< 2 Samuel 12 >

1 Awurade somaa odiyifoɔ Natan sɛ ɔnkɔka abasɛm yi nkyerɛ Dawid: “Na mmarima baanu bi te kuro bi so. Na mmarima no mu baako yɛ osikani, na deɛ ɔka ho no nso yɛ ohiani.
Therfor the Lord sente Nathan to Dauid; and whanne he hadde come to Dauid, he seide to Dauid, Answere thou doom to me; twei men weren in o citee; o man was riche, and the tother was pore.
2 Na osikani no wɔ nnwan ne anantwie bebree,
The riche man hadde ful many scheep, and oxun;
3 ohiani no deɛ, na ɔnni hwee ka odwanbereɛ ketewa bi a ɔtɔɔ no ho. Ɔyɛn no maa ɔne ɔno ankasa mma nyini boom. Na ɔne aboa no di nʼaduane, nom firi ne kuruwa mu, na nna mu nso, na daa ɔda nʼabasa so. Na ɔte sɛ ɔbabaa ma no.
sotheli the pore man hadde vttirli no thing, outakun o litil scheep, which he hadde bouyt, and nurschid, and which `hadde wexid at hym with hise sones, and eet togidere of his breed, and drank of his cuppe, and slepte in his bosum; and it was as a douyter to hym.
4 “Ɛda koro bi, ɔhɔhoɔ bi baa osikani no nkyɛn, nanso wankum ne nnwan anaa ne nantwie annoa aduane amfa ansom no hɔhoɔ. Na mmom, ɔkɔkyeree ohiani no odwanbereɛ no, de yɛɛ aduane maa ɔhɔhoɔ a wabɛsoɛ no no.”
Forsothe whanne a pilgrym `hadde come to the riche man, he sparide to take of hise scheep and oxun, that he schulde make a feeste to that pilgrym, that cam to hym; and he took the scheep of the pore man, and `made redi metis to the man that cam to hym.
5 Dawid tee asɛm no, ne bo fuu saa ɔbarima no yie, na ɔka kyerɛɛ Natan sɛ, “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade te ase yi, ɛfata sɛ ɔbarima a ɔyɛɛ saa no wuo.
Forsothe Dauid was ful wrooth with indignacioun ayens that man, and seide to Nathan, The Lord lyueth, for the man that dide this is the sone of deeth;
6 Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔtua odwanbereɛ no ka mmɔ ho ɛnan sɛ ɔyɛɛ bɔne saa a wannya ahummɔborɔ biara.”
he schal yelde the scheep in to foure folde, for he dide this word, and sparide not.
7 Ɛhɔ ara, Natan ka kyerɛɛ Dawid sɛ, “Wone saa ɔbarima no! Awurade, Israel Onyankopɔn, se, ‘Mesraa wo sɛ Israelhene, gyee wo firii Saulo tumi ase.
Forsothe Nathan seide to Dauid, Thou art thilke man, that hast do this thing. The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Y anoyntide thee `in to kyng on Israel, and Y delyuerede thee fro the hond of Saul,
8 Mede ne fie ne ne yerenom ne Israel ne Yuda ahemman maa wo. Na sɛ na ɛnonom nnɔɔso a, anka mɛma wo bebree aka ho.
and Y yaf to thee the hows of thi lord, and the wyues of thi lord in thi bosum, and Y yaf to thee the hows of Israel, and of Juda; and if these thingis ben litil, Y schal adde to thee myche grettere thingis.
9 Adɛn enti na woabu Awurade asɛm animtia, na woayɛ bɔne a ɛte saa? Woakum Hetini Uria, awia ne yere.
Whi therfor hast thou dispisid the word of the Lord, that thou didist yuels in my siyt? Thou hast smyte by swerd Vrye Ethei, and thou hast take his wijf in to wijf to thee, and thou hast slayn hym with the swerd of the sones of Amon.
10 Ɛfiri ɛnnɛ rekorɔ, akofena na ɛbɛyɛ ahunahunadeɛ ama wo fiefoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, woabu me animtia, afa Hetini Uria yere de no ayɛ wo yere.’
Wherfor swerd schal not go awey fro thin hows til in to with outen ende; for thou dispysidist me, and tokist the wijf of Vrye Ethei, that sche schulde be thi wijf.
11 “Esiane deɛ woayɛ yi enti, me Awurade, mɛma wʼankasa fidua mufoɔ asɔre atia wo. Mede wo yerenom bɛma ɔbarima foforɔ, na ɔne wɔn bɛda ama obiara ahunu.
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal reise on thee yuel of thin hows, and Y schal take thi wyues in `thin iyen, and Y schal yyue to thi neiybore, and he schal slepe with thi wyues in the iyen of this sunne, `that is, opynli bifor alle men, as in xv. chapitre.
12 Woyɛɛ yei wɔ kɔkoam, nanso mɛma deɛ ɛreba wo so no ada dwa, ama Israel nyinaa ahunu.”
For thou hast do priueli; forsothe Y schal do this word in the siyt of al Israel, and in the siyt of this sunne.
13 Na Dawid ka kyerɛɛ Natan sɛ, “Mayɛ bɔne atia Awurade.” Natan buaa sɛ, “Awurade ayi wo bɔne no afiri wo so. Worenwu.
And Dauid seide to Nathan, Y haue synned to the Lord. And Nathan seide to Dauid, Also the Lord hath turned awei thi synne; thou schalt not die.
14 Nanso, sɛ woama Awurade atamfoɔ ɛkwan sɛ wɔmmu no animtia, ngu ne din ho fi enti, ɔba a wɔbɛwo no ama wo no bɛwu.”
Netheles for thou madist enemyes to blasfeme the name of the Lord, for this word the child which is borun to thee schal die bi deeth.
15 Natan kɔɔ ne fie ara pɛ, Awurade maa abɔfra a Uria yere Batseba wo maa Dawid no yaree dendeenden.
And Nathan turnede ayen in to his hows. And the Lord smoot the litil child, whom the wijf of Vrye childide to Dauid, and he dispeiride.
16 Dawid srɛɛ Onyankopɔn sɛ ɔmma abɔfra no nkye. Ɔkyenee ho kɔm, na ɔkɔɔ fie, na anadwo mu no nyinaa, ɔdaa fam tim.
And Dauid preiede the Lord for the litil child; and Dauid fastide bi fastyng, and entride asidis half, and lai on the erthe.
17 Mpanimfoɔ a wɔwɔ ne fie srɛɛ no sɛ ɔnsɔre na ɔne wɔn nnidi, nanso wampene.
Sotheli the eldere men of his hows camen, and constreyneden hym `bi meke preieris, that he schulde rise fro the erthe; and he nolde, nethir he eet mete with hem.
18 Ne nnanson so, abɔfra no wuiɛ. Na Dawid afotufoɔ no suro sɛ wɔbɛbɔ no amaneɛ sɛ abɔfra no awu, ɛfiri sɛ, na wɔn adwene ne sɛ, “Ɛberɛ a na abɔfra no te ase no, yɛkasa kyerɛɛ Dawid, nanso wantie yɛn. Na ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na yɛatumi aka akyerɛ no sɛ abɔfra no awu? Anhwɛ a, ɔbɛyɛ ne ho biribi.”
Forsothe it bifelde in the seuenthe dai, that the yong child diede; and the seruauntis of Dauid dredde to telle to hym, that the litil child was deed; for thei seiden, Lo! whanne the litil child lyuede yit, we spaken to hym, and he herde not oure vois; hou myche more, if we seien the child is deed, he schal turment himsilf?
19 Na Dawid hunuu sɛ nʼafotufoɔ no reyɛ huhuhuhu no, ɔtee nka sɛ abɔfra no awu. Ɔbisaa sɛ, “Abɔfra no awu anaa?” Wɔbuaa sɛ, “Aane, wawu.”
Therfore whanne Dauid hadde herd his seruauntis spekynge priueli, `ether moterynge, he understood that the yong child was deed; `and he seyde to his seruauntis, Whether the child is deed? Whiche answeriden to hym, He is deed.
20 Na Dawid sɔre firii fam hɔ. Afei, ɔdware wieeɛ a ɔpetee ne ho aduhwam, na ɔsesaa ne ntadeɛ no, ɔkɔɔ Awurade efie kɔsomee. Afei, ɔkɔɔ nʼankasa efie, na ɔno ankasa bisa ma wɔbrɛɛ no aduane, na ɔdidiiɛ.
Therfor Dauid roos fro the erthe, and was waischid, and anoyntid; and whanne he hadde chaungid cloth, he entride in to the hows of the Lord, and worschipide, and cam in to his hows; and he axide, that thei schulden sette breed to hym, and he eet.
21 Nʼafotufoɔ no bisaa no sɛ, “Deɛ woreyɛ yi, aseɛ ne sɛn? Ɛberɛ a abɔfra no te ase no, wodii mmuada, twaa agyaadwoɔ. Na afei a wawu no mmom na woasɔre adidie!”
Sothely his seruauntis seiden to hym, What is the word which thou hast do? Thou fastidist, and weptist for the yong child, whanne he lyuede yit; sotheli whanne the child was deed, thou risidist and etist breed?
22 Ɔbuaa sɛ, “Ɛberɛ a na abɔfra no da so te ase no deɛ, medii abuada, twaa agyaadwoɔ. Medwenee sɛ, ‘Hwan na ɔnim? Ebia, Awurade bɛhunu me mmɔbɔ ama abɔfra no atena.’
And Dauid seide, Y fastide and wepte for the yong child, whanne he lyuyde yit; for Y seide, Who woot, if perauenture the Lord yyue hym to me, and the yong child lyue?
23 Na afei a wawu yi, adɛn enti na ɛsɛ sɛ medi abuada? Mɛtumi asane de no aba nkwa mu bio anaa? Mɛkɔ ne nkyɛn da bi, na ɔno deɛ, ɔrensane mma me nkyɛn ha da.”
`Now forsothe for he is deed, whi `fast Y? whether Y schal mow ayen clepe hym more? Y schal `go more to hym, but he schal not turne ayen to me.
24 Na Dawid kyekyeree ne yere Batseba werɛ, na ɔne no daeɛ. Ɔnyinsɛneeɛ, woo ɔbabarima, na wɔtoo no edin Salomo. Awurade pɛɛ abɔfra no asɛm,
And Dauid coumfortid Bersabee, his wijf; and he entride to hir, and slepte with hir. And sche gendride a sone, and Dauid clepide his name Salomon; and the Lord louyde hym.
25 na ɔde asɛm faa odiyifoɔ Natan so sɛ, ɛsɛ sɛ abɔfra no din yɛ Yedidia, ɛfiri sɛ na Awurade dɔ no.
And he sente Salomon in the hond of Nathan, the prophete; and he clepide his name Amyable to the Lord, for the Lord louyde hym.
26 Saa ɛberɛ no, na Yoab ne Israel akodɔm no reyɛ awie Amon ahenkuro Raba tua no nkonimdie so.
Therfor Joab fauyt ayens Rabath, of the sones of Amon, and he fauyt ayens the `kyngis citee.
27 Yoab somaa abɔfoɔ kɔɔ Dawid nkyɛn, kɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Mako atia Raba, afa deɛ wɔnya wɔn nsuo firie.
And Joab sente messangeris to Dauid, and seide, Y fauyte ayens Rabath, and the citee of watris schal be takun.
28 Afei, fa akodɔm a wɔaka no bra na wɔnwie adwuma no, sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, wobɛnya nkonimdie animuonyam no sene sɛ ɛbɛyɛ me dea.”
Now therfor gadere thou the tother part of the puple, and bisege thou the citee, and take thou it, lest whanne the citee is wastid of me, the victorie be arettid to my name.
29 Enti, Dawid dii nʼakodɔm a wɔaka no anim kɔɔ Raba kɔfaa hɔ.
Therfor Dauid gaderide al the puple, and he yede forth ayens Rabath; and whanne he hadde fouyte, he took it.
30 Dawid tuu ɔhene no ahenkyɛ, na nnipa no de hyɛɛ Dawid. Wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ na ɛyɛɛ ahenkyɛ no a aboɔdemmoɔ bobɔ mu. Na emu duru yɛ kilogram aduasa ɛnan. Dawid foo asadeɛ bebree wɔ kuropɔn no mu.
And he took the diademe of the kyng of hem fro his heed, bi weiyte a talent of gold, hauynge preciouseste peerlis; and it was put on the heed of Dauid, `that is, aftir that it was weldid and purgid bi fier; but also Dauid bar awey ful myche prey of the citee.
31 Ɔsane faa nnipa a wɔwɔ Raba no sɛ nkoa, hyɛɛ wɔn, ma wɔde ɛwan, pinkase ne nkuma yɛɛ adwuma wɔ ntayaa fononoo ho. Saa ara na ɔne nnipa a wɔwɔ Amon nkuro nyinaa so dii noɔ. Na Dawid ne nʼakodɔm sane kɔɔ Yerusalem.
Also he ledde forth the puple therof, and sawide, and `dide aboute hem `yrun instrumentis of turment, and departide with knyues, and `ledde ouer bi the licnesse of tijl stoonus; so he dide to alle the citees of the sones of Amon. And Dauid turnede ayen, and al his oost, in to Jerusalem.

< 2 Samuel 12 >