< Hesekiel 42 >

1 Afei, ɔbarima no dii mʼanim faa atifi fam kɔɔ mfikyire adihɔ hɔ de me baa adan a ɛne asɔredan adihɔ di nhwɛanim, na ɛne atifi fam adihɔ ɔfasuo no nso di nhweanim.
And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, bi the weie ledynge to the north; and he ledde me in to the treserie, that was ayens the bildyng departid, and ayens the hous goynge to the north;
2 Ɛdan a ne ɛpono kyerɛ atifi fam yi tentene yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum, na ne tɛtrɛtɛ nso yɛ anammɔn aduɔson enum.
in the face an hundrid cubitis of lengthe of the dore of the north, and fifti cubitis of breede,
3 Adan no bi ne mfimfini adihɔ no a ne tentene yɛ anammɔn aduasa no di nhweanim. Na adan no bi nso ne aboɔ nsɛweeɛ a ɛwɔ mfikyire adihɔ no di nhwɛanim. Ɛso mmrannaa kyerɛkyerɛ anim wɔ nsan mmiɛnsa no mu biara so.
ayens twenti cubitis of the ynnere halle, and ayens the pawment araied with stoon of the outermere halle, where a porche was ioyned to thre fold porche.
4 Adan no anim no, na ɛkwan bi da hɔ a ne tɛtrɛtɛ yɛ anammɔn dunum na tentene yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum. Wɔn apono no ano kyerɛkyerɛ atifi fam.
And bifor the tresories was a walkyng of ten cubitis of breede, biholdynge to the ynnere thingis of the weie of o cubit. And the doris of tho to the north,
5 Adan a ɛwɔ asan a ɛwɔ ɔsoro no mu susua, ɛfiri sɛ na nʼabrannaa no mu trɛ sene mmrannaa a ɛwowɔ nsan a ɛdidi aseɛ no.
where tresories weren lowere in the hiyere thingis; for tho baren vp the porchis that apperiden an hiy of tho fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis of the bildyng.
6 Adan a ɛwɔ asan a ɛtɔ so mmiɛnsa no nni afadum sɛdeɛ nsan a ɛwɔ aseɛ no wɔ no; enti na emu susua sene adan a ɛwowɔ nsan a ɛdidi aseɛ no.
For tho weren of thre stagis, and hadden not pileris, as weren the pilers of hallis; therfor tho stoden an hiy fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis fro erthe, bi fifti cubitis.
7 Na ɔfasuo bi wɔ nkyɛn a ɛne adan no ne mfikyire adihɔ no sa so; na ne tentene yɛ anammɔn aduɔson enum a ɛfa adan no anim.
And the outermore halle closynge the walkynge place was bi the treseries, that weren in the weie of the outermore halle, bifor the treseries; the lengthe therof was of fifti cubitis.
8 Adan a ɛsa soɔ na ɛtoa mfikyire adihɔ no so no tentene yɛ anammɔn aduɔson enum, nanso adan a ɛsa soɔ a ɛbɛn asɔredan no tentene yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum.
For the lengthe of the tresories of the outermore halle was of fifti cubitis, and the lengthe bifor the face of the temple was of an hundrid cubitis.
9 Sɛ obi firi mfikyire adihɔ reba mu a, ɔbɛhunu sɛ adan a ɛwɔ fam pa ara no aboboano ani kyerɛ apueeɛ fam.
And vndur these tresories was an entring fro the eest, of men entringe in to tho, fro the outermere halle,
10 Anafoɔ fam no, adan mmienu bi di nhwɛanim wɔ asɔredan no ne asɔredan no adihɔ hɔ ntam, na
in the brede of the wal of the halle, that was ayens the eest weie in the face of the bilding departid. And treseries weren bifore the bilding,
11 ɛkwan bi da adan no anim. Saa adan yi te sɛ adan a ɛwɔ atifi fam no; wɔn tentene ne wɔn tɛtrɛtɛ yɛ pɛ. Ɛho apono a wɔfa mu pue ne nsusuiɛ yɛ pɛ. Apono a ɛwɔ atifi fam no
and a weie was bifor the face of tho, bi the licnesse of treseries that weren in the weie of the north; bi the lengthe of tho, so was also the breede of tho. And al the entryng of tho, and the licnessis and doris of tho,
12 nso sesɛ adan a ɛwɔ anafoɔ fam no apono. Na ɛpono bi wɔ ɛkwan a ɛne ɔfasuo a ɛkɔ apueeɛ fam no sa soɔ no ano. Ɛhɔ na wɔfa kɔ adan no mu.
weren lijk the doris of treseries that weren in the weye biholdynge to the south; a dore was in the heed of the weye, which weie was bifor the porche departid to men entringe bi the eest weie.
13 Na ɔka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, “Atifi fam ne anafoɔ fam adan a ani hwɛ asɔredan adihɔ no yɛ asɔfoɔ no dea. Ɛhɔ na asɔfoɔ a wɔkɔ Awurade anim no bɛdi afɔrebɔdeɛ kronkron no. Ɛhɔ na wɔde afɔrebɔdeɛ kronkron pa ara a ɛyɛ aduane afɔrebɔdeɛ, bɔne afɔrebɔdeɛ ne afɔdie afɔrebɔdeɛ no bɛgu, ɛfiri sɛ beaeɛ no yɛ kronkron.
And he seide to me, The treseries of the north, and the treseries of the south, that ben bifor the bildyng departid, these ben hooli treseries, in whiche the preestis ben clothid, that neiyen to the Lord in to the hooli of hooli thingis; there thei schulen putte the hooli of hooli thingis, and offryngis for synne, and for trespas; for it is an hooli place.
14 Sɛ asɔfoɔ no kɔ beaeɛ kronkron hɔ, a ɛnsɛ sɛ wɔkɔ mfikyire adihɔ hɔ kɔsi sɛ wɔbɛyiyi wɔn ɔsom ntadeɛ agu hɔ, ɛfiri sɛ saa ntadeɛ no yɛ kronkron. Ɛsɛ sɛ wɔhyɛ ntadeɛ foforɔ bi ansa na wɔabɛn mmeammea a ɔmanfoɔ tumi kɔ hɔ no.”
Sotheli whanne prestis han entrid, thei schulen go out of hooli thingis in to the outermore halle; and there thei schulen putte vp her clothis, in whiche thei mynystren, for tho ben hooli; and thei schulen be clothid in othere clothis, and so thei schulen go forth to the puple.
15 Ɔsusuu deɛ ɛwɔ asɔredan no mu wieeɛ no, ɔde me faa apueeɛ ɛpono no ano pueeɛ, na ɔsusuu asɔredan no ho hyiaaɛ.
And whanne he hadde fillid the mesuris of the ynnere hous, he ledde me out bi the weie of the yate that biheelde to the eest weie; and he mat it on ech side bi cumpas.
16 Ɔsusuu apueeɛ fam na ɛyɛ anammɔn ahanson ne aduonum.
Forsothe he mat ayens the eest wynd with the rehed of mesure bi cumpas fyue hundrid rehedis, in a rehed of mesure bi cumpas.
17 Ɔsusuu atifi fam, na ɛyɛ anammɔn ahanson ne aduonum.
And he mat ayens the wynd of the north fiue hundred rehedis, in the rehed of mesure bi cumpas.
18 Ɔsusuu anafoɔ fam, na ɛyɛ anammɔn ahanson ne aduonum.
And at the south wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with a rehed of mesure bi cumpas.
19 Afei ɔdanee nʼani hwɛɛ atɔeɛ fam, na ɔsusuiɛ no, na ɛyɛ anammɔn ahanson ne aduonum.
And at the west wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with the rehed of mesure.
20 Enti na ne mfefaremu no yɛ anammɔn ahanson ne aduonum wɔ afanan no nyinaa, na ɛtwa kronkronbea ne asafo atenaeɛ no ntam.
Bi foure wyndis he mat the wal therof on ech side bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue hundrid, and the breede of fyue hundrid, departynge bitwixe the seyntuarie and the place of the comyn puple.

< Hesekiel 42 >