< 2 Ahemfo 2 >

1 Ɛberɛ a Awurade pɛɛ sɛ ɔnam ahum so fa Elia kɔ ɔsoro no, na Elia ne Elisa nam Gilgal ɛkwan so.
Forsothe it was don, whanne the Lord wolde reise Elie bi a whirlewynd in to heuene, Elie and Elisee yeden fro Galgalis.
2 Na Elia ka kyerɛɛ Elisa sɛ, “Tena ha na Awurade aka akyerɛ me sɛ, menkɔ Bet-El.” Na Elisa buaa sɛ, “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade te ase, na wo nso wote ase no, merennya wo da.” Enti, wɔnante kɔɔ Bet-El.
And Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me til into Bethel. To whom Elisee seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. And whanne thei hadden come doun to Bethel,
3 Adiyifoɔ kuo a wɔfiri Bet-El no baa Elisa nkyɛn bɛbisaa no sɛ, “Na wonim sɛ Awurade rebɛfa wo wura afiri wo nkyɛn ɛnnɛ?” Elisa buaa sɛ, “Aane, menim saa. Nanso, monnka nkyerɛ obiara.”
the sones of prophetis, that weren in Bethel, yeden out to Elisee, and seiden to hym, Whether thou knowist, that the Lord schal take awey thi lord to dai fro thee? Which answeride, And I knowe; be ye stille.
4 Na Elia ka kyerɛɛ Elisa sɛ, “Tena ha, na Awurade aka akyerɛ me sɛ, menkɔ Yeriko.” Nanso, Elisa buaa bio sɛ, “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade te ase, na wo nso wote ase yi, merennya wo da.” Enti, wɔnante kɔɔ Yeriko.
Forsothe Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me into Jerico. And he seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. And whanne thei hadden come to Jerico,
5 Na adiyifoɔ kuo a wɔfiri Yeriko baa Elisa nkyɛn bɛbisaa no sɛ, “Na wonim sɛ Awurade rebɛfa wo wura afiri wo nkyɛn ɛnnɛ anaa?” Ɔbuaa bio sɛ, “Ɛyɛ nokorɛ turodoo, menim. Nanso, monnka nkyerɛ obiara.”
the sones of prophetis, that weren in Jerico, neiyiden to Elisee, and seiden to hym, Whether thou knowist, that the Lord schal take awei thi lord to dai fro thee? And he seide, Y knowe; be ye stille.
6 Na Elia ka kyerɛɛ Elisa sɛ, “Tena ha, na Awurade aka akyerɛ me sɛ, menkɔ Asubɔnten Yordan ho.” Nanso, Elisa buaa bio sɛ, “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade te ase, na wo nso wote ase yi, merennya wo.” Enti wɔtoaa so kɔeɛ.
Forsothe Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me `til to Jordan. Which seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. Therfor bothe yeden togidere;
7 Mmarima aduonum firi adiyifoɔ kuo no mu nso kɔeɛ, kɔgyinaa akyirikyiri baabi, hwɛɛ sɛ Elia ne Elisa gyina Asubɔnten Yordan ho hɔ.
and fifti men of the sones of prophetis sueden, which also stoden fer euen ayens; sothely thei bothe stoden ouer Jordan.
8 Na Elia bobɔɔ nʼatadeɛ, de bɔɔ nsuo no ani. Nsuo no mu kyɛɛ mmienu, ma wɔfaa asase kesee so twareeɛ.
And Elie took his mentil, and wlappide it, and smoot the watris; whiche weren departid `into euer ethir part, and bothe yeden bi the drie.
9 Wɔbaa asuo no fa no, Elia bisaa Elisa sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn na menyɛ mma wo ansa na wɔahwim me akɔ?” Na Elisa buaa sɛ, “Mesrɛ wo, ma mennya wo honhom tumi no mmɔho.”
And whanne thei hadden passid, Elie seide to Elisee, Axe thou that, that thou wolt that Y do to thee, bifor that Y be takun awey fro thee. And Elisee seide, Y biseche, that thi double spirit be `maad in me.
10 Elia kaa sɛ, “Woabisa adeɛ a ne yɛ yɛ den. Na sɛ wohunu sɛ wɔrefa me afiri wo nkyɛn a, wo nsa bɛka wʼabisadeɛ no. Na sɛ amma saa deɛ a, wo nsa renka.”
Which Elie answeride, Thou axist an hard thing; netheles if thou schalt se me, whanne Y schal be takun awei fro thee, that that thou axidist schal be; sotheli, if thou schalt not se, it schal not be.
11 Wɔnam na wɔredi nkɔmmɔ no, prɛko pɛ, ogya teaseɛnam baeɛ a ogya apɔnkɔ retwe. Ɛfaa wɔn ntam ma wɔn ntam teteeɛ, na ahum bi faa Elia de no kɔɔ ɔsoro.
And whanne thei yeden, and spaken goynge, lo! a chare of fier and horsys of fier departiden euer either; and Elie stiede bi a whirlewynd in to heuene.
12 Elisa hunuiɛ, teaam sɛ, “Mʼagya! Mʼagya! Israel nteaseɛnam ne nteaseɛnamkafoɔ!” Na wɔyeraeɛ no, Elisa suanee nʼatadeɛ mu mmienu.
Forsothe Elise siy, and criede, My fadir! my fadir! the chare of Israel, and the charietere therof. And he siy no more Elie. And he took hise clothis, and to-rente tho in to twei partis.
13 Na Elisa faa Elia atadeɛ ngugusoɔ a ɛfirii ne ho guiɛ no, na ɔsane kɔɔ Asubɔnten Yordan konkɔn no so.
And he reiside the mentil of Elie, that felde doun to hym; and he turnede ayen, and stood ouer the ryuer of Jordan.
14 Ɔde atadeɛ ngugusoɔ no bɔɔ nsuo no ani teaam sɛ, “Awurade, Elia Onyankopɔn wɔ he?” Ɛhɔ ara nsuo no mu paee mmienu maa Elisa faa mu.
And with the mentil of Elie, that felde doun to hym, he smoot the watris, whiche weren not departid. And he seide, Where is God of Elie also now? And he smoot the watris, and tho weren departid hidur and thidur; and Elisee passide.
15 Ɛberɛ a adiyifoɔ kuo a wɔwɔ Yeriko hunuu asɛm a asie no, wɔteaam sɛ, “Elisa abɛdi Elia adeɛ!” Na wɔkɔhyiaa no, kotoo no.
Sotheli the sones of prophetis, that weren in Jerico euene ayens, siyen, and seiden, The spirit of Elie restide on Elisee. And thei camen in to the meetyng of hym, and worschipiden hym lowli to erthe.
16 Wɔkaa sɛ, “Owura, ka biribi na yɛn mu ahoɔdenfoɔ aduonum bɛkyini ɛserɛ no so, ahwehwɛ wo wura. Ebia na Awurade honhom agyaa no asi bepɔ bi so anaa bɔnhwa bi mu.” Elisa kaa sɛ, “Dabi, monnsoma wɔn.”
And thei seiden to hym, Lo! with thi seruauntis ben fifti stronge men, that moun go, and seke thi lord, lest perauenture the Spirit of the Lord hath take hym, and hath cast forth hym in oon of the hillis, ethir in oon of the valeys.
17 Nanso, wɔkɔɔ so haa no ara, kɔsii sɛ, ɔnhunu deɛ ɔnyɛ ne ho, enti akyire no ɔkaa sɛ, “Ɛyɛ, monsoma wɔn.” Enti, mmarima aduonum, de nnansa kyinkyini, hwehwɛeɛ, nanso wɔanhunu Elia.
Which seide, `Nyle ye sende. And thei constreyneden hym, til he assentide to hem, and seide, Sende ye. And thei senten fifti men; and whanne thei hadden souyt bi thre daies, thei founden not.
18 Ɛberɛ a wɔsane wɔn akyi no, na Elisa da so wɔ Yeriko. Ɔbisaa wɔn sɛ, “Manka ankyerɛ mo sɛ monnkɔ?”
And thei turneden ayen to hym; and he dwelide in Jerico. And he seide to hem, Whether Y seide not to you, Nyle ye sende?
19 Afei, Yeriko mpanimfoɔ kɔsraa Elisa. Wɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Ɔdɛɛfoɔ, yɛwɔ dadwene bi. Saa kuro yi daberɛ ne nneɛma a atwa ho ahyia yɛ fɛ, sɛdeɛ wohunu no. Nanso, nsuo no nyɛ, na asase no nso mma nnɔbaeɛ.”
Therfor the men of the citee seiden to Elisee, Lo! the dwellyng of this cite is ful good, as thou thi silf, lord, seest; but the watris ben ful yuele, and the lond is bareyn.
20 Elisa kaa sɛ, “momma me nsukoradeɛ foforɔ a wɔde nkyene agu mu.” Na wɔde baeɛ.
And he seide, Brynge ye to me a newe vessel, and sende ye salt in to it. And whanne thei hadden brouyt it,
21 Afei, ɔkɔɔ nsuo no a kurom hɔfoɔ sa nom no mu, kɔtoo nkyene no guu mu. Na ɔkaa sɛ, “Yei ne deɛ Awurade seɛ: Mayɛ nsuo yi yie. Ɛremma owuo, na asase no bɛma ne nnɔbaeɛ.”
he yede out to the welle of watris, and sente salt in to it, and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, Y haue helid these watris, and nethir deeth, nether bareynesse, schal be more in tho.
22 Na ampa ara, ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ no, nsuo no ayɛ nsu pa sɛdeɛ Elisa kaeɛ no.
Therfor the watris weren heelid til in to this dai, bi the word of Elisee, which he spak.
23 Elisa firii Yeriko kɔɔ Bet-El. Ɔrekɔ no, mmarimaa bi a wɔfiri kuro no mu dii ne ho fɛ, seree no sɛ, “Tipa, foro kɔ ɛ! Tipa, foro kɔ ɛ!”
Forsothe Elisee stiede fro thennus in to Bethel; and whanne he stiede bi the weie, litle children yeden out of the citee, and scorneden hym, and seiden, Stie, thou ballard! stie, thou ballard!
24 Elisa danee ne ho hwɛɛ wɔn na ɔde Awurade din domee wɔn. Na sisire mmienu pue firii wiram, bɛkunkum wɔn mu aduanan mmienu.
And whanne he hadde biholde, he siy hem, and curside hem in the name of the Lord. And twey beeris yeden out of the forest, and to-rente fourti children of hem.
25 Elisa firii hɔ no, ɔkɔɔ bepɔ Karmel so, na ɔfirii hɔ kɔɔ Samaria.
Sotheli Elisee wente fro thennus in to the hil of Carmele, and fro thennus he turnede `ayen to Samarie.

< 2 Ahemfo 2 >