren writun ayens Babiloyne.
61 Ɔka kyerɛɛ Seraia sɛ, “Sɛ woduru Babilonia a, hwɛ sɛ wo bɛkenkan saa nsɛm yi nyinaa sɛdeɛ obiara bɛte.
And Jeremye seide to Saraie, Whanne thou comest in to Babiloyne, and seest, and redist alle these wordis,
62 Afei, ka sɛ, ‘Ao Awurade, woaka sɛ wobɛsɛe beaeɛ yi sɛdeɛ onipa anaa aboa biara rentumi ntena so; na ɛbɛda mpan afebɔɔ.’
thou schalt seie, Lord, thou spakist ayens this place, that thou schuldist leese it, that noon be that dwelle therynne, fro man `til to beeste, and that it be an euerlastynge wildirnesse.
63 Sɛ wokenkane nwoma mmobɔeɛ yi wie a, kyekyere fam ɛboɔ ho, na to twene Asubɔnten Eufrate mu.
And whanne thou hast fillid to rede this book, thou schalt bynde to it a stoon, and thou schalt caste it forth in to the myddis of Eufrates; and thou schalt seie,
64 Afei ka sɛ, ‘Sei na Babilonia ne ne nkurɔfoɔ bɛmem a wɔrensɔre bio, ɛsiane amanehunu a mede bɛba ne so no enti.’” Yeremia nsɛm no awieeɛ nie.
So Babiloyne schal be drenchid, and it schal not rise fro the face of turment, which Y brynge on it, and it schal be distried. Hidurto ben the wordis of Jeremye.

< Yeremia 51 >