< Yesaia 16 >

1 Momfa nnwammaa sɛ apeatoɔ nkɔma asase no sodifoɔ, ɛfiri Sela fa anweatam no so, kɔka Ɔbabaa Sion bepɔ no so.
Lord, sende thou out a lomb, the lordli gouernour of erthe, fro the stoon of desert to the hil of the douyter of Sion.
2 Sɛdeɛ nnomaa a wɔaka wɔn afiri pirebuo mu na wɔtu nenam ewiem no, saa ara na Moabfoɔ mmaa teɛ wɔ Arnon asutwareɛ.
And it schal be as a foule fleynge, and briddis fleynge awei fro the nest, so schulen be the douytris of Moab in the passyng ouer of Arnon.
3 “Mommoa yɛn, mommɔ yɛn ho ban. Momfa yɛn nsie. Monnyi atukɔtenafoɔ no mma.
Take thou councel, constreyne thou councel; sette thou as niyt thi schadewe in myddai, hide thou hem that fleen, and bitraye thou not men of vnstidfast dwellyng.
4 Momma Moabfoɔ adwanefoɔ no ne mo ntena; monyɛ wɔn banbɔ wɔ ɔsɛefoɔ no ho.” Ɔhyɛsoni no bɛba nʼawieeɛ na adesɛeɛ to bɛtwa; opoobɔni no bɛyera wɔ asase no so.
My fleeris awei schulen dwelle at thee. Moab, be thou the hidyng place of hem fro the face of distriere. For whi dust is endid, the wretchid is wastid; he that defoulide the lond failude.
5 Ɔdɔ mu na Onyankopɔn bɛsi ahennwa bi; ɔbarima bi de nokorɛdie bɛtena so, obi a ɔfiri Dawid efie, deɛ atemmuo mu no ɔpɛ atɛntenenee na ɔntwentwɛn adeteneneeyɛ ho.
And the kyngis seete schal be maade redi in merci, and he schal sitte on it in treuthe, in the tabernacle of Dauid, demynge, and sekynge doom, and yeldynge swiftli that that is iust.
6 Yɛate Moab ahantan a ɔyɛ, nʼani a atra ne ntɔn ne ne ntɛn, nʼahomasoɔ ne nʼasoɔden, nanso hwee nni nʼahomasoɔ no mu.
We han herd the pride of Moab, he is ful proud; his pride, and his boost, and his indignacioun is more than his strengthe.
7 Enti Moabfoɔ twa adwo, wɔbɔ mu su ma Moab. Wɔdi awerɛhoɔ na wɔbɔ abubuo wɔ Kir Hereset bobe aba ɔfam ho.
Therfor Moab schal yelle to Moab, al Moab shal yelle to hem that ben glad on the wallis of bakun tijl stoon; speke ye her woundis.
8 Hesbon mfuo no hye, Sibma bobe mfuo nso saa ara. Aman sodifoɔ no atiatia bobe papa no so, deɛ kane na wɔde kɔ Yaser na ɛtrɛtrɛ kɔ anweatam so no. Wɔn mman trɛtrɛ kɔka mpoano pɛɛ.
For whi the subarbis of Esebon and the vyner of Sabama ben forsakun. The lordis of hethene men han kit doun the siouns therof; thei camen `til to Jaser, thei erriden in desert. The bowis therof ben forsakun, thei passiden the see.
9 Enti mesu sɛdeɛ Yaser suo, de ma Sibma bobe mfuo. Ao Hesbon, Ao Eleale, mesu mo bebree! Mo aduaba a abereɛ ho ahurisie ne otwaberɛ deɛ no, wɔagyae.
On this thing Y schal wepe in the weping of Jaser, and on the vyner of Sabama. Esebon and Eleale, Y schal fille thee with my teer; for the vois of defouleris fellen on thi vyndage, and on thi heruest.
10 Ahosɛpɛ ne anigyeɛ nni mfikyifuo no mu; obiara nnto dwom, na ɔnteateam wɔ bobeturo mu; obiara nnkyi nsã wɔ nsakyimena so, ɛfiri sɛ mede nteateam aba nʼawieeɛ.
And gladnesse and ful out ioiyng schal be takun awei fro Carmele; and noon schal make ful out ioye, nether schal synge hertli song in vyneris. He that was wont to wringe out, schal not wrynge out wyn in a pressour; Y haue take awei the vois of wryngeris out.
11 Mesi apinie wɔ mʼakoma mu wɔ Moab ho te sɛ sankuten so kwadwom; na me yam hyehye me ma Kir Hereset.
On this thing my wombe schal sowne as an harpe to Moab, and myn entrails to the wal of bakun tiel stoon.
12 Sɛ Moab kɔ ne sorɔnsorɔmmea a, ɔha ne ho kwa; sɛ ɔkɔ nʼabosonnan mu kɔbɔ mpaeɛ a, ɛrenkɔsi hwee.
And it schal be, whanne it schal appere, that Moab hath trauelid on hise places, it schal entre to hise hooli thingis, that it biseche, and it schal not be worth.
13 Yei ne asɛm a Awurade aka dada afa Moab ho.
This is the word which the Lord spak to Moab fro that tyme.
14 Nanso seesei Awurade ka sɛ, “Mfeɛ mmiɛnsa mu, sɛdeɛ wɔkan ɔpaani mfeɛ no, Moab animuonyam bɛba awieeɛ, na ne nkaeɛfoɔ no bɛyɛ kakra bi a wonni ahoɔden.”
And now the Lord spak, seiynge, In thre yeer that weren as the yeeris of an hirid man, the glorie of Moab schal be takun awei on al the myche puple; and ther schal be left in it as a litil rasyn, and a litil, and not myche.

< Yesaia 16 >