< Yesaia 3 >

1 Afei hwɛ, Awurade, Asafo Awurade, rebɛgyae deɛ ɔde ma wɔ Yerusalem ne Yuda nyinaa: aduane ne nsuo a ɔde ma wɔn nyinaa.
For lo! the lordli gouernour, the Lord of oostis, schal take awei fro Jerusalem and fro Juda a myyti man, and strong, and al the strengthe of breed, and al the strengthe of watir;
2 Nnɔmmarima ne akofoɔ, ɔtemmufoɔ ne odiyifoɔ, nkɔmhyɛni ne ɔpanin,
a strong man, and a man a werriour, and a domesman, and a profete, and a false dyuynour in auteris, and an elde man,
3 aduonum so panin ne deɛ ɔwɔ diberɛ, ɔfotufoɔ, odwumfoɔ nyansafoɔ ne nkaberɛkyerefoɔ oniferefoɔ.
a prince ouer fifti men, and a worschipful man in cheer, and a counselour, and a wijs man of principal crafti men, and a prudent man of mystik, ethir goostli, speche.
4 “Mede mmerantewaa bɛyɛ wɔn nnwuma so mpanimfoɔ; na mmɔfra adi wɔn so.”
And Y schal yyue children the princes of hem, and men of wymmens condiciouns schulen be lordis of hem.
5 Nnipa bɛhyɛ wɔn ho wɔn ho so, ɔbarima bɛtia ɔbarima, ɔyɔnko bɛtia ne yɔnko. Mmabunu bɛsɔre atia wɔn mpanimfoɔ, apapahwekwaa bɛtia onimuonyamfoɔ.
And the puple schal falle doun, a man to a man, ech man to his neiybore; a child schal make noyse ayens an eld man, and an vnnoble man ayens a noble man.
6 Ɔbarima bɛsɔ ne nuanom baako mu wɔ nʼagya efie aka sɛ, “Wowɔ atadeɛ, bɛyɛ yɛn dikanfoɔ; wɔ kuro a adane mmubuiɛ sie yi so.”
For a man schal take his brother, the meneal of his fadir, and schal seie, A clooth is to thee, be thou oure prince; forsothe this fallyng be vndur thin hond.
7 Nanso, ɛda no ɔbɛteam sɛ, “Menni deɛ mede bɛyɛ. Menni aduane anaa ntoma wɔ me fie; mfa me nyɛ nnipa no so dikanfoɔ.”
And he schal answere in that dai, and seie, Y am no leche, and nether breed, nether cloth is in myn hous; nyle ye make me prince of the puple.
8 Yerusalem retɔ ntintan, Yuda rehwe ase; wɔn nsɛm ne nneyɛeɛ tia Awurade. Wɔmmu nʼanimuonyam a ɛwɔ wɔn mu.
For whi Jerusalem felle doun, and Juda felle doun togidere; for the tunge of hem, and the fyndingis of hem weren ayens the Lord, for to terre to wraththe the iyen of his mageste.
9 Sɛdeɛ wɔn anim teɛ no di adanseɛ tia wɔn; wɔda wɔn bɔne adi te sɛ Sodom; wɔmmfa nsie. Nnome nka wɔn! Wɔakɔfa amanehunu aba wɔn ho so.
The knowyng of her cheer schal answere to hem; and thei prechiden her synne, as Sodom dide, and hidden not. Wo to the soule of hem, for whi yuels ben yoldun to hem.
10 Ka kyerɛ teneneefoɔ sɛ ɛbɛsi wɔn yie, ɛfiri sɛ wɔbɛdi wɔn nneyɛeɛ so aba.
Seie ye to the iust man, that it schal be to hym wel; for he schal ete the fruyt of hise fyndyngis.
11 Nnome nka amumuyɛfoɔ! Amanehunu wɔ wɔn so! Wɔbɛtua wɔn so ka wɔ deɛ wɔn nsa ayɛ no ho.
Wo to the wickid man in to yuel; for whi the yeldyng of hise hondis schal be maad to hym.
12 Mmabunu hyɛ me nkurɔfoɔ so, mmaa di wɔn so. Ao me nkurɔfoɔ, mo akwankyerɛfoɔ ma mo yera; wɔma mo mane firi kwantempɔn no so.
The wrongful axeris of my puple robbiden it, and wymmen weren lordis therof. Mi puple, thei that seien thee blessid, disseyuen thee, and distrien the weie of thi steppis.
13 Awurade tena ase wɔ nʼasɛnniiɛ. Ɔma ne mu so bu nkurɔfoɔ no atɛn.
The Lord stondith for to deme, and `the Lord stondith for to deme puplis;
14 Awurade bu atɛn de tia ne nkurɔfoɔ mpanimfoɔ ne akannifoɔ sɛ, “Mo na moasɛe me bobe turo; apoobɔdeɛ a ɛfiri ahiafoɔ nkyɛn wɔ mo afie mu.
the Lord schal come to doom, with the eldere men of his puple, and with hise princes; for ye han wastid my vyner, and the raueyn of a pore man is in youre hous.
15 Aseɛ ne sɛn enti na modwɛre me nkurɔfoɔ na mode ahiafoɔ anim twitwiri fam?” Sɛdeɛ Asafo Awurade seɛ nie.
Whi al to-breken ye my puple, and grynden togidere the faces of pore men? seith the Lord God of oostis.
16 Awurade kasa sɛ, “Sion mmammaa yɛ ahantan; wɔnante toto wɔn kɔn, wɔdeda wɔn ani akyi, wɔtutu wɔn anammɔn ntiawa ntiawa, na wɔn nan ase nkawa gyegye.
And the Lord God seide, For that that the douytris of Syon weren reisid, and yeden with a necke stretchid forth, and yeden bi signes of iyen, and flappiden with hondis, and yeden, and with her feet yeden in wel araied goyng,
17 Enti Awurade bɛma tikuro abɛgu Sion mmaa tiri ho. Awurade bɛma wɔn tiri so apa.”
the Lord schal make ballyd the nol of the douytris of Sion, and the Lord schal make nakid the heer of hem.
18 Ɛda no Awurade bɛyiyi wɔn afɛfɛdeɛ: nkawa, ntomaban ne kɔnmuadeɛ,
In that dai the Lord schal take awei the ournement of schoon, and goldun litle bellis lijk the moone,
19 nsomuadeɛ, nkapo ne nkatanimu,
and ribans, and brochis, and ournementis of armes nyy the schuldris, and mytris, ether chapelettis,
20 Wɔn mmɔtire, ananse ntweaban, abɔwomu, nnuhwam ntoa ne nkaberɛ,
and coombis, and ournementis of armes niy the hondis, and goldun ourenementis lijk laumpreis, and litil vessels of oynementis,
21 ntimsoɔ mpɛtea ne hwenemu nkawa,
and eere ryngis, and ryngis, and preciouse stoonys hangynge in the forheed,
22 ntadetenten pa, ngugusoɔ tiawa a ɛnni nsa, ntadeɛ yuu ne sika nkotokuo;
and chaungynge clothis, and mentils, and schetis, ether smockis, and needlis,
23 nhwehwɛ, serekye ntadeɛ, tirinwi so nkawa ne abatiri so ngugusoɔ.
and myrouris, and smal lynun clothis aboute the schuldris, and kercheues, and roketis.
24 Nkabɔne bɛsi deɛ ɛyɛ hwam anan mu; ntampehoma bɛsi nkatakɔnmu anan mu; tire a ɛso apa bɛsi tirinwi a wɔasiesie anan mu; ayitoma bɛsi ntoma pa anan mu; honam ani atwaatwa bɛsi ahoɔfɛ anan mu.
And stynk shal be for swete odour, and a corde for the girdil; ballidnesse schal be for crispe heer, and an heire for a brest girdil.
25 Wo mmarima bɛtotɔ akofena ano, wʼakofoɔ bɛtotɔ wɔ ɔko mu.
Also thi faireste men schulen falle bi swerd, and thi stronge men schulen falle in batel.
26 Sion apono bɛtwa adwo, adi awerɛhoɔ; na deɛ ɔnnibie bɛtena fam asu.
And the yatis therof schulen weile, and morene; and it schal sitte desolat in erthe.

< Yesaia 3 >