< 1 Berɛsosɛm 11 >

1 Na Israel nyinaa kɔɔ Dawid nkyɛn wɔ Hebron kɔka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Yɛn nyinaa yɛ wʼabusuafoɔ.
Therfor al Israel was gaderid to Dauid in Ebron, and seide, We ben thi boon and thi fleisch;
2 Mmerɛ tenten bi a atwam, mpo ɛberɛ a Saulo di yɛn so ɔhene no, na wone obi a nokorɛm na wodi Israel anim. Na Awurade, wo Onyankopɔn, aka kyerɛ wo sɛ, ‘Wobɛyɛ odwanhwɛfoɔ ama me nkurɔfoɔ Israel. Wobɛyɛ wɔn sodifoɔ.’”
also yisterdai and the thridde dai ago, whanne Saul regnede yit on Israel, thou it were that leddist out and leddist in Israel; for `thi Lord God seide to thee, Thou schalt fede my puple Israel, and thou schalt be prince on it.
3 Enti, Dawid ne Israel ntuanofoɔ no yɛɛ apam wɔ Awurade anim wɔ Hebron. Wɔsraa no ngo, sii no Israelhene sɛdeɛ Awurade nam Samuel so hyɛɛ ho bɔ no.
Therfor alle the gretter in birthe of Israel camen to the kyng in Ebron; and Dauid maad with hem a boond of pees bifor the Lord, and thei anoyntiden hym kyng on Israel, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak in the hond of Samuel.
4 Na Dawid ne Israel nyinaa kɔɔ Yerusalem anaa Yebus, sɛdeɛ na wɔfrɛ hɔ kane no, ɛfiri sɛ, Yebusifoɔ na wɔkɔtenaa asase no so kane kyekyereeɛ.
Therfor Dauid yede, and al Israel, in to Jerusalem; this Jerusalem is Jebus, where Jebuseis enhabiteris of the lond weren.
5 Nnipa a wɔfiri Yebus no ka kyerɛɛ Dawid sɛ, “Worentumi mma ha da biara da.” Nanso, Dawid faa aban a na ɛwɔ Sion a wɔfrɛ no Dawid Kuro no.
And thei that dwelliden at Jebus seiden to Dauid, Thou schalt not entre hidur. Forsothe Dauid took the hiy tour of Syon, which is the citee of Dauid;
6 Dawid ka kyerɛɛ nʼakodɔm no sɛ, “Mo mu biara a ɔbɛdi anim na yɛakɔto ahyɛ Yebusifoɔ no so no, ɔno na ɔbɛyɛ mʼakodɔm so sahene.” Na Dawid nuabaa Seruia babarima Yoab dii ntohyɛsoɔ no anim, enti ɔbɛyɛɛ Dawid akodɔm so sahene.
and he seide, Ech man that `sleeth first Jebusei, schal be prince and duyk. Therfor Joab, sone of Saruye, stiede first, and was maad prince.
7 Dawid tenaa aban no mu, na ɛno enti na wɔfrɛɛ hɔ Dawid kuro no.
Sotheli Dauid dwellide in the hiy tour, and therfor it was clepid the cytee of Dauid;
8 Dawid kyekyeree kuro no, trɛɛ mu firi Milo de twaa ho hyiaeɛ, ɛberɛ a na Yoab nso rekyekyere Yerusalem nkaeɛ no.
and he bildide the citee in cumpas fro Mello til to the cumpas; forsothe Joab bildide the tother part of the citee.
9 Na Dawid tumi yɛɛ kɛseɛ, ɛfiri sɛ, na Asafo Awurade ka ne ho.
And Dauid profitide goynge and wexynge, and the Lord of oostis was with hym.
10 Yeinom ne Dawid nnɔmmarima ntuanofoɔ. Wɔne Israel nyinaa boom, sii gyinaeɛ sɛ wɔde Dawid bɛyɛ wɔn so ɔhene sɛdeɛ Awurade ahyɛ bɔ afa Israel ho no.
These ben the princes of the stronge men of Dauid, that helpiden hym, that he schulde be kyng on al Israel, bi the word of the Lord which he spak to Israel.
11 Dawid nnɔmmarima no ho nsɛm nie: Deɛ ɔdi ɛkan no ne Yasobeam, a ɔyɛ Hakmonini a na ɔda Baasa no ano sɛ ɔsahene—Baasa no yɛ nnɔmmarima akatakyie a na wɔwɔ Dawid asraafoɔ mu. Ɛberɛ bi, ɔde ne pea kunkumm atamfoɔ ahasa wɔ akodie baako mu.
And this is the noumbre of the stronge men of Dauid; Jesbaam, the sone of Achamony, was prince among thretti; this reiside his schaft ethir spere on thre hundrid woundid men in o tyme.
12 Deɛ ɔtɔ so mmienu wɔ Baasa no mu no yɛ Dodo babarima Eleasa a ɔyɛ Ahoa aseni.
And after hym was Eleazar, the sone of his fadris brothir, and was `a man of Ahoit, which Eleazar was among thre miyti men.
13 Ɛberɛ a Dawid sɔre tiaa Filistifoɔ wɔ Pas-Damim no, na ɔka ne ho. Ɔko no sii wɔ baabi a na ɛyɛ atokofuo nko, na Israel asraafoɔ no dwaneeɛ.
This was with Dauid in Aphesdomyn, whanne Filisteis weren gaderid to o place in to batel; and a feeld of that cuntrey was ful of barli, and the puple fledde fro the face of Filisteis.
14 Nanso, Eleasa ne Dawid gyinaa wɔn nan so wɔ afuo no mfimfini, bɔɔ Filistifoɔ guiɛ. Na Awurade maa wɔdii nkonim de gyee wɔn.
This Eleazar stood in the myddis of the feeld, and defendide it; and whanne he hadde slayn Filisteis, the Lord yaf greet helthe to his puple.
15 Ɛda bi a Dawid wɔ ɔbotan bi a ɛbɛn Adulam ɔbodan ho no, na Filistifoɔ asraadɔm akyere sraban wɔ Refaim bɔnhwa mu. Baasa no a na wɔka Aduasa no a wɔagye edin wɔ Dawid akodɔm mu no siane kɔhyiaa no wɔ hɔ.
Sotheli thre of thritti princes yeden doun to the stoon, wher ynne Dauid was, to the denne of Odolla, whanne Filisteis settiden tentis in the valey of Raphaym.
16 Saa ɛberɛ no, na Dawid te abanbɔeɛ mu hɔ a na Filistifoɔ akodɔm kuo bi akɔtena Betlehem.
Forsothe Dauid was in a strong hold, and the stacioun, `that is, the oost gaderid, of Filisteis was in Bethleem.
17 Dawid firi akɔnnɔ mu kaeɛ sɛ, “Ao me kɔn dɔ nsu pa a ɛwɔ abura a ɛwɔ Betlehem no bi; deɛ ɛbɛn ɛpono ano no bi.”
Therfor Dauid desiride watir, and seide, Y wolde, that sum man yaf to me water of the cisterne of Bethleem, which is in the yate.
18 Enti, Baasa no bɔ wuraa Filistifoɔ no mu, kɔsaa abura no mu nsuo no bi de brɛɛ Dawid. Nanso, Dawid annom. Mmom, ɔhwie guu Awurade anim
Therfor these thre yeden thoruy the myddil of the castelis of Filisteis, and drowen watir of the cisterne of Bethleem, that was in the yate, and thei brouyten to Dauid, that he schulde drynke; and Dauid nolde `drynke it, but rather he offride it to the Lord, and seide, Fer be it,
19 teaam sɛ, “Ɛmpare me sɛ mɛnom saa nsuo yi. Ɛsom bo te sɛ saa mmarima yi a wɔde wɔn ho bɔɔ afɔdeɛ kɔsa brɛɛ me no mogya.” Enti, Dawid annom. Yei yɛ Baasa no mmaninsɛm no bi nhwɛsoɔ.
that Y do this thing in the siyt of my God, and that Y drynke the blood of these men, for in the perel of her lyues thei brouyten watir to me; and for this cause he nolde drynke. Thre strongeste men diden these thingis.
20 Yoab nuabarima Abisai na na ɔtua Aduasa no ano. Ɔno na ɔde ne pea kunkumm atamfoɔ no mu ahasa. Saa mmaninsɛm yi enti na ɔgyee edin te sɛ Baasa no.
Also Abisai, the brother of Joab, he was the prince of thre men, and he reiside his schaft ayens thre hundrid woundid men; and he was moost named among thre,
21 Abisai na na ne din ahyeta yie wɔ Aduasa no mu sɛ wɔn sahene, nanso na ɔnka Baasa no ho.
among the secounde thre he was noble, and the prince of hem; netheles he cam not til to the firste thre.
22 Na Yehoiada babarima Benaia a ɔfiri Kabseel no nso wɔ hɔ. Na ɔno nso di mmaninsɛm. Ɔyɛɛ bebree a emu baako ne sɛ ɔkunkumm Moab akofoɔ akɛseɛ baanu bi. Ɛberɛ foforɔ bi nso, ɔtaa gyata maa aboa no kɔtɔɔ amena mu. Na sukyerɛmma ama fam ayɛ toro, nanso, ɔkyeree gyata no kumm no.
Banaye, the sone of Joiada, strongest man of Capsael, that dide many werkis; he killide two stronge men of Moab; and he yede doun, and killide a lioun in the myddil of a cisterne, in the tyme of snow;
23 Ɛda bi a na ɔkura aporibaa nko ara no, ɔkumm Misraimni ɔkofoɔ bi a na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn nson ne fa. Na ne pea no mu pipiripie te sɛ ntomanwomfoɔ nsadua. Benaia hwam pea no firii Misraimni no nsam, de kumm no.
and he killide a man of Egipt, whos stature was of fyue cubitis, and he hadde a spere as the beem of webbis; therfor Banaye yede doun to hym with a yerde, and rauyschide the spere, which he held in the hond, and killide hym with his owne spere.
24 Yeinom ne mmaninsɛm a ɛmaa Yehoiada babarima Benaia gyee edin te sɛ Baasa no.
Banaye, the sone of Joiada, dide these thingis, that was moost named among thre stronge men, and was the firste among thretti;
25 Wɔhyɛɛ no animuonyam sene nkaeɛ a wɔka Aduasa no ho no, nanso na ɔmfra Baasa no mu. Na Dawid yɛɛ no ne ho awɛmfoɔ no so sahene.
netheles he cam not til to the thre; sotheli Dauid settide hym at his eere.
26 Nnipa a na wɔka Dawid nnɔmmarima no ho nie: Yoab nuabarima Asahel; Dodo babarima Elhanan a ɔfiri Betlehem;
Forsothe the strongeste men `in the oost weren Asael, the brother of Joab, and Eleanan, the sone of his fadris brothir of Bethleem,
27 Samot a ɔfiri Harori; Heles a ɔfiri Pelon;
Semynoth Arorites, Helles Phallonytes, Iras,
28 Ikes babarima Ira a ɔfiri Tekoa; Abieser a ɔfiri Anatot;
the sone of Acces of Thecue, Abieser of Anathot,
29 Sibekai a ɔfiri Husa; Salmon a ɔfiri Ahoa;
Sobochay Sochites, Ylai Achoytes,
30 Maharai a ɔfiri Netofa; Baana a ɔfiri Netofa babarima Heled;
Maray Nethophatithes, Heles, the sone of Banaa, Nethophatithes, Ethaa,
31 Ribai a ɔfiri Gibea babarima Itai (wɔfiri Benyamin abusuakuo mu); Benaia a ɔfiri Piraton;
the sone of Rabai, of Gabaath of the sones of Beniamyn; Banaye Pharatonythes, men of the stronde Gaas,
32 Hurai a ɔfiri baabi a ɛbɛn Nahale-Gaas; Abiel a ɔfiri Araba.
Abihel Arabatithes, Azmoth Baruanythes, Eliaba Salaonythes,
33 Asmawet a ɔfiri Baharum; Eliahba a ɔfiri Saalbon.
the sones of Assem Gesonythes, Jonathan, the sone of Saga, Ararithes, Achiam,
34 Hasem mmammarima a wɔfiri Gison; Sage babarima Yonatan a ɔfiri Harar.
the sone of Achar, Ararites,
35 Sakar babarima Ahiam a ɔfiri Harar; Ur babarima Elifar.
Eliphal, the sone of Mapher,
36 Hefer a ɔfiri Mekera; Ahiya a ɔfiri Pelon.
Mechoratithes, Ahya Phellonythes,
37 Hesro a ɔfiri Karmel; Esbai babarima Naarai.
Asrahi Carmelites, Neoray,
38 Natan nuabarima Yoɛl; Hagri babarima Mibhar.
the sone of Thasbi, Johel, the brother of Nathan, Mabar, the sone of Aggaray, Selech Ammonythes,
39 Selek a ɔfiri Amon; Naharai a ɔfiri Beerot (a na ɔyɛ Yoab akodeɛkurafoɔ);
Nooray Berothites, the squyer of Joab, sone of Saruye,
40 Ira a ɔfiri Yitri; Gareb a ɔfiri Yitri;
Iras Jetreus, Gareb Jethreus,
41 Hetini Uria; Ahlai babarima Sabad;
Vrie Ethei, Sabab,
42 Sisa babarima Adina a na ɔda Rubenfoɔ ano, a na mmarima aduasa ka ne ho;
the sone of Ooli, Adyna, the sone of Segar Rubenytes, prince of Rubenytis, and thritti men with hym;
43 Maaka babarima Hanan; Yosafat a ɔfiri Mitna;
Hanan, the sone of Macha, and Josaphath Mathanythes, Ozias Astarothites,
44 Usia a ɔfiri Astera; Hotam a ɔfiri Aroer mmammarima Sama ne Yeiel;
Semma and Jahel, the sones of Hotayn Aroerites,
45 Simri babarima Yediael; Yoha ne nuabarima a ɔfiri Tis;
Ledihel, the sone of Zamri, and Joha, his brother, Thosaythes,
46 Eliel a ɔfiri Mahawi; Elnaam mmammarima Yeribai ne Yosawia; Yitma a ɔfiri Moab;
Hehiel Maanytes, Jerybay and Josia, the sones of Helnaen, Jethma Moabites,
47 Eliel ne Obed; Yaasiel a ɔfiri Soba.
Heliel, and Obed, and Jasihel of Masobia.

< 1 Berɛsosɛm 11 >