< Fakahā 16 >

1 Pea ne u fanongo ki he leʻo lahi mei he fale tapu, naʻe pehē ki he ʻāngelo ʻe toko fitu, “Mou ʻalu atu, ʻo lilingi ʻae ngaahi hina ʻoe houhau ʻoe ʻOtua ki he fonua.”
[In the vision] I heard [someone] in the temple speak in a loud voice to the angels [who had the seven bowls]. He said, “Go [from here] and pour out on the earth [the wine/liquid in] [MTY] the seven bowls. [This will show that] God is angry with [rebellious people and will punish them].”
2 Pea naʻe ʻalu ʻae ʻuluaki, ʻo ne lilingi ʻene hina ki he fonua; pea tō ai ʻae pala kovi mo fakamamahi ki he kakai naʻa nau maʻu ʻae fakaʻilonga ʻoe manu fekai, mo kinautolu naʻa nau hū ki hono fakatātā.
So the first angel went and poured out on the earth [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result], horrible and painful sores broke out on God’s enemies who had allowed the beast’s [agents] to mark them and who worshipped the image of the beast.
3 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono ua ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he tahi; pea naʻe liliu ai ia ke hangē ko e toto ʻo ha taha kuo mate: pea naʻe mate ai ʻae meʻa moʻui kotoa pē naʻe ʻi he tahi.
The second angel poured out on the ocean [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result], the [water in the ocean stank like the blood] of a person who has died. [And] [MTY] every living creature that was in the ocean died.
4 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono tolu ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he ngaahi vaitafe mo e ngaahi matavai ʻoe ngaahi vai; pea naʻe liliu ai ia ko e toto.
The third angel poured out on the rivers and water springs [the wine/liquid] [MTY] [that was in] his bowl. [As a result, the water in the rivers and springs] turned into blood.
5 Pea ne u ongoʻi ʻae ʻāngelo ʻoe ngaahi vai, naʻe pehē ʻe ia, “ʻOku ke angatonu mo māʻoniʻoni, ʻe ʻEiki, ʻOku ke ʻi ai ni, pea naʻa ke ʻi ai, Koeʻuhi kuo ke fakamaau ʻo pehē ni.
I heard the angel [who has authority over] the waters say [to God], “[O God], you exist and have always existed. You are the holy one. You judge people justly.
6 He kuo nau lilingi ʻae toto ʻoe kakai māʻoniʻoni mo e kau palōfita, Pea kuo ke ʻatu kiate kinautolu ʻae toto ke inu; He ʻoku taau mo kinautolu.
[The rebellious people] murdered your holy people and prophets. So you are just in punishing them by giving them blood to drink. This is what they deserve!”
7 Pea ne u fanongo ki he tokotaha, naʻe pehē mai mei he ʻesifeilaulau, “Ko e moʻoni, ʻe ʻEiki, ko e ʻOtua Māfimafi, ʻoku angatonu mo māʻoniʻoni ʻa hoʻo ngaahi fakamaau.”
Then I heard [an angel] respond [from] the altar [PRS], “Yes, Lord God, you who are almighty, you punish [people] rightly and justly!”
8 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono fā ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he laʻā; pea naʻe tuku kiate ia ke ne fakamangia ʻaki ʻae afi ʻae kakai.
Then the fourth angel poured out on the sun [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [He] enabled the sun to scorch [people] with fiery [heat].
9 Pea naʻe mangia ʻo vela lahi ʻae kakai, ʻonau lauʻikovi ʻae huafa ʻoe ʻOtua, ʻaia ʻoku ne puleʻi ʻae ngaahi malaʻia ni: pea naʻe ʻikai te nau fakatomala ke nau fakamālō ai kiate ia.
Because people were severely burned by the intense heat {the intense heat severely burned people}, they said evil things about God [MTY], [because] he had the power [to strike people with] plagues like those. But they refused to stop their evil behavior and refused to honor him.
10 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono nima ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he nofoʻanga ʻoe manu fekai; pea naʻe pito hono puleʻanga ʻi he fakapoʻuli; pea nau ngūngū honau ʻelelo ʻi he mamahi,
When the fifth angel poured out on the throne of the beast [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl, it became dark in the kingdom that the beast [ruled. As a result, the beast and the people whom it ruled] were biting their tongues because [they were suffering intense] pain.
11 Mo nau lauʻikovi ʻae ʻOtua ʻoe langi, koeʻuhi ko ʻenau ngaahi mamahi mo honau ngaahi pala, ka naʻe ʻikai te nau fakatomala ʻi heʻenau ngaahi ngāue.
They insulted God [who rules in] heaven, because their sores were so painful. But they refused to stop doing the [evil] things that they were doing.
12 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono ono ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he vaitafe lahi ko ʻIufaletesi; pea naʻe fakamamaha hono vai ʻoʻona, koeʻuhi ke teuteu ʻae hala ʻoe ngaahi tuʻi mei he potu hahake.
The sixth angel poured out on the huge river Euphrates [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result, the] water [in the river] was dried up so that the rulers from the eastern [MTY] [countries could cross it with their armies] [SYN].
13 Pea ne u mamata ko e laumālie ʻuli ʻe toko tolu, naʻe hangē ko e fanga poto, naʻe haʻu mei he ngutu ʻoe fuʻu ngata, mo e ngutu ʻoe manu fekai, mo e ngutu ʻoe palōfita loi.
I saw evil spirits that looked like frogs. One came out of the mouth of the dragon, one from the mouth of the beast, and one from the mouth of the false prophet.
14 He ko e ngaahi laumālie ʻakinautolu ʻoe kau tēvolo, ʻoku fai ʻae ngaahi mana, ʻoku ʻalu atu ki he ngaahi tuʻi ʻoe fonua pea mo māmani kotoa pē, ke tānaki ʻakinautolu ki he tau ʻoe ʻaho lahi ko ia ʻoe ʻOtua Māfimafi.
Those spirits were demons who were [able to] perform miracles. They went out to the rulers of the whole world, in order to gather their [armies] [SYN] together to the battle that [they will fight] on the wonderful day when Almighty God [punishes his enemies] [MTY].
15 “Vakai, ʻoku ou haʻu ʻo hangē ha kaihaʻa. ʻOku monūʻia ia ʻoku leʻo, pea tauhi hono ngaahi kofu, telia naʻa ʻalu telefua, pea nau mamata ki heʻene mā.”
The evil spirits will gather the rulers at a place that is called in the Hebrew [language] Armageddon. [I heard the Lord Jesus say], “[You must] listen carefully to [me]: I am coming unexpectedly [SIM], like a thief. [So], I will be happy with those who stay alert and [keep on living righteously so that they will not be ashamed], just like [MET] a person keeps his clothes [on] so that he will not be ashamed [like a person who is] naked.”
16 Pea naʻa ne tānaki ʻakinautolu ki he potu ʻoku ui ʻi he lea fakaHepelū ko Amaketone.
17 Pea naʻe lilingi ʻe hono fitu ʻoe ʻāngelo ʻa ʻene hina ki he ʻatā; pea naʻe ongo mai ʻae leʻo lahi mei he fale tapu ʻi he langi, mei he nofoʻa fakaʻeiʻeiki, ʻoku pehē mai, “Kuo fai ia.”
The seventh angel poured out into the air [the wine/liquid that was in] [MTY] his bowl. [As a result, someone] said with a loud voice from the throne in the temple, “[The time for God to finish punishing rebellious people] is [about to be] start.”
18 Pea naʻe ai ʻae ngaahi leʻo, mo e mana, mo e ʻuhila; pea naʻe ai ʻae mofuike lahi, naʻe ʻikai hano tatau talu ʻae nofo ʻoe kakai ʻi māmani, ʻae fuʻu mofuike, kuo pehē hono fakamanavahē mo lahi.
[When the angel emptied his bowl], lightning flashed, there were rumblings and thunder, and the earth shook. It shook more violently than it has ever shaken since people first [lived] on earth.
19 Pea naʻe vahe tolu ʻae kolo lahi, pea naʻe hinga ʻae ngaahi kolo ʻoe ngaahi puleʻanga: pea naʻe manatuʻi ʻa Papilone lahi ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua, ke ʻatu ki ai ʻae ipu ʻoe uaine kakaha ʻo hono houhau.
And [as a result], the very evil city [that is symbolized by Babylon] split into three parts. [God also] destroyed cities in [other] nations. God did not forget that [the people of] [MTY] the very evil [city symbolized by] Babylon [had sinned very much]. So he [caused the people with whom] he was furiously angry [MET] [to drink] a cup of very [poisonous wine/liquid that represented his punishment].
20 Pea naʻe puna atu ʻae motu kotoa pē, pea ʻikai ʻiloʻi ʻae ngaahi moʻunga.
Also [as a result of the earthquake], every island disappeared, and the mountains became flat land.
21 Pea naʻe tō ʻae ʻuhamaka lahi mei he langi ki he kakai, ʻo taki taha mamafa [ʻae foʻi maka ]ʻo tatau mo e taleniti: pea naʻe lauʻikoviʻi ʻae ʻOtua ʻe he kakai koeʻuhi ko e malaʻia ʻoe ʻuhamaka; he ko e malaʻia ko ia ko e meʻa lahi ʻaupito.
Also [as a result of the angel’s emptying his bowl], huge hailstones, each weighing about 100 pounds, fell from the sky onto the people. Then people insulted God because [he had caused] the destructive hail to fall on them in that terrible plague.

< Fakahā 16 >