< Yesaia 13 >

1 Amos babarima Yesaia adehunu a ɛfa Babilonia ho nie:
The birthun of Babiloyne, which birthun Ysaie, the sone of Amos, siy.
2 Pagya frankaa wɔ bepɔ a hwee nni soɔ no atifi, teaam frɛ wɔn: nyama wɔn ma wɔn nhyɛne atitire no apono mu.
Reise ye a signe on a myisti hil, and enhaunse ye vois; reise ye the hond, and duykis entre bi the yatis.
3 Mahyɛ mʼahotefoɔ; mafrɛ mʼakofoɔ sɛ wɔnna mʼabufuhyeɛ adi, wɔn a wɔdi me nkonimdie ho ahurisie.
Y haue comaundid to myn halewid men, and Y clepid my stronge men in my wraththe, that maken ful out ioie in my glorie.
4 Tie hooyɛ bi a ɛwɔ mmepɔ no so te sɛ nnipa dɔm bebree deɛ! Tie akasakasa a ɛwɔ ahennie ahodoɔ mu, te sɛ amanaman a wɔreboaboa wɔn ho ano! Asafo Awurade reboa ɛdɔm ano akɔ ɔko.
The vois of multitude in hillis, as of many puplis; the vois of sown of kyngis, of hethene men gaderit togidere. The Lord of oostis comaundide to the chyualry of batel,
5 Wɔfifiri akyirikyiri aman so, wɔfirifiri ɔsoro ahyeɛ so, Awurade ne nʼakodeɛ a ɛyɛ nʼabufuhyeɛ; bɛsɛe ɔman no nyinaa.
to men comynge fro a fer lond. The Lord cometh fro the hiynesse of heuene, and the vessels of his strong veniaunce, that he distrie al the lond.
6 Twa adwo, na Awurade da no abɛn; ɛbɛba te sɛ ɔsɛeɛ a ɛfiri Otumfoɔ no.
Yelle ye, for the dai of the Lord is niy; as wastyng it schal come of the Lord.
7 Yei enti, nsa nyinaa bɛdwodwo, obiara akoma bɛboto.
For this thing alle hondis schulen be vnmyyti, and eche herte of man schal faile,
8 Wɔbɛbɔ hunu, ɔyea ne apinisie bɛkuta wɔn; wɔbɛnukanuka wɔn mu te sɛ ɔbaa a awoɔ aka no. Wɔde abasamutuo bɛhwɛ wɔn ho wɔn ho anim, a wɔn ani asosɔ ogya.
and schal be al to-brokun. Gnawyngis and sorewis schulen holde Babiloyns; thei schulen haue sorewe, as they that trauelen of child. Ech man schal wondre at his neiybore; her cheris schulen be brent faces.
9 Hwɛ, Awurade da no reba ɛda bɔne a abufuo ne abufuhyeɛ wɔ mu, ɛrebɛsɛe asase no na asɛe abɔnefoɔ a wɔte soɔ no.
Lo! the dai of the Lord schal come, cruel, and ful of indignacioun, and of wraththe, and of woodnesse; to sette the lond into wildirnesse, and to al to-breke the synneris therof fro that lond.
10 Ɔsoro nsoromma ne wɔn akuo renhyerɛn. Esum bɛduru owia a ɛrepue na ɔsrane nso renhyerɛn.
For whi the sterris of heuene and the schynyng of tho schulen not sprede abrood her liyt; the sunne is maade derk in his risyng, and the moone schal not schine in hir liyt.
11 Mɛtwe ewiase aso, ne bɔne enti, ne amumuyɛfoɔ wɔ wɔn nnebɔne ho. Mɛtwa ahantanfoɔ ahomasoɔ so na mabrɛ deɛ ɔdi awurukasɛm no ahantan ase.
And Y schal visite on the yuels of the world, and Y schal visite ayens wickid men the wickidnesse of hem; and Y schal make the pride of vnfeithful men for to reste, and Y schal make low the boost of stronge men.
12 Mɛma onipa ho ayɛ na asene sika kɔkɔɔ amapa; ɔbɛsene Ofir sikakɔkɔɔ.
A man of ful age schal be preciousere than gold, and a man schal be preciousere than pure gold and schynyng.
13 Enti mɛma ɔsoro awoso; na asase ahinhim wɔ ne siberɛ wɔ Asafo Awurade abufuhyeɛ ano, nʼabufuhyeɛ da no.
On this thing I schal disturble heuene, and the erthe schal be moued fro his place; for the indignacioun of the Lord of oostis, and for the dai of wraththe of his strong veniaunce.
14 Sɛdeɛ ɔwansane a ɔbɔmmɔfoɔ repɛ no akum no dwane, anaasɛ nnwan a wɔnni ɔhwɛfoɔ yera kwan, saa ara na obiara bɛdwane akɔhwehwɛ ne nkurɔfoɔ. Obiara bɛdwane akɔ nʼasase so.
And it schal be as a doo fleynge, and as a scheep, and noon schal be that schal gadere togidere; ech man schal turne to his puple, and alle bi hem silf schulen fle to her lond.
15 Obiara a wɔbɛfa no dedua no, wɔbɛwɔ no akofena akum no; wɔn a wɔbɛkyere wɔn no nyinaa bɛtɔ wɔ akofena ano.
Ech man that is foundun, schal be slayn; and ech man that cometh aboue, schal falle doun bi swerd.
16 Wɔbɛtoto nkokoaa ahwehwe fam wɔ wɔn anim: wɔbɛfom wɔn afie mu nneɛma na wɔato wɔn yerenom monnaa.
The yonge children of them schulen be hurtlid doun bifore the iyen of them; her housis schulen be rauischid, and her wyues schulen be defoulid.
17 Hwɛ, mɛhwanyan Mediafoɔ atia wɔn, wɔn na wɔmfa dwetɛ nyɛ hwee na wɔn ani nnye sikakɔkɔɔ ho.
Lo! Y schal reise on them Medeis, that seken not siluer, nethir wolen gold;
18 Wɔn tadua bɛbobɔ mmeranteɛ ahwehwe fam; wɔrenhunu nkokoaa mmɔbɔ na wɔrennya ayamhyehyeɛ mma mmɔfra.
but thei shulen sle litle children bi arowis, and thei schulen not haue merci on wombis yyuynge mylk, and the iye of them schal not spare on sones.
19 Babilonia, ahennie ahodoɔ mu ɔbohemaa, animuonyamdeɛ a Babiloniafoɔ de hoahoa wɔn ho no, Onyankopɔn bɛdane abutu te sɛ Sodom ne Gomora.
And Babiloyne, thilke gloriouse citee in rewmes, noble in the pride of Caldeis, schal be destried, as God destried Sodom and Gomore.
20 Nnipa rentena hɔ bio awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ nyinaa mu; Arabni biara rensi ne ntomadan wɔ hɔ; odwanhwɛfoɔ biara remfa ne nnwan nkɔ home wɔ hɔ.
It shall not be enhabitid til in to the ende, and it schal not be foundid til to generacioun and generacioun; a man of Arabie schal not sette tentis there, and scheepherdis schulen not reste there.
21 Nanso ɛserɛ so mmoa bɛda hɔ. Sakraman bɛyɛ nʼafie no mu ma; ɛhɔ na apatuo bɛtena, ɛhɔ na wira mu mpɔnkye nso bɛdi agorɔ.
But wielde beestis schulen reste there, and the housis of hem schulen be fillid with dragouns; and ostrichis schulen dwelle there, and heeri beestis schulen skippe there.
22 Mpataku bɛpɔ so wɔ nʼaban denden mu, sakraman bɛyɛ nʼahemfie fɛfɛ no mu ma. Ne berɛ aso, na wɔrento ne nna mu.
And bitouris schulen answere there in the housis therof, and fliynge serpentis in the templis of lust.

< Yesaia 13 >