< 1 Samuel 12 >

1 Afei, Samuel kasa kyerɛɛ ɔman no bio sɛ, “Deɛ mopɛɛ sɛ meyɛ no mayɛ, mama mo ɔhene.
Forsothe Samuel seide to al Israel, Lo! Y herde youre vois bi alle thingis whiche ye spaken to me, and Y ordeynede a kyng on you;
2 Matwa me mmammarima ho ayi no, na megyina ha sɛ akɔkoraa tidwono. Masom sɛ mo ɔkannifoɔ firi me mmɔfraase.
and now the king goith bifor you. Sotheli Y wexide eld and hoor; forsothe my sones ben with you; therfor Y lyuyde bifor you fro my yong wexynge age `til to this dai. And lo!
3 Afei, monka nkyerɛ me, ɛberɛ a megyina Awurade ne deɛ wɔasra no wɔ ne din mu anim yi, hwan nantwie anaa nʼafunumu na mawia? Masisi mo mu bi pɛn anaa? Madi mo nya pɛn anaa? Magye adanmudeɛ bi pɛn anaa? Sɛ mayɛ bɔne bi a, monka nkyerɛ me, na mɛtenetene deɛ manyɛ no yie.”
Y am redi; speke ye to me bifor the Lord, and bifor `the crist of hym; whether Y took `the oxe of ony man, ether the asse; if Y falsly chalengide ony mon; yf Y oppresside ony man; if Y took yifte of `the hond of ony man; and Y schal `dispise it to dai, and Y schal restore to you.
4 Wɔbuaa sɛ, “Dabi, wonsisii yɛn, na wonnii yɛn nya ɛkwan biara so, na wonnyee adanmudeɛ fua pɛ mpo.”
And thei seiden, Thou hast not falsly chalengid vs, nether hast oppressid vs, nether hast take ony thing of `the hond of ony man.
5 Samuel kaa sɛ, “Awurade ne ne onipa a wɔasra no no yɛ mʼadansefoɔ sɛ morentumi nka sɛ mabɔ mo korɔno.” Wɔn nyinaa kaa sɛ, “Ampa ara, ɛyɛ nokorɛ!”
And he seide to hem, The Lord is witnesse ayens you, and his crist is witnesse in this day; for ye han not founde ony thing in myn hond. And thei seiden, Witnesse.
6 Samuel toaa so sɛ, “Ɛyɛ Awurade na ɔyii Mose ne Aaron. Ɔno na ɔyii mo agyanom firii Misraim asase so.
And Samuel seide to the puple, The Lord, that made Moises and Aaron, and ledde youre fadris out of the lond of Egipt, is present;
7 Seesei, monnyina ha dinn wɔ Awurade anim ɛberɛ a megu so rekaakae mo nneɛma akɛseɛ a Awurade ayɛ ama mo ne mo agyanom no.
now therfor stonde ye, that Y stryue bi doom ayens you bifor the Lord, of alle the mercyes of the Lord, whiche he dide with you, and with youre fadris.
8 “Ɛberɛ a na Israelfoɔ wɔ Misraim na wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade no, ɔsomaa Mose ne Aaron sɛ, wɔnnyi wɔn mfiri Misraim, na wɔmfa wɔn mmra saa asase yi so.
Hou Jacob entride in to Egipt, and youre fadris crieden to the Lord; and the Lord sente Moises and Aaron, and ledde youre fadris out of Egipt, and settide hem in this place.
9 “Nanso, ankyɛre biara na nnipa no werɛ firii Awurade, wɔn Onyankopɔn, enti ɔmaa Sisera a ɔyɛ Hasor akodɔm sahene no ne Filistifoɔ ne Moabhene dii wɔn so.
Whiche foryaten her Lord God; and he bitook hem in the hond of Sisara, maystir of the chyualrie of Asor, and in the hond of Filisteis, and in the hond of the kyng of Moab; and thei fouyten ayens hem.
10 Afei, wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade bio, na wɔpaee mu kaa wɔn bɔne sɛ, ‘Yɛayɛ bɔne sɛ yɛatwe yɛn ho afiri Awurade ho, na yɛresom ahoni Baalim ne Astoret. Na sɛ wogye yɛn firi yɛn atamfoɔ nsam a, yɛbɛsom wo, na wo nko ara na yɛbɛsom.’
Sotheli afterward thei crieden to the Lord, and seiden, We synneden, for we forsoken the Lord, and seruyden Baalym and Astroth; now therfor delyuere thou vs fro `the hond of oure enemyes, and we schulen serue thee.
11 Na Awurade somaa Yerub-Baal, Barak, Yefta ne Samuel, na ɔgyee mo firii mo atamfoɔ nsam na mobɛtenaa asomdwoeɛ mu.
And the Lord sente Gerobaal, and `Bedan, that is, Sampson, and Barach, and Jepte, and Samuel, and delyuerede you fro the hond of youre enemyes bi cumpass; and ye dwelliden tristili.
12 “Nanso, mosuroo Amonfoɔ ɔhene Nahas enti, moka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Dabi, yɛrepɛ ɔhene ama wadi yɛn so’—nanso na Awurade mo Onyankopɔn yɛ mo so ɔhene.
Forsothe ye sien, that Naas, kyng of the sones of Amon, cam ayens you; and ye seiden to me, counseilynge to axe noon other kyng than God, Nay, but a kyng schal comaunde to vs; whanne `youre Lord God regnede in you.
13 Afei, mo ɔhene a moayi no nie; deɛ mobisaeɛ no. Hwɛ, Awurade ayɛ mo apɛdeɛ ama mo.
Now therfor youre kyng is redi, whom ye han chose and axid; lo! the Lord yaf to you a kyng.
14 Sɛ mosuro Awurade, na mosom no, tie nʼasɛm, na sɛ moammu ne mmara so, na mo ne mo ɔhene a ɔdi mo so no nyinaa di Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn akyi a, biribiara bɛyɛ yie.
If ye dreden the Lord, and seruen hym, and heren his vois, and wraththen not the `mouth of the Lord; ye and youre kyng, that comaundith to you, schulen sue youre Lord God.
15 Na sɛ moantie Awurade, na motia ne mmara a, ne nsa bɛyɛ duru wɔ mo so sɛdeɛ ɛyɛɛ mo agyanom so no.
Forsothe if ye heren not the vois of `the Lord, but wraththen his word, the hond of the Lord schal be on you, and on youre fadris.
16 “Enti afei, monnyina hɔ dinn, na monhwɛ ade kɛseɛ a Awurade rebɛyɛ.
But also now stonde ye, and se this gret thing which the Lord schal make in youre siyt.
17 Monim sɛ saa ɛberɛ yi a ɛyɛ ayuotwaberɛ yi, osuo nntɔ. Mɛma Awurade adwa aprannaa na ama osuo atɔ. Afei mobɛhunu bɔne a moyɛeɛ sɛ mobisaa ɔhene no.”
Whether heruest of whete is not `to dai? I schal inwardli clepe the Lord, and he schal yyue voices, `that is, thundris, and reynes; and ye schulen wite, and schulen se, for ye axynge a kyng on you han do greuouse yuel to you in the siyt of the Lord.
18 Ɛhɔ ara Samuel frɛɛ Awurade, na ɛda no ara, Awurade dwaa aprannaa, tɔɔ osuo. Nnipa no nyinaa suroo Awurade ne Samuel.
And Samuel criede to the Lord, and the Lord yaf voices and reynes in that dai.
19 Nnipa no nyinaa ka kyerɛɛ Samuel sɛ, “Bɔ Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn, mpaeɛ ma wʼasomfoɔ sɛdeɛ yɛrenwuo, na yɛrenyɛ bɔne nka yɛn bɔne ahodoɔ nyinaa ho sɛ yɛabisa ɔhene.”
And al the puple dredde greetli the Lord and Samuel; and al the puple seide to Samuel, Preye thou for thi seruauntis to thi Lord God, that we die not; for we addiden yuel to alle oure synnes, that we axiden a kyng to vs.
20 Samuel buaa sɛ, “Monnsuro. Moayɛ saa bɔne yi nyinaa bi deɛ, nanso monnnane mo ani mfiri Awurade so, na momfa mo akoma nyinaa nsom Awurade.
Forsothe Samuel seide to the puple, `Nyle ye drede; ye han do al this yuel; netheles `nyle ye go awey fro the bak of the Lord, but serue ye the Lord in al youre herte;
21 Monnsane nkɔdi ahoni huhuo a wɔrenyɛ mo papa biara, na wɔrentumi nnye mo nkwa no akyi, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔn ho nni mfasoɔ.
and nyle ye bowe aftir veyn thingis, that schulen not profite to you, nether schulen delyuere you; for tho ben veyn thingis.
22 Esiane ne din kɛseɛ no enti, Awurade rempo ne nkurɔfoɔ. Awurade afa mo sɛ nʼankasa nʼadeɛ.
And the Lord schal not forsake his puple for his grete name; for the Lord swoor to make you a puple to hym silf.
23 Na me deɛ, merenyɛ bɔne ntia Awurade sɛ meremmɔ mpaeɛ mma mo. Na mɛkɔ so akyerɛ mo papa ne bɔne.
Forsothe this synne be fer fro me in the Lord, that Y ceesse to preye for you; and Y schal teche you a riytful weie and good.
24 Nanso, monhwɛ sɛ mobɛsuro Awurade na moasom no nokorɛm.
Therfor drede ye the Lord, and `serue ye hym in treuthe, and of al youre herte; for ye sien tho grete thingis, whiche he `dide in you;
25 Na sɛ mokɔ so yɛ bɔne a, wɔbɛsɛe mo ne mo ɔhene nyinaa.”
that if ye contynuen in malice, bothe ye and youre kyng schulen perische to gidere.

< 1 Samuel 12 >