< 1 Mose 31 >

1 Yakob tee sɛ Laban mmammarima no reka sɛ, “Yakob afa yɛn agya ho nneɛma nyinaa. Nʼahonya nyinaa firi yɛn agya nneɛma a wafa no.”
Aftir that Jacob herde the wordis of the sones of Laban, that seiden, Jacob hath take awei alle thingis that weren oure fadris, and of his catel Jacob is maad riche, and noble.
2 Yakob hunuu sɛ, afei deɛ, Laban nte nʼanim nkyerɛ no sɛ kane no.
Also Jacob perseyuede the face of Laban, that it was not ayens hym as yistirdai, and the thridde dai agoon,
3 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Yakob sɛ, “Sane kɔ wʼabusuafoɔ ne wo nkurɔfoɔ asase so, na mɛdi wʼakyi.”
moost for the Lord seide to hym, Turne ayen into the lond of thi fadris, and to thi generacioun, and Y shal be with thee.
4 Enti, Yakob soma ma wɔkɔfrɛɛ ne yerenom Rahel ne Lea sɛ, wɔmmra ne nkyɛn wɔ ɛserɛ no so, faako a ɔne ne nnwankuo no wɔ no.
He sente, and clepide Rachel, and Lya, in to the feeld, where he kepte flockis, and he seide to hem,
5 Wɔbaeɛ no, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Mahunu sɛ, afei deɛ, mo agya Laban anim nyɛ me fɛ sɛ kane no, nanso Onyankopɔn a mʼagya Isak somm no no ka me ho.
Y se the face of youre fadir, that it is not ayens me as `yisterdai and the thridde dai agoon; but God of my fadir was with me.
6 Monim sɛ, mayi me yam, de mʼahoɔden nyinaa ayɛ adwuma, ama mo agya;
And ye witen that with alle my strengthis Y seruede youre fadir;
7 nanso mo agya nam nsisie kwan so, asesa mʼakatua mu mprɛdu. Nanso, yei nyinaa akyiri, Onyankopɔn amma no ɛkwan amma wanyɛ me bɔne.
but and youre fadir disseyuyde me, and chaungide my meede ten sithis; and netheles God suffride not hym to anoye me.
8 Sɛ ɔka sɛ, ‘Mmoa a wɔn ho yɛ ntokontrama no bɛyɛ wʼakatua,’ na sɛ mmoa no wo a, na wɔawo mma a wɔn ho yɛ ntokontrama. Sɛ ɔka sɛ, ‘Mmoa a wɔn ho yɛ nsensaneɛ no bɛyɛ wʼakatua’ a, na wɔawowo mma a wɔn ho yɛ nsensaneɛ.
If he seide ony tyme, Dyuerse colourid sheep schulen be thi medis, alle sheep brouyten forth dyuerse colourid lambren; forsothe whanne he seide ayenward, Thou shalte take alle white for mede, alle the flockis brouyten forth white beestis;
9 Ɛkwan a Onyankopɔn nam so agye mo agya nsam nyɛmmoa no de wɔn ama me ama mayɛ ɔdefoɔ no ne no.
and God took a wey the substaunce of youre fadir, and yaf to me.
10 “Ɛduruu ɛberɛ a mmoa no hyiam no, mesoo daeɛ hunuu sɛ, nnwennini a wɔforo nnwammedeɛ no ho yɛ ntokontrama, nsensaneɛ anaa nsisimu.
For aftir that the tyme of conseyuyng of sheep cam, Y reiside myn iyen, and seiy in sleep malis dyuerse, and spotti, and of dyuerse colouris, stiynge on femalis.
11 Onyankopɔn ɔbɔfoɔ frɛɛ me wɔ daeɛ no mu ka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Yakob!’ Ɛnna megyee so sɛ, ‘Me nie!’
And the aungel of the Lord seide to me in sleep, Jacob! and Y answeride, Y am redy.
12 Ɛnna ɔsoro abɔfoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Hwɛ na hunu sɛ, nnwennini a wɔforo nnwammedeɛ no nyinaa ho yɛ nsensaneɛ, ntokontrama anaa nsisimu, na mahunu ɛkwan a Laban de wo fa so no nyinaa.
Which seide, Reise thin iyen, and se alle malis dyuerse, byspreynt, and spotti, stiynge on femalis; for Y seiy alle thingis whiche Laban dide to thee;
13 Mene Onyankopɔn a meyii me ho adi kyerɛɛ wo wɔ Bet-El, beaeɛ a wode ɛboɔ sii hɔ, hwiee ngo guu so, somm me, hyɛɛ me bɔ sɛ, wobɛsom me no. Afei, tu firi saa asase yi so ntɛm ara, na sane kɔ asase a wɔwoo wo wɔ so no so.’”
Y am God of Bethel, where thou anoyntidist a stoon, and madist auow to me. Now therefor rise thou, and go out of this lond, and turne ayen in to the lond of thi birthe.
14 Na Rahel ne Lea bisaa sɛ, “Enti, saa tebea a yɛwɔ mu yi, yɛwɔ kyɛfa bi wɔ yɛn agya agyapadeɛ mu anaa?
And Rachel and Lya answeriden, Wher we han ony thing residue in the catels, and eritage of oure fadir?
15 Yɛn agya mfa yɛn sɛ yɛyɛ ahɔhoɔ? Watɔn yɛn, na yɛn tiri sika a ɔgyeeɛ no nso, wadi.
Wher he `arettide not vs as aliens, and selde, and eet oure prijs?
16 Ɛyɛ nokorɛ turodoo sɛ, yɛn agya ahodeɛ a Onyankopɔn gyeeɛ no nyinaa yɛ yɛn ne yɛn mma dea. Enti, biribiara a Onyankopɔn aka akyerɛ wo sɛ yɛ no, yɛ.”
But God took awei the richessis of oure fadir, and yaf tho to vs, and to oure sones; wherfor do thou alle thingis whiche God hath comaundide to thee.
17 Ɛda bi, Yakob de ne mma ne ne yerenom tenatenaa nyoma so.
Forsothe Jacob roos, and puttide hise fre children and wyues on camels, and yede forth;
18 Ɔkaa ne mmoa nyinaa, agyapadeɛ a wanya nyinaa ne mmoa a ɔnyaa wɔ Paddan-Aram nyinaa dii nʼanim sɛ, ɔrekɔ nʼagya Isak nkyɛn wɔ Kanaan asase so.
and he took al his catel, flockis, and what euer thing he hadde gete in Mesopotanye, and yede to Isaac, his fadir, into the lond of Canaan.
19 Ɛberɛ a Laban kɔɔ wiram sɛ ɔrekɔtwitwa ne nnwan ho nwi no, Rahel faa nʼakyi kɔwiaa nʼagya fie abosom.
In that tyme Laban yede to schere scheep, and Rachel stal the idols of hir fadir.
20 Yakob daadaa Aramni Laban a wamma wanhunu sɛ, ɔredwane.
And Jacob nolde knouleche to the fadir of his wijf, that he wolde fle;
21 Yakob de nʼahodeɛ nyinaa dwaneeɛ. Ɔtwaa Asubɔnten Eufrate, de nʼani kyerɛɛ bepɔ asase Gilead no so.
and whanne he hadde go, as wel he as alle thingis that weren of his riyt, and whanne he hadde passid the water, and he yede ayens the hil of Galaad,
22 Yakob ne nʼabusuafoɔ dwaneeɛ no, nnansa akyiri ansa na Laban tee sɛ wɔkɔ.
it was teld to Laban, in the thridde dai, that Jacob fledde.
23 Laban faa ne fiefoɔ, kaa ne ho, de anibereɛ tii Yakob. Nnanson akyiri ansa na ɔkɔtoo Yakob ne ne nkurɔfoɔ no wɔ bepɔ Gilead so.
And Laban took his britheren, and pursuede hym seuene daies, and took hym in the hil of Galaad.
24 Saa ɛda no ara anadwo, Onyankopɔn yii ne ho adi wɔ daeɛ mu kyerɛɛ Aramni Laban. Ɔka kyerɛɛ no wɔ daeɛ no mu sɛ, “Hwɛ yie na woankɔka asɛm biara, sɛ ɛyɛ asɛm pa anaa asɛmmɔne ankyerɛ Yakob.”
And Laban seiy in sleep the Lord seiynge to him, Be war that thou speke not ony thing sharpli ayens Jacob.
25 Ɛberɛ a Laban ne ne fiefoɔ kɔtoo Yakob no, na Yakob asisi ne ntomadan wɔ bepɔ Gilead atifi. Laban ne ne fiefoɔ no nso sisii wɔn ntomadan wɔ bepɔ no ayaase.
And thanne Jacob hadde stretchid forth the tabernacle in the hil; and whanne he hadde sued Jacob with his britheren, `he settide tente in the same hil of Galaad; and he seide to Jacob,
26 Afei, Laban kɔɔ Yakob nkyɛn kɔbisaa no sɛ, “Woadaadaa me. Asɛm bɛn na wode adi me yi? Woakyekyere me mmammaa de wɔn redwane te sɛ nnommumfoɔ.
Whi hast thou do so, that the while I wiste not thou woldist dryue awey my douytris as caitifs by swerd?
27 Adɛn enti na wodaadaa me, na wodwane firii me nkyɛn a woankra? Sɛ wokraa me a, anka mɛto wo ɛpono, na mama nnipa abɛbɔ sankuo, ato nnwom wɔ apontoɔ no ase, de agya wo kwan.
Whi woldist thou fle the while Y wiste not, nether woldist shewe to me, that Y shulde sue thee with ioie, and songis, and tympans, and harpis?
28 Woamma mankyeakyea me nananom ne me mmammaa yi nsam mpo, amfa annya wɔn kwan. Woadi nkwaseasɛm.
Thou suffridist not that Y schulde kisse my sones and douytris; thou hast wrouyt folili.
29 Mewɔ tumi sɛ anka meyɛ wo bɔne, nanso, nnora anadwo, Onyankopɔn a wo agya somm no no ka kyerɛɛ me wɔ daeɛ mu sɛ, ‘Hwɛ yie na woanka asɛm biara, sɛ ɛyɛ asɛm pa anaa asɛmmɔne, ankyerɛ Yakob.’
And now sotheli myn hond mai yelde yuel to thee, but the God of thi fadir seide to me yisterdai, Be war that thou speke not ony harder thing with Jacob.
30 Esiane sɛ wʼani agyina wo agya fie enti, na ɛsɛ sɛ wokɔ ara, na adɛn enti na wowiaa mʼabosom, de kaa wo nneɛma ho?”
Suppose, if thou coueitedist to go to thi kynesmen, and the hows of thi fadir was in desir to thee, whi hast thou stole my goddis?
31 Yakob buaa Laban sɛ, “Na mesuro. Na ɛyɛ me sɛ wode tumi bɛgye wo mmammaa no afiri me nsam.
Jacob answeride, That Y yede forth while thou wistist not, Y dredde lest thou woldist take awey thi douytris violentli;
32 Nanso, obiara a wobɛhunu wʼabosom no wɔ ne nkyɛn no, ɔsɛ owuo. Wʼankasa hwehwɛ, sɛ wobɛhunu biribiara a ɛyɛ wo dea wɔ me nneɛma yi mu wɔ yɛn nuanom yi anim. Sɛ wohunu biribiara a ɛyɛ wo dea a, fa wʼadeɛ.” Ɛberɛ a Yakob kaa saa asɛm yi no, na ɔnnim sɛ Rahel na wawia nʼagya Laban abosom no.
sotheli that thou repreuest me of thefte, at whom euer thou fyndist thi goddis, be he slayn bifor oure britheren; seke thou, what euer thing of thine thou fyndist at me, and take awei. Jacob seide these thingis, and wiste not that Rachel stal the idols.
33 Ɛno enti, Laban kɔɔ Yakob, Lea, ne nʼasomfoɔ Bilha ne Silpa ntomadan mu kɔhwehwɛɛ hɔ, nanso wanhunu biribiara. Afei, ɔkɔwuraa Rahel ntomadan mu.
And so Laban entride into the tabernacle of Jacob, and of Lya, and of euer eithir meyne, and foond not; and whanne Laban hadde entrid in to the tente of Rachel,
34 Ɛfiri sɛ, na Rahel awia abosom no de ahyehyɛ ne yoma no atɛ ase, atena so. Enti, Laban kɔhwehwɛɛ nneɛma a ɛwɔ Rahel ntomadan no nyinaa mu, nanso wanhunu abosom no.
sche hastide, and hidde the idols vndur the strewyngis of the camel, and sat aboue. And sche seide to Laban, sekynge al the tente and fyndynge no thing,
35 Afei, Rahel ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya sɛ, “Agya, mma wo bo mfu me sɛ mete hɔ wɔ wʼanim na mensɔre nnyina hɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, makɔ afikyire.” Enti, Laban toaa so hwehwɛɛ abosom no ara, nanso wanhunu.
My lord, be not wrooth that Y may not rise bifore thee, for it bifelde now to me bi the custom of wymmen; so the bisynesse of the sekere was scorned.
36 Ɛyɛɛ saa no, Yakob bo fuu Laban yie, bisaa no sɛ, “Bɔne bɛn na mayɛ? Amumuyɛsɛm bɛn na madi a ɛno enti, woataa me ara yi?”
And Jacob bolnyde, and seide with strijf, For what cause of me, and for what synne of me, hast thou come so fersly aftir me,
37 Wohwehwɛɛ me nneɛma nyinaa mu yi, ɛdeɛn adeɛ na wohunuiɛ a ɛyɛ wo ne wo fiefoɔ dea? Deɛ wohunuiɛ biara no, fa bɛto dwa wɔ me nuanom ne wo nuanom a wɔahyia ha yi nyinaa anim, na wɔnkyerɛ deɛ ɛyɛ ne dea.
and hast souyt al `the portenaunce of myn hous? What `hast thou founde of al the catel of thin hows? Putte thou here bifore my britheren and thi britheren, and deme thei betwixe me and thee.
38 “Mfirinhyia aduonu a wo ne me tenaeɛ, wo nnwan ne wo mmirekyie abereɛ no ampompɔn, na mankum wo nnwennini yi bi amfiri wo nnwankuo yi mu, anwe da.
Was I with thee herfore twenti yeer? Thi sheep and geet weren not bareyn, Y eet not the rammes of thi flok,
39 Mamfa wʼaboa biara a akekaboa bi atete ne mu ammrɛ wo; wɔn a mmoa kumm wɔn no, mʼankasa mehyɛɛ anan mu. Afei sɛ ɛba sɛ wɔwia wo mmoa no bi, anadwo anaa awia a, woma metua ka.
nether Y schewide to thee ony thing takun of a beeste; Y yeldide al harm; what euer thing perischide bi thefte, thou axidist of me;
40 Saa na asetena a me ne wo teɛ no teɛ. Meyɛɛ wʼadwuma awia maa owia hyee me. Meyɛɛ wʼadwuma anadwo maa awɔ dee me, maa sɛ, mekɔ kɛtɛ so koraa a, mentumi nna.
Y was angwischid in dai and nyyt with heete and frost, and sleep fledde fro myn iyen;
41 Mfirinhyia aduonu a metenaa wo nkyɛn nyinaa, na saa na mʼasetena teɛ. Mede mfirinhyia dunan na ɛyɛɛ adwuma maa wo, de waree wo mmammaa baanu no. Ɛnna mede mfirinhyia nsia nso hwɛɛ wo nnwan. Deɛ ɛtwa toɔ koraa ne sɛ, wosesaa mʼakatua mpɛn edu.
so Y seruede thee bi twenti yeer in thin hows, fourtene yeer for thi douytris, and sixe yeer for thi flockis; and thou chaungidist my mede ten sithis.
42 Sɛ ɛnyɛ Onyankopɔn a mʼagya somm no, Onyankopɔn a Abraham somm no a ɔwɔ mafa ne suro a mesuro mʼagya Isak a, anka nokorɛm nie, wopamoo me, maa mede me nsapan kɔeɛ. Nanso Onyankopɔn hunuu mʼamanehunu ne me nsa ano adwuma enti na nnora anadwo ɔkaa wʼanim no.”
If God of my fadir Abraham, and the drede of Isaac hadde not helpid me, perauenture now thou haddist left me nakid; the Lord bihelde my turmentyng and the traueyl of myn hondis, and repreuyde thee yistirdai.
43 Laban buaa Yakob sɛ, “Mmaa no yɛ me mmammaa, mmɔfra no nso yɛ me nananom, ɛnna nnwankuo no nso yɛ me nnwankuo. Nneɛma a wohunu yi nyinaa yɛ me dea. Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na matumi ayɛ mʼankasa me mmammaa ne me nananom bɔne?
Laban answeride hym, The douytris, and thi sones, and flockis, and alle thingis whiche thou seest, ben myne, what mai Y do to my sones, and to the sones of sones?
44 Afei, bra na me ne wo nyɛ apam a ɛbɛdi me ne wo ntam adanseɛ. Saa apam no so na yɛbɛdi wɔ yɛn asetena nyinaa mu.”
Therfor come thou, and make we boond of pees, that it be witnessyng bitwixe me, and thee.
45 Enti, Yakob faa ɛboɔ de sii hɔ yɛɛ nkaeɛdum.
And so Jacob took a stoon, and reiside it in to a signe, and seide to hise britheren,
46 Yakob kyerɛɛ ne nuanom no sɛ, “Montase aboɔ!” Enti, wɔtasee aboɔ boaa ano. Afei, wɔn nyinaa tenaa ho didiiɛ.
Brynge ye stoonus; whiche gadriden, and maden an heep, and eten on it.
47 Laban frɛɛ aboɔ kuo no Yegar-Sahaduta a asekyerɛ ne Adanseɛ Kuo. Yakob nso frɛɛ saa aboɔ kuo no Gal-Ed, a asekyerɛ ne Adanseɛ Kuo saa ara.
And Laban clepide it the heep of wittnesse, and Jacob clepide it the heep of witnessyng; euer eithir clepide bi the proprete of his langage.
48 Afei, Laban kaa sɛ, “Aboɔ Kuo yi na ɛdi me ne wo ntam adanseɛ ɛnnɛ!” Ɛno enti na wɔfrɛ no Gal-Ed no.
And Laban seide, This heep schal be witnesse bytwixe me and thee to day, and herfor the name therof was clepid Galaad, that is, the heep of witnesse.
49 Na wɔsane frɛ aboɔ nkaeɛdum no nso bio sɛ, “Mispa” ɛfiri sɛ, Laban kaa sɛ, “Awurade mmoa yɛn, na sɛ yɛn ntam tete mpo a, yɛn mu biara bɛdi saa apam yi so.
And Laban addide, The Lord biholde, and deme bitwixe vs, whanne we schulen go awei fro yow;
50 Sɛ woanhwɛ me mmammaa yi yie anaasɛ woware mmaa foforɔ ka me mmammaa yi ho a, ɛwom sɛ merenhunu, nanso Onyankopɔn deɛ, ɔbɛhunu.”
if thou schalt turmente my douytris, and if thou schal brynge yn othere wyues on hem, noon is witnesse of oure word, outakun God, whiche is present, and biholdith.
51 Laban sane ka kyerɛɛ Yakob sɛ, “Aboɔ Kuo yi ni. Nkaeɛdum a mede asi me ne wo ntam no nso nie.
And eft he seide to Jacob, Lo! this heep, and stoon, whiche Y reiside bitwixe me and thee, schal be witnesse;
52 Aboɔ Kuo yi ne nkaeɛdum yi nyɛ adanseɛ sɛ, me Laban, merentra saa Aboɔ Kuo yi ne nkaeɛdum yi mma baabi a wowɔ mmɛtoa wo. Na wo Yakob nso, worentra saa Aboɔ kuo yi ne nkaeɛdum yi mma baabi a mewɔ mmɛtoa me.
sotheli this heep, and stoon be in to witnessyng, forsothe if Y schal passe it, and go to thee, ether thou shalt passe, and thenke yuel to me.
53 Ma Abraham Onyankopɔn ne Nahor Onyankopɔn, wɔn agyanom Onyankopɔn nyɛ ɔtemmufoɔ wɔ me ne wo ntam.” Enti, Yakob de nʼagya Isak Onyankopɔn ho suro kaa ntam sɛ, ɔrentra ɛhyeɛ no.
God of Abraham, and God of Nachor, God of the fadir of hem, deme bitwixe vs. Therfor Jacob swoor by the drede of his fadir Ysaac;
54 Afei, Yakob bɔɔ Onyankopɔn afɔdeɛ wɔ bepɔ no atifi, na ɔhyiahyiaa ne nnamfonom bɛdidiiɛ. Ɛno akyiri no, wɔdaa ne nkyɛn wɔ bepɔ no so.
and whanne slayn sacrifices weren offrid in the hil, he clepyde his britheren to ete breed, and whanne thei hadden ete, thei dwelliden there.
55 Laban sɔree anɔpatutuutu fefee ne nananom ne ne mmammaa no ano, hyiraa wɔn. Ɛno akyiri no, ɔsane nʼakyi kɔɔ ne kurom.
Forsothe Laban roos bi nyyt, and kisside his sones, and douytris, and blesside hem, and turnede ayen in to his place.

< 1 Mose 31 >