< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 Dawid sianee bepɔ no pɛ na ɔne Mefiboset ɔsomfoɔ Siba hyiaeɛ. Na ɔdi mfunumu mmienu a wɔahyehyɛ burodo mua ahanu, bobe aba a wɔabɔ no ntowantowa ɔha ne nsã nwoma kotokuo ma wɔ wɔn so.
And whanne Dauid hadde passid a litil the cop of the hil, Siba, the child of Mysphobosech, apperide in to his comyng, with tweyne assis, that weren chargid with twei hundrid looues, and with an hundrid bundels of dried grapis, and with an hundrid gobetis of pressid figus, and with twei vessels of wyn.
2 Ɔhene no bisaa Siba sɛ, “Na yeinom nso ɛ?” Na Siba buaa sɛ, “Mfunumu no, mo nkurɔfoɔ ntena wɔn so, na burodo no ne aduaba no, wɔmfa mma mmeranteɛ no na wɔnni. Na nsã no nso, momfa nkɔ ɛserɛ so hɔ, na wɔn a ɔbrɛ enti wɔbɛtɔ baha no, anom.”
And the kyng seide to Siba, What wolen these thingis to hem silf? And Siba answeride, My lord the kyng, the assis ben to the meyneals of the kyng, that thei sitte; the looues and `figis pressid ben to thi children to ete; forsothe the wyn is, that if ony man faile in deseert, he drynke.
3 Na ɔhene no bisaa no sɛ, “Na Mefiboset wɔ he?” Siba buaa sɛ, “Ɔkaa Yerusalem. Ɔkaa sɛ, ‘Ɛnnɛ, mɛsane agye me nana Saulo ahemman no.’”
And the kyng seide, Where is the sone of thi lord? And Siba answeride to the kyng, He dwellide in Jerusalem, `and seide, To dai the Lord of the hows of Israel schal restore to me the rewme of my fadir.
4 Ɔhene no ka kyerɛɛ Siba sɛ, “Sɛ saa na ɛte deɛ a, mede biribiara a ɛyɛ Mefiboset dea no mema wo.” Siba buaa sɛ, “Meda wo ase awura. Ɛberɛ biara, biribiara a wobɛka akyerɛ me sɛ menyɛ no, mɛyɛ.”
And the kyng seide to Siba, Alle thingis that weren of Mysphibosech ben thine. And Siba seide, Y preye, fynde Y grace bifor thee, my lord the kyng.
5 Ɛberɛ a ɔhene Dawid ne ne nkurɔfoɔ retwam wɔ Bahurim no, ɔbarima bi pue firii akuraa no ase bɛdomee wɔn. Na saa ɔbarima no din de Simei, Gera a ɔyɛ Saulo busuani babarima.
Therfor kyng Dauid cam `til to Bahurym, and lo! a man of the meynee of the hows of Saul, Semey bi name, sone of Gera, yede out fro thennus; he yede forth goynge out, and curside.
6 Ɔpaa Dawid ne ne mpanimfoɔ ne akodɔm a wɔatwa wɔn ho ahyia no nyinaa aboɔ.
And he sente stoonys ayens Dauid, and ayens alle seruauntis of kyng Dauid; forsothe al the puple, and alle fiyteris yeden at the riytside and at the left side of the king.
7 Ɔteaam guu Dawid so sɛ, “Firi hanom kɔ! Mogyapɛfoɔ a ɔte sɛ woɔ! Ɔsansani!
Sotheli Semey spak so, whanne he curside the kyng, Go out, go out, thou man of bloodis, and man of Belial!
8 Awurade atua wo ka sɛ wohwiee Saulo ne ne fiefoɔ mogya guiɛ. Wowiaa nʼahennwa, na afei Awurade de ahemman no ahyɛ wo babarima Absalom nsa. Wobɛnom wʼankasa aduro, wo mogyapɛfoɔ.”
The Lord hath yolde to thee al the blood of the hows of Saul, for thou rauyschedist the rewme fro hym; and the Lord yaf the rewme in to the hond of Absolon, thi sone; and lo! thin yuels oppressen thee, for thou art a man of blodis.
9 Ɛnna Seruia babarima Abisai bisaa ɔhene no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na ɛsɛ sɛ ɔkraman funu yi tumi dome me wura, ɔhene? Ma menkɔ na menkɔtwa ne ti.”
Forsothe Abisay, the sone of Saruye, seide to the kyng, Whi cursith this dogge, that schal die, my lord the kyng? Y schal go, and Y schal girde of his heed.
10 Nanso, ɔhene no kaa sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na me ne mo Seruia mmammarima bɛyɛ? Sɛ Awurade aka akyerɛ no sɛ, ɔnnome me a, me ne hwan a mɛtumi aka akyerɛ no sɛ ɔnnyae?”
And the kyng seide, Ye sones of Saruye, what is to me and to you? Suffre ye hym, that he curse; for the Lord comaundide to hym, that he schulde curse Dauid; and who is he that dare seie, Whi dide he so?
11 Na Dawid ka kyerɛɛ Abisai ne ne mpanimfoɔ sɛ, “Me babarima a ɔyɛ mʼankasa mogya pɛ sɛ ɔkum me. Na ɛdeɛn na ɛsi Saulo busuani ho kwan sɛ ɔnyɛ saa ara. Monnyaa no, momma ɔnnome, ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade na waka akyerɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ saa.
And the kyng seide to Abysay, and to alle hise seruauntis, Lo! my sone, that yede out of my wombe, sekith my lijf; hou myche more now this sone of Gemyny? Suffre ye hym, that he curse bi comaundement of the Lord;
12 Ebia, Awurade bɛhunu sɛ wɔreyɛ me bɔne, na ɔde papa atua me nnome a me nsa aka no ɛnnɛ yi no so ka.”
if in hap the Lord biholde my turmentyng, and yelde good to me for this `cursyng of this dai.
13 Enti, Dawid ne ne mmarima toaa so kɔɔ wɔn ɛkwan a saa ɛberɛ no, na Simei nso nam bepɔ bi a ɛbɛn wɔn so. Ɔrekɔ no nyinaa, na ɔredome, toto aboɔ bɔ Dawid, tu mfuturo gu ewiem.
Therfor Dauid yede, and hise felowis, bi the weie with hym; forsothe Semey yede bi the slade of the hil `bi the side ayens hym; and curside, and sente stoonus ayens him, and spreynte erthe.
14 Ɔhene ne ne nkurɔfoɔ nyinaa brɛeɛ wɔ ɛkwan so enti, wɔduruu Asubɔnten Yordan ho no, wɔgyee wɔn ahome.
And so `Dauid the king cam, and al the puple weery with hym, and thei weren refreischid there.
15 Absalom ne Israel mmarima nyinaa baa Yerusalem a Ahitofel ka wɔn ho.
Forsothe Absolon, and al the puple of Israel entriden in to Jerusalem, but also Achitofel with hym.
16 Na Husai a ɔfiri Arki a ɔyɛ Dawid adamfo no, kɔɔ Absalom nkyɛn kɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ɔhene nkwa so! Ɔhene nkwa so!”
Sotheli whanne Chusi of Arath, the frend of Dauid, hadde come to Absolon, he spak to Absolon, Heil, kyng! heil, kyng!
17 Na Absalom bisaa Husai sɛ, “Yei ne ɛkwan a wode wʼadamfo Dawid fa soɔ? Adɛn enti na wo ne wʼadamfo ankɔ?”
To whom Absolon seide, This is thi grace to thi freend; whi yedist thou not with thi freend?
18 Husai ka kyerɛɛ Absalom sɛ, “Mewɔ ha ɛfiri sɛ meyɛ adwuma ma ɔbarima a Awurade ne Israel ayi no.
And Chusi answeride to Absolon, Nay, for Y shal be seruaunt of hym, whom the Lord hath chose, and al this puple, and al Israel; and Y schal dwelle with him.
19 Deɛ ɛka ho bio ne sɛ, hwan na ɛsɛ sɛ mesom no? Sɛdeɛ mesom wʼagya no, saa ara na mɛsom wo.”
But that Y seie also this, to whom schal Y serue? whethir not to the sone of the kyng? as Y obeiede to thi fadir, so Y schal obeie to thee.
20 Ɛnna Absalom danee ne ho bisaa Ahitofel sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn bio na menyɛ?”
Forsothe Absolon seide to Achitofel, Take ye counsel, what we owen to do.
21 Ahitofel buaa no sɛ, “Kɔ na wo ne wʼagya mpenafoɔ no nna, ɛfiri sɛ, wagya wɔn hɔ sɛ wɔnhwɛ ahemfie hɔ. Ɛno bɛma Israel nyinaa ahunu sɛ, woabu no animtia a ɛboro nkabom so, na wɔde wɔn ho bɛma wo.”
And Achytofel seide to Absolon, Entre thou to the concubyns of thi fadir, whiche he lefte to kepe the hows; that whanne al Israel herith, that thou hast defoulid thi fadir, the hondis of hem be strengthid with thee.
22 Enti, wɔsii ntomadan wɔ ahemfie no atifi baabi a obiara bɛhunu, na Absalom kɔɔ ntomadan no mu, na ɔne nʼagya mpenafoɔ no daeɛ.
Therfor thei tildeden Absolon a tabernacle in the soler, and he entride to the concubyns of his fadir bifor al Israel.
23 Absalom tiee Ahitofel afotuo sɛdeɛ Dawid yɛeɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ. Na asɛm biara a ɛfiri Ahitofel anom baeɛ no mu nyansa no, yɛɛ sɛdeɛ ɛfiri Onyankopɔn anom.
Sotheli the counsel of Achitofel, which he yaf in tho daies, was as if a man counselide God; so was al the counsel of Achitofel, bothe whanne he was with Dauid, and whanne he was with Absolon.

< 2 Samuel 16 >