< Daniel 5 >

1 Mfeɛ bebree akyi no, Ɔhene Belsasar too ɛpono kɛseɛ maa ne mpanimfoɔ apem, na ɔne wɔn nom nsã.
Balthasar, the kyng, made a greet feeste to hise beste men a thousynde, and ech man drank aftir his age.
2 Ɛberɛ a nsã no ama Belsasar ani agye no, ɔhyɛɛ sɛ, wɔmfa sikakɔkɔɔ ne dwetɛ nkuruwa a nʼagya Nebukadnessar tase firii Yerusalem asɔredan mu no mmra, sɛdeɛ ɔne ne mpanimfoɔ, ne yerenom ne ne mpenafoɔ bɛnom mu nsã.
Forsothe the kyng thanne drunkun comaundide, that the goldun and siluerne vessels schulden be brouyt forth, whiche Nabugodonosor, his fadir, hadde borun out of the temple that was in Jerusalem, that the kyng, and hise beste men, hise wyues, and councubyns schulden drynke in tho vessels.
3 Enti, wɔde saa sikakɔkɔɔ nkuruwa a wɔtase firii Onyankopɔn asɔredan a ɛwɔ Yerusalem mu no baeɛ, na ɔhene no ne ne mpanimfoɔ ne yerenom ne ne mpenafoɔ nom mu nsã.
Thanne the goldun vessels and siluerne, whiche he hadde borun out of the temple that was in Jerusalem, weren brouyt forth; and the kyng, and hise beste men, and hise wyues, and concubyns, drunken in tho vessels.
4 Wɔrenom nsã no, wɔkamfoo wɔn ahoni a wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ, dwetɛ, kɔbere, dadeɛ, dua ne aboɔ ayɛ no.
Thei drunken wyn, and herieden her goddis of gold, and of siluer, of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of stoon.
5 Amonom hɔ no ara, wɔhunuu sɛ, onipa nsateaa retwerɛ ɔhene ahemfie ɔfasuo no a ɛbɛn kaneadua no ho. Ɔhene no hwɛɛ nsa a ɛretwerɛ no,
In the same our fyngris apperiden, as of the hond of a man, writynge ayens the candilstike, in the pleyn part of the wal of the kyngis halle; and the kyng bihelde the fyngris of the hond writynge.
6 na ehu maa nʼanim daneeɛ. Sɛdeɛ ɔbɔɔ hu no maa ne kotodwe keka boboom, na ne nan mu yɛɛ mmrɛ.
Thanne the face of the kyng was chaungid, and hise thouytis disturbliden hym; and the ioyncturis of hise reynes weren loosid, and hise knees weren hurtlid to hem silf togidere.
7 Ɔhene no teaam frɛɛ sɛ, wɔmfa pɛadeɛhunufoɔ, Kaldeafoɔ ne ntafowayifoɔ mmra nʼanim. Ɔka kyerɛɛ saa Babilonia anyansafoɔ yi sɛ, “Obiara a ɔbɛtumi akenkan atwerɛ yi, akyerɛ me aseɛ no, wɔbɛfira no tam kɔkɔɔ a ɛyɛ adehyeɛ abasobɔdeɛ, na wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ntweaban agu ne kɔn mu. Ɔno na ɔbɛyɛ ɔman sodifoɔ a ɔtɔ so mmiɛnsa wɔ ahemman yi mu.”
Therfor the kyng criede strongli, that thei schulden brynge yn astronomyens, Caldeis, and dyuynouris bi lokyng of auteris. And the kyng spak, and seide to the wise men of Babiloyne, Who euer redith this scripture, and makith opyn the interpretyng therof to me, schal be clothid in purpur; and he schal haue a goldun bie in the necke, and he schal be the thridde in my rewme.
8 Nanso, ɔhene no anyansafoɔ no baeɛ no, wɔn mu biara antumi ankenkan atwerɛ no, ankyerɛ aseɛ amma ɔhene no.
Thanne alle the wise men of the kyng entriden, and miyten not rede the scripture, nether schewe to the kyng the interpretyng therof.
9 Enti, ɛmaa ɔhene no ho yeraa no yie, na nʼanim sesaeɛ. Nʼaberempɔn nso ho yeraa wɔn.
Wherof kyng Balthasar was disturblid ynow, and his cheer was chaungid, but also hise beste men weren disturblid.
10 Na ɛberɛ a Ɔhemmaa no tee ɔhene ne ne mpanimfoɔ nteateam no, ɔyɛɛ ntɛm kɔɔ apontoɔ dan mu hɔ. Ɔka kyerɛɛ Belsasar sɛ, “Nana nkwa so! Nana nsuro na mma wʼanim nsesa!
Forsothe the queen entride in to the hous of feeste, for the thing that hadde bifeld to the king, and beste men; and sche spak, and seide, Kyng, lyue thou withouten ende. Thi thouytis disturble not thee, and thi face be not chaungid.
11 Ɔbarima bi wɔ wʼahemman mu ha a ɔwɔ anyame kronkron sunsum wɔ ne mu. Wʼagya Nebukadnessar adedie mu no, wɔhunuu sɛ, saa ɔbarima yi wɔ nteaseɛ nhunumu ne nyansa te sɛ anyame no. Wʼagya Nebukadnessar sii no panin wɔ nkonyaayifoɔ, pɛadeɛhunufoɔ, Kaldeafoɔ ne ntafowayifoɔ so wɔ Babilonia.
A man is in thi rewme, that hath the spirit of hooli goddis in hym silf, and in the daies of thi fadir kunnyng and wisdom weren foundun in hym; for whi and Nabugodonosor, thi fadir, made him prince of astronomyens, of enchaunteris, of Caldeis, and of dyuynouris bi lokyng on auteris; sotheli thi fadir, thou kyng, dide this;
12 Saa ɔbarima Daniel yi a ɔhene too no din Beltesasar yi adwene mu dɔ, na Onyankopɔn ho nimdeɛ ne nteaseɛ ahyɛ no ma. Ɔtumi kyerɛ daeɛ ne kasanyansa ase, na nsɛm a ɛkyere adwene no, ɔsane mu. Momfrɛ Daniel na ɔbɛkyerɛ mo atwerɛ no ase.”
for more spirit, and more prudent, and vndurstondyng, and interpretyng of dremes, and schewyng of priuytees, and assoilyng of boundun thingis weren foundun in hym, that is, in Danyel, to whom the kyng puttide the name Balthasar. Now therfor Daniel be clepid, and he schal telle the interpretyng. Therfor Daniel was brouyt in bifor the kyng. To whom the forseid kyng seide,
13 Enti, wɔkɔfaa Daniel baa ɔhene anim. Ɔhene no bisaa no sɛ, “Wone Daniel no a mʼagya Nebukadnessar faa wo nnommum de wo firii Yuda baeɛ no?
Art thou Danyel, of the sones of caitifte of Juda, whom my fader, the kyng, brouyte fro Judee?
14 Mate wo nka sɛ, wowɔ anyame sunsum wɔ wo mu, na nteaseɛ nhunumu ne nyansa ahyɛ wo ma.
Y haue herd of thee, that thou hast in thee the spirit of goddis, and more kunnyng, and vndurstondyng, and wisdom be foundun in thee.
15 Wɔde anyansafoɔ ne pɛadeɛhunufoɔ baa mʼanim sɛ wɔbɛkenkan atwerɛ a ɛgu ɔfasuo yi ho yi na wɔnkyerɛ me aseɛ, nanso wɔntumi.
And now wise men, astronomyens, entriden in my siyt, to rede this scripture, and to schewe to me the interpretyng therof; and thei myyten not seie to me the vndurstondyng of this word.
16 Na mate wo nka sɛ wotumi kyerɛ nsɛm ase; na wosane nsɛm a ɛkyere adwene mu. Na sɛ wotumi kenkan atwerɛ a ɛwɔ ɔfasuo yi ho na wo kyerɛ me aseɛ a, wɔbɛfira wo ɔtankɔkɔɔ a ɛyɛ adehyeɛ abasobɔdeɛ, na wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ntweaban bɛgu wo kɔn mu. Na wobɛyɛ ɔman sodifoɔ a ɔtɔ so mmiɛnsa wɔ ahemman yi mu.”
Certis Y haue herde of thee, that thou maist interprete derk thingis, and vnbynde boundun thingis; therfor if thou maist rede the scripture, and schewe to me the interpretyng therof, thou schalt be clothid in purpur, and thou schalt haue a goldun bie aboute thi necke, and thou schalt be the thridde prince in my rewme.
17 Daniel buaa ɔhene no sɛ, “Nana, mesrɛ, ma wʼakyɛdeɛ no ntena hɔ na fa wʼabasobɔdeɛ no ma obi foforɔ. Nanso, Nana, mɛkenkan atwerɛ no, na makyerɛ wo aseɛ.
To whiche thingis Danyel answeride, and seide bifore the kyng, Thi yiftis be to thee, and yyue thou to another man the yiftis of thin hous; forsothe, kyng, Y schal rede the scripture to thee, and Y schal schewe to thee the interpretyng therof.
18 “Nana, Ɔsorosoro Onyankopɔn maa wʼagya Nebukadnessar kɛseyɛ, animuonyam ne anidie.
O! thou kyng, hiyeste God yaf rewme, and greet worschipe, and glorie, and onour, to Nabugodonosor, thi fadir.
19 Ɔyɛɛ no kɛse ara kɔsii sɛ, nnipa ahodoɔ nyinaa, aman nyinaa ne kasa biara duru nʼanim a, wɔn ho popo biribiribiri. Ɔkunkumm wɔn a ɔpɛ sɛ ɔkunkum wɔn, ɛnna ɔgyaee wɔn a ɔpɛ sɛ ɔgyaa wɔn. Ɔhyɛɛ wɔn a ɔpɛ sɛ ɔhyɛ wɔn animuonyam no animuonyam, ɛnna wɔn a ɔpɛ sɛ ɔbrɛ wɔn ase no, ɔbrɛɛ wɔn ase.
And for greet worschip which he hadde youe to thilke Nabugodonosor, alle puplis, lynagis, and langagis, trembliden and dredden hym; he killide whiche he wolde, and he smoot whiche he wolde, and he enhaunside whiche he wolde, and he made low which he wolde.
20 Nanso, ahomasoɔ maa nʼakoma ne nʼadwene yɛɛ den no no, wɔyii no firii nʼahennwa so, sii no fam, gyee nʼanimuonyam no.
Forsothe whanne his herte was reisid, and his spirit was maad obstynat in pride, he was put doun of the seete of his rewme;
21 Wɔpamoo no firi nnipa mu. Wɔmaa no aboa adwene, na ɔne wiram mmoa tenaeɛ. Ɔwee ɛserɛ te sɛ nantwie, na ɔsoro bosuo fɔɔ no kyaww kɔsii sɛ, afei ɔhunuu sɛ, sɛɛ Ɔsorosoro Onyankopɔn na ɔdi ewiase ahemman nyinaa so, na ɔno ara nso na ɔyi obi a ɔpɛ ma ɔdi so.
and his glorie was takun awei, and he was cast out fro the sones of men; but also his herte was set with beestis, and his dwellyng was with wielde assis; also he eet hei as an oxe doith, and his bodi was colourid with the deew of heuene, til he knewe, that the hiyeste hath power in the rewme of men, and he schal reise on it whom euer he wole.
22 “Nanso wo, ne ba Belsasar, wonim yeinom nyinaa, nanso woammrɛ wo ho ase.
And thou, Balthasar, the sone of hym, mekidest not thin herte, whanne thou knewist alle these thingis;
23 Wama wo ho so atia Ɔsoro Awurade mmom. Woafa saa nkuruwa yi a ɛsisi wʼanim a wɔfa firii nʼasɔredan mu no. Wo ne wʼatitire ne wo yerenom ne wo mpenafoɔ anom mu nsã, ɛberɛ a morekamfo dwetɛ, sikakɔkɔɔ, kɔbere, dadeɛ, dua ne ɛboɔ anyame a wɔnhunu adeɛ, na wɔnnte asɛm, na wɔnnim hwee koraa no. Na moamfa anidie amma Onyankopɔn a ɔkura mo nkwa na ɔdi mo hyɛberɛ so no.
but thou were reisid ayens the Lord of heuene, and the vessels of his hous weren brouyt bifore thee, and thou, and thi beste men, and thi wyues, and thi concubyns, drunken wyn in tho vessels; and thou heriedist goddis of siluer, and of gold, and of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of stoon, that seen not, nether heren, nether feelen; certis thou glorifiedist not God, that hath thi blast, and alle thi weies in his hond.
24 Ne saa enti, Onyankopɔn asoma nsa yi sɛ, ɛmmɛtwerɛ nkra yi.
Therfor the fyngur of the hond was sent of hym, which hond wroot this thing that is writun.
25 “Nkra a ɛtwerɛeɛ nie: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin.
Sotheli this is the scripture which is discryued, Mane, Techel, Phares.
26 “Saa nsɛm yi asekyerɛ nie: “Mene asekyerɛ ne wɔakan. Onyankopɔn akan wʼahennie nna a aka na watwa so de aba nʼawieeɛ.
And this is the interpretyng of the word. Mane, God hath noumbrid thi rewme, and hath fillid it;
27 “Tekel asekyerɛ ne wɔakari. Wɔakari wo wɔ nsania so, nanso woantumi sɔhwɛ no.
Techel, thou art weied in a balaunce, and thou art foundun hauynge lesse;
28 “Parsin asekyerɛ ne wɔakyekyɛ mu. Wɔakyekyɛ wʼahemman mu ama Mediafoɔ ne Persiafoɔ.”
Phares, thi rewme is departid, and is youun to Medeis and Perseis.
29 Afei, Belsasar ma wɔfiraa Daniel ɔtankɔkɔɔ a ɛyɛ adehyeɛ abasobɔdeɛ, de sikakɔkɔɔ ntweaban guu ne kɔn mu. Wɔsoaa no sɛ, ɔman sodifoɔ a ɔtɔ so mmiɛnsa wɔ ahemman no mu.
Thanne, for the kyng comaundide, Daniel was clothid in purpur, and a goldun bie was youun aboute in his necke; and it was prechid of hym, that he hadde power, and was the thridde in the rewme.
30 Saa anadwo no ara, wɔkumm Babiloniahene Belsasar.
In the same niyt Balthasar, the kyng of Caldeis, was slayn;
31 Na Dario a ɔfiri Mede faa ahennie no a na wadi mfirinhyia aduosia mmienu.
and Daryus of Medei was successour in to the rewme, and he was two and sixti yeer eld.

< Daniel 5 >