< Yeremia 50 >

1 Asɛm a Awurade nam odiyifoɔ Yeremia so ka faa Babilonia ne Babiloniafoɔ asase ho nie:
The word which the Lord spak of Babiloyne, and of the lond of Caldeis, in the hond of Jeremye, the profete.
2 “Mommɔ no dawuro na mompae mu nka wɔ amanaman mu. Mompagya frankaa na mompae mu nka; na momma wɔnte sɛ, ‘Wɔbɛfa Babilonia; wɔbɛgu Bel anim ase, na ehu bɛhyɛ Merodak ma. Wɔbɛgu ne nsɛsodeɛ anim ase na ehu bɛhyɛ nʼahoni ma.’
Telle ye among hethene men, and make ye herd; reise ye a signe; preche ye, and nyle ye holde stille; seie ye, Babiloyne is takun, Bel is schent, Maradach is ouer comun; the grauun ymagis therof ben schent, the idols of hem ben ouer comun.
3 Ɔman bi firi atifi fam bɛto ahyɛ ne so na wɔbɛyɛ nʼasase amanfo. Obiara rentena so; nnipa ne mmoa bɛdwane afiri so.
For a folk schal stie fro the north ayenus it, which folk schal sette the lond therof in to wildirnesse; and noon schal be that schal dwelle therynne, fro man `til to beeste; and thei ben moued, and yeden a wei.
4 “Nna no mu ne saa ɛberɛ no,” Awurade na ɔseɛ, “Israelfoɔ ne Yudafoɔ bɛka abom de nisuo akɔhwehwɛ wɔn Awurade, wɔn Onyankopɔn.
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen come, thei and the sones of Juda togidere, goynge and wepynge; thei schulen haaste, and seke her Lord God in Sion,
5 Wɔbɛbisa ɛkwan a ɛkɔ Sion na wɔde wɔn ani akyerɛ hɔ. Wɔbɛba de wɔn ho abɛbɔ Awurade wɔ daa apam a wɔn werɛ remfiri mu.
and thei schulen axe the weie. Hidur the faces of hem schulen come, and thei schulen be set to the Lord with boond of pees euerlastynge, which schal not be don awei by ony foryetyng.
6 “Me nkurɔfoɔ ayɛ nnwan a wɔayera; wɔn nnwanhwɛfoɔ ama wɔafom ɛkwan ma wɔkyinkyinii mmepɔ so. Wɔkyinkyinii bɛpɔ ne kokoɔ so na wɔn werɛ firii wɔn ankasa homebea.
My puple is maad a lost floc, the scheepherdis of hem disseyueden hem, and maden to go vnstabli in hillis; thei passiden fro mounteyn in to a litil hil, thei foryaten her bed.
7 Obiara a ɔhunuu wɔn no tetee wɔn mu; wɔn atamfoɔ kaa sɛ, ‘Yɛn nni fɔ, ɛfiri sɛ wɔyɛɛ bɔne tiaa Awurade, wɔn nokorɛ didibea no, Awurade wɔn agyanom anidasoɔ no.’
Alle men that founden, eeten hem, and the enemyes of hem seiden, We synneden not, for that thei synneden to the Lord, the fairnesse of riytfulnesse, and to the Lord, the abidyng of her fadris.
8 “Monnwane mfiri Babilonia; momfiri Babiloniafoɔ asase so, na monyɛ sɛ mpapo a wɔdi nnwankuo anim.
Go ye awei fro the myddis of Babiloyne, and go ye out of the lond of Caldeis, and be ye as kydis bifore the floc.
9 Mɛkanyane amanaman akɛseɛ nkabom afiri atifi fam asase so de wɔn abɛtia Babilonia. Wɔbɛgyinagyina wɔn afa atia no, wɔbɛfiri atifi fam ako afa no. Wɔn agyan bɛyɛ sɛ nnɔmmarima a wɔakwadare akodie mu, wɔn a wɔmmfa nsapan nsane wɔn akyi.
For lo! Y schal reise, and brynge in to Babiloyne the gaderyng togidere of grete folkis, fro the lond of the north; and thei schulen be maad redi ayens it, and it schal be takun in the dai; the arowe therof as of a strong man a sleere, schal not turne ayen voide.
10 Enti wɔbɛfom Babilonia; wɔn a wɔfom no nyinaa bɛnya afodeɛ bebree,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
And Caldee schal be in to prey, alle that distrien it, schulen be fillid, seith the Lord.
11 “Esiane sɛ mo ani gye na modi ahurisie, mo a mofom mʼagyapadeɛ, sɛ mohurihuri anigyeɛ so te sɛ nantwiforo a ɔwɔ ɛserɛ frɔmm mu na mosu te sɛ apɔnkɔnini enti,
For ye maken ful out ioye, and speken grete thingis, and rauyschen myn eritage; for ye ben sched out as caluys on erbe, and lowiden as bolis.
12 Wo maame ani bɛwu pa ara; deɛ ɔwoo woɔ anim bɛgu ase. Ɔbɛyɛ akumaa wɔ amanaman no mu, ɛserɛ, asase wesee ne anweatam.
Youre modir is schent greetli, and sche that gendride you, is maad euene to dust; lo! sche schal be the last among folkis, and forsakun, with out weie, and drie.
13 Awurade abufuo enti, obiara rentena hɔ na ɛbɛda mpan korakora. Wɔn a wɔtwam wɔ Babilonia nyinaa ho bɛdwiri wɔn na wɔadi ne ho fɛ ɛsiane nʼapirakuro nyinaa enti.
For the wraththe of the Lord it schal not be enhabitid, but it schal be dryuun al in to wildirnesse; ech that schal passe bi Babiloyne, schal wondre, and schal hisse on alle the woundis therof.
14 “Monnyinagyina mo afa ntwa Babilonia ho nhyia, mo a moto agyan nyinaa. Monto no! Monnnya bɛmma biara, ɛfiri sɛ wayɛ bɔne atia Awurade.
Alle ye that beenden bowe, be maad redi ayens Babiloyne bi cumpas; ouercome ye it, spare ye not arowis, for it synnede to the Lord.
15 Monteam ntia no wɔ afanan nyinaa! Ɔma ne nsa so, nʼaban denden bubu, wɔdwiri nʼafasuo gu fam. Esiane sɛ yei yɛ Awurade aweretɔ no enti, montɔ ne so were; monyɛ no sɛdeɛ wayɛ afoforɔ no.
Crye ye ayens it, euery where it yaf hond; the foundementis therof fellen doun, and the wallis therof ben distried; for it is the veniaunce of the Lord. Take ye veniaunce of it; as it dide, do ye to it.
16 Monyi ogufoɔ mfiri Babilonia, ɔne ɔtwafoɔ a ɔkura ne kantankrankyi wɔ ɔtwa berɛ mu no. Esiane ɔhyɛsofoɔ no akofena enti obiara nsane nkɔ ne nkurɔfoɔ mu, obiara nnwane nkɔ nʼankasa asase so.
Leese ye a sowere of Babiloyne, and hym that holdith a sikil in the tyme of heruest, fro the face of swerd of the culuer; ech man schal be turned to his puple, and ech man schal flee to his lond.
17 “Israel yɛ nnwankuo a wɔahwete a agyata apam wɔn. Deɛ ɔdii ɛkan tetee ne mu yɛ Asiriahene; na deɛ ɔdwerɛɛ ne nnompe akyire no yɛ Babiloniahene Nebukadnessar.”
Israel is a scaterid flok, liouns castiden out it; first kyng Assur eete it, this laste Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, dide awei the bonys therof.
18 Ɛno enti, yei ne deɛ Asafo Awurade, Israel Onyankopɔn seɛ: “Mɛtwe Babiloniahene ne nʼasase aso sɛdeɛ metwee Asiriahene aso no.
Therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal visite the kyng of Babiloyne, and his lond, as Y visitide the kyng of Assur;
19 Na mede Israel bɛsane aba nʼankasa adidibea. Ɔbɛdidi wɔ Karmel ne Basan; ɔbɛmee wɔ Efraim ne Gilead nkokoɔ so.
and Y schal brynge ayen Israel to his dwellyng place. Carmele and Baasan schal be fed, and his soule schal be fillid in the hil of Effraym, and of Galaad.
20 Saa nna no ne saa ɛberɛ no,” Awurade na ɔsɛ, “Wɔbɛhwehwɛ Israel afɔbuo mu, nanso wɔrennya bi, wɔbɛhwehwɛ Yuda nnebɔne mu, nanso wɔrenhunu bi, ɛfiri sɛ, mede nkaeɛfoɔ a megyaa wɔn no bɔne bɛkyɛ wɔn.
In tho daies, and in that tyme, seith the Lord, the wickidnesse of Israel schal be souyt, and it schal not be; and the synne of Juda schal be souyt, and it schal not be foundun; for Y schal be merciful to hem, whiche Y schal forsake.
21 “Monto nhyɛ Merataim asase so ne nnipa a wɔte Pekod. Montaa wɔn, monkunkum wɔn na monsɛe wɔn korakora,” Awurade na ɔseɛ. “Monyɛ biribiara a mahyɛ mo no.
Stie thou on the lond of lordis, and visite thou on the dwelleris therof; scatere thou, and sle tho thingis, that ben aftir hem, seith the Lord; and do thou bi alle thingis which Y comaundide to thee.
22 Ɔko mu gyegyeegye wɔ asase no so, ɔsɛeɛ kɛseɛ nnyegyeɛ!
The vois of batel and greet sorewe in the lond.
23 Hwɛ sɛdeɛ wɔabubu na wɔabobɔ asase nyinaa so asaeɛ! Hwɛ sɛdeɛ Babilonia ada mpan wɔ amanaman no mu!
Hou is the hamer of al erthe brokun and al defoulid? hou is Babiloyne turned in to desert, among hethene men?
24 Mesum wo afidie Ao Babilonia, na ɛyii wo ansa na worehunu; wɔhunu wo kyeree wo ɛfiri sɛ woko tiaa Awurade.
Babiloyne, Y haue snarid thee, and thou art takun, and thou wistist not; thou art foundun, and takun, for thou terridist the Lord to wraththe.
25 Awurade abue nʼakodeɛ akoradan na wayi nʼabufuhyeɛ akodeɛ de apue, ɛfiri sɛ Otumfoɔ Awurade wɔ adwuma yɛ wɔ Babiloniafoɔ asase so.
The Lord openide his tresour, and brouyte forth the vessels of his wraththe; for whi a werk is to the Lord God of oostis in the lond of Caldeis.
26 Momfiri akyirikyiri mmra ne so. Mommubu nʼasan no ani; monhɔre no sie sɛ ayuo akuakuo. Monsɛe no korakora na monnnya no nkaeɛfoɔ biara.
Come ye to it fro the fertheste endis, opene ye, that thei go out, that schulen defoule it; take ye awei stoonys fro the weie, and dryue ye in to heepis, and sle ye it, and nothing be residue.
27 Monkunkum nʼanantwinini nyinaa; momfa wɔn nkɔ ma wɔnkum wɔn! Musuo nka wɔn! Ɛfiri sɛ wɔn da no aduru, ɛberɛ a wɔde bɛtwe wɔn aso no.
Distrie ye alle the stronge men therof, go thei doun in to sleynge; wo to hem, for the dai of hem cometh, the tyme of visityng of hem.
28 Montie akobɔfoɔ ne adwanefoɔ a wɔfiri Babilonia no sɛ wɔreka wɔ Sion sɛdeɛ Awurade, yɛn Onyankopɔn atɔ were nʼasɔrefie ho aweretɔ.
The vois of fleeris, and of hem that ascapiden fro the lond of Babiloyne, that thei telle in Sion the veniaunce of oure Lord God, the veniaunce of his temple.
29 “Momfrɛ agyantofoɔ nkɔtoa Babilonia, wɔn a wɔto agyan nyinaa. Montwa ne ho nhyia; momma obiara nnwane. Montua ne nneyɛɛ so ka; monyɛ no sɛdeɛ wayɛ. Ɛfiri sɛ, wabu Awurade animtia, Israel kronkronni no.
Telle ye ayens Babiloyne to ful many men, to alle that beenden bowe. Stonde ye togidere ayens it bi cumpas, and noon ascape; yelde ye to it aftir his werk, aftir alle thingis whiche it dide, do ye to it; for it was reisid ayens the Lord, ayens the hooli of Israel.
30 Enti ne mmeranteɛ bɛtotɔ wɔ mmɔntene so; wɔbɛtɔre nʼasraafoɔ nyinaa ase saa ɛda no,” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
Therfor yonge men therof schulen falle doun in the stretis therof, and alle men werriours therof schulen be stille in that dai, seith the Lord.
31 “Hwɛ, mekyiri wo, Ao ɔhantanni.” Awurade, Asafo Awurade na ɔseɛ, “ɛfiri sɛ wo da no aduru ɛberɛ a wɔde bɛtwe wʼaso no.
Lo! thou proude, Y to thee, seith the Lord God of oostis, for thi dai is comun, the tyme of thi visitacioun.
32 Ɔhantanni no bɛsunti na wahwe ase obiara rempagya no; mɛto ne nkuro mu ogya na ahye wɔn a atwa ne ho ahyia nyinaa.”
And the proude schal falle, and schal falle doun togidere, and noon schal be, that schal reise hym; and Y schal kyndle fier in the citees of hym, and it schal deuoure alle thingis in cumpas of it.
33 Yei ne deɛ Asafo Awurade seɛ: “Wɔhyɛ Israelfoɔ so, na Yudafoɔ nso saa ara. Wɔn nnommumfafoɔ no kura wɔn denden a wɔmpɛ sɛ wɔgyaa wɔn ma wɔkɔ.
The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, The sones of Israel and the sones of Juda togidere suffren fals caleng; alle that token hem, holden, thei nylen delyuere hem.
34 Nanso, wɔn Gyefoɔ yɛ ɔhoɔdenfoɔ; ne din ne Asafo Awurade. Ɔbɛdi wɔn asɛm ama wɔn anibereɛ so sɛdeɛ ɔde ahotɔ bɛba wɔn asase no so, na wɔn a wɔte Babilonia no deɛ, wahyɛ wɔn ahometeɛ.
The ayenbyere of hem is strong, the Lord of oostis is his name; bi dom he schal defende the cause of hem, that he make the lond aferd, and stire togidere the dwelleris of Babiloyne.
35 “Akofena bi bɛsɔre atia Babiloniafoɔ!” Awurade na ɔseɛ. “Ɛbɛtia wɔn a wɔte Babilonia na atia nʼadwumayɛfoɔ ne nʼanyansafoɔ!
A swerd to Caldeis, seith the Lord, and to the dwelleris of Babiloyne, and to the princes, and to the wise men therof.
36 Akofena bi bɛsɔre atia nʼadiyifoɔ atorofoɔ! Wɔbɛdane nkwaseafoɔ. Akofena bi bɛsɔre atia nʼakofoɔ! Ehu bɛhyɛ wɔn ma.
A swerd to the false dyuynours therof, that schulen be foolis; a swerd to the stronge men therof, that schulen drede.
37 Akofena bi bɛsɔre atia nʼapɔnkɔ ne ne nteaseɛnam ne amanfrafoɔ a wɔwɔ wɔn mu nyinaa! Wɔbɛdane mmaa. Akofena bi bɛsɔre atia nʼademudeɛ! Wɔbɛfom.
Swerd to the horsis therof, and to the charis therof, and to al the comyn puple whiche is in the myddis therof, and thei schulen be as wymmen; a swerd to the tresours therof, that schulen be rauyschid.
38 Ɔweɛ wɔ ne nsuo ahodoɔ so! Ɛbɛwewe. Ɛfiri sɛ ɛyɛ ahoni asase, ahoni a ehu bɛma wɔabobɔ adam.
Drynesse schal be on the watris therof, and tho schulen be drye; for it is the lond of grauun ymagis, and hath glorie in false feynyngis.
39 “Enti ɛserɛ so mmoa ne mpataku bɛtena hɔ, na ɛhɔ na ɔpatuo bɛtena. Obiara rentena so bio ɛfiri awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ kɔsi awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ.
Therfor dragouns schulen dwelle with fonned wielde men, and ostrigis schulen dwelle therynne; and it schal no more be enhabitid `til in to with outen ende, and it schal not be bildid `til to generacioun and generacioun;
40 Sɛdeɛ Onyankopɔn tuu Sodom ne Gomora ne wɔn nkurotoɔ guiɛ no,” Awurade na ɔseɛ, “saa ara na obiara rentena hɔ; onipa biara rentena mu.
as the Lord distriede Sodom and Gomorre, and the niy citees therof, seith the Lord. A man schal not dwelle there, and the sone of man schal not dwelle in it.
41 “Monhwɛ! Akodɔm bi firi atifi fam reba; ɔman kɛseɛ ne ahemfo bebree, wɔrehwanyane wɔn afiri nsase ano.
Lo! a puple cometh fro the north, and a greet folc, and many kyngis schulen rise togidere fro the endis of erthe.
42 Wɔkurakura bɛmma ne pea; wɔn tirim yɛ den, na wɔnni ahummɔborɔ. Wɔn nnyegyeeɛ te sɛ ɛpo a ɛrehuru soɔ. Sɛ wɔtete wɔn apɔnkɔ so a, wɔba sɛ mmarima a wɔrekɔ sa abɛto ahyɛ wo so, Ao Ɔbabaa Babilonia.
Thei schulen take bowe and swerd, thei ben cruel and vnmerciful; the vois of hem schal sowne as the see, and thei schulen stie on horsis as a man maad redi to batel, ayens thee, thou douyter of Babiloyne.
43 Babiloniahene ate wɔn ho nsɛm, ne nsa sesa ne ho kwa. Ahohiahia akyekyere no; ɔyea a ɛte sɛ ɔbaa a ɔrekyem awoɔ so.
The kyng of Babiloyne herde the fame of hem, and hise hondis ben aclumsid; angwisch took hym, sorewe took hym, as a womman trauelynge of child.
44 Sɛdeɛ gyata a ɔfiri Yordan nkyɛkyerɛ mu rekɔ adidibea frɔmfrɔm no, saa ara na mɛtaa Babilonia so afiri nʼasase so wɔ ɛberɛ tiawa bi mu. Hwan ne deɛ mayi no sɛ ɔnyɛ yei? Hwan na ɔte sɛ me, na hwan na ɔbɛtumi ne me adi asie? Na odwanhwɛfoɔ bɛn na ɔbɛtumi asɔre atia me?”
Lo! as a lioun he schal stie fro the pride of Jordan to the stronge fairnesse, for Y schal make hym to renne sudenli to it; and who schal be the chosun man, whom Y schal sette bifore him? For who is lijk me? and who schal suffre me? and who is this scheepherde, that schal ayenstonde my cheer?
45 Enti tie deɛ Awurade ahyehyɛ atia Babilonia, deɛ wabɔ ne tirim sɛ ɔbɛyɛ de atia Babiloniafoɔ asase nie: Nnwankuo no mu nkumaa no mpo, wɔbɛtwe wɔn akɔ; wɔn enti ɔbɛsɛe adidibea no koraa.
Therfore here ye the councel of the Lord, which he conseyuede in mynde ayens Babiloyne, and hise thouytis, whiche he thouyte on the lond of Caldeis, no but the litle of the flockis drawen hem doun, no but the dwellyng place of hem be destried with hem, ellis no man yyue credence to me.
46 Babilonia nnommumfa nnyegyeeɛ bɛma asase awoso; ne nteateam bɛgyegye wɔ amanaman no mu.
The erthe is mouyd of the vois of caitiftee of Babiloyne, and cry is herd among hethene men.

< Yeremia 50 >