< Ɔsɛnkafoɔ 11 >

1 To wo burodo gu nsuo ani, na daakye bi wo nsa bɛka bio.
Sende thi breed on watris passynge forth, for aftir many tymes thou schalt fynde it.
2 Kyekyɛ mu ma nnipa baason, mpo nnipa baawɔtwe, ɛfiri sɛ, wonnim amanehunu a ɛbɛba asase no so.
Yyue thou partis seuene, and also eiyte; for thou woost not, what yuel schal come on erthe.
3 Sɛ omununkum mu wɔ nsuo a, ɛtɔ gu asase so. Sɛ dua bi bu hwe anafoɔ fam anaa atifi fam a, deɛ ɛhweeɛ no, ɛhɔ ara na ɛbɛda.
If cloudis ben filled, tho schulen schede out reyn on the erthe; if a tre fallith doun to the south, ether to the north, in what euer place it fallith doun, there it schal be.
4 Obiara a ɔtwɛn ewiem nsakraeɛ no rennua, na deɛ ɔhwɛ omununkum no nso rentwa.
He that aspieth the wynd, sowith not; and he that biholdith the cloudis, schal neuere repe.
5 Sɛdeɛ wonhunu ɛkwan a mframa nam soɔ, anaa sɛdeɛ wɔnwono onipadua wɔ yafunu mu no, saa ara na worentumi nte Onyankopɔn nnwuma ase. Adeɛ nyinaa Yɛfoɔ no.
As thou knowist not, which is the weye of the spirit, and bi what resoun boonys ben ioyned togidere in the wombe of a womman with childe, so thou knowist not the werkis of God, which is makere of alle thingis.
6 Dua wʼaba anɔpa, na anwummerɛ nso ma wo nsa nna ho, na wonnim deɛ ɛbɛyɛ yie, sɛ yei anaa yei anaasɛ ebia mmienu no nyinaa bɛyɛ yie.
Eerli sowe thi seed, and thin hond ceesse not in the euentid; for thou woost not, what schal come forth more, this ethir that; and if euer eithir cometh forth togidere, it schal be the betere.
7 Hann yɛ fɛ; na ɛyɛ aniwa dɛ sɛ ɔhunu owia.
The liyt is sweet, and delitable to the iyen to se the sunne.
8 Mfeɛ dodoɔ a onipa bɛtena nkwa yi mu nyinaa ɛsɛ sɛ ɔnya ahotɔ. Nanso ɛsɛ sɛ ɔkae nnabɔne na ɛbɛdɔɔso. Biribiara a ɛbɛba no yɛ ahuhudeɛ.
If a man lyueth many yeeris, and is glad in alle these, he owith to haue mynde of derk tyme, and of many daies; and whanne tho schulen come, thingis passid schulen be repreued of vanyte.
9 Ma wʼani nnye, aberanteɛ, ɛberɛ a woyɛ ɔbabunu, ma wʼakoma mma wo anigyeɛ wɔ wo mmeranteberɛ mu. Di deɛ wʼakoma pɛ ne deɛ wʼaniwa hunu akyi, nanso hunu sɛ yeinom nyinaa ho Onyankopɔn de wo bɛba atemmuo mu.
Therfor, thou yonge man, be glad in thi yongthe, and thin herte be in good in the daies of thi yongthe, and go thou in the weies of thin herte, and in the biholdyng of thin iyen; and wite thou, that for alle these thingis God shal brynge thee in to doom.
10 Enti yi adwendwene biara firi wʼakoma mu na to ɔhaw biara a ɛwɔ wo mu no gu, ɛfiri sɛ mmeranteyɛ ne ahoɔden yɛ ahuhudeɛ.
Do thou awei ire fro thin herte, and remoue thou malice fro thi fleisch; for whi yongthe and lust ben veyne thingis.

< Ɔsɛnkafoɔ 11 >