< 1 Mose 8 >

1 Nanso, Onyankopɔn kaee Noa ne wiram mmoa a na wɔne no wɔ adaka no mu no. Onyankopɔn maa mframa bɔ faa asase so, na nsuo no tweeɛ.
Forsothe the Lord hadde mynde of Noe, and of alle lyuynge beestis, and of alle werk beestis, that weren with hym in the schip; and brouyte a wynd on the erthe.
2 Nsutire a ɛwɔ asase ase no mu nsuo a ɛbɔeɛ no gyaee ba, na ɛsoro mpomma no nso mu totoeɛ, maa nsuo no gyaee tɔ.
And watris weren decreessid, and the wellis of the see weren closid, and the wyndowis of heuene weren closid, and reynes of heuene weren ceessid.
3 Nsuo no toaa so twe firii asase so. Nnafua ɔha ne aduonum akyiri no, na nsuo no atwe koraa.
And watrys turneden ayen fro erthe, and yeden ayen, and bigunnen to be decreessid aftir an hundrid and fifti daies.
4 Bosome a ɛtɔ so nson no ɛda a ɛtɔ so dunson so, Adaka no kɔtaa Ararat mmepɔ so.
And the schip restide in the seuenthe monthe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monthe, on the hillis of Armenye.
5 Nsuo no toaa so, tweeɛ ara kɔsii ɔbosome a ɛtɔ so edu no so. Na ɔbosome edu no ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan no, mmepɔ no atifi daa adi.
And sotheli the watrys yeden and decresiden til to the tenthe monethe, for in the tenthe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the coppis of hillis apperiden.
6 Adaduanan akyiri no, Noa buee mpomma a ɔtwa too adaka no ho no,
And whanne fourti daies weren passid, Noe openyde the wyndow of the schip which he hadde maad, and sente out a crowe,
7 na ɔsomaa kwaakwaadabi, ma ɔdii akɔneaba kɔsii sɛ nsuo no nyinaa we firii asase no so.
which yede out, and turnede not ayen til the watris weren dried on erthe.
8 Afei, ɔsomaa aborɔnoma sɛ, ɔnkɔhwɛ sɛ asase no so awo anaa.
Also Noe sente out a culuer aftir hym, to se if the watris hadden ceessid thanne on the face of erthe;
9 Nanso, aborɔnoma no annya baabi ansi, ɛfiri sɛ, na nsuo no akata asase no so nyinaa. Enti, ɔsane baa Noa nkyɛn, maa Noa tenee ne nsa sɔɔ ne mu de no baa Adaka no mu.
and whanne the culuer foond not where hir foot schulde reste, sche turnede ayen to hym in to the schip, for the watris weren on al erthe; and Noe helde forth his hoond, and brouyte the culuer takun in to the schip.
10 Noa twɛn nnanson, na ɛno akyiri no, ɔsane somaa aborɔnoma no bio.
Sotheli whanne othere seuene daies weren abedun aftirward, eft he leet out a culuer fro the schip;
11 Ɛberɛ a aborɔnoma no sane baa ne nkyɛn anwummerɛ no, na ngo dua ahahammono a wate tua nʼano. Ɛno na ɛmaa Noa hunuu sɛ, nsuo no atwe afiri asase no so.
and sche cam to hym at euentid, and bare in hir mouth a braunche of olyue tre with greene leeuys. Therfor Noe vndirstood that the watris hadden ceessid on erthe;
12 Noa twɛnee nnanson bio, na ɔsane somaa aborɔnoma no, nanso wansane amma ne nkyɛn bio.
and neuerthelesse he abood seuene othere daies, and sente out a culuer, which turnede `no more ayen to hym.
13 Na ɛbaa sɛ Noa dii mfeɛ ahansia ne baako, bosome a ɛdi ɛkan no mu ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan no, na nsuo no atwe afiri asase no so. Enti, Noa yii adaka no suhyɛ no, na ɔhunuu sɛ, asase so awo.
Therfor in the sixe hundrid and o yeer of the lijf of Noe, in the firste monethe, in the firste day of the monethe, watris weren decreessid on erthe; and Noe openede the roof of the schip, and bihelde and seiy that the face of the erthe was dried.
14 Ɔbosome a ɛtɔ so mmienu no ɛda a ɛtɔ so aduonu nson so no na asase no so woo koraa.
In the secunde monethe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monethe, the erthe was maad drie.
15 Onyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ Noa sɛ,
Sotheli the Lord spak to Noe;
16 “Wo ne wo yere ne wo mmammarima ne wɔn yerenom mfiri adaka no mu mfi.
and seide, Go out of the schip, thou, and thi wijf, thi sones, and the wyues of thi sones with thee;
17 Afei, yi abɔdeɛ biara a nkwa wɔ mu a wɔwɔ wo nkyɛn, a ɛyɛ nnomaa, mmoa ne mmoa a wɔnam asase so nyinaa firi adaka no mu sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wɔn ase bɛdɔre wɔ asase so.”
and lede out with thee alle lyuynge beestis that ben at thee of ech fleisch, as wel in volatilis as in vnresonable beestis, and alle `reptils that crepen on erthe; and entre ye on the erthe, encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied on erthe.
18 Enti, Noa ne ne mmammarima ne ne yere ne ne mmammarima yerenom firii adaka no mu.
Therfor Noe yede out, and hise sones, and his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones with hym;
19 Mmoa no nyinaa ne abɔdeɛ a wɔnam asase so nyinaa ne nnomaa nyinaa ne biribiara a ɛnam asase so ahodoɔ nyinaa firii Adaka no mu saa ara mmaako mmaako.
but also alle lyuynge beestis, and werk beestis, and `reptils that crepen on erthe, bi her kynde, yeden out of the schip.
20 Afei, Noa sii afɔrebukyia maa Awurade. Ɔfaa mmoa ne nnomaa a wɔn ho te, de bɔɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ wɔ afɔrebukyia no so.
Forsothe Noe bildide an auter to the Lord, and he took of alle clene beestis and briddis, and offride brent sacrifices on the auter.
21 Awurade tee afɔdeɛ no a Noa bɔeɛ no hwam a ɛyɛ no, ɔkaa wɔ nʼakoma mu sɛ, “Ɛwom sɛ bɔne ahyɛ onipa akoma ma firi ne mmɔfraase deɛ, nanso merenni onipa akyiri nnome asase bio. Na merensɛe abɔdeɛ a nkwa wɔ mu bio sɛdeɛ mayɛ yi.
And the Lord sauerede the odour of swetnesse, and seide to hym, Y schal no more curse the erthe for men, for the wit and thouyt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro yong wexynge age; therfor Y schal no more smyte ech lyuynge soule as Y dide;
22 “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a asase da so wɔ hɔ yi, oguo ne otwa, awɔ ne ahuhuro, asusɔ ne ɔpɛ, owia ne anadwo rentwam da.”
in alle the daies of erthe, seed and ripe corn, coold and heete, somer and wyntir, nyyt and dai, shulen not reste.

< 1 Mose 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark