< 2 Mose 1 >

1 Yakob mma ne wɔn abusuafoɔ a wɔne no tu kɔtenaa no din na ɛdidi so yi.
These ben the names of the sones of Israel, that entriden into Egipt with Jacob; alle entriden with her housis;
2 Ruben, Simeon, Lewi ne Yuda;
Ruben, Symeon,
3 Isakar, Sebulon ne Benyamin;
Leuy, Judas, Isachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin,
4 Dan, Naftali; Gad ne Aser.
Dan, and Neptalim, Gad, and Aser.
5 Yakob asefoɔ a ɔne wɔn kɔeɛ no nyinaa ano si aduɔson. Na Yosef wɔ Misraim dada.
Therfor alle the soules of hem that yeden out of `the hipe of Jacob weren seuenti and fyue.
6 Yosef ne ne nuanom ne wɔn ɛberɛ sofoɔ no nyinaa wuwuiɛ,
Forsothe Joseph was in Egipt; and whanne he was deed, and alle hise brithren, and al his kynrede,
7 nanso Israelfoɔ no ase dɔreeɛ, na wɔyɛɛ bebree, hyɛɛ asase no so ma.
the sones of Israel encreessiden, and weren multiplied as buriounnyng, and thei weren maad strong greetli, and filliden the lond.
8 Na ɔhene foforɔ bi bɛdii adeɛ wɔ Misraim a na ɔnnim Yosef ho asɛm.
A newe kyng, that knewe not Joseph, roos in the meene tyme on Egipt, and seide to his puple, Lo!
9 Ɔka kyerɛɛ ne mamfoɔ no sɛ, “Monhwɛ, Israelfoɔ yi ase adɔre, wɔreyɛ adɔɔso dodo ama yɛn.
the puple of the sones of Israel is myche, and strongere than we;
10 Momma yɛmpɛ ɛkwan bi na yɛmfa so nsi saa dɔre a wɔredɔre no ano. Sɛ yɛanyɛ saa na ɔko bi si a, wɔbɛdɔm yɛn atamfoɔ ne wɔn ako atia yɛn na wɔafiri ɔman yi mu.”
come ye, wiseli oppresse we it, lest perauenture it be multiplied; and lest, if batel risith ayens vs, it be addid to oure enemyes, and go out of the lond, whanne we ben ouercomun.
11 Enti wɔde nkoa sohwɛfoɔ gyinagyinaa wɔn kɔn so ma wɔyɛɛ adwuma den de kyekyeree adekora nkuropɔn Pitom ne Rameses maa Farao.
And so he made maistris of werkis souereyns to hem, that thei schulden turmente hem with chargis. And thei maden citees of tabernaclis to Farao, Fiton, and Ramesses.
12 Nanso mpɛn dodoɔ a Misraimfoɔ no hyɛɛ wɔn so no, dɔ ara na Israelfoɔ no dɔɔso. Yei maa Misraimfoɔ no suroo Israelfoɔ
And bi hou myche thei oppressiden hem, bi so myche thei weren multiplied, and encreessiden more.
13 na wɔkɔɔ so hyɛɛ Israelfoɔ no so ketee.
And Egipcians hatiden the sones of Israel, and turmentiden, and scorneden hem;
14 Wɔde adwumadenyɛ dii Israelfoɔ no nya. Wɔma wɔyɛɛ ntayaa ne dɔteɛ ho adwuma a ɛyɛ den ne mfuom nnwuma ahodoɔ. Yeinom nyinaa akyiri no Misraimfoɔ yɛɛ atirimuɔden akwan bebree so kyerɛɛ Israelfoɔ no.
and brouyten her lijf to bitternesse bi hard werkis of cley and to tijl stoon, and bi al seruage, bi which thei weren oppressid in the werkis of erthe.
15 Misraimhene ka kyerɛɛ Hebrifoɔ awogyefoɔ a wɔn din ne Sifra ne Pua sɛ,
Forsothe the kyng of Egipt seide to the mydwyues of Ebrews, of whiche oon was clepid Sefora, the tother Fua;
16 “Sɛ mokɔgye Hebrini biara awoɔ, na awoeɛ hɔ mohunu sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbabarima a, monkum no, na sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbabaa deɛ a, monnyɛ no hwee.”
and he commaundide to hem, Whanne ye schulen do the office of medewyues to Ebrew wymmen, and the tyme of childberyng schal come, if it is a knaue child, sle ye him; if it is a womman, kepe ye.
17 Esiane sɛ na awogyefoɔ no yɛ onyamesurofoɔ no enti, wɔanni mmara a ɔhene no hyɛɛ wɔn no so maa mmarimaa a wɔwowoo wɔn no tenaeɛ.
Forsothe the medewyues dredden God, and diden not bi the comaundement of the kyng of Egipt, but kepten knaue children.
18 Ɔhene no frɛɛ wɔn bisaa wɔn sɛ, “Adɛn enti na moanni mmara a mehyɛeɛ no so na moama mmarimaa a Hebrifoɔ no wowoo wɔn no atena?”
To whiche clepid to hym the kyng seide, What is this thing which ye wolden do, that ye wolden kepe the children?
19 Wɔbuaa no sɛ, “Hebrifoɔ mmaa no de ahoɔden wo ɔherɛ so enti yɛbɛduru hɔ no, na wɔawo dada. Wɔnte sɛ Misraimfoɔ mmaa no.”
Whiche answeriden, Ebrew wymmen ben not as the wymmen of Egipt, for thei han kunnyng of the craft of medewijf, and childen bifore that we comen to hem.
20 Onyankopɔn hyiraa awogyefoɔ no. Na Israelfoɔ no dɔɔso ara bɛyɛɛ ɔman kɛseɛ.
Therfor God dide wel to medewyues; and the puple encreesside, and was coumfortid greetli.
21 Esiane sɛ na awogyefoɔ no yɛ nyamesurofoɔ enti, Onyankopɔn domm wɔn mma.
And for the mydewyues dredden God, he bildide `housis to hem.
22 Afei, Farao hyɛɛ mmara sɛ Herbrifoɔ mmarimaa a wɔbɛwo wɔn foforɔ no, wɔnto wɔn ngu Asubɔnten Nil mu na mmaayewa a wɔbɛwo wɔn foforɔ no deɛ, wɔntena hɔ.
Therfor Farao comaundide al his puple, and seide, What euer thing of male kynde is borun to Ebrewis, `caste ye into the flood; what euer thing of wymmen kynde, kepe ye.

< 2 Mose 1 >