< Nomipā 27 >

1 Pea naʻe toki haʻu ʻae ngaahi ʻofefine ʻo Silofitati, ko e foha ʻo Hefeli ko e foha ia ʻo Kiliati, ko e foha ia ʻo Mekili ko e foha ia ʻo Manase, ʻi he ngaahi faʻahinga ʻo Manase ko e foha ʻo Siosefa: pea ko e ngaahi hingoa eni ʻo hono ngaahi ʻofefine; ko Mala, mo Noa, mo Hokila, mo Milika, mo Tilisa.
Then came the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these are the names of his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.
2 Pea naʻa nau tuʻu ʻi he ʻao ʻo Mōsese, mo e ʻao ʻo ʻEliesa ko e taulaʻeiki, pea mo e ʻao ʻoe houʻeiki mo e kakai kotoa pē ʻi he matapā ʻoe fale fehikitaki ʻoe kakai, ʻonau pehē,
And they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes and all the congregation, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying,
3 “Naʻe mate ʻemau tamai ʻi he toafa, pea naʻe ʻikai kau ia ki he kakai naʻe fakataha ʻakinautolu ke angatuʻu kia Sihova ʻi he kakai ʻo Kola; ka naʻe mate ia ʻi heʻene angahala ʻaʻana, pea naʻe ʻikai hano ngaahi foha.
Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of them that gathered themselves together against Yhwh in the company of Korah; but died in his own sin, and had no sons.
4 Pea ko e hā ʻe mole ai ʻae hingoa ʻo ʻemau tamai mei hono faʻahinga, koeʻuhi ʻoku ʻikai hano foha? Foaki mai kiate kimautolu ha tofiʻa ʻi he kāinga ʻo ʻemau tamai.
Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family, because he hath no son? Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our father.
5 Pea naʻe ʻomi ʻe Mōsese ʻenau meʻa ki he ʻao ʻo Sihova.
And Moses brought their cause before Yhwh.
6 Pea naʻe folofola ʻa Sihova kia Mōsese, ʻo pehē,
And Yhwh spake unto Moses, saying,
7 ‌ʻOku lea totonu ʻae ngaahi ʻofefine ʻo Silofitati: ko e moʻoni te ke foaki kenau maʻu ha tofiʻa ʻi he kāinga ʻo ʻenau tamai; pea ke tuku ke hoko ʻae tofiʻa ʻo ʻenau tamai kiate kinautolu.
The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father’s brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them.
8 Pea te ke lea ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli, ʻo pehē, Kapau ʻe mate ha tangata, ka ʻoku ʻikai hano foha, te mou tuku ke hoko hono ʻofefine ki hono tofiʻa.
And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter.
9 Pea kapau ʻoku ʻikai hano ʻofefine, te mou tuku hono tofiʻa ki hono kāinga.
And if he have no daughter, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren.
10 Pea kapau ʻoku ʻikai hano kāinga, te mou tuku hono tofiʻa ki he kāinga ʻo ʻene tamai.
And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his father’s brethren.
11 Pea kapau ʻoku ʻikai ha kāinga ʻo ʻene tamai, te mou toki tuku hono tofiʻa ki hono kāinga ʻoku na vāofi ʻi hono faʻahinga, pea te ne maʻu ia: pea ʻe tuku ia ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli ko e fono ʻoe fakamaau, ʻo hangē ko e fekau ʻa Sihova kia Mōsese.”
And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, as Yhwh commanded Moses.
12 Pea naʻe pehē ʻe Sihova kia Mōsese, “Ke ke ʻalu hake ki he moʻunga ni ko ʻApalimi, ʻo mamata ki he fonua ʻaia kuo u foaki ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli.
And Yhwh said unto Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and see the land which I have given unto the children of Israel.
13 Pea ʻoka ke ka mamata ki ai, ʻe tānaki foki ko e ki ho kakai, ʻo hangē ko e tānaki ʻa ho taʻokete ko ʻElone.
And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thy brother was gathered.
14 Koeʻuhi naʻa mo angatuʻu ki heʻeku fekau ʻi he toafa ʻo Sini, ʻi he vākē ʻae kakai, ke fakahikihiki au ʻi he vai ʻi honau ʻao:” ʻaia ko e vai ko Melipa ʻi Ketesi ʻi he toafa ʻo Sini.
For ye rebelled against my commandment in the desert of Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify me at the water before their eyes: that is the water of Meribah in Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.
15 Pea naʻe lea ʻa Mōsese kia Sihova, ʻo pehē,
And Moses spake unto Yhwh, saying,
16 “Tuku ke fakanofo ʻe Sihova, ko e ʻOtua ʻoe laumālie ʻoe kakai kotoa pē, ha tangata ke pule ki he kakai,
Let Yhwh, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation,
17 ‌ʻAia ʻe muʻomuʻa atu ʻi heʻenau ʻalu atu, pea muʻomuʻa mai ʻi heʻenau haʻu, pea ne tataki atu ʻe ia ʻakinautolu, pea tataki mai ʻe ia ʻakinautolu; koeʻuhi ke ʻoua naʻa hangē ʻae kakai ʻa Sihova ko e fanga sipi ʻoku ʻikai hano tauhi.”
Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of Yhwh be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
18 Pea naʻe pehē ʻe Sihova kia Mōsese, “Ke ke ʻomi ʻe koe ʻa Siosiua ko e foha ʻo Nuni, ko e tangata ʻoku ʻiate ia ʻae laumālie, pea ke hilifaki ho nima kiate ia;
And Yhwh said unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay thine hand upon him;
19 Pea tuku ia ʻi he ʻao ʻo ʻEliesa ko e taulaʻeiki, pea mo e ʻao ʻoe kakai kotoa pē; pea ke tuku ʻae fekau kiate ia ʻi honau ʻao.
And set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight.
20 Pea te ke tuku kiate ia mei ho ongoongolelei ʻoʻou, koeʻuhi ke talangofua ʻae fānau kotoa pē ʻa ʻIsileli.
And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may be obedient.
21 Pea ʻe tuʻu ia ʻi he ʻao ʻo ʻEliesa ko e taulaʻeiki, pea te ne kumi ha [poto ]maʻana ʻi he fakaʻilo ʻae ʻUlimi ʻi he ʻao ʻo Sihova: tenau ʻalu atu ʻi heʻene folofola, pea tenau foki mai ʻi heʻene folofola, ko ia, pea mo e kakai ʻo ʻIsileli fakataha mo ia, ʻio ʻae kakai kotoa pē.”
And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of Urim before Yhwh: at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation.
22 Pea naʻe fai ʻe Mōsese ʻo hangē ko e fekau ʻa Sihova kiate ia: ʻo ne ʻave ʻa Siosiua, ʻo tuku ia ʻi he ʻao ʻo ʻEliesa ko e taulaʻeiki, mo e ʻao ʻoe kakai kotoa pē:
And Moses did as Yhwh commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation:
23 Pea naʻe ʻai ʻe ia ʻa hono nima kiate ia, mo ne lea kiate ia, ʻo hangē ko ia naʻe fekau ʻe Sihova ʻi he nima ʻo Mōsese.
And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as Yhwh commanded by the hand of Moses.

< Nomipā 27 >