< Mātiu 11 >

1 Pea kuo fakaʻosi ʻe Sisu ʻene akonaki ki heʻene kau ākonga ʻe toko hongofulu ma toko ua, naʻe ʻalu ia mei ai ke akonaki mo malanga ʻi honau ngaahi kolo.
And it came to passe that when Iesus had made an ende of commaunding his twelue disciples, hee departed thence to teache and to preach in their cities.
2 Pea kuo fanongo ʻa Sione ʻi he fale fakapōpula ki he ngaahi ngāue ʻa Kalaisi, pea fekau atu ʻe ia ʻene ākonga ʻe toko ua,
And when Iohn heard in the prison the woorkes of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and sayde vnto him,
3 ‌ʻO na pehē kiate ia, “Ko koe ia naʻe pehē ʻe haʻu, pe te tau ʻamanaki ki ha taha?”
Art thou he that shoulde come, or shall we looke for another?
4 Pea pehēange ʻe Sisu kiate kinaua, “Mo ō, ʻo fakahā kia Sione ʻae ngaahi meʻa ʻoku mo fanongo, mo mamata ki ai:
And Iesus answering, said vnto them, Goe, and shewe Iohn, what things ye heare, and see.
5 ‌ʻOku ʻā ʻae kui, ʻoku ʻeveʻeva ʻae pipiki, ʻoku maʻa ʻae kilia, pea ongo ʻae tuli, pea fokotuʻu ʻae mate, pea ʻoku malangaʻaki ʻae ongoongolelei ki he kakai masiva.
The blinde receiue sight, and the halt doe walke: the lepers are clensed, and the deafe heare, the dead are raised vp, and the poore receiue the Gospel.
6 Pea ʻoku monūʻia ia, ʻaia ʻoku ʻikai tūkia, ʻiate au.”
And blessed is he that shall not be offeded in me.
7 Pea kuo na ō, pea lea ʻa Sisu ki he kakai ʻia Sione, “Naʻa mou ʻalu ki he toafa ke mamata ki he hā? Ha vaʻa kaho ʻoku luluʻi ʻe he matangi?
And as they departed, Iesus beganne to speake vnto the multitude, of Iohn, What went ye out into the wildernes to see? A reede shaken with the winde?
8 Ka naʻa mou ʻalu atu ke mamata ki he hā? Ha tangata ʻoku kofuʻaki ʻae kofu molū? Vakai, ko kinautolu ʻoku kofu molū ʻoku nau ʻi he fale ʻoe ngaahi tuʻi.
But what went ye out to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they that weare soft clothing, are in Kings houses.
9 Ka naʻa mou ʻalu atu ke mamata ki he hā? Ha palōfita? ʻIo, pea ʻoku ou tala atu kiate kimoutolu, ʻoku lahi hake ia ʻi he palōfita.
But what went ye out to see? A Prophet? Yea, I say vnto you, and more then a Prophet.
10 He ko eni ia kuo tohi ki ai, ‘Vakai, ʻoku ou fekau atu ʻeku talafekau ke muʻomuʻa ʻiate koe, ʻaia te ne teuteu ho hala ʻi ho ʻao.’
For this is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
11 Ko ʻeku tala moʻoni atu kiate kimoutolu, ʻOku ʻikai tupu ha tokotaha lahi hake ʻia Sione ko e Papitaiso ʻiate kinautolu kuo fanauʻi ʻe he fefine: ka ko ia ʻoku siʻi taha pe ʻi he puleʻanga ʻoe langi ʻoku lahi ia ʻiate ia.
Verely I say vnto you, among them which are begotten of women, arose there not a greater then Iohn Baptist: notwithstanding, he that is the least in the kingdome of heauen, is greater then he.
12 Pea talu mei he ngaahi ʻaho ʻo Sione ko e Papitaiso ʻo aʻu ki he ʻaho ni, ʻoku fai mālohi ki he puleʻanga ʻoe langi, pea ʻoku lavaʻi fakamālohi ia ʻe he kau mālohi.
And from the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto, the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
13 He naʻe akonaki ʻae kau palōfita kotoa pē mo e fono ʻo hoko mo Sione.
For all the Prophetes and the Lawe prophecied vnto Iohn.
14 Pea kapau ʻoku mou faʻa maʻu ia, ko ʻIlaisiā eni, ʻaia naʻe pehē ʻe haʻu.
And if ye will receiue it, this is that Elias, which was to come.
15 Ko ia ʻoku ai ʻae telinga ke ongo, ke ongoʻi ia.
He that hath eares to heare, let him heare.
16 “Ka te u fakatatau ʻae toʻutangata ni ki he hā? ʻOku tatau ia mo e tamaiki ʻoku nofo ʻi he potu fakatau, ʻoku nau ui ki honau niʻihi,
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like vnto litle children which sit in the markets, and call vnto their fellowes,
17 ‌ʻO pehē, ‘Naʻa mau ifi fangufangu kiate kimoutolu, pea ʻikai te mou meʻe; naʻa mau [hiva ]fakatangi kiate kimoutolu, kae ʻikai te mou tangi.’
And say, We haue piped vnto you, and ye haue not daunced, we haue mourned vnto you, and ye haue not lamented.
18 He naʻe ʻikai haʻu ʻa Sione ʻo kai mo inu, pea nau pehē, ‘ʻOku ʻiate ia ha tēvolo.’
For Iohn came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a deuill.
19 Ka kuo haʻu ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata ʻo kai mo inu, pea nau pehē, ‘Vakai, ko e tangata faʻa kai, mo faʻa inu uaine, ko e kāinga ʻoe kau tānaki tukuhau mo e angahala.’ Ka ʻoku fakatonuhia ʻae poto ʻe heʻene fānau.”
The sonne of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Beholde a glutton and a drinker of wine, a friend vnto Publicanes and sinners: but wisedome is iustified of her children.
20 Pea toki kamata valoki ʻe ia ki he ngaahi kolo naʻe fai lahi ai ʻene ngaahi ngāue mana, koeʻuhi ko ʻenau taʻefakatomala:
Then began he to vpbraide the cities, wherein most of his great workes were done, because they repented not.
21 “ʻE malaʻia ʻa koe, Kolesini! ʻE malaʻia ʻa koe, Peteseta! He ka ne fai ʻi Taia mo Saitone ʻae ngaahi ngāue lahi, ʻaia kuo fai ʻiate kimoutolu, pehē, kuo loa ʻenau fakatomala ʻi he tauangaʻa mo e efuefu.
Woe be to thee, Chorazin: Woe be to thee, Bethsaida: for if ye great workes, which were done in you, had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon, they had repented long agone in sackecloth and ashes.
22 Ka ʻoku ou tala atu kiate kimoutolu, ʻe kātakingofua ʻa Taia mo Saitone ʻi he ʻaho fakamaau ʻiate kimoutolu.
But I say to you, It shalbe easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the day of iudgement, then for you.
23 Pea ko Koe Kapaneume, ʻa Koe kuo hiki ki he langi, ʻe fakahifo Koe ki heli: he ka ne fai ʻi Sotoma ʻae ngaahi ngāue lahi, ʻaia kuo fai ʻiate koe, pehē, kuo tuʻumaʻu ia ʻo aʻu ki he ʻaho ni. (Hadēs g86)
And thou, Capernaum, which art lifted vp vnto heauen, shalt be brought downe to hell: for if the great workes, which haue bin done in thee, had bene done among them of Sodom, they had remained to this day. (Hadēs g86)
24 Ka ʻoku ou tala atu kiate kimoutolu, ʻE kātakingofua ʻae fonua ko Sotoma ʻi he ʻaho fakamaau ʻiate koe.”
But I say vnto you, that it shall be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement, then for thee.
25 Pea lea ʻa Sisu ʻi he ʻaho ko ia, ʻo pehē, “ʻOku ou fakafetaʻi kiate koe, ʻe Tamai, ko e ʻEiki ʻoe langi mo māmani, ʻi hoʻo fufū ʻae ngaahi meʻa ni mei he kau poto mo e fieʻiloʻilo, ka kuo ke fakahā ia ki he kau valevale.
At that time Iesus answered, and saide, I giue thee thankes, O Father, Lord of heauen and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of vnderstanding, and hast opened them vnto babes.
26 Ke pehē, ʻe Tamai: he ʻoku lelei ia ʻi ho ʻao ke pehē.
It is so, O Father, because thy good pleasure was such.
27 “Kuo tuku ʻae meʻa kotoa pē kiate au ʻe heʻeku Tamai: pea ʻoku ʻikai ʻilo ʻae ʻAlo ʻe ha taha, ka ko e Tamai pe; pea ʻoku ʻikai ʻilo ʻae Tamai ʻe ha taha, ka ko e ʻAlo pe, mo ia ʻe fakahā ia ki ai ʻe he ʻAlo.
All things are giuen vnto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Sonne, but ye Father: neither knoweth any man ye Father, but the Sonne, and he to whom ye Sonne will reueile him.
28 “Haʻu kiate au ʻakimoutolu kotoa pē ʻoku feinga mo māfasia, pea te u foaki ʻae fiemālie kiate kimoutolu.
Come vnto me, all ye that are wearie and laden, and I will ease you.
29 Toʻo ʻeku haʻamonga kiate kimoutolu, pea mou ako ʻiate au; he ʻoku ou angavaivai mo angamalū: pea te mou ʻilo ai ʻae fiemālie ki homou laumālie.
Take my yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules.
30 He ʻoku faingofua pe ʻeku haʻamonga, pea ʻoku maʻamaʻa ʻeku kavenga.”
For my yoke is easie, and my burden light.

< Mātiu 11 >