< 5 Mose 18 >

1 Asɔfoɔ a wɔyɛ Lewifoɔ, nokorɛm Lewi abusuakuo nyinaa nni kyɛfa ne agyapadeɛ biara wɔ Israel ɔman mu te sɛ mmusuakuo a aka no. Mmom, asɔfoɔ no ne Lewifoɔ no bɛdi ogya afɔdeɛ a wɔbɔ ma Awurade no bi sɛ wɔn agyapadeɛ.
Preestis and dekenes, and alle men that ben of the same lynage, schulen `not haue part and eritage with the tother puple of Israel, for thei schulen ete the sacrifices of the Lord, and the offryngis of hym;
2 Israelfoɔ mu deɛ, wɔrennya agyapadeɛ biara sɛ wɔn ankasa kyɛfa. Awurade ankasa bɛyɛ wɔn kyɛfa sɛdeɛ ɔhyɛɛ wɔn bɔ no ara.
and thei schulen not take ony othir thing of the possessioun of her britheren; for the Lord hym silf is the `eritage of hem, as he spak to hem.
3 Yei ne kyɛfa a asɔfoɔ no bɛnya afiri anantwie ne odwan a nnipa no de bɛbɔ afɔdeɛ no mu: nʼabati, nʼapantan ne nʼayamdeɛ.
This schal be the doom of preestis of the puple, and of hem that offren sacrifices; whether `thei offren an oxe, ether a scheep, thei schulen yyue to the preest the schuldre, and the paunche, the firste fruytis of wheete,
4 Afei, momma wɔn mo aburookan mu adeɛ, nsã foforɔ ne ngo ne nwi a ɛdi ɛkan a wɔtwitwa firi odwan ho.
and of wyn, and of oile, and a part of wollis of the scheryng of scheep.
5 Ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, ayi Lewifoɔ afiri mo mmusuakuo nyinaa mu sɛ wɔnnyina, nsom daa wɔ Awurade din mu.
For thi Lord God chees hym of alle thi lynagis, that he stonde and mynystre to `the name of the Lord, he and hise sones, with outen ende.
6 Sɛ Lewini bi pɛ na ɔfiri mo nkuro no mu biara a ɔte so mu wɔ Israel kɔ baabi a Awurade ayi a,
If a dekene goith out of oon of thi citees of al Israel, in which he dwellith, `and wole come and desirith the place which the Lord chees,
7 ɔtumi som wɔ Awurade, ne Onyankopɔn, din mu te sɛ deɛ ne nkurɔfoɔ Lewifoɔ a wɔsom wɔ hɔ wɔ Awurade anim no yɛ no ara.
he schal mynystre in the name of his Lord God as alle hise britheren dekenes, that schulen stonde in that tyme byfore the Lord.
8 Sɛ mpo wanya sika bi afiri abusua agyapadeɛ bi tɔn mu a, wɔde ne kyɛfa a ɛwɔ afɔrebɔdeɛ no mu sɛ Lewini no bɛma no sɛ asɛdeɛ.
He schal take the same part of meetis, `which and othere dekenes schulen take; outakun that that is due to hym in his citee, bi `successioun ethir eritage `of fadir.
9 Sɛ monya duru asase a Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, de rema mo no so a, monhwɛ yie na moansua amanaman a ɛwɔ hɔ no amanneɛ a ɛyɛ akyiwadeɛ.
Whanne thou hast entrid in to the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, be thou war lest thou wole sue abhomynaciouns of tho folkis;
10 Mommma wɔnnhunu sɛ mo mu bi de ne babarima anaa ne babaa abɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ. Na mommma mo nnipa no nnyɛ akɔmfoɔ a wɔhyɛ abosom nkɔm, abayifoɔ ne abisakorɔfoɔ, ne ntafowayifoɔ
noon be foundun in thee that clensith his sone, ether his douytir, `and ledith bi the fier, ethir that axith questiouns of dyuynouris `that dyuynen aboute the auteris, and that taketh hede to dremes and chiteryng of bryddis; nethir ony wicche be,
11 ne nkaberɛkyerefoɔ ne asamanfrɛfoɔ, adutofoɔ a ɔbisa afunu.
nethir an enchauntere, `that is, that disseyueth mennus iyen that a thing seme that is not; nether a man take counsel at hem that han a feend spekynge `in the wombe, nether take counsel at false dyuynouris nethir seke of deed men the treuthe.
12 Obiara a ɔyɛ saa adeɛ yi bi no yɛ Awurade akyiwadeɛ na saa akyiwadeɛ yi enti, Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, bɛpamo saa aman no afiri mo anim.
For the Lord hath abhomynacioun of alle these thingis, and for siche wickidnessis he schal do awei hem in thin entryng.
13 Na wɔmmfa so bi nto mo so wɔ Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, anim.
Thou schalt be perfit and without filthe, with thi Lord God.
14 Aman a morekɔtu wɔn yi tie wɔn a wɔpɛ abayisɛm ne nkɔmhyɛsɛm. Nanso mo deɛ, Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, mma mo kwan sɛ monyɛ saa.
These hethen men, `the lond of whiche thou schalt welde, heren hem that worchen bi chiteryng of briddis, and false dyuynouris; forsothe thou art tauyt in other maner of thi Lord God.
15 Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, bɛyi odiyifoɔ a ɔte sɛ me afiri mo Israelfoɔ yi ara mu. Ɛsɛ sɛ moyɛ ɔsetie ma no.
Thi Lord God schal reise a prophete of thi folk and of thi britheren as me, thou schalt here hym;
16 Saa na mo ankasa mobisaa Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, ɛberɛ a mohyiaa wɔ Horeb no. Mosrɛɛ sɛ mompɛ sɛ mote Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, nne anaa mohunu egyadɛreɛ bio, ɛfiri sɛ, mosuro sɛ anhwɛ a, mobɛwuwu.
as thou axidist of thi Lord God in Oreb, whanne the cumpany was gaderid, and thou seidist, Y schal no more here the vois of my Lord God, and Y schal no more se `this grettiste fier, lest Y die.
17 Na Awurade buaa sɛ, “Mɛyɛ wɔn abisadeɛ ama wɔn.
And the Lord seide to me, Thei spaken wel alle thingis.
18 Mɛda odiyifoɔ te sɛ wo adi afiri wɔn nkurɔfoɔ Israelfoɔ mu. Mɛkyerɛ saa odiyifoɔ no asɛm a mɛhyɛ no sɛ ɔnka nkyerɛ nnipa no, na ɔbɛka akyerɛ wɔn.
Y schal reise to hem a prophete, lijk thee, of the myddis of her britheren, and Y schal putte my wordis in his mouth, and he schal speke to hem alle thingis, whiche I schal comaunde to him.
19 Obiara a wantie asɛm a odiyifoɔ no bɛka wɔ me din mu no, mʼankasa me ne ɔsoɔdenfoɔ no bɛdi.
Forsothe Y schal be vengere of `that man, that nyle here the wordis `of hym, whiche he schal speke in my name.
20 Na odiyifoɔ biara a ɔnam onyame foforɔ bi so ka asɛm anaa ɔdi atorɔ wɔ me din mu no bɛwu.”
`Sotheli a prophete `schal be slayn, which is bischrewid with pride, and wole speke in my name tho thingis, whiche Y comaundide not to hym, that he schulde seie, ethir bi the name of alien goddis.
21 Mobɛbisa mo ho sɛ, “Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na yɛahunu sɛ adiyisɛm no firi Awurade anaasɛ ɛmfiri no?”
That if thou answerist bi pryuy thouyt, Hou may Y vndirstonde the word, which the Lord spak not? thou schalt haue this signe,
22 Sɛ odiyifoɔ no hyɛ nkɔm wɔ Awurade din mu na amma mu a, na ɛnyɛ Awurade na ɔde asɛm no maeɛ. Na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, saa odiyifoɔ no ara kaa ɔno ankasa nʼasɛm bi kwa enti ɛnsɛ sɛ wɔsuro no.
`The Lord spak not this thing which thilke prophete biforseid in the name of the Lord, `and it bifallith not, but `the prophete feynede bi the pride of his soule, and therfor thou schalt not drede hym.

< 5 Mose 18 >