< 1 Ahemfo 18 >

1 Mfeɛ mmiɛnsa akyi, Awurade asɛm baa Elia nkyɛn sɛ, “Fa wo ho kɔkyerɛ ɔhene Ahab na ka kyerɛ no sɛ ɛnkyɛre biara, mɛma osuo atɔ asase no so.”
Aftir many daies the word of the Lord was maad to Elie, in the thridde yeer, and seide, Go, and schewe thee to Achab, that Y yyue reyn on the face of erthe.
2 Elia de ne ho kɔkyerɛɛ ɔhene Ahab. Na ɛkɔm no ano yɛɛ den yie wɔ Samaria.
Therfor Elie yede to schewe hym silf to Achab; forsothe greet hungur was in Samarie.
3 Ahab frɛɛ Obadia a na ɔhwɛ nʼahemfie so no. Na Obadia gye Awurade di yie.
And Achab clepide Abdie, dispendere, ether stiward, of his hows; forsothe Abdie dredde greetli the Lord God of Israel.
4 Ɛberɛ a na Isebel rekunkum Awurade adiyifoɔ no, Obadia faa adiyifoɔ no ɔha de wɔn kɔsiee abodan mmienu mu a, wɔn mu aduonum biara da ɔbodan baako mu. Na ɔmaa wɔn aduane ne nsuo.
For whanne Jezabel killide the prophetis of the Lord, he took an hundrid prophetis, and hidde hem, bi fifties and fifties, in dennes, and fedde hem with breed and watir.
5 Ahab ka kyerɛɛ Obadia sɛ, “Ɛsɛ sɛ yɛhwehwɛ asase no so nsuwa ne bɔnhwa nyinaa sɛ ebia yɛbɛnya ɛserɛ ama apɔnkɔ ne mfunumu yi awe sɛdeɛ wɔrenwu.”
Therfor Achab seide to Abdie, Go thou in to the lond, to alle wellis of watris, and in to alle valeis, if in hap we moun fynde gras, and saue horsis and mulis; and werk beestis perische not outirli.
6 Enti, wɔkyɛɛ asase no mu maa wɔn ho. Ahab faa ɛfa na Obadia nso faa ɛfa.
Therfor thei departiden the cuntreis to hem silf, that thei schulden cumpasse tho; Achab yede bi o weye, and Abdie yede bi another weie, `bi hym silf.
7 Obadia nam, nam no, Elia hyiaa no. Obadia hunuu no, kaee no enti, ɔkotoo no wɔ fam kaa sɛ, “Enti, wo nie, me wura Elia?”
And whanne Abdie was in the weie, Elie mette hym; and whanne he hadde knowe Elie, he felde on his face, and seide, Whethir thou art my lord Elie?
8 Elia buaa sɛ, “Aane, kɔka kyerɛ wo wura sɛ, ‘Elia wɔ ha.’”
To whom he answeride, Y am. And Elie seide, Go thou, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present.
9 Obadia bisaa sɛ, “Me wura, ɛdeɛn bɔne na mayɛ a enti woresoma me Ahab nkyɛn ama wɔakum me?
And Abdie seide, What `synnede Y, for thou bitakist me in the hond of Achab, that he sle me?
10 Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn te ase yi, ɔman anaa ahemman biara nni hɔ a me wura nsomaa obi wɔ so sɛ ɔnhwehwɛ wo. Na ɔman anaa ahemman biara a wɔbɛka sɛ wonni soɔ no, ɔma wɔka ntam, ka sɛ wɔanhunu wo.
Thi Lord God lyueth, for no folk ethir rewme is, whidur my lord, sekynge thee, sente not; and whanne alle men answeriden, He is not here, he chargide greetli alle rewmes and folkis, for thou were not foundun; and now thou seist to me,
11 Na afei, woka kyerɛ me sɛ menkɔ me wura nkyɛn nkɔka nkyerɛ no sɛ, ‘Elia wɔ ha.’
Go, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present.
12 Mennim baabi a sɛ megya wo hɔ kɔ a, Awurade honhom bɛpagya wo akɔsi. Sɛ mekɔka kyerɛ Ahab, na wanhunu wo a, ɔbɛkum me. Nanso, me, wo ɔsomfoɔ, masom Awurade firi me mmɔfraase.
And whanne Y schal departe fro thee, the Spirit of the Lord schal bere thee awey in to a place which Y knowe not; and Y schal entre, and `Y schal telle to Achab, and he schal not fynde thee, and he schal sle me; forsothe thi seruaunt dredith the Lord fro his yong childhod.
13 Me wura, wontee deɛ meyɛɛ ɛberɛ a na Isebel rekunkum Awurade adiyifoɔ no anaa? Mede Awurade adiyifoɔ no ɔha siee abodan mmienu mu a, na wɔn mu aduonum wɔ ɔbodan baako biara mu. Memaa wɔn aduane ne nsuo nso.
Whether it is not schewid to thee, my lord, what Y dide, whanne Jesabel killide the prophetis of the Lord, that Y hidde of the prophetis of the Lord an hundrid men, bi fifty and bi fifti, in dennes, and Y fedde hem with breed and watir?
14 Na afei, woka kyerɛ me sɛ menkɔ me wura nkyɛn nkɔka nkyerɛ no sɛ, ‘Elia wɔ ha!’ Ɔbɛkum me!”
And now thou seist, Go, and seie to thi lord, Elie is present, that he sle me.
15 Elia kaa sɛ, “Mmerɛ dodoɔ a Awurade a mesom no te ase yi, deɛ ɛbɛyɛ biara, mede me ho bɛma Ahab ɛnnɛ.”
And Elie seide, The Lord of oostis lyueth, bifor whos siyt Y stonde, for to dai Y schal appere to hym.
16 Enti, Obadia kɔhyiaa Ahab, ka kyerɛɛ no, na Ahab kɔhyiaa Elia.
Therfor Abdie yede in to the metyng of Achab, and schewide to hym; and Achab cam in to the meetyng of Elie.
17 Ɔhunuu Elia no, ɔbisaa no sɛ, “Wo nie, wo a woha Israelfoɔ?”
And whanne he hadde seyn Elie, he seide, Whether thou art he, that disturblist Israel?
18 Elia buaa sɛ, “Menhaa Israel ɛkwan biara so. Na mmom, wo ne wʼagya fiefoɔ na moaha Israel. Moagyae Awurade mmara so die, akɔdi Baal akyi.
And he seide, Not Y disturble Israel, but thou, and the hows of thi fadir, whiche han forsake the comaundementis of the Lord, and sueden Baalym, `disturbliden Israel.
19 Enti, frɛ Israel nnipa nyinaa na wɔmmɛhyia me Karmel bepɔ so. Na fa Baal adiyifoɔ ahanan aduonum ne Asera adiyifoɔ ahanan a wɔdidi Isebel didipono so no nso bra.”
Netheles now sende thou, and gadere to me al Israel, in the hil of Carmele, and foure hundrid and fifti prophetis of Baal, and foure hundrid prophetis of woodis, that eten of the table of Jezabel.
20 Na Ahab soma kɔɔ Israel nyinaa kɔboaboaa adiyifoɔ no ano wɔ Karmel bepɔ so.
Achab sente to alle the sones of Israel, and gaderide prophetis in the hil of Carmele.
21 Elia dii nnipa no anim kaa sɛ, “Moadwene bɛyɛ ntanta wɔ saa asɛm yi ho akɔsi da bɛn? Sɛ Awurade yɛ Onyankopɔn a, monni nʼakyi, na sɛ Baal nso yɛ Onyankopɔn a, monni nʼakyi.” Nanso, nnipa no yɛɛ dinn.
Forsothe Elie neiyede to al the puple of Israel, and seide, Hou long halten ye in to twey partis? If the Lord is God, sue ye hym; forsothe if Baal is God, sue ye hym. And the puple answeride not o word to hym.
22 Elia ka kyerɛɛ ɔman no sɛ, “Me nko ara ne Awurade odiyifoɔ a maka, nanso Baal wɔ adiyifoɔ ahanan aduonum.
And Elie seide eft to the puple, Y dwellide aloone a prophete of the Lord; sotheli the prophetis of Baal ben foure hundrid and fifti, and the prophetis of woodis ben foure hundrid men.
23 Momma yɛn anantwinini mmienu. Momma wɔnyi mu baako, na wɔntwitwa no asinasini mfa ngu gyenyina so, nsɔ wɔn mu ogya. Nantwinini baako a aka no, mɛyɛ ne ho adwuma, de agu gyenyina so a merento mu ogya.
Tweyne oxis be youun to us; and chese thei oon oxe, and thei schulen kitte in to gobetis, and schulen putte on trees, but putte thei not fier vndur; and Y schal make the tother oxe in to sacrifice, and Y schal putte on the trees, and Y schal not putte fier vnder.
24 Na mobɛfrɛ mo nyame na me nso mafrɛ Awurade. Onyame a ɔnam ogya so gye so no, ɔno ne Onyankopɔn.” Ɔmanfoɔ no nyinaa penee so.
Clepe ye the name of youre goddis, and Y schal clepe the name of my God; and the God that herith bi fier, be he God. And al the puple answeride, and seide, The resoun is best, `which resoun Elie spak.
25 Elia ka kyerɛɛ Baal adiyifoɔ no sɛ, “Momfa anantwinini no baako, na monni ɛkan nsiesie no, ɛfiri sɛ, mo dɔɔso. Momfrɛ mo nyame a monnto mu ogya.”
Therfor Elie seide to the prophetis of Baal, Chese ye oon oxe to you, and make ye first, for ye ben the mo; and clepe ye the names of youre goddis, and putte ye not fier vnder.
26 Enti, wɔfaa nantwinini a wɔkaa sɛ wɔmfa no no, siesiee no too afɔrebukyia no so. Afei, wɔfrɛɛ Baal, frɛɛ no, frɛɛ no firi anɔpa mu nyinaa sɛ, “Ao, Baal! Tie yɛn oo!” Wɔteateaam saa ara, nanso wɔannya mmuaeɛ biara! Afei wɔde anibereɛ sa faa afɔrebukyia a wɔasi no ho hyiaeɛ.
And whanne thei hadden take the oxe, whom Elie yaf to hem, thei maden sacrifice, and clepiden the name of Baal, fro the morewtid `til to myddai, and seiden, Baal, here vs! And no vois was, nether ony that answerd; and thei skippiden ouer the auter, which thei hadden maad.
27 Ɛduruu owigyinaeɛ no, Elia dii wɔn ho fɛ sɛ, “Monteateam den! Ɔyɛ onyame! Ebia, ɔredwene biribi ho dendeenden anaa ɔregye nʼahome, ɔnnyaa adagyeɛ anaa watu ɛkwan. Ebi nso a, wada a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔnyane no.”
And whanne it was thanne myddai, Elie scornede hem, and seide, Crie ye with gretter vois, for Baal is youre god, and in hap he spekith with an other, ethir he is in a herborgerie, ether in weie, ether certis he slepith, that he be reisid.
28 Enti, wɔteateaam den, de asekan twitwaa wɔn ho wɔn ho, wowɔɔ wɔn ho wɔn ho pea sɛdeɛ wɔn amanneɛ teɛ, maa mogya pram wɔn.
Therfor thei crieden with greet vois, and thei kerueden hem silf with knyues and launcetis, bi her custom, til thei weren bisched with blood.
29 Owigyinaeɛ no twaa mu mpo no wɔtoaa wɔn nkɔmhyɛ no so, kɔsii anwummerɛ afɔrebɔ berɛ no mu. Nanso, mmuaeɛ biara amma. Wɔante obiara nne na obiara annye wɔn so.
Sotheli after that mydday passide, and while thei prophesieden, the tyme cam, in which the sacrifice is wont to be offrid, nether vois was herd `of her goddis, nether ony answeride, nether perceyuede hem preiynge.
30 Afei, Elia ka kyerɛɛ ɔmanfoɔ no nyinaa sɛ, “Mommra me nkyɛn ha.” Wɔkɔɔ ne nkyɛn, na ɔsiesiee Awurade afɔrebukyia a na abubuo no.
Elie seide to al the puple, Come ye to me. And whanne the puple cam to him, he arrayede the auter of the Lord, that was distried.
31 Elia faa aboɔ dumienu a baako biara gyina hɔ ma Israel abusuakuo baako,
And he took twelue stonys, bi the noumbre of lynagis of sones of Jacob, to which Jacob the word of the Lord was maad, and seide, Israel schal be thi name.
32 na ɔde aboɔ no sane sii Awurade afɔrebukyia no. Na ɔtwaa amena a ne tɛtrɛtɛ bɛyɛ anammɔn mmiɛnsa faa afɔrebukyia no ho hyiaeɛ.
And he bildide an auter of stonys, in the name of the Lord, and he made a ledyng to of watir, `ether a dich, as bi twei litle dichis in the cumpas of the auter.
33 Ɔde nnyensin guu afɔrebukyia no so, twitwaa nantwinini no asinasini guu so. Afei, ɔkaa sɛ, “Monhyɛ pɔre akɛseɛ no nsuo ma ma, na monhwie ngu afɔrebɔdeɛ no ne nnyensin no so.” Wɔyɛɛ deɛ ɔkaeɛ no wieeɛ no,
And he dresside trees, and he departide the oxe bi membris, and puttide on the trees,
34 ɔkaa sɛ, “Monyɛ saa ara bio!” Na wɔyɛɛ saa wieeɛ no, ɔkaa sɛ, “Monyɛ saa ne mprɛnsa so.” Wɔyɛɛ sɛdeɛ ɔkaeɛ no,
and seide, Fille ye foure pottis with watir, and schede ye on the brent sacrifice, and on the trees. And eft he seide, Also the secounde tyme do ye this. `And thei diden the secounde tyme. And he seide, Do ye the same thing the thridde tyme; and thei diden the thridde tyme.
35 maa nsuo no tene faa afɔrebukyia no ho, maa mpo, ɛbu faa amena no so.
And the watris runnen aboute the auter, and the dich of ledyng to `of watir was fillid.
36 Ɛduruu ɛberɛ a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔbɔ anwummerɛ afɔdeɛ, sɛdeɛ wɔn amanneɛ kyerɛ no, odiyifoɔ Elia kɔɔ afɔrebukyia no so, bɔɔ mpaeɛ sɛ, “Ao, Awurade, Abraham, Isak ne Yakob Onyankopɔn, kyerɛ ɛnnɛ sɛ woyɛ Onyankopɔn wɔ Israel, na meyɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ. Kyerɛ sɛ, deɛ mereyɛ yi nyinaa firi wo.
And whanne the tyme was thanne, that the brent sacrifice schulde be offrid, Elye the prophete neiyede, and seide, Lord God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, schewe thou to dai that thou art God of Israel, and that Y am thi seruaunt, and haue do alle these wordis bi thi comaundement.
37 Ao, Awurade, tie me! Tie me na saa nnipa yi nyinaa nhunu sɛ, Ao, Awurade, woyɛ Onyankopɔn a woatwe wɔn asane aba wo nkyɛn.”
Lord, here thou me; Lord, here thou me; that this puple lerne, that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast conuertid eft the herte of hem.
38 Nʼano siiɛ pɛ, na ogya a ɛfiri Awurade nkyɛn te firii soro bɛhyee nantwinini ba no, nnyensin no, aboɔ no ne mfuturo no. Mpo, ɛwee amena no mu nsuo no nyinaa.
Sotheli fier of the Lord felde doun, and deuouride brent sacrifice, and trees, and stonus, and lickide vp also the poudre, and the water that was in the `leding of water.
39 Nnipa no hunuiɛ no, wɔde wɔn anim butubutuu fam, teateaam sɛ, “Awurade yɛ Onyankopɔn! Awurade yɛ Onyankopɔn!”
And whanne al the puple hadde seyn this, it felde in to his face, and seide, The Lord he is God; the Lord he is God.
40 Na Elia hyɛɛ sɛ, “Monkyere Baal adiyifoɔ no nyinaa. Mommma wɔn mu baako koraa nnwane.” Enti, ɔmanfoɔ no kyekyeree wɔn nyinaa. Na Elia de wɔn kɔɔ Kison bɔnhwa mu kɔkunkumm wɔn wɔ hɔ.
And Elie seide to hem, Take ye the prophetis of Baal; not oon sotheli ascape of hem. And whanne thei hadden take hem, Elie ledde hem to the stronde of Cison, and killide hem there.
41 Elia ka kyerɛɛ Ahab sɛ, “Kɔ na kɔdi aduane pa, ma wo ho ntɔ wo! Na mate sɛ osu kɛseɛ bi rebɛtɔ.”
And Elie seide to Achab, Stie thou, ete, and drynke, for the sown of myche reyn is.
42 Enti, Ahab too ɛpono. Na Elia foro kɔɔ Karmel bepɔ atifi, kɔbutuu fam, bɔɔ mpaeɛ.
Achab stiede to ete and drynke; forsothe Elie stiede in to the hil of Carmele, and he settide lowli his face to the erthe, bitwixe hise knees;
43 Na ɔka kyerɛɛ ne ɔsomfoɔ sɛ, “Kɔ na fa wʼani kyerɛ ɛpo so.” Ɔsomfoɔ no kɔ kɔhwɛɛ hɔ, na ɔba bɛka kyerɛɛ Elia sɛ, “Manhunu hwee.” Elia kaa saa kyerɛɛ no mprɛnson sɛ ɔmfa nʼani nkɔkyerɛ hɔ. Ɔno nso kɔɔ mprɛnson.
and seide to his child, Stie thou, and biholde ayens the see. And whanne he hadde stied, and hadde biholde, he seide, No thing is. And eft Elie seide to hym, Turne thou ayen bi seuene tymes.
44 Ne mprɛnson so no, ne ɔsomfoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Mehunuu omununkum bi a ɛte sɛ onipa abasa a, apue afiri ɛpo no so reforo.” Ɛhɔ ara na Elia teaam sɛ, “Ntɛm! Kɔ Ahab nkyɛn kɔka kyerɛ no. ‘Foro wo teaseɛnam no, na sane kɔ efie. Sɛ woanka wo ho a, osuo no bɛsi wo ɛkwan.’”
Sotheli in the seuenthe tyme, lo! a litil cloude as the step of a man stiede fro the see. And Elie seide, Stie thou, and seie to Achab, Ioyne thi chare, and go doun, lest the reyn byfor ocupie thee.
45 Ankyɛre biara na osuo munaa tumm. Osuframa bɔeɛ, na osu kɛseɛ tɔeɛ, na ntɛm so, Ahab kɔɔ Yesreel.
And whanne thei turneden hem hidur and thidur, lo! heuenes weren maad derk, and cloud, and wynd, and greet reyn was maad. Therfor Achab stiede, and yede in to Jezrael;
46 Afei, Awurade maa Elia ahoɔden sononko bi. Ɔkekaa nʼatadeɛ hyɛɛ nʼabɔsoɔ mu, na ɔdii Ahab teaseɛnam no ɛkan ara kɔsii Yesreel ɛkwan ano.
and the hond of the Lord was maad on Elie, and whanne the leendis weren gird, he ran bifor Achab, til he cam in to Jezrael.

< 1 Ahemfo 18 >