< 2 Mose 32 >

1 Mose kyɛree wɔ bepɔ no so saa no, nnipa no nyinaa kɔɔ Aaron so kɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ntɛm, yɛ anyame a wɔbɛdi yɛn anim ma yɛn, ɛfiri sɛ, yɛnhunu baabi a Mose a ɔdii yɛn anim de yɛn firi Misraim asase so baa ha no afa; ebia na biribi ayɛ no.”
Forsothe the puple siy, that Moises made tariyng to come doun fro the hil, and it was gaderid ayens Aaron, and seide, Rise thou, and make goddis to vs, that schulen go bifore vs, for we witen not what bifelde to this Moises, that ladde vs out of the lond of Egipt.
2 Aaron nso ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Monyiyi mo sika nsonkawa nyinaa mmra.”
And Aaron seide to hem, Take ye the goldun eere ryngis fro the eeris of youre wyues, and of sones and douytris, and brynge ye to me.
3 Wɔyiyii wɔn nsonkawa no maa Aaron—mmaa ne mmarima ne mmarimaa ne mmaayewa nyinaa.
The puple dide tho thingis, that he comaundide, and brouyte eere ryngis to Aaron;
4 Aaron nanee sikakɔkɔɔ nsonkawa no de bɔɔ nantwie ba ohoni. Nnipa no nyinaa teaam sɛ, “Ao, Israel, yei ne mo anyame a ɔyii mo firii Misraim asase so baeɛ no.”
and whanne he hadde take tho, he formede bi `werk of yetyng, and made of tho a yotun calf. And thei seiden, Israel, these ben thi goddis, that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt.
5 Aaron hunuu sɛ nnipa no ani agye sika nantwie ba ohoni no ho no, ɔsii afɔrebukyia sii nantwie ba no anim kaa sɛ, “Ɔkyena yɛbɛhyɛ fa ama Awurade.”
And whanne Aaron had seyn this thing, he bildide an auter bifore hym, and he criede bi the vois of a criere, and seide, To morewe is the solempnete of the Lord.
6 Wɔsɔree anɔpahema firii aseɛ bɔɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ ne asomdwoeɛ afɔdeɛ de maa nantwie ba ohoni no. Ɛno akyi, wɔtoo ɛpono kɛseɛ bi, didi nomee, goroo abosomgorɔ, yɛɛ ahuhudeɛ hodoɔ.
And thei rysen eerli, and offeriden brent sacrifyces, and pesible sacrifices; and the puple sat to ete and drynke, and thei risen to pley.
7 Afei, Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ, “Yɛ ntɛm na siane kɔ wo nkurɔfoɔ a wode wɔn firi Misraim asase so baeɛ no nkyɛn, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔagu wɔn ho fi,
Forsothe the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Go thou, go doun, thi puple hath synned, `whom thou leddist out of the lond of Egipt.
8 na wɔabu me mmara nyinaa nso so. Wɔayɛ sika nantwie ba a wɔsom no, asane abɔ afɔdeɛ nso ama no aka sɛ, ‘Ao, Israel, yei ne mo nyame a ɔyii mo firii Misraim asase so baeɛ no.’”
Thei yeden awei soone fro the weie which thou schewidst to hem, and thei maden to hem a yotun calf, and worschipyden it, and thei offeriden sacrifices to it, and seiden, Israel, these ben thi goddis, that ledden thee out of the lond of Egipt.
9 Awurade kaa sɛ, “Mahunu sɛdeɛ saa nnipa yi yɛ asoɔden na wɔsane yɛ adɔnyɛfoɔ fa.
And eft the Lord seide to Moises, Y se, that this puple is of hard nol;
10 Enti afei, mede mʼabufuhyeɛ bɛtɔre wɔn ase na mama wo Mose mmom ayɛ ɔman kɛseɛ.”
suffre thou me, that my woodnesse be wrooth ayens hem, and that Y do awey hem; and Y schal make thee in to a greet folk.
11 Nanso, Mose srɛɛ Onyankopɔn sɛ ɔnnyɛ saa. Ɔkɔɔ so sɛ, “Awurade, adɛn enti na wo bo afu atia wo ara wo nkurɔfoɔ a wonam anwanwakwan ne wo tumi so yii wɔn firii Misraim asase so yi?
Forsothe Moises preiede `his Lord God, and seide, Lord, whi is thi veniaunce wrooth ayens thi puple, whom thou leddist out of the lond of Egipt in greet strengthe and in stronge hond?
12 Wopɛ sɛ Misraimfoɔ no ka sɛ, ‘Onyankopɔn daadaa wɔn sɛ wɔmmra bepɔ no so sɛdeɛ ɔbɛnya wɔn akum wɔn, atɔre wɔn ase afiri asase so?’ Ma wo bo ntɔ wo yam na gyae adwene a woafa sɛ wode rebɛtia wo nkurɔfoɔ no.
Y biseche, that Egipcians seie not, he ledde hem out felli, `that he schulde sle in the hillis, and to do awei fro erthe, thin ire ceesse, and be thou quemeful on the wickidnesse of thi puple.
13 Kae ɛbɔ a wohyɛɛ wʼasomfoɔ Abraham, Isak ne Israel no. Wo ara wokaa ntam sɛ, ‘Mɛma mo asefoɔ adɔɔso sɛ ɛsoro nsoromma na mede saa asase a mahyɛ mo ho bɔ yi nyinaa bɛma mo asefoɔ na wɔatena so afebɔɔ.’”
Haue thou mynde of Abraham, of Ysaac, and of Israel, thi seruauntis, to whiche thou hast swore bi thi silf, and seidist, Y schal multiplie youre seed as the sterris of heuene, and Y schal yyue to youre seed al this lond of which Y spak, and ye schulen welde it euere.
14 Na Awurade sesaa nʼadwene de wɔn ho kyɛɛ wɔn.
And the Lord was plesid, that he dide not the yuel which he spak ayens his puple.
15 Afei, Mose siane firii bepɔ no so baeɛ a ɔkura Mmaransɛm Edu no a wɔatwerɛ agu aboɔ apono mmienu akyi ne animu no.
And Moises turnede ayen fro the hil, and bar in his hond twei tablis of witnessyng, writun in euer either side,
16 Onyankopɔn no ankasa na ɔtwerɛɛ mmaransɛm no wɔ apono no so.
and maad bi the werk of God; and the writyng of God was grauun in tablis.
17 Ɛberɛ a Yosua tee sɛ nnipa bi reyɛ gyegyeegye no, ɔka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ, “Ɛyɛ me sɛ wɔreboaboa wɔn ho akɔ ɔko!”
Forsothe Josue herde the noise of the puple criynge, and seide to Moyses, Yellyng of fiytyng is herd in the castels.
18 Ɛnna Mose nso buaa no sɛ, “Ɛnnyɛ nkonimdie mu anigyeɛ anaa, nkoguo na mmom, ɛyɛ nnwontoɔ.”
To whom Moises answeride, It is not cry of men exitynge to batel, nether the cry of men compellynge to fleyng, but Y here the vois of syngeris.
19 Wɔbɛduruu atenaeɛ hɔ, Mose hunuu nantwie ba no ne asa a wɔresa. Enti, ɔde abufuhyeɛ too twerɛ apono no hwee fam ma ɛbubuu wɔ bepɔ no ase.
And whanne he hadde neiyid to the castels, he siy the calf, and dauncis; and he was wrooth greetli, and `castide forth the tablis fro the hond, and brak tho at the rootis of the hil.
20 Ɔfaa nantwie ba no nanee no wɔ ogya mu na ɛdwoeɛ no, ɔyam no muhumuhu de guu nsuo mu maa nnipa no nomeeɛ.
And he took the calf, which thei hadden maad, and brente, and brak `til to poudur, which he spreynte in to watir, and yaf therof drynke to the sones of Israel.
21 Afei, ɔbisaa Aaron sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn nko ara na nnipa no ka kyerɛɛ wo a enti ɛnam so maa wode saa bɔne kɛseɛ yi baa wɔn so?”
And Moises seide to Aaron, What dide this puple to thee, that thou brouytist in on hym the gretteste synne?
22 Aaron buaa no sɛ, “Mma wo bo mfu. Wo ara wonim sɛdeɛ wo nkurɔfoɔ yi yɛ nnipa bɔne fa.
To whom he answeride, My lord, be not wrooth, for thou knowist this puple, that it is enclynaunt to yuel;
23 Wɔn ara na wɔka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Yɛ onyame bi ma yɛn na ɔnkyerɛ yɛn ɛkwan na biribi ayɛ saa Mose a ɔdii yɛn anim firii Misraim no.’
thei seiden to me, Make thou goddis to vs, that schulen go bifore vs, for we witen not, what bifelde to this Moises, that ladde vs out of the lond of Egipt.
24 Enti, me nso mekaa sɛ, ‘Monyiyi mo sikakɔkɔɔ nsonkawa mma me.’ Wɔyiyi de maa me na mede guu ogya mu. Ɛne saa nantwie ba no.”
To whiche Y seide, Who of you hath gold? Thei token, and yauen to me, and Y castide it forth in to the fier, and this calf yede out.
25 Mose hunuu sɛ Aaron ama nnipa no adane adwamammɔfoɔ ama wɔn atamfoɔ anya wɔn no,
Therfor Moyses siy the puple, that it was maad bare; for Aaron hadde spuylid it for the schenschip of filthe, and hadde maad the puple nakid among enemyes.
26 ɔgyinaa wɔn atenaeɛ hɔ ɛpono no ano teaam sɛ, “Mo a mowɔ Awurade afa no, mommra me nkyɛn.” Lewifoɔ no nyinaa kɔɔ ne nkyɛn.
And Moises stood in the yate of the castels, and seide, If ony man is of the Lord, be he ioyned to me; and alle the sones of Leuy weren gaderid to hym.
27 Ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Awurade Israel Onyankopɔn se, ‘Momfa mo akofena nhyehyɛ mo ho na monni mo atenaeɛ hɔ akɔneaba, na monkunkum mo nuanom, mo nnamfonom ne mo afipamfoɔ.’”
To whiche he seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, A man putte swerd on his hipe, go ye, and `go ye ayen fro yate `til to yate bi the myddil of the castels, and ech man sle his brother, freend, and neiybore.
28 Enti, wɔyɛɛ saa maa nnipa bɛyɛ mpensa totɔɔ ɛda no.
The sones of Leuy diden bi the word of Moises, and as thre and twenti thousynd of men felden doun in that day.
29 Afei, Mose ka kyerɛɛ Lewifoɔ no sɛ, “Ɛnnɛ, moatu mo ho akyɛ sɛ mobɛsom Awurade, ɛfiri sɛ, moayɛ ɔsetie ama no ama mpo, monam so akunkum mo mma ne mo nuanom, enti ɔbɛhyira mo bebree.”
And Moises seide, Ye han halewid youre hondis to dai to the Lord, ech man in his sone, and brother, that blessyng be youun to you.
30 Adeɛ kyee anɔpa no, Mose ka kyerɛɛ nkurɔfoɔ no sɛ, “Moayɛ bɔne a ɛso bi mmaa da, nanso mɛsane akɔ Awurade nkyɛn wɔ bepɔ no so akɔhwɛ sɛ ebia, mɛnya bɔnefakyɛ ama mo anaa.”
Sotheli whanne `the tother day was maad, Moises spak to the puple, Ye han synned the moost synne; Y schal stie to the Lord, if in ony maner Y schal mowe biseche hym for youre felony.
31 Enti, Mose sane kɔɔ Awurade nkyɛn kɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ao, saa nnipa yi ayɛ bɔne a ɛso bi mmaa da, na wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ayɛ wɔn anyame.
And he turnede ayen to the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, this puple hath synned a greet synne, and thei han maad goldun goddis to hem; ethir foryyue thou this gilt to hem,
32 Enti, meredi ama wɔn sɛ, fa wɔn bɔne kyɛ wɔn, na sɛ ɛnte saa nso a, pepa me din firi nwoma a woatwerɛ no mu.”
ether if thou doist not, do awey me fro thi book, which thou hast write.
33 Awurade buaa Mose sɛ, “Obiara a wayɛ me bɔne no, mɛpepa no afiri me nwoma mu.
To whom the Lord answeride, Y schal do awey fro my book hym that synneth ayens me;
34 Enti afei, kɔ na di nkurɔfoɔ no anim kɔ beaeɛ a mekyerɛɛ woɔ no na mehyɛ wo bɔ sɛ, mɛma me ɔbɔfoɔ adi wʼanim; nanso sɛ mebɛsra nkurɔfoɔ no a, mɛtwe wɔn aso wɔ wɔn bɔne no ho.”
forsothe go thou, and lede this puple, whydur Y spak to thee; myn aungel schal go bifore thee; forsothe in the day of veniaunce Y schal visite also this synne of hem.
35 Na ɛsiane sɛ nnipa no somm Aaron nantwie ba no enti, ɔtee yadeɛ guu wɔn so.
Therfor the Lord smoot the puple for the gilt of the calf, which calf Aaron made.

< 2 Mose 32 >