< 2 Mose 40 >

1 Afei Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose se,
Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Ɔsram a edi kan no da a edi kan no na si Ahyiae Ntamadan no.
"On the first day of the first month you shall raise up the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting.
3 Wusi wie a, fa Apam Adaka a Mmaransɛm Du no wɔ mu no si mu. Na fa ntwamtam no twa Apam Adaka no anim ma ɛnhyɛ kronkron mu kronkron hɔ.
You shall put the ark of the testimony in it, and you shall veil the ark with the curtain.
4 Afei, fa ɔpon no besi hɔ na fa ɛho nneɛma nyinaa gu so na fa kaneadua no bra na sɔ kanea no.
You shall bring in the table, and set in order the things that are on it. You shall bring in the lampstand, and light its lamps.
5 Fa sikakɔkɔɔ afɔremuka a wɔbɛhyew aduhuam wɔ so no besi Apam Adaka no anim na fa ɔpon no nkataanim sɛn Ahyiae Ntamadan no ano.
You shall set the golden altar for incense before the ark of the testimony, and put the screen of the door to the tabernacle.
6 “Fa ɔhyew afɔremuka no si Ahyiae Ntamadan no kwan ano.
You shall set the altar of burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting.
7 Fa hweaseammɔ no si Ahyiae Ntamadan no ne afɔremuka no ntam na hyɛ no nsu ma.
You shall set the basin between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and shall put water in it.
8 Siesie adiwo twa Ahyiae Ntamadan no ho hyia na fa nsɛnanim no sɛn ne kwan no ano.
You shall set up the court around it, and hang up the screen of the gate of the court.
9 “Fa ɔsrango no na pete gu Ahyiae Ntamadan no so baabiara ne biribiara a ɛwɔ mu ne nneɛma a ɛwɔ hɔ nyinaa ne nkongua so, na fa tew ho.
You shall take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is in it, and shall make it holy, and all its furniture: and it will be holy.
10 Ɔhyew afɔremuka no ne ɛho nneɛma nyinaa nso, pete ɔsra ngo no bi gu so na tew ho na ɛnyɛ kronkron.
You shall anoint the altar of burnt offering, with all its vessels, and sanctify the altar: and the altar will be most holy.
11 Sra hweaseammɔ no ne ne ntaease no ngo na fa tew ho.
You shall anoint the basin and its base, and sanctify it.
12 “Fa Aaron ne ne mmabarima no bra Ahyiae Ntamadan no kwan ano na fa nsu hohoro wɔn ho.
You shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and shall wash them with water.
13 Na fa atade kronkron no hyɛ Aaron, na sra no ngo na ne ho ntew na ɔmmɛyɛ me sɔfo.
You shall put on Aaron the holy garments; and you shall anoint him, and sanctify him, that he may minister to me in the priest's office.
14 Fa ne mmabarima no bra na fa wɔn ntade hyehyɛ wɔn.
You shall bring his sons, and put coats on them.
15 Sra wɔn ngo sɛnea woyɛɛ wɔn agya no, sɛnea wɔbɛsom me sɛ asɔfo. Wɔn ngosra no bɛyɛ asɔfodi wɔ wɔn awo ntoatoaso nyinaa mu.”
You shall anoint them, as you anointed their father, that they may minister to me in the priest's office. Their anointing shall be to them for an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations."
16 Mose yɛɛ biribiara sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
Moses did so. According to all that Jehovah commanded him, so he did.
17 Afe a ɛto so abien no mu ɔsram a edi kan no da a edi kan no, wɔkekaa Ahyiae Ntamadan no sisii anim.
It happened in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was set up.
18 Mose sii Ahyiae Ntamadan no; ɔde nsisiso no sisii wɔn afa, de nnyinaso no hyehyɛɛ mu de mmeamu nnua beabea mu de mpuran sisii wɔn afa.
And Moses erected the tabernacle, and put its sockets in place, and set up its hooks and its boards, and put in its bars, and he erected its pillars.
19 Afei, ɔde nkuruso no kuruu mpuran no so de ne nguguso guguu so san de nguguso a edi akyi kuruu so sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
He spread the covering over the tent, and put the roof of the tabernacle above on it, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
20 Ɔde abo a wɔakyerɛw Mmaransɛm Du no wɔ so no guu Apam Adaka no mu de nnua a wɔde bɛsoa no susoo mu. Ɔde ne nkataso a wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ayɛ a ɛyɛ mpata nkataso no kataa so.
He took and put the testimony into the ark, and set the poles on the ark, and put the mercy seat above on the ark.
21 Afei, ɔde Apam Adaka no besii Ahyiae Ntamadan no mu de ntwamtam no twaa mu, sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
He brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up the curtain as the screen, and concealed the ark of the testimony, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
22 Afei, ɔde ɔpon no sii atifi fam wɔ ɔdan no mu wɔ ntwamtam no akyi,
He put the table in the Tent of Meeting, on the side of the tabernacle northward, outside of the veil.
23 de Ɔkyerɛ Brodo no too so wɔ Awurade anim sɛnea Awurade hyɛe no.
He set the bread in order on it before Jehovah, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
24 Ɔde kaneadua no sii ɔpon no nkyɛn wɔ Ahyiae Ntamadan no anafo fam.
He put the lampstand in the Tent of Meeting, opposite the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward.
25 Afei, ɔsɔɔ kanea no wɔ Awurade anim sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ no no.
He lit the lamps before Jehovah, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
26 Mose de sikakɔkɔɔ afɔremuka sii ntwamtam no ho pɛɛ wɔ Ahyiae Ntamadan no mu
He put the golden altar in the Tent of Meeting before the veil;
27 na ɔhyew nnuhuam wɔ so sɛnea Awurade hyɛe no.
and he burnt incense of sweet spices on it, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
28 Ɔde Ahyiae Ntamadan no ano nkataano sɛn ano.
He put up the screen of the door to the tabernacle.
29 Ɔde afɔremuka a esi akyi a wɔbɔ ɔhyew afɔre wɔ so no si bɛn ɔkwan no ano, na ɔbɔɔ so ɔhyew afɔre ne aduan afɔre sɛnea Awurade hyɛe no.
He set the altar of burnt offering at the door of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting, and offered on it the burnt offering and the meal offering, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
30 Ɔde hweaseammɔ sii Ahyiae Ntamadan no ne afɔremuka no ntam na wɔhyɛɛ no nsu ma, sɛnea asɔfo no benya bi ahohoro wɔn ho,
He set the basin between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and put water in it, with which to wash.
31 na Mose ne Aaron ne Aaron mmabarima hohoroo wɔn nsa ho ne wɔn anan ase wɔ hɔ.
Moses, Aaron, and his sons washed their hands and their feet there.
32 Bere biara a wɔbɛfa afɔremuka no ho akɔ Ahyiae Ntamadan no mu no, wogyina hohoroo wɔn ho sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ Mose no.
When they went into the Tent of Meeting, and when they came near to the altar, they washed, as Jehovah commanded Moses.
33 Na Mose sii biribi twaa Ahyiae Ntamadan no ne afɔremuka no ho hyiae na wɔde nsɛnanotam sɛn ano. Ɛnna Mose wiee nʼadwuma.
He raised up the court around the tabernacle and the altar, and set up the screen of the gate of the court. So Moses finished the work.
34 Omununkum no bɛkataa Ahyiae Ntamadan no so maa Awurade anuonyam hyɛɛ no ma.
Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle.
35 Esiane sɛ na omununkum no asi wɔ hɔ no nti, Mose antumi ankɔ mu na Awurade anuonyam hyɛɛ Ahyiae Ntamadan no ma.
Moses wasn't able to enter into the Tent of Meeting, because the cloud stayed on it, and Jehovah's glory filled the tabernacle.
36 Bere biara a omununkum no bɛma ne ho so no, na Israelfo no nso di akyi.
When the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward, throughout all their journeys;
37 Na sɛ egyina a, na wɔn nso agyina akosi sɛ ɛbɛma ne ho so bio.
but if the cloud wasn't taken up, then they did not travel until the day that it was taken up.
38 Awia de, omununkum no gyina Ahyiae Ntamadan no so na sɛ edu anadwo a, na ogya asɔ wɔ omununkum no mu sɛnea Israelfo no nyinaa behu. Eyi toaa so saa ara wɔ wɔn akwantu no nyinaa mu.
For the cloud of Jehovah was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.

< 2 Mose 40 >