< Mātiu 2 >

1 Pea kuo ʻaloʻi ʻa Sisu ʻi Petelihema ʻi Siutea, ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ʻo Helota ko e tuʻi, vakai, naʻe haʻu ʻae kau tangata poto mei he potu hahake ki Selūsalema,
Now after the birth of Jesus, which took place at Bethlehem in Judaea in the reign of King Herod, excitement was produced in Jerusalem by the arrival of certain Magi from the east,
2 ‌ʻO pehē, “ʻOku ʻi fē ia ʻaia kuo ʻaloʻi ko e Tuʻi ʻoe kakai Siu? He kuo mau mamata ʻi he potu hahake ki hono fetuʻu, pea kuo mau haʻu ke hū kiate ia.”
inquiring, "Where is the newly born king of the Jews? For we have seen his Star in the east, and have come here to do him homage."
3 Pea kuo fanongo ai ʻa Helota ko e tuʻi, naʻe puputuʻu ia, mo Selūsalema kotoa pē mo ia.
Reports of this soon reached the king, and greatly agitated not only him but all the people of Jerusalem.
4 Pea kuo fakakātoa ʻe ia ʻae kau taulaʻeiki lahi kotoa pē mo e kau tangata tohi ʻoe kakai, naʻe fakapapau ia meiate kinautolu pe ʻaloʻi ʻi fē ʻae Kalaisi.
So he assembled all the High Priests and Scribes of the people, and anxiously asked them where the Christ was to be born.
5 Pea nau pehēange kiate ia, “ʻI Petelihema ʻi Siutea: he ʻoku pehē hono tohi he palōfita.
"At Bethlehem in Judaea," they replied; "for so it stands written in the words of the Prophet,
6 ‘Ko Koe Petelihema, ʻi he fonua ʻo Siuta, ʻoku ʻikai ʻaupito ko e siʻi hifo Koe ʻi he ngaahi ʻEiki ʻo Siuta: koeʻuhi ʻe haʻu meiate Koe ha Pule, ʻaia te ne puleʻi hoku kakai ko ʻIsileli.”
"'And thou, Bethlehem in the land of Judah, by no means the least honorable art thou among princely places in Judah! For from thee shall come a prince--one who shall be the Shepherd of My People Israel.'"
7 Pea toki fekau fakafufū ʻe Helota ke haʻu ʻae kau tangata poto, pea fehuʻi fakapapau kiate kinautolu pe naʻe hā mai ʻanefē ʻae fetuʻu.
Thereupon Herod sent privately for the Magi and ascertained from them the exact time of the star's appearing.
8 Pea ne fekau ʻakinautolu ki Petelihema, ʻo ne pehē, “Mou ʻalu ʻo kumi lahi ki he tamasiʻi, pea ka mou ka ʻilo ia, mou fakahā mai kiate au, koeʻuhi ke u ʻalu atu ʻo hū foki kiate ia.”
He then directed them to go to Bethlehem, adding, "Go and make careful inquiry about the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and do him homage."
9 Pea kuo nau fanongo ki he tuʻi, pea nau ʻalu; pea vakai, ko e fetuʻu naʻa nau mamata ai ʻi he potu hahake, naʻe ʻalu muʻomuʻa ʻiate kinautolu, ʻo aʻu ki he potu naʻe ʻi ai ʻae tamasiʻi pea tuʻu mei ai ʻi ʻolunga.
After hearing what the king said, they went to Bethlehem, while, strange to say, the star they had seen in the east led them on until it came and stood over the place where the babe was.
10 Pea ʻi heʻenau mamata ki he fetuʻu, naʻa nau fiefia ʻi he fiefia lahi ʻaupito.
When they saw the star, the sight filled them with intense joy.
11 Pea ʻi heʻenau hū ki he fale, naʻa nau mamata ki he tamasiʻi naʻe ʻi heʻene faʻē ko Mele, mo nau fakatōmapeʻe ʻo hū kiate ia; pea kuo nau vete ʻenau koloa, naʻa nau ʻoatu kiate ia ʻae ngaahi meʻaʻofa; ko e koula, mo e laipeno, mo e mula.
So they entered the house; and when they saw the babe with His mother Mary, they prostrated themselves and did Him homage, and opening their treasure-chests offered gifts to Him--gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
12 Pea ʻi he valokia ʻakinautolu ʻe he ʻOtua ʻi he misi, ke ʻoua te nau toe ʻalu kia Helota, naʻa nau ʻalu ki honau fonua ʻi ha hala kehe.
But being forbidden by God in a dream to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by a different route.
13 Pea kuo ʻalu ʻakinautolu, ʻiloange, kuo hā mai ha ʻāngelo ʻae ʻEiki kia Siosefa ʻi he misi, ʻo ne pehē, “Tuʻu hake ʻo ʻave ʻae tamasiʻi mo ʻene faʻē, pea ke holatakiʻi ki ʻIsipite, pea ke nofo ai ke ʻoua ke u fakahā kiate koe: koeʻuhi ʻe kumi ʻe Helota ʻae tamasiʻi ke tāmateʻi ia.”
When they were gone, and angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise: take the babe and His mother and escape to Egypt, and remain there till I bring you word. For Herod is about to make search for the child in order to destroy Him."
14 Pea tuʻu hake ia, ʻo ne ʻave ʻae tamasiʻi mo ʻene faʻē ʻi he pō, ʻo ʻalu ki ʻIsipite:
So Joseph roused himself and took the babe and His mother by night and departed into Egypt.
15 Pea naʻe ʻi ai ia ʻo aʻu ki he mate ʻa Helota: ke fakamoʻoni ʻaia naʻe folofolaʻaki ʻe he ʻEiki ʻi he palōfita, ʻo pehē, “Kuo u ui mai hoku foha mei ʻIsipite.”
There he remained till Herod's death, that what the Lord had said through the Prophet might be fulfilled, "Out of Egypt I called My Son."
16 Pea kuo toki ʻilo ʻe Helota kuo kākaaʻi ia ʻe he kau tangata poto, pea ʻita lahi ʻaupito, mo ne fekau atu ki Petelihema mo e ngaahi potu ofi ki ai, ke tāmateʻi ʻae tamaiki tangata kotoa pē, ngata ʻi he ua taʻu ʻo ʻenau lahi ʻo fai ki mui; ʻo fakatatau ki he ʻaho naʻa ne fehuʻi fakapapau ai ki he kau tangata poto.
Then Herod, finding that the Magi had trifled with him, was furious, and sent and massacred all the boys under two years of age, in Bethlehem and all its neighbourhood, according to the date he had so carefully ascertained from the Magi.
17 Pea naʻe toki fakamoʻoni ʻaia naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe he palōfita ko Selemaia, ʻo pehē,
Then were these words, spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah, fulfilled,
18 “Naʻe ongoʻi ʻi Lama ʻae leʻo, ko e lāunga, mo e tangi, mo e tangilāulau, ko e tēngihia ʻe Lesieli ʻene fānau, pea ʻikai te ne tali ʻae fiemālie, koeʻuhi kuo ʻikai ʻakinautolu.”
"A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and bitter lamentation: It was Rachel bewailing her children, and she refused to be comforted because there were no more."
19 Ka kuo mate ʻa Helota, pea vakai, naʻe hā mai ha ʻāngelo ʻae ʻEiki kia Siosefa ʻi he misi ʻi ʻIsipite,
But after Herod's death an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, and said to him,
20 ‌ʻO ne pehē, “Tuʻu hake, pea ʻave ʻae tamasiʻi mo ʻene faʻē, pea ʻalu ki he fonua ʻo ʻIsileli; he kuo mate ʻakinautolu naʻe kumi ki he moʻui ʻae tamasiʻi.”
"Rise from sleep, and take the child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the child's life are dead."
21 Pea tuʻu hake ia ʻo ʻave ʻae tamasiʻi mo ʻene faʻē, pea haʻu ki he fonua ʻo ʻIsileli.
So he roused himself and took the child and His mother and came into the land of Israel.
22 Ka ʻi heʻene fanongo ʻoku pule ʻa ʻAkileosi ʻi Siutea ko e fetongi ʻo ʻene tamai ko Helota, naʻe manavahē ia ke ʻalu ki ai: pea ʻi he valoki ia ʻe he ʻOtua ʻi he misi, naʻa ne afe ki he ngaahi potu ʻo Kaleli:
But hearing that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod on the throne of Judaea, he was afraid to go there; and being instructed by God in a dream he withdrew into Galilee,
23 Pea haʻu ia ʻo nofo ʻi he kolo ko Nāsaleti: koeʻuhi ke fakamoʻoni ʻaia naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe he kau palōfita, “ʻE ui ia ko e Nāsaline.”
and went and settled in a town called Nazareth, in order that these words spoken through the Prophets might be fulfilled, "He shall be called a Nazarene."

< Mātiu 2 >