< Mātiu 25 >

1 “Pea ʻe toki tatau ʻae puleʻanga ʻoe langi mo e kau tāupoʻou ʻe toko hongofulu, naʻa nau toʻo ʻenau ngaahi tūhulu, ʻo ʻalu atu ke fakafetaulaki ki he tangata taʻane.
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bride-groom.
2 Naʻe poto honau toko nima, kae vale ʻae toko nima.
Five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 Ko kinautolu naʻe vale naʻe ʻave ʻenau tūhulu, ka naʻe ʻikai ʻave mo haʻanau lolo:
Those who were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 Ka naʻe ʻave ʻe he poto ʻae lolo ʻi heʻenau ngaahi ipu, pea mo ʻenau tūhulu
but the wise took oil in their vessels, with their lamps.
5 Pea ʻi he tuai mai ʻae tangata taʻane, naʻa nau tulemohe kotoa pē ʻo mohe.
While the bridegroom delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “Pea tuʻuapō mālie mo ʻene pa mai ʻae kalanga, ‘Vakai, ʻoku haʻu ʻae tangata taʻane; mou ʻalu atu ʻo fakafetaulaki kiate ia.’
And at midnight a cry was made: Behold, the bridegroom comes! Go you out to meet him.
7 Pea toki tuʻu hake ʻae kau tāupoʻou kotoa pē ko ia, ʻo teuteu ʻenau tūhulu.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
8 Pea lea ʻae vale ki he poto, ‘Foaki mai maʻamautolu ʻi hoʻomou lolo; he ʻoku tei mate ʻemau tūhulu’
And the foolish said to the wise: Give us of your oil, for our lamps are going out.
9 Ka naʻe lea ʻae poto, ʻo pehēange, ‘Ka koeʻuhi naʻa siʻi ia kiate kimautolu mo kimoutolu: ka mou ʻalu kiate kinautolu ʻoku fakatau, ʻo fakatau maʻamoutolu.’
But the wise answered, saying: Lest there may not be enough for us and you, go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 Pea lolotonga ʻenau ʻalu ke fakatau, mo ʻene haʻu ʻae tangata taʻane, pea ko kinautolu naʻe teuteu naʻe hū mo ia ki he taʻane: pea tāpuni ʻae matapā.
While they were going to buy, the bridegroom came; and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage-supper; and the door was closed.
11 “Hili ia, mo ʻene haʻu foki ʻae kau tāupoʻou naʻe ʻalu, ʻonau pehē, ‘ʻEiki, ʻEiki, toʻo kiate kimautolu.’
Afterward the other virgins also came, and said: Lord! Lord! open for us.
12 Ka naʻe lea ia, ʻo pehēange, ‘ʻOku ou tala moʻoni atu kiate kimoutolu, ʻoku ʻikai te u ʻiloa ʻakimoutolu.’
But he answered and said: Verily I say to you, I know you not.
13 “Ko ia mou leʻo, he ʻoku ʻikai te mou ʻilo ʻae ʻaho pe ʻae feituʻulaʻā ʻe haʻu ai ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata.
Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
14 “Pea ʻoku hangē foki ko e tangata ʻoku te u fononga ki ha fonua mamaʻo, pea ui ʻene kau tamaioʻeiki ʻaʻana, ʻo ne tuku kiate kinautolu ʻene ngaahi meʻa.
For as a man, on leaving his country, called his own servants, and delivered to them his goods:
15 Naʻe tuku ki he tokotaha ʻae taleniti ʻe nima, pea ua ki he tokotaha, pea taha ki he tokotaha; ki he tangata taki taha ʻo fakatatau ki heʻene faʻa fai, pea ʻalu leva hono fononga.
To one he gave five talents; to another, two; and to another, one; to each one, according to his own ability, and immediately left his country.
16 Pea ko ia naʻe maʻu ʻae taleniti ʻe nima, naʻe ʻalu ia, ʻo fakatauʻaki ia, ʻo ne fakalahi ʻaki ia ʻae taleniti kehe ʻe nima.
Then he that had received the five talents, went and traded with them, and made other five talents.
17 Pea ko ia foki naʻe ua, naʻa ne maʻu ʻaki ia ʻae ua kehe.
In like manner also, he that had received the two, gained other two.
18 Ka ko ia naʻe maʻu ʻae taha, naʻe ʻalu ia, ʻo keli ʻi he kelekele, ʻo tanu ʻae koloa ʻa ʻene ʻeiki.
But he that had received the one, went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.
19 “Pea fuoloa, pea [toki ]haʻu ʻae ʻeiki ʻoe kau tamaioʻeiki ko ia, ʻo ne fakamaauʻi ʻakinautolu.
After a long time, the lord of those servants came and settled with them.
20 Pea haʻu ia ʻaia naʻa ne maʻu ʻae taleniti ʻe nima, ʻo ne ʻomi mo e taleniti kehe ʻe nima, ʻo ne pehē, ‘ʻEiki, naʻa ke tuku mai kiate au ʻae taleniti ʻe nima: vakai, kuo u maʻu mo ia ʻae taleniti kehe ʻe nima.’
And he that had received the five talents came and brought other five talents, and said: Lord, you delivered to me five talents: see, I have gained other five talents in addition to them.
21 Pea pehēange ʻe heʻene ʻeiki kiate ia, ‘Mālō, ko e tamaioʻeiki lelei mo angatonu: kuo ke fai totonu ʻi he meʻa siʻi, te u fakanofo koe ke ke pule ki he meʻa lahi: hū koe ki he fiefiaʻanga ʻo hoʻo ʻeiki.’
His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Enter into the joy of your lord.
22 Pea haʻu foki ia naʻa ne maʻu ʻae taleniti ʻe ua, ʻo ne pehē, ‘ʻEiki, naʻa ke tuku mai kiate au ʻae taleniti ʻe ua: vakai, kuo u maʻu mo ia ʻae taleniti kehe ʻe ua.’
And he also that had received the two talents came, and said: Lord, you delivered to me two talents; see, I have gained other two talents in addition to them.
23 Pea pehēange ʻe heʻene ʻeiki kiate ia, ‘Mālō, ko e tamaioʻeiki lelei mo angatonu: kuo ke fai totonu ʻi he meʻa siʻi, te u fakanofo koe ke ke pule ki he meʻa lahi: hū koe ki he fiefiaʻanga ʻo hoʻo ʻeiki.’
His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Enter into the joy of your lord.
24 Pea toki haʻu ia naʻa ne maʻu ʻae taleniti ʻe taha, ʻo ne pehē, ‘ʻEiki, ne u ʻilo koe ko e tangata faingataʻa, ʻoku ke tuʻusi ʻi he potu naʻe ʻikai te ke tūtuuʻi ai, ʻo tānaki ʻi he potu naʻe ʻikai te ke tufaki ai:
But he that had received the one talent came, and said: Lord, I knew you, that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter.
25 Pea ne u manavahē, pea u ʻalu ʻo fufū hoʻo taleniti ʻi he kelekele: vakai, ʻoku ke maʻu ʻaia ʻoku ʻaʻau.’
And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the earth; see, you have yours.
26 “Pea lea ʻene ʻeiki, ʻo pehēange kiate ia, ‘ʻAe tamaioʻeiki angakovi mo fakapikopiko, naʻa ke ʻilo ʻoku ou tuʻusi ʻi he potu naʻe ʻikai te u tūtuuʻi ai, mo tānaki ʻi he potu naʻe ʻikai te u tufaki ai:
His lord answered and said to him: Wicked and slothful servant; did you know that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter?
27 Naʻe totonu ai haʻo ʻatu ʻeku koloa ki he kau fakatau, koeʻuhi ʻi heʻeku haʻu te u maʻu ʻaia ʻoku ʻaʻaku mo hono fakalahi.
Therefore, you ought to have put my money with the bankers; and, when I came, I could have received my own with interest.
28 Ko ia toʻo ʻae taleniti meiate ia, ʻo ʻoatu kiate ia ʻoku hongofulu ʻene taleniti.
Therefore, take from him the talent, and give it to him that has the ten talents.
29 He ko ia fulipē ʻoku maʻu, ʻe [toe ]ʻoatu kiate ia, pea te ne maʻu ʻo lahi ʻaupito: ka ko ia ʻoku ʻikai maʻu, ʻe toʻo meiate ia ʻaia ʻoku ne maʻu.
For to every one that has, it shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that has not, even that which he has shall be taken away.
30 Pea mou lī ʻae tamaioʻeiki taʻeʻaonga ki he poʻuli ʻi tuaʻā: pea ʻe ʻi ai ʻae tangi mo e fengaiʻitaki ʻoe nifo.’
And cast the unprofitable servant into the darkness without. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
31 “ʻOka haʻu ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata ʻi hono nāunau, mo e kau ʻāngelo māʻoniʻoni kotoa pē mo ia, ʻe toki nofo ia ʻi he nofoʻa ʻo hono nāunau:
When the Son of man shall come in his own glory, and all the holy angels with him, then will he sit on the throne of his own glory;
32 pea ʻe fakakātoa ʻi hono ʻao ʻae ngaahi kakai kotoa pē: pea ʻe vahe ua ʻe ia ʻakinautolu, ʻo hangē ko e vaheʻi ʻe he tauhi sipi ʻa ʻene sipi mei he kosi:
and all nations shall be gathered before him; and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
33 Pea ʻe tuku ʻe ia ʻae fanga sipi ki hono nima toʻomataʻu, ka ko e fanga kosi ki he toʻohema.
And he will place the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.
34 Pea ʻe toki pehē ʻe he Tuʻi kiate kinautolu ʻi hono nima toʻomataʻu, ‘Haʻu, ʻakimoutolu kuo monūʻia ʻi heʻeku Tamai, ʻo maʻu ʻae puleʻanga kuo teu moʻomoutolu talu mei he kamataʻanga ʻo māmani:
Then the King will say to those on his right hand: Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35 He naʻaku fiekaia, pea naʻa mou foaki ʻae meʻakai kiate au: naʻaku fieinua, pea naʻa mou foaki ʻae inu kiate au: ko e muli au, pea naʻa mou fakaʻafeʻi au:
For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me to your houses;
36 Telefua, pea naʻa mou fakakofuʻi au: naʻaku mahaki, pea naʻa mou ʻaʻahi mai kiate au: naʻaku ʻi he fale fakapōpula, pea naʻa mou haʻu kiate au.’
naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.
37 “Pea ʻe toki lea ʻae māʻoniʻoni, ʻo pehēange kiate ia, ‘ʻEiki, naʻa mau mamata kiate koe ʻanefē ʻoku ke fiekaia, pea mau fafangaʻi [koe]? Pea fieinua, pea mau foaki ʻae inu [kiate koe]?
Then will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and feed thee? or thirsty, and give thee drink?
38 Naʻa mau mamata kiate koe ʻanefē ko e muli, pea mau fakaafeʻi [koe]? Pe telefua, pea mau fakakofuʻi [koe]?
When did we see thee a stranger, and take thee to our home? or naked, and clothe thee?
39 Pea naʻa mau mamata kiate koe ʻanefē ʻoku ke mahaki, pe ʻi he fale fakapōpula, pea mau ʻalu atu kiate koe?’
When did we see thee sick, or in prison, and come to thee?
40 Pea ʻe lea ʻae Tuʻi, ʻo pehēange kiate kinautolu, ‘Ko ʻeku tala moʻoni atu kiate kimoutolu, Ko e meʻa ʻi hoʻomou fai ia ki ha taha ʻoku kihiʻi siʻi hifo ʻi hoku kāinga ni, ko hoʻomou fai [ia ]kiate au.’
And the King will answer and say to them: Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.
41 “Pea ʻe toki tala ʻe ia foki kiate kinautolu ʻi [hono ]nima toʻohema, ‘ʻAlu ʻiate au, ʻakimoutolu kuo malaʻia, ki he afi taʻemate, naʻe teu ki he tēvolo mo ʻene kau ʻāngelo: (aiōnios g166)
Then will he say to those on his left hand: Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. (aiōnios g166)
42 He naʻaku fiekaia, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou foaki ha meʻakai kiate au: naʻaku fieinua, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou foaki ha inu kiate au:
For I was hungry, and you gave me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink;
43 Ko e muli au, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou fakaafeʻi au: telefua, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou fakakofuʻi au: mahaki, pea ʻi he fale fakapōpula, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou ʻaʻahi kiate au.’
I was a stranger, and you took me not to your houses; naked, and you did not clothe me; I was sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.
44 “Pea ʻe toki lea ai ʻakinautolu kiate ia foki, ʻo pehēange, ‘ʻEiki, naʻa mau mamata kiate koe ʻanefē ʻoku ke fiekaia, pe ko e fieinua, pe ko e muli, pe telefua, pe mahaki, pe ʻi he fale fakapōpula, kae ʻikai te mau tauhi koe?’
Then they also will answer, and say: Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to thee?
45 Pea ʻe toki lea ia kiate kinautolu, ʻo pehē, ‘Ko ʻeku tala moʻoni atu kiate kimoutolu, Ko e meʻa ʻi hoʻomou taʻefai [ia ]ki ha tokotaha ʻoku kihiʻi siʻi hifo [ʻiate kinautolu ]ni, ko hoʻomou taʻefai [ia ]kiate au.’
Then will he answer them, saying: Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.
46 Pea ʻe ʻalu atu ʻakinautolu ni ki he malaʻia taʻengata: ka ko e māʻoniʻoni ki he moʻui taʻengata.” (aiōnios g166)
And these shall go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (aiōnios g166)

< Mātiu 25 >