< Yeremia 13 >

1 Yei ne deɛ Awurade ka kyerɛɛ meɛ, “Kɔ na kɔtɔ nwera abɔsoɔ bɔ wʼasene, nanso mma no nka nsuo.”
The Lord seith these thingis to me, Go, and take in possessioun to thee a lynnun breigirdil; and thou schalt putte it on thi leendis, and thou schalt not bere it in to watir.
2 Enti, metɔɔ abɔsoɔ sɛdeɛ Awurade kyerɛeɛ no, na mede bɔɔ mʼasene mu.
And Y took in possessioun a breigirdil, bi the word of the Lord; and Y puttide aboute my leendis.
3 Afei, Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn ne mprenu so sɛ,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me in the secounde tyme,
4 “Fa abɔsoɔ a, wotɔeɛ a ɛbɔ wʼasene mu no, kɔ Eufrate ho seisei ara na fa kɔsie abotan tokuro no bi mu.”
and seide, Take the brigirdil, which thou haddist in possessioun, which is aboute thi leendis; and rise thou, and go to Eufrates, and hide thou it there, in the hoole of a stoon.
5 Enti, mede kɔsiee Eufrate ho, sɛdeɛ Awurade ka kyerɛɛ me no.
And Y yede, and hidde it in Eufrates, as the Lord comaundide to me.
6 Nna bebree akyi no, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, “Afei kɔ Eufrate ho na kɔfa abɔsoɔ a meka kyerɛɛ wo sɛ fa kɔsie hɔ no.”
And it was don aftir ful many daies, the Lord seide to me, Rise thou, and go to Eufrates, and take fro thennus the brigirdil, whiche Y comaundide to thee, that thou schuldist hide it there.
7 Enti, mekɔɔ Eufrate ho kɔtuu abɔsoɔ no firii beaeɛ a, na mede asie hɔ no, nanso, na asu atete a ɛho nni mfasoɔ biara.
And Y yede to Eufrates, and diggide out, and Y took the breigirdil fro the place, where Y hadde hidde it; and lo! the breigirdil was rotun, so that it was not able to ony vss.
8 Afei, Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
9 “Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ, ‘Saa ara na mɛsɛe Yuda ahantan ne Yerusalem ahantan kyɛneɛ no.
and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, So Y schal make rotun the pride of Juda, and the myche pride of Jerusalem,
10 Saa amumuyɛfoɔ yi a wɔmpɛ sɛ wɔtie mʼasɛm na wɔdi wɔn akoma den akyi na wɔdi anyame foforɔ akyi som wɔn sɔre wɔn no, wɔbɛyɛ sɛ saa abɔsoɔ yi, na wɔn ho remma mfasoɔ biara!
and this worste puple, that nylen here my wordis, and goen in the schrewidnesse of her herte; and thei yeden aftir alien goddis, to serue hem, and to worschipe hem; and thei schulen be as this breigirdil, which is not able to ony vss.
11 Sɛdeɛ abɔsoɔ kyekyere onipa asene mu no saa ara na mede Israel efie ne Yudafie nyinaa bataa me ho sɛ wɔnyɛ me nkurɔfoɔ a wɔbɛma me din so, aka mʼayɛyie na wɔahyɛ me animuonyam, nanso wɔntiee me,’ deɛ Awurade seɛ nie.
For as a breigirdil cleueth to the leendis of a man, so Y ioynede faste to me al the hous of Israel, and al the hous of Juda, seith the Lord, that thei schulden be to me in to a puple, and in to name, and in to heriyng, and in to glorie; and thei herden not.
12 “Ka kyerɛ wɔn sɛ, ‘Deɛ Awurade, Israel Onyankopɔn seɛ nie, Wɔmfa nsã nhyɛ nsã kotokuo biara ma.’ Na sɛ wɔka kyerɛ wo sɛ, ‘Yɛnim sɛ ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde nsã hyɛ nsã kotokuo biara ma a,’
Therfor thou schalt seie to hem this word, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Ech potel schal be fillid of wyn. And thei schulen seie to thee, Whether we witen not, that ech potel schal be fillid of wyn?
13 afei, ka kyerɛ wɔn sɛ, ‘Deɛ Awurade seɛ nie: Mede nsãborɔ bɛhyɛ wɔn a wɔtete asase yi so nyinaa ma, a ahemfo a wɔte Dawid ahennwa so, asɔfoɔ, adiyifoɔ ne wɔn a wɔtete Yerusalem nyinaa ka ho.
And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y shal fille with drunkenesse alle the dwelleris of this lond, and the kyngis of the generacioun of Dauith, that sitten on his trone, and the prestis, and profetis, and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem.
14 Mɛtoto wɔn abobɔ wɔn ho wɔn ho, agyanom ne mmammarima nyinaa, Awurade na ɔseɛ. Meremma ahummɔborɔ anaa ayamyɛ anaa ayamhyehyeɛ nsi ɔsɛe a merebɛsɛe wɔn no ho ɛkwan.’”
And Y schal scatere hem, a man fro his brother, and the fadris and sones togidere, seith the Lord; Y schal not spare, and Y schal not graunte, nether Y schal do mercy, that I leese not hem.
15 Montie na monyɛ aso, na monnyɛ ahantan, ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade akasa.
Here ye, and perseyue with eeris; nyle ye be reisid, for the Lord spak.
16 Monhyɛ Awurade mo Onyankopɔn, animuonyam ansa na wama esum aduru, ansa na mo nan asuntisunti wɔ nkokoɔ a ɛso reduru sum no so. Mo ani da hann so, nanso ɔbɛdane no esum kusuu na wɔasesa ayɛ no esum kabisii.
Yyue ye glorie to youre Lord God, bifore that it wexe derk, and bifor that youre feet hirte at derk hillis; ye schulen abide liyt, and he schal sette it in to the schadewe of deeth, and in to derknesse.
17 Nanso sɛ moantie a, mɛsu wɔ kɔkoam ɛsiane mo ahantan nti; mʼani bɛtetɛ nisuo, na nisuo adware me, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔbɛfa Awurade nnwankuo no akɔ nnommum mu.
That if ye heren not this, my soule schal wepe in hid place for the face of pride; it wepynge schal wepe, and myn iye shal caste out a teer, for the floc of the Lord is takun.
18 Monka nkyerɛ ɔhene ne ɔhemmaa sɛ, “Momfiri mo ahennwa so nsi fam, na mo animuonyam ahenkyɛ bɛfiri mo tiri so.”
Seye thou to the kyng, and to the ladi, Be ye mekid, sitte ye, for the coroun of youre glorie schal go doun fro youre heed.
19 Wɔbɛtoto Negeb nkuropɔn apono mu, na obiara nni hɔ a ɔbɛbuebue. Wɔbɛsoa Yudafoɔ akɔ sɛ atukɔfoɔ, wɔbɛtwa wɔn asuo koraa.
The cities of the south ben closid, and noon is that openith; al Juda is translatid bi perfit passyng ouere, ether goynge out of her lond.
20 Mo mpagya mo ani nhwɛ wɔn a wɔfiri atifi fam reba no. Nnwankuo a wɔde hyɛɛ mo nsa no, nnwan a mode wɔn hoahoaa mo ho wɔ he?
Reise ye youre iyen, and se ye, what men comen fro the north; where is the floc which is youun to thee, thi noble scheep?
21 Sɛ Awurade de wɔn a motetee wɔn sɛ mo apamfoɔ yɛ mo so atitire a ɛdeɛn na mobɛka? Na ɛrenyɛ mo yea sɛ ɔbaa a ɔreko awoɔ anaa?
What schalt thou seie, whanne he schal visite thee? for thou hast tauyt hem ayens thee, and thou hast tauyt ayens thin heed. Whether sorewis han not take thee, as a womman trauelynge of child?
22 Na sɛ wobɛbisa wo ho sɛ, “Adɛn enti na yei aba me so” a na ɛfiri wʼamumuyɛ bebrebe no. Ɛno enti na wɔatete wo fam atadeɛ mu ayɛ wo onipadua basaa no.
That if thou seist in thin herte, Whi camen these thingis to me? for the multitude of thi wickidnesse thi schamefulere thingis ben schewid, thi feet ben defoulid.
23 Etiopiani bɛtumi asesa nʼahosuo anaa? Na ɔsebɔ nso bɛtumi asesa ne ho nsisimu no? Saa ara na worentumi nyɛ papa, wo a bɔneyɛ akokwa wo.
If a man of Ethiopie mai chaunge his skyn, ether a pard mai chaunge hise dyuersitees, and ye moun do wel, whanne ye han lerned yuel.
24 “Mɛbɔ mo ahwete sɛ ntɛtɛ a anweatam so mframa rebɔ no.
And Y schal sowe hem abrood, as stobil which is rauyschid of the wynd in desert.
25 Yei ne deɛ mobɛnya, mo kyɛfa a mahyɛ ama mo,” Awurade na ɔseɛ, “ɛfiri sɛ, mo werɛ afiri me na mo de mo ho ato anyame huhuo so.
This is thi lot, and the part of thi mesure of me, seith the Lord; for thou foryetidist me, and tristidist in a leesyng.
26 Mɛpagya mo fam ntadeɛ abua mo anim na wɔahunu mo ahohora.
Wherfor and Y made nakid thin hipis ayens thi face, and thi schenschipe apperide,
27 Mahunu mo awaresɛeɛ ne mo akɔnnɔ bɔne ne mo adwamammɔ a momfɛre ho! Mahunu mo akyiwadeɛ nneyɛeɛ wɔ nkokoɔ ne ɛserɛ so. Due Ao Yerusalem! Mmerɛ bɛn na wo ho bɛte?”
thin auowtries, and thin neyyng, and the felonye of thi fornycacioun on litle hillis in the feeld; Y siy thin abhomynaciouns. Jerusalem, wo to thee, thou schalt not be clensid after me til yit.

< Yeremia 13 >