< Maʻake 14 >

1 Pea hili ʻae ʻaho ʻe ua, pea hoko ʻa e[kātoanga ]ʻoe Lakaatu, mo e mā taʻemeʻafakatupu: pea naʻe kumi ʻe he kau taulaʻeiki lahi mo e kau tangata tohi pe fēfeeʻi ʻenau moʻua ia ʻi he kākā, ke tāmateʻi.
It was now two days before Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The chief priests and the religious leaders were trying to find a surreptitious way to arrest Jesus and have him killed.
2 Ka naʻa nau pehē, “Kae ʻikai ʻi he kātoanga, telia naʻa ai ha maveuveu ʻae kakai.”
“But not during Passover,” they said to themselves, “otherwise the people may riot.”
3 Pea naʻe ʻi Pētani ia, ʻi he fale ʻo Saimone ko e kilia, pea ʻi heʻene nofo ʻo kai, naʻe haʻu ʻae fefine mo e puha ʻalapasita ʻoe lolo ko e naʻati moʻoni ʻoku mahuʻinga lahi; pea ne foaʻi ʻae puha, mo lilingi ki hono fofonga.
Meanwhile Jesus was in Bethany, eating a meal at Simon the leper's home. A woman came in with an alabaster jar of very expensive pure nard perfume. She broke the jar open and poured the perfume on Jesus' head.
4 Pea naʻe ai ʻae niʻihi naʻa nau loto ʻita, ʻonau pehē, “Ko e hā kuo maumauʻi ai ʻae lolo?
Some of those who were there became annoyed and said, “Why waste this perfume?
5 He naʻe faingofua ke fakatauʻaki ia ʻae tenali ʻe tolungeau tupu, pea foaki ki he masiva.” Pea nau lāunga kiate ia.
It could've been sold for a year's wages and the money given to the poor.” They were angry with her.
6 Pea pehē ʻe Sisu, “Tuku ai pe ia; ko e hā ʻoku mou fakamamahiʻi ai ia? Kuo fai ʻe ia ʻae ngāue lelei kiate au.
But Jesus replied, “Leave her alone! Why are you criticizing her for doing something beautiful to me?
7 He ʻoku ʻiate kimoutolu maʻuaipē ʻae masiva, pea ka mou ka loto ki ai ʻoku mou faʻa fai lelei kiate kinautolu; kae ʻikai teu ʻiate kimoutolu maʻuaipē au.
You'll always have the poor with you, and you can help them whenever you want. But you won't always have me with you.
8 Kuo ne fai ʻaia ʻoku ne faʻa fai: kuo tomuʻa haʻu ia ke tākai hoku sino ki hono tanu.
She did what she could: she anointed my body in anticipation of my burial.
9 Ko e moʻoni ʻoku ou tala atu kiate kimoutolu, Ko e potu ʻo māmani kotoa pē ʻe malangaʻaki ai ʻae ongoongolelei ni, ʻe fakahā ʻi ai foki mo ia kuo ne fai ko hono fakamanatuʻi.”
I tell you the truth: wherever the good news is spread in the world, people will remember what she did.”
10 Pea ko e tokotaha ʻoe toko hongofulu ma toko ua, ko Siutasi ʻIsikaliote, naʻa ne ʻalu ki he kau taulaʻeiki lahi, ke lavakiʻi ia kiate kinautolu.
Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the chief priests and arranged to betray Jesus to them.
11 Pea ʻi heʻenau fanongo ki ai, naʻa nau fiefia, ʻo fakaʻilo paʻanga kiate ia. Pea lamasi ʻe ia ke tuʻumālie ʻene lavakiʻi ia.
When they heard this, they were delighted, and promised to pay him. So Judas began to look for an opportunity to betray Jesus.
12 Pea ʻi he ʻuluaki ʻaho ʻoe mā taʻemeʻafakatupu, ʻi heʻenau tāmateʻi ʻa e [feilaulau ʻoe ]Lakaatu, pea pehē ʻene kau ākonga kiate ia, “Ko e potu fē ʻoku ke loto ke mau ʻalu ʻo teuteu ai, koeʻuhi ke ke kai ʻi he kātoanga [ʻoe ]Lakaatu?”
On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the time when the Passover lamb is sacrificed, Jesus' disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare the Passover meal for you?”
13 Pea fekau atu ʻe ia ʻae toko ua ʻi heʻene kau ākonga, ʻo ne pehē kiate kinaua, “Mo ō ki he kolo, pea ʻe fakafetaulaki mai kiate kimoua ʻae tangata ʻoku ne fua ʻae ipu vai: muimui ʻiate ia.
He sent two of his disciples, telling them, “Go into the city and there you'll meet a man carrying a water pot. Follow him,
14 Pea ko e fale ko ia ʻe hū ki ai ia, mo pehē ai ki he ʻeiki ʻoe fale, ‘ʻOku pehē ʻe he ʻEiki, “Kofaʻā ʻae potu fale, ʻaia teu kai ai mo ʻeku kau ākonga ʻi he[kātoanga ʻoe ]Lakaatu.”’
and when he goes into a house, ask the owner where I and my disciples can celebrate the Passover.
15 Pea ʻe fakahā ʻe ia kiate kimoua ʻae potu lahi ki ʻolunga, kuo ngaohi mo teuteu: mo teuteu ʻi ai maʻatautolu.”
He will take you to a large upstairs room that is furnished and ready. You can make preparations for us there.”
16 Pea naʻe ʻalu atu ʻene ongo ākonga, ʻo na hū ki he kolo, pea na ʻilo ʻo hangē ko ʻene lea kiate kinaua: pea na teuteu ai ʻa e [feilaulau ʻoe ]Lakaatu.
The disciples went into the city, and found things just as he'd described them. They prepared the Passover meal.
17 Pea ʻi he efiafi naʻa ne haʻu mo e toko hongofulu ma toko ua.
In the evening Jesus went there with the twelve disciples.
18 Pea ʻi heʻenau nofo ʻo kai, naʻe pehē ʻe Sisu, “Ko e moʻoni ʻoku ou tala kiate kimoutolu, Ko homou tokotaha ʻoku tau keinanga te ne lavakiʻi au.”
While they were sitting eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth: one of you is going to betray me; one who is eating with me now.”
19 Pea naʻa nau mamahi leva, mo nau taki taha pehē kiate ia, “Ko au ia?” Pea [pehē ]ʻe ha taha, “Ko au ia?”
They were shocked, and they each asked, “It's not me, is it?”
20 Pea lea ia, ʻo pehēange kiate kinautolu, “Ko e tokotaha ʻi he toko hongofulu ma toko ua, ʻoku mā ala mo au ki he ipu.
“It's one of the Twelve, one of you sharing this food with me,” he replied.
21 Ko e moʻoni ʻoku ʻalu ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata, ʻo hangē ko ia kuo tohi kiate ia: ka ʻe malaʻia ʻae tangata ko ia ʻaia ʻoku ne lavakiʻi ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata! Naʻe lelei ki he tangata ko ia ʻo ka ne ʻikai fanauʻi ia.”
“The Son of man will die, just as the Scriptures predicted. But how terrible it will be for the man who betrays the Son of man! It would be better for that man if he'd never been born.”
22 Pea ʻi heʻenau kai, naʻe toʻo ʻe Sisu ʻae mā, ʻo ne tāpuaki, mo tofitofi, pea ne ʻatu kiate kinautolu, ʻo ne pehē, “Toʻo, ʻo kai: ko eni hoku sino.”
As they were eating, Jesus picked up some bread. He blessed it, and gave it to them. “Take it. This is my body,” he told them.
23 Pea toʻo ʻe ia ʻae ipu inu, pea hili ʻene fakafetaʻi, naʻa ne ʻatu kiate kinautolu: pea naʻa nau inu mei ai kotoa pē.
Then he picked up the cup. He blessed it, and gave it to them. They all drank from it.
24 Pea pehē ʻe ia kiate kinautolu, “Ko hoku toto eni ʻoe fuakava foʻou, ʻaia ʻoku lilingi koeʻuhi ko e tokolahi.
“This is my blood,” he told them, “the agreement that's being poured out for many.
25 Ko e moʻoni ʻoku ou tala kiate kimoutolu, ʻE ʻikai te u toe inu ʻi he fua ʻoe vaine, kaeʻoua ke hokosia ʻae ʻaho ko ia te u inu foʻou ai ia ʻi he puleʻanga ʻoe ʻOtua.”
I tell you the truth, I won't drink of the fruit of the vine until the day I drink it fresh in God's kingdom.”
26 Pea kuo hili ʻenau fasi hiva, naʻa nau ʻalu atu ki he moʻunga ʻoe ʻOlive.
After they had sung a psalm, they left for the Mount of Olives.
27 Pea pehē ʻe Sisu kiate kinautolu, “ʻE tūkia ʻakimoutolu kotoa pē ʻi he poōni ʻiate au: he kuo tohi, ‘Te u taaʻi ʻae tauhi, pea ʻe movetevete ai ʻae fanga sipi.’
“All of you will abandon me,” Jesus told them. “For as the Scriptures say, ‘I will attack the shepherd, and the sheep will be completely scattered.’
28 “Kae hili ʻeku toetuʻu, te u muʻomuʻa ʻiate kimoutolu ki Kāleli.”
But after I have risen from the dead, I will go before you to Galilee.”
29 Ka naʻe pehē ʻe Pita kiate ia, “Kapau ʻe tūkia kotoa pē, ka e ʻikai te u pehē au.”
“I won't abandon you even if everyone else does,” Peter replied.
30 Pea pehēange ʻe Sisu kiate ia, “Ko e moʻoni ʻoku ou tala atu kiate koe, Ko e ʻaho ni, ʻio, ʻi he pō ko eni, ʻe teʻeki ai ʻuʻua ʻae moa ʻo tuʻo ua, ka e liunga tolu hoʻo fakafisi ʻiate au.”
Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth that today, this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny that you even know me three times.”
31 Ka naʻe ʻāsili ai ʻene lea fakamātoato, “Kapau te u mate ai mo koe, ʻe ʻikai ʻaupito te u fakafisiʻi koe.” Pea naʻe lea pehē foki ʻakinautolu kotoa pē.
But Peter was totally adamant, saying, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you.” All of them said the same.
32 Pea naʻa nau hoko ki he potu naʻe hingoa ko Ketisemani: pea pehē ʻe ia ki heʻene kau ākonga, “Mou nonofo ʻi heni, kaeʻoua ke u lotu.”
They arrived at a place called Gethsemane, where Jesus told his disciples, “Sit here while I go and pray.”
33 Pea ne ʻave ʻe ia ʻa Pita mo Semisi mo Sione, pea kamata ilifia lahi, mo māfasia lahi ʻaupito;
He took Peter, James, and John with him. He began to be very disturbed and troubled.
34 Pea ne pehē kiate kinautolu, “ʻOku mamahi lahi ʻaupito ʻo hangē ka mate hoku laumālie: mou tatali ʻi heni, pea leʻo.”
Jesus told them, “My agony is so painful it feels like I'm dying. Please, remain here and stay awake.”
35 Pea ʻalu siʻi atu ia, ʻo tō fakafoʻohifo ki he kelekele, pea ne kole, ʻo kapau ʻe faʻa fai, pea laka ʻae feituʻu pō ko ia ʻiate ia.
He went a little farther on and then fell to the ground. He prayed, asking to be spared the time that was coming, if it were possible.
36 Pea pehē ʻe ia, “ʻApā, Tamai, ʻoku faʻa fai ʻe koe ʻae meʻa kotoa pē; ke ke ʻave ʻae ipu ni ʻiate au: kaeʻoua naʻaku faʻiteliha au, ka ko koe pe.”
“Abba, Father! You can do everything,” he said. “Please, take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet it's not what I want, but what you want.”
37 Pea haʻu ia, ʻo ne ʻilo kuo nau mohe, pea pehē ʻe ia kia Pita, “Saimone, ʻoku ke mohe ʻa koe? ʻE ʻikai te ke faʻa leʻo ʻe koe ʻi he feituʻu pō ʻe taha?
Then Jesus returned and found the disciples asleep. “Simon, are you sleeping?” he asked Peter. “Couldn't you stay awake for just an hour?
38 Mou leʻo pea lotu, telia naʻa lavaʻi ʻakimoutolu ʻe he ʻahiʻahi. Ko e moʻoni ʻoku fie fai ʻe he laumālie, ka ʻoku vaivai ʻae kakano.”
Stay awake, and pray so you won't fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”
39 Pea toe ʻalu atu ia, ʻo lotu, ʻo ne fai pe ʻae lea ko ia.
He left them once more, and prayed, saying the same things.
40 Pea ʻi heʻene haʻu, naʻa ne ʻilo ʻenau toe mohe, (he naʻe māfasia honau mata, ) pea ʻikai te nau ʻilo pe ko e hā te nau lea ʻaki kiate ia.
Then he returned, and again he found them sleeping because they couldn't keep their eyes open. They didn't know what to say!
41 Pea haʻu ia ko hono liunga tolu, ʻo ne pehē kiate kinautolu, “Maʻu pe hoʻomou mohe, pea mālōlō: kuo lahi ia, kuo hokosia ʻae feituʻu pō: vakai, kuo lavakiʻi ʻae Foha ʻoe tangata ki he nima ʻoe kau angahala.
He returned a third time, and asked them, “Are you still asleep? Are you still resting? Well that's enough, because the time has come! Look, the Son of man is about to be betrayed into the hands of sinners.
42 Tuʻu hake, ke tau ʻalu; vakai, ʻoku ʻi heni ia ʻoku ne lavakiʻi au.”
Get up! Let's go! See, here comes my betrayer.”
43 Pea lolotonga ʻene lea, mo ʻene haʻu ʻa Siutasi, ko e tokotaha ʻoe toko hongofulu ma toko ua, pea mo e fuʻu kakai mo ia, mo e ngaahi heletā mo e ngaahi ʻakau, mei he kau taulaʻeiki lahi mo e kau tangata tohi pea mo e mātuʻa.
Just as he was saying this, Judas—one of the twelve disciples—arrived with a mob carrying swords and clubs, sent by the chief priests, religious leaders, and elders.
44 Pea ko ia naʻe lavakiʻi ia kuo ne tuku ʻae fakaʻilonga kiate kinautolu, ʻo ne pehē, “Ka ʻilonga ʻaia teu ʻuma ki ai, ko ia ia: puke ia, ʻo tataki atu.”
Now the betrayer had arranged a sign with them: “He's the one that I kiss. Arrest him, and take him away under guard.”
45 Pea ʻi heʻene hoko mai, pea ne ʻalu leva kiate ia, ʻo ne pehē, “ʻEiki, ʻeiki;” pea ʻuma kiate ia.
Judas went right up to Jesus. “Rabbi,” he said, and kissed him affectionately.
46 Pea naʻa nau ala honau nima kiate ia, ʻo puke ia.
So they grabbed hold of Jesus and arrested him.
47 Pea ko e tokotaha ʻiate kinautolu naʻe tutuʻu [ʻi ai], naʻa ne unuhi ʻae heletā, ʻo ne taaʻi ʻae tamaioʻeiki ʻae taulaʻeiki lahi, ʻo motuhi hono telinga.
But one of those standing there pulled out his sword and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his ear.
48 Pea lea ʻa Sisu, ʻo pehēange kiate kinautolu, “He kuo mou omi ke puke au, mo e ngaahi heletā mo e ngaahi ʻakau, ʻo hangē ha kaihaʻa?
“Am I some kind of rebel that you have come to arrest me with swords and clubs?” Jesus asked them.
49 Naʻaku ʻi he falelotu lahi mo kimoutolu ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē ʻo akonaki, pea naʻe ʻikai te mou puke au: ka [kuo pau ]ke fakamoʻoni ʻae ngaahi tohi.”
“I was there with you, teaching in the Temple every day. Why didn't you arrest me then? But this is happening to fulfill the Scriptures.”
50 Pea naʻe liʻaki ia ʻekinautolu kotoa pē, ka nau feholaki.
Then all Jesus' disciples deserted him and ran away.
51 Pea naʻe muimui ʻiate ia ʻae talavou ʻe tokotaha, kuo vala ʻaki ʻae tupenu pea naʻe puke ia ʻe he kau talavou:
(One of his followers was a young man who was wearing only a linen garment.
52 Pea siʻaki ʻe ia ʻae tupenu, kae hola telefua ʻiate kinautolu.
They seized hold of him, but he ran off naked, leaving the garment behind.)
53 Pea naʻa nau tataki atu ʻa Sisu ki he taulaʻeiki lahi: pea naʻe fakataha mo ia ʻae kau taulaʻeiki lahi kotoa pē mo e mātuʻa mo e kau tangata tohi.
They took Jesus to the high priest's house where all the chief priests, elders, and religious teachers had gathered.
54 Pea muimui mamaʻo atu kiate ia ʻa Pita, ki he fale ʻoe taulaʻeiki lahi: pea nofo ia mo e kau tamaioʻeiki, ʻo ne mumū ʻi he afi.
Peter followed him at a distance, and went into the courtyard of the high priest's house. He sat down with the guards and warmed himself by the fire.
55 Pea kumi ʻe he kau taulaʻeiki lahi mo e kau fakamaau kotoa pē, ʻae fakamoʻoni kia Sisu, ke nau tāmateʻi ai ia; ka naʻe ʻikai maʻu.
Inside the chief priests and the whole governing council were trying to find some evidence to have Jesus put to death, but they couldn't find anything.
56 He naʻe fakamoʻoni loi kiate ia ʻae tokolahi, ka naʻe ʻikai fai tatau ʻa ʻenau fakamoʻoni.
Many were giving false testimony against him, but their statements didn't agree.
57 Pea tuʻu hake ʻae niʻihi, ʻonau fakamoʻoni loi kiate ia, ʻo pehē,
Some of them got up to speak falsely against Jesus.
58 “Naʻa mau fanongo ki heʻene pehē, ‘Te u veteki ʻae falelotu lahi ni kuo ngaohi ʻaki ʻae nima, pea ʻi he ʻaho ʻe tolu langa ha taha kehe, kae ʻikai ʻaki ʻae nima.’”
“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this Temple that human hands built, and in three days I will build another without hands.’”
59 Ka naʻe ʻikai fai tatau foki ʻenau fakamoʻoni.
But even so their testimony didn't agree.
60 Pea tuʻu hake ʻae taulaʻeiki lahi ʻi he haʻohaʻonga, ʻo ne fehuʻi kia Sisu, ʻo pehē, “ʻOku ʻikai te ke lea [ki ai]? Ko e hā eni ʻoku fakamoʻoni ʻekinautolu ni kiate koe?”
Then the high priest stood up in front of the council, and asked Jesus, “Have you nothing to say in response to these charges made against you?”
61 Ka naʻe longo pē ia, ʻo ʻikai siʻi lea. Pea toe fehuʻi ʻae taulaʻeiki lahi kiate ia, ʻo ne pehē, “Ko koe ko e Kalaisi, ko e ʻAlo ʻoe Monūʻia?”
But Jesus remained silent and didn't answer. So the high priest asked again, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”
62 Pea pehē ʻe Sisu, “Ko au ia: pea te mou mamata ki he Foha ʻoe tangata ʻoku nofo ia ʻi he nima toʻomataʻu ʻoe māfimafi, pea mo ʻene haʻu mo e ngaahi ʻao ʻoe langi.”
“I am,” Jesus replied, “and you will see the Son of man sitting on the right of the Mighty One, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
63 Pea toki haehae ʻe he taulaʻeiki lahi hono kofu, ʻo pehē, “He koeʻumaʻā mo ha kau fakamoʻoni kehe?
The high priest tore his clothes and asked, “Why do we need any more witnesses?
64 Kuo mou fanongo ki he lea fie ʻOtua: ko e hā homou loto?” Pea nau loto taha kotoa pē ʻe totonu ke mate.
You have heard the blasphemy! What's your reaction?” They all found him guilty and condemned him to death.
65 Pea kamata ʻaʻanu ʻae niʻihi kiate ia, pea ke ʻufiʻufi hono mata, ʻo taaʻi ia, pea nau pehē kiate ia, “Kikite!” Pea sipiʻi ia ʻe he kau tamaioʻeiki ʻaki honau ʻaofinima.
Then some of them began to spit on him. They blindfolded him, hit him with their fists, and said, “Why don't you prophesy then, you ‘Prophet’!” The guards took him away and beat him up.
66 Pea ʻi he kei nofo ʻa Pita ʻi he fale ʻi lalo, ne haʻu ʻae fefine kaunanga ʻe taha ʻae taulaʻeiki lahi:
Meanwhile Peter was down below in the courtyard. One of the high priest's servant-girls passed by,
67 Pea ʻi heʻene mamata kia Pita ʻoku ne mumū, naʻa ne sio kiate ia, mo ne pehē, “Ta ko koe foki naʻa ke ʻia Sisu ʻo Nāsaleti.”
and seeing Peter warming himself, looked straight at him and said, “You were with Jesus of Nazareth too!”
68 Ka naʻe fakafisi ia, ʻo pehē, “ʻOku ʻikai te u ʻilo [ia], pea ʻoku ʻikai te u ʻilo ʻaia ʻoku ke lea ʻaki.” Pea ʻalu ia ki he fale ʻituʻa; pea ʻuʻua ʻae moa.
But he denied it. “I don't know what you're talking about or what you mean,” he replied. Then he went out to the forecourt, and a rooster crowed.
69 Pea toe mamata kiate ia ʻae fefine kaunanga, pea kamata pehē ʻe ia kiate kinautolu naʻe tutuʻu ʻi ai, ko e taha eni ʻokinautolu.
Seeing him there, the servant girl repeated to those standing around, “This man is one of them!”
70 Pea toe fakafisi ia. Pea fuoloa siʻi, pea toe pehē ʻekinautolu naʻe tutuʻu ʻi ai kia Pita, “Ko e moʻoni ko e [taha ]koe ʻakinautolu; he ko e Kāleli koe, pea ʻoku tatau [mo ia ]hoʻo lea.”
Once more Peter denied it. A little while later they said to Peter again, “You're definitely one of them because you're a Galilean too!”
71 Ka naʻe kamata kape ia mo fuakava, ʻo pehē, “ʻOku ʻikai te u ʻilo ʻae tangata ni ʻoku mou lea ki ai.”
Peter began calling down curses on himself and he swore, “I don't know this man who you're talking about.”
72 Pea naʻe ʻuʻua ʻae moa ko hono liunga ua. Pea manatu ʻa Pita ki he lea ʻaia naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe Sisu kiate ia, “ʻE teʻeki ai liunga ua ʻae ʻuʻua ʻae moa, kae liunga tolu hoʻo fakafisi ʻiate au.” Pea ʻi heʻene manatu [ki ai], naʻa ne tangi.
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” When he realized what he'd done, he burst into tears.

< Maʻake 14 >