< Yeremia 22 >

1 Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ, “Siane kɔ Yudahene ahemfie na kɔpae mu ka saa asɛm yi:
The Lord seith these thingis, Go thou doun in to the hous of the kyng of Juda, and thou schalt speke there this word, and schalt seie,
2 ‘Tie Awurade asɛm, Ao, Yudahene, wo a wote Dawid ahennwa so, wo, wʼadwumayɛfoɔ ne wo nkurɔfoɔ a wɔfa apono yi mu.
Thou kyng of Juda, that sittist on the seete of Dauid, here the word of the Lord, thou, and thi seruauntis, and thi puple, that entren bi these yatis.
3 Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ: Monyɛ deɛ ɛtene na ɛda ɛkwan mu. Monnye deɛ wɔabɔ no korɔno mfiri ne hyɛsofoɔ nsam. Monnyɛ ɔhɔhoɔ, awisiaa ne okunafoɔ bɔne na monnyɛ wɔn basabasa nso, na monnhwie mogya a ɛdi bem ngu wɔ ha.
The Lord seith these thingis, Do ye doom, and riytfulnesse, and delyuere ye hym that is oppressid bi violence fro the hond of the fals chalenger; and nyle ye make sori, nether oppresse ye wickidli a comelyng, and a fadirles child, and a widewe, and schede ye not out innocent blood in this place.
4 Sɛ moyɛ ahwɛyie na modi saa ahyɛdeɛ yi so a, ɛnneɛ ahemfo a wɔte Dawid ahennwa so ne wɔn adwumayɛfoɔ ne wɔn nkurɔfoɔ bɛfa saa ahemfie apono yi mu, a wɔtete nteaseɛnam mu ne apɔnkɔ so.
For if ye doynge don this word, kyngis of the kyn of Dauid sittynge on his trone schulen entre bi the yatis of this hous, and schulen stie on charis and horsis, thei, and the seruauntis, and the puple of hem.
5 Enti sɛ moanni saa nhyehyɛeɛ yi so a, Awurade na ɔseɛ, Meka me ho ntam sɛ, saa ahemfie yi bɛdane fituo.’”
That if ye heren not these wordis, Y swoore in my silf, seith the Lord, that this hous schal be in to wildirnesse.
6 Deɛ Awurade ka fa Yudahene ahemfie ho nie: “Ɛwom sɛ medɔ wo te sɛ Gilead na wote sɛ Lebanon mmepɔ atifi, nanso, mɛyɛ wo sɛ anweatam, sɛ nkuro a obiara nte mu.
For the Lord seith these thingis on the hous of the kyng of Juda, Galaad, thou art to me the heed of the Liban; credence be not youun to me, if Y sette not thee a wildirnesse, citees vnhabitable.
7 Mɛsoma asɛefoɔ abɛtoa mo, obiara ne nʼakodeɛ, wɔbɛtwitwa mo ntweneduro mpunan fɛfɛ no mu na wɔato agu ogya no mu.
And Y schal halewe on thee a man sleynge, and hise armuris; and thei schulen kitte doun thi chosun cedris, and schulen caste doun in to fier.
8 “Nnipa a wɔfifiri aman bebree so bɛtwam wɔ kuropɔn yi so, na wɔbɛbisabisa wɔn ho wɔn ho sɛ, ‘Adɛn enti na Awurade ayɛ saa kuropɔn kɛseɛ yi sei?’
And many folkis schulen passe bi this citee, and ech man schal seie to his neiybore, Whi dide the Lord thus to this greet citee?
9 Na mmuaeɛ no bɛyɛ sɛ, ‘Ɛfiri sɛ, wɔagya Awurade, wɔn Onyankopɔn apam no akɔsɔre anyame foforɔ asom wɔn.’”
And thei schulen answere, For thei forsoken the couenaunt of her Lord God, and worschipiden alien goddis, and serueden hem.
10 Monnsu ɔhene a wafiri mu, na monni ne ho awerɛhoɔ; mmom, monsu denden mma deɛ ɔkɔ nnommumfa mu, ɛfiri sɛ ɔrensane nʼakyi na ɔrenhunu asase a wɔwoo no wɔ so no bio.
Nyle ye biwepe hym that is deed, nether weile ye on hym bi wepyng; biweile ye hym that goith out, for he schal no more turne ayen, nether he schal se the lond of his birthe.
11 Na yei ne deɛ Awurade ka faa Yosia babarima Salum a ɔdii nʼagya adeɛ sɛ Yudahene na wafiri ha no ho: “Ɔrensane mma bio.
For the Lord seith these thingis to Sellum, the sone of Josie, the kyng of Juda, that regnede for Josye, his fadir, He that yede out of this place, schal no more turne ayen hidur;
12 Ɔbɛwu wɔ baabi a wɔafa no nnommum akɔ hɔ; na ɔrenhunu saa asase yi bio.”
but in the place to which Y translatide him, there he schal die, and he schal no more se this lond.
13 “Nnome nka deɛ ɔmfa ɛkwan tenenee so nsi nʼahemfie, na ɔde nsisie si nʼabansoro. Nnome nka deɛ ɔma ne ɔmanfoɔ yɛ adwuma kwa, na ɔntua wɔn apaadie so ka.
Wo to him that bildith his hous in vnriytfulnesse, and his soleris not in doom; he schal oppresse his freend in veyn, and he schal not yelde his hire to hym.
14 Ɔka sɛ, ‘Mɛsi ahemfie kɛseɛ ama me ho deɛ ɛwɔ abansoro adan a emu soso.’ Enti ɔyɛ mpomma akɛseɛ wɔ mu; ɔde ntweneduro dura mu na ɔde ahosu kɔkɔɔ hyehyɛ mu.
Which seith, Y schal bilde to me a large hous, and wide soleris; which openeth wyndows to hym silf, and makith couplis of cedre, and peyntith with reed colour.
15 “Wowɔ ntweneduro bebree a na ɛma woyɛ ɔhene anaa? Na wʼagya nni aduane ne nsã anaa? Ɔyɛɛ deɛ ɛfa ne ɛkwan mu na ɛtene, enti ɛsii no yie.
Whether thou schalt regne, for thou comparisonest thee to a cedre? whether thi fadir eet not, and drank, and dide doom and riytfulnesse thanne, whanne it was wel to hym?
16 Ɔdii mmɔborɔni ne ohiani asɛm maa wɔn, enti biribiara yɛɛ yie maa no. Na ɛnyɛ yei na ɛkyerɛ sɛ obi nim me anaa?” Awurade na ɔseɛ.
He demyde the cause of a pore man, and nedi, in to his good; whether not therfor for he knew me? seith the Lord.
17 “Mo ani ne mo akoma wɔ mfasoɔ bɔne nko ara so, sɛ mohwie mogya a ɛdi bem guo na moyɛ nhyɛsoɔ ne nsisie nso.”
Forsothe thin iyen and herte ben to aueryce, and to schede innocent blood, and to fals caleng, and to the perfourmyng of yuel werk.
18 Ɛno enti, yei ne deɛ Awurade ka fa Yudahene Yosia babarima Yehoiakim ho: “Wɔrensu no sɛ: ‘Aa, me nuabarima! Aa me nuabaa!’ Wɔrensu no sɛ: ‘Aa, me wura! Aa nʼahoɔfɛ!’
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis to Joachym, the sone of Josie, the kyng of Juda, Thei schulen not biweile hym, Wo brother! and wo sistir! thei schulen not sowne togidere to hym, Wo lord! and wo noble man!
19 Wɔbɛsie no sɛ afunumu. Wɔbɛtwe nʼase na wɔato no atwene Yerusalem apono akyi.”
He schal be biried with the biriyng of an asse, he schal be rotun, and cast forth without the yatis of Jerusalem.
20 “Monkɔ Lebanon nkɔ su, momma wɔnte mo nne wɔ Basan; monsu mfiri Abarim, ɛfiri sɛ wɔadwerɛ mo mpamfoɔ nyinaa.
Stie thou on the Liban, and cry thou, and yyue thi vois in Basan, and cry to hem that passen forth, for alle thi louyeris ben al to-brokun.
21 Mebɔɔ wo kɔkɔ, ɛberɛ a na ɛyɛ wo sɛ wʼasom adwo wo, nanso wokaa sɛ, ‘Merentie!’ Yei ne ɛkwan a wonam so firi wo mmerante berɛ mu; woanyɛ ɔsetie amma me.
Y spak to thee in thi plentee, and thou seidist, Y schal not here; this is thi weie fro thi yongthe, for thou herdist not my vois.
22 Mframa bɛbɔ wo nnwanhwɛfoɔ nyinaa akɔ, na wʼampamfoɔ nyinaa bɛkɔ nnommumfa mu. Afei wʼani bɛwu na wʼanim agu ase ɛsiane wʼamumuyɛ nyinaa enti.
Wynd schal feede alle thi scheepherdis, and thi louyeris schulen go in to caitifte;
23 Mo a mote Lebanon, na modeda ntweneduro adan mu, ɛrenkyɛre koraa, sɛ ɔyea ba mo so a, mobɛsi apene te sɛ ɔbaa a ɔreko awoɔ.
and thanne thou that sittist in the Liban, and makist nest in cedris, schalt be schent, and be aschamed of al thi malice. Hou weilidist thou, whanne sorewis weren comun to thee, as the sorew of a womman trauelynge of child?
24 “Nokorɛm, sɛ mete ase yi,” Awurade na ɔseɛ, “Mpo sɛ wo Yehoiakin, Yudahene Yehoiakim babarima yɛɛ me nsa nifa so nsɔano kaa a, anka mɛworɔ wo.
I lyue, seith the Lord, for thouy Jeconye, the sone of Joachym, kyng of Juda, were a ring in my riyt hond, fro thennus Y schal drawe awei hym.
25 Mede wo bɛma wɔn a wɔrehwehwɛ wo kra, wɔn a wosuro wɔn no; Babiloniahene Nebukadnessar ne Babiloniafoɔ.
And Y schal yyue thee in the hond of hem that seken thi lijf, and in the hond of hem whos face thou dredist, and in the hond of Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, and in the hond of Caldeis.
26 Mɛpam wo ne wo maame a ɔwoo wo akɔgu ɔman foforɔ so, baabi a ɛnyɛ hɔ na wɔwoo mo mu biara, ɛhɔ na mo baanu bɛwuwu.
And Y schal sende thee, and thi moder that gendride thee, in to an alien lond, in which ye weren not borun, and there ye schulen die;
27 Morensane mma asase a mo kɔn dɔ sɛ mobɛsane aba so no bio.”
and thei schulen not turne ayen in to the lond, to which thei reisen her soule, that thei turne ayen thidur.
28 Adɛn enti na saa ɔbarima Yehoiakin te sɛ ayowaa a abɔ, adeɛ a obiara mpɛ anaa? Adɛn enti na wɔbɛpam ɔne ne mma, akɔgu asase a wɔnnim soɔ so?
Whether this man Jeconye is an erthene vessel, and al to-brokun? whether a vessel withouten al likyng? Whi ben he and his seed cast awei, and cast forth in to a lond which thei knewen not?
29 Ao, asase, asase, asase! Tie Awurade asɛm!
Erthe, erthe, erthe, here thou the word of the Lord.
30 Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ: “Montwerɛ ɔbarima yi ho asɛm nto hɔ te sɛ obi a ɔnni ba, ɔbarima a ɔrennya nkɔsoɔ ne nkwa nna nyinaa na nʼasefoɔ mu biara renya nkɔsoɔ, na wɔn mu biara rentena Dawid ahennwa so na wɔrenni Yuda so ɔhene bio.”
The Lord seith these thingis, Write thou this man bareyn, a man that schal not haue prosperite in hise daies; for of his seed schal be no man, that schal sitte on the seete of Dauid, and haue powere ferthere in Juda.

< Yeremia 22 >