< Luke 1 >

1 Ko e meʻa ʻi he fai ʻe he tokolahi ke tohi fakaholo hono fakamatala ʻoe ngaahi meʻa ko ia ʻoku tui moʻoni ki ai ʻiate kitautolu,
Seeing, indeed, that, many, had taken in hand to re-arrange for themselves a narrative, concerning the facts which have been fully confirmed amongst us, —
2 ‌ʻO hangē ko ia kuo tuku mai kiate kitautolu, ʻekinautolu naʻe mamata pau [ki ai], pea hoko ko e kau faifekau ʻoe folofola, talu hono kamataʻanga;
according as they who from the beginning became eye-witnesses and attendants of the Word delivered them unto us,
3 ‌ʻE Tiofilusi lelei, ko e meʻa ʻi heʻeku kumi fakatotolo ki he meʻa kotoa pē talu hano kamataʻanga, ʻoku ou loto ai ke u tohi fakaholo atu ia kiate koe,
it seemed good, even to me, having closely traced from the outset all things accurately, to write unto thee, in order, most excellent Theophilus:
4 Koeʻuhi ke ke ʻilo hono moʻoni ʻoe ngaahi meʻa ko ia, ʻaia kuo akonekina ai koe.
that, as touching the matters which thou hadst been taught by word of mouth, thou mightest obtain full knowledge, of the certainty.
5 NAʻE ai ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ʻo Helota, ko e tuʻi ʻo Siutea, ʻae taulaʻeiki ʻe taha, ʻi he lakanga ʻo ʻApia, ko Sakalaia hono hingoa: pea ko hono uaifi naʻe mei he ngaahi ʻofefine ʻo ʻElone, pea ko ʻIlisapeti hono hingoa.
It came to pass, in the days of Herod, king of Judaea, that there was a certain priest, by name Zachariah, of the daily course of Abia; and that he had a wife of the daughters of Aaron, and, her name, was Elizabeth.
6 Pea naʻa na angatonu fakatouʻosi pe he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua, ʻo na ʻalu taʻehala ʻi he ngaahi fekau mo e tuʻutuʻuni kotoa pē ʻae ʻEiki.
Now they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and righteous appointments of the Lord, blameless;
7 Pea naʻe ʻikai haʻana tama, koeʻuhi naʻe paʻa ʻa ʻIlisapeti, pea kuo na motuʻa fakatouʻosi pe.
and they had no child, inasmuch as Elizabeth was barren, and, both, had become, advanced in their days.
8 Pea pehē, ʻi heʻene fai ki he ngāue fakataulaʻeiki, ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua, ʻi he lakanga ʻo hono vahe,
But it came to pass, as he was doing priestly service in the order of his daily course, before God,
9 Ko hono lakanga, ʻo hangē ko hono anga ʻoe ngāue fakataulaʻeiki, ke tutu ʻae meʻa namu lelei ʻi heʻene hū ki he potu tapu ʻae ʻEiki.
according to the custom of his priesthood, it fell to his lot to offer incense, entering into the Temple of the Lord;
10 Pea naʻe lotu ʻae fuʻu kakai kotoa pē ʻituʻa, ʻi he lolotonga [ʻae tutu ]ʻoe ʻakau namu lelei.
and, all the throng of the people, was praying outside, at the hour of the incense offering.
11 Pea naʻe hā mai kiate ia ha ʻāngelo ʻae ʻEiki, ʻoku tuʻu ia ʻi he potu fakatoʻomataʻu ʻoe ʻesifeilaulau ʻoe ʻakau namu lelei.
And there appeared unto him a messenger of the Lord, standing on the right hand of the altar of incense;
12 Pea tāfuʻua ʻa Sakalaia ʻi heʻene mamata [ki ai], pea tō kiate ia ʻae manavahē.
and Zachariah was troubled when he beheld, and, fear, fell upon him.
13 Ka naʻe pehē ʻe he ʻāngelo kiate ia, “Sakalaia, ʻoua te ke manavahē, he kuo tau hoʻo lotu; pea ʻe fāʻeleʻi ʻe ho uaifi ko ʻIlisapeti, ʻae tama kiate koe, pea te ke ui hono hingoa ko Sione.
But the messenger said unto him—Do not fear, Zachariah! Inasmuch as thy supplication hath been hearkened to, —and, thy wife Elizabeth, shall bring forth a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name, John;
14 Pea te ke maʻu ai ʻae fiefia mo e nekeneka; pea ʻe fiefia ʻae tokolahi ʻi heʻene fanauʻi.
And there shall be joy to thee and exulting, and, many, over his birth, shall rejoice;
15 Koeʻuhi ʻe lahi ia ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻEiki, pea ʻe ʻikai te ne inu ʻae uaine pe ha inu fakakona; pea ʻe fonu ia ʻi he Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni, ʻio, mei he manāva ʻo ʻene faʻē.
For he shall be great before the Lord, and, wine and strong drink, in nowise may he drink, and, with Holy Spirit, shall he be filled, already, from his mother’s womb;
16 Pea ʻe fakatafoki ʻe ia ʻae tokolahi ʻoe fānau ʻa ʻIsileli ki he ʻEiki ko honau ʻOtua.
And, many of the Sons of Israel, shall he turn towards the Lord their God;
17 Pea ʻe muʻomuʻa ia ʻiate ia ʻi he anga mo e mālohi ʻo ʻIlaisiā, ‘Ke fakatafoki ʻae loto ʻoe mātuʻa ki he fānau,’ mo e talangataʻa ki he poto ʻoe angatonu; ke teuʻi ʻae kakai ke lelei maʻae ʻEiki.”
And, he, shall go before him, in the spirit and power of Elijah, —To turn the hearts of fathers unto children, and the unyielding, into the prudence of the righteous, and to prepare, for the Lord, a people made ready.
18 Pea pehē ʻe Sakalaia ki he ʻāngelo, “Te u ʻilo ʻi he hā ʻae meʻa ni? He ko e tangata motuʻa au, pea kuo lahi ʻae taʻu ʻo hoku uaifi.”
And Zachariah said unto the messenger—Whereby, shall I know this? for, I, am, aged, and, my wife, advanced in her days.
19 Pea lea ʻae ʻāngelo, ʻo pehēange kiate ia, “Ko au Kepaleli, ʻoku ou tuʻu ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua; pea kuo fekau au ke u lea kiate koe, mo fakahā kiate koe ʻae ngaahi meʻa fakafiefia ni.
And the messenger, answering, said unto him—I, am Gabriel, —he that standeth near before God; and have been sent forth to speak unto thee, and to deliver the joyful message unto thee, as touching these things.
20 Pea vakai, te ke noa koe, ʻe ʻikai te ke faʻa lea, ʻo aʻu ki he ʻaho ʻe hoko ai ʻae ngaahi meʻa ni, ko e meʻa ʻi hoʻo taʻetui ki heʻeku ngaahi lea, ʻaia ʻe fakamoʻoni ʻi hono kuonga.”
And lo! thou shalt be silent, and not able to speak until the day when these things shall come to pass; because thou didst not believe in my words, —the which shall be fulfilled for their season.
21 Pea naʻe tatali ʻae kakai kia Sakalaia, pea naʻa nau ofo ʻi heʻene tuai mai mei he potu tapu.
And the people were expecting Zachariah, and began to marvel that he should tarry in the Temple;
22 Pea kuo haʻu ia kituʻa, pea ʻikai te ne faʻa lea kiate kinautolu: pea nau ʻilo ai kuo hā mai ha meʻa kiate ia ʻi he potu tapu: he naʻe kamokamo ia kiate kinautolu, pea taʻelea.
and when he came forth he was not able to speak unto them, and they perceived that, a vision, he had seen in the Temple, —and, he, continued making signs unto them, and remained dumb.
23 Pea pehē, ʻi he [toki ]hili ʻae ngaahi ʻaho ʻo ʻene ngāue, naʻe ʻalu ia ki hono fale.
And it came to pass, when the days of his public ministration were fulfilled, that he departed unto his house.
24 Pea hili ʻae ngaahi ʻaho ko ia, naʻe tuituʻia ʻa hono uaifi ko ʻIlisapeti, pea naʻe nofo ia ʻi he lilo, ʻi he māhina ʻe nima, ʻo ne pehē,
And, after these days, Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she disguised herself five months, saying—
25 “Kuo fai pehē ʻe he ʻEiki kiate [au], ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho naʻa ne vakaiʻi [au], ke toʻo [ʻiate au ]hoku manukiʻanga ʻi he kakai.”
Thus, for me, hath the Lord wrought, —in the days in which he looked upon me, to take away my reproach among men.
26 Pea ʻi hono ono ʻoe māhina, naʻe fekau ʻe he ʻOtua ʻae ʻāngelo ko Kepaleli ki he kolo ʻe taha ʻi Kāleli, ko Nāsaleti hono hingoa,
Now, in the sixth month, was the messenger Gabriel sent forth from God, into a city of Galilee, the name of which was Nazareth, —
27 ki ha tāupoʻou ʻi he fale ʻo Tevita, kuo fakanofo ki he tangata naʻe hingoa ko Siosefa; pea ko e hingoa ʻoe tāupoʻou ko Mele.
unto a virgin, betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and, the name of the virgin, was, Mary;
28 Pea haʻu ʻae ʻāngelo kiate ia, ʻo ne pehē, “Siʻotoʻofa, ʻoku ke ʻofeina lahi, ʻoku ʻiate koe ʻae ʻEiki: ʻoku ke monūʻia ʻi he fefine [fulipē].”
and entering in unto her, he said—Joy to thee, favoured one! The Lord, be with thee!
29 Pea kuo mamata ia [ki ai], pea tāfuʻua ia ʻi heʻene lea, mo ne fifili ʻi hono loto, pe ko e hā hono ʻuhinga ʻoe fetapa ko ia.
And, she, at the word, was greatly troubled, and began to deliberate, of what kind, this salutation, might be.
30 Pea pehē ʻe he ʻāngelo kiate ia, “Mele, ʻoua ʻe manavahē: he ʻoku ke ʻofeina mei he ʻOtua.
And the messenger said unto her—Do not fear, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God, —
31 Pea vakai, te ke tuituʻia ʻi [ho ]manāva, pea fāʻeleʻi ʻae tama, pea ke ui hono huafa ko Sisu.
And lo! thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name, Jesus:
32 Pea ʻe lahi ia, pea ʻe ui ia ko e ʻAlo ʻoe Fungani Māʻolunga; ʻe ange kiate ia ʻe he ʻEiki ko e ʻOtua ʻae nofoʻa ʻo ʻene tamai ko Tevita:
the same, shall be great, and, Son of the Most High, shall be called, and the Lord God, will give unto him, the throne of David his father, —
33 Pea ʻe pule ia ki he fale ʻo Sēkope ʻo taʻengata; pea ʻe ʻikai hano ngataʻanga ʻo ʻene pule.” (aiōn g165)
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob, unto the ages, and, of his kingdom, there shall be, no end. (aiōn g165)
34 Pea pehē ʻe Mele ki he ʻāngelo, “ʻE fēfē ai ʻae meʻa ni, heʻeku ʻikai te u ʻiloa ha tangata?”
But Mary said unto the messenger—How, shall this thing be, seeing that, a man, I know not?
35 Pea lea ʻae ʻāngelo, ʻo pehēange kiate ia, “ʻE hoko mai ʻae Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni kiate koe, pea ʻe fakamalū koe ʻe he mālohi ʻoe Fungani Māʻolunga; pea ko ia foki ʻe ui ai ʻae hako māʻoniʻoni te ke fāʻeleʻi ko e ʻAlo ʻoe ʻOtua.
And answering, the messenger said unto her—The Holy Spirit, shall come upon thee, and, the power of the Most High, shall overshadow thee; wherefore, even that which is to be born, Holy, shall be called, Son of God.
36 Pea vakai, ko ho kāinga ko ʻIlisapeti, kuo tuituʻia ia ʻi he tama ʻi heʻene motuʻa: pea ko hono ono mahina eni ʻo ia naʻe ui koe paʻa.
And lo! Elizabeth thy kinswoman, even she, hath conceived a son in, her old-age; —and, this month, is, the sixth, to her, the so-called barren one;
37 He ʻoku ʻikai ha meʻa ʻe faingataʻa ki he ʻOtua.”
Because no declaration from God, shall be void of power.
38 Pea pehē ʻe Mele, “Vakai, ko e kaunanga [au ]ʻae ʻEiki; ke hoko mai kiate au ʻo hangē ko hoʻo lea. Pea naʻe ʻalu ʻae ʻāngelo ʻiate ia.”
And Mary said—Lo! the handmaid of the Lord! Might it come to pass unto me, according to thy declaration. And the messenger departed from her.
39 Pea tuʻu hake ʻa Mele, ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ko ia, ʻo ʻalu fakavave ki he fonua moʻunga, ki ha kolo ʻo Siuta;
And Mary, arising, in these days, journeyed into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah, —
40 Pea naʻe hū ia ki he fale ʻo Sakalaia, ʻo fetapa kia ʻIlisapeti.
and entered into the house of Zachariah, and saluted Elizabeth.
41 Pea naʻe pehē, kuo fanongo ʻa ʻIlisapeti ki he fetapa ʻa Mele, pea hopohopo ʻae tama ʻi hono manāva; pea fakafonu ʻa ʻIlisapeti ʻi he Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni:
And it came to pass that, as Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leapt in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit, —
42 Pea naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe ia ʻae leʻo lahi, ʻo ne pehē, “ʻOku ke monūʻia koe ʻi he fefine [kotoa pē ]pea ʻoku monūʻia mo e fua ʻo ho manāva.
and lifted up her voice with loud exclamation, and said—Blessed, art thou among women, and, blessed, is the fruit of thy womb;
43 Pea ʻoku fēfē nai eni kiate au, koeʻuhi kuo haʻu ʻae faʻē ʻa hoku ʻEiki kiate au?
And, whence, to me is, this, That the mother of my Lord should come, unto me?
44 Pea vakai, kuo ongo leva ʻae leʻo ʻa hoʻo fetapa ki hoku telinga, pea hopohopo fiefia ʻae tama ʻi hoku manāva.
For lo! as the sound of thy salutation came into mine ears, the babe in my womb, leapt in exultation.
45 Pea ʻoku monūʻia ʻaia kuo tui: koeʻuhi ʻe fakamoʻoni ʻae ngaahi meʻa ko ia ʻaia naʻe fakahā kiate ia mei he ʻEiki.”
And, happy, is she who hath believed, that there shall be a perfecting of the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord!
46 Pea pehē ʻe Mele, “ʻOku fakahikihiki ʻae ʻEiki ʻe hoku laumālie,
And Mary said—My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 Pea ʻoku fiefia hoku laumālie ʻi he ʻOtua ko hoku fakamoʻui.
And my spirit hath exulted upon God my saviour;
48 He kuo ne vakai ʻe ia ʻae vaivai ʻa ʻene kaunanga: Vakai, ngata mei he ʻaho ni ʻe ui au ko e monūʻia ʻe he ngaahi toʻutangata kotoa pē.
Because he hath looked upon the humbling of his handmaid; for lo! from the present time, all the generations, will pronounce me happy.
49 He ko ia ʻoku māfimafi kuo ne fai kiate au ʻae ngaahi meʻa lahi; pea ʻoku māʻoniʻoni hono huafa.
Because he that is mighty hath done for me great things, and, holy, is his name;
50 Pea ʻoku ʻiate kinautolu ʻoku manavahē kiate ia ʻa ʻene ʻaloʻofa Mei he toʻutangata ki he toʻutangata.
And his mercy is unto generations and generations, to them who revere him;
51 Kuo fakahā mai ʻe ia ʻae mālohi ʻo hono nima; Pea kuo veteki ʻe ia ʻae laukau ʻi he ngaoʻi ʻa honau loto.
He hath wrought strength with his arm, He hath scattered men arrogant in the intention of their heart;
52 Kuo fakahifo ʻe ia ʻae mālohi mei he ngaahi nofoʻanga, Pea kuo ne hakeakiʻi ʻakinautolu naʻe māʻulalo.
He hath deposed potentates from thrones, and uplifted the lowly;
53 Kuo fakamākona ʻe ia ʻae fiekaia, ʻaki ʻae ngaahi meʻa lelei; Ka ne tekeʻi atu ʻae maʻumeʻa ke masiva.
The hungry, hath he filled with good things, and, the wealthy, hath he sent empty away;
54 Kuo tokoni ʻe ia ʻa ʻene tamaioʻeiki ko ʻIsileli, ʻI heʻene manatu ki he ʻaloʻofa;
He hath laid hold of Israel his servant, to be mindful of mercies:
55 Kia ʻEpalahame, mo hono hako ʻo lauikuonga, ʻO hangē ko ʻene lea ki heʻetau ngaahi tamai.” (aiōn g165)
According as he spake unto our fathers, —To Abraham, and to his seed, —Unto times age-abiding. (aiōn g165)
56 Pea naʻa na nonofo mo Mele ʻi he māhina nai ʻe tolu, pea [toki ]ʻalu ia ki hono fale.
And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned unto her house.
57 Pea kuo hokosia ʻae ʻaho ke fāʻele ai ʻa ʻIlisapeti; pea fāʻeleʻi ʻe ia ʻae tama.
And, to Elizabeth, was the time fulfilled, that she should be bringing forth, —and she gave birth to a son.
58 Pea fanongo ʻa hono kaungāʻapi mo hono kāinga, kuo fakahā ʻe he ʻEiki ʻae ʻaloʻofa lahi kiate ia; pea nau fiefia mo ia.
And her neighbours and kinsfolk heard, that the Lord had magnified his mercy with her, and they were rejoicing with her.
59 Pea pehē, ʻi hono ʻaho valu naʻa nau omi ke kamu ʻae tamasiʻi; pea naʻa nau ui ia ko Sakalaia, ʻo hangē ko e hingoa ʻo ʻene tamai.
And it came to pass, on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child, and were calling it, after the name of its father, Zachariah.
60 Pea leaange ʻene faʻē, ʻo ne pehē, “ʻE ʻikai, kae ui ia ko Sione.”
And his mother, answering, said—Nay! but he shall be called, John.
61 Pea naʻa nau pehē kiate ia, “ʻOku ʻikai hao kāinga ʻoku ui ʻi he hingoa ko ia.”
And they said unto her—There is, no one from among thy kindred, who is called by this name!
62 Pea nau kamokamo ki heʻene tamai, pe ko e hā hono loto ke ui ia.
And they began making signs unto his father, as to what he might be wishing it to be called.
63 Pea ne meʻa ke ʻomi ʻae tohiʻanga, pea tohi ʻe ia, ʻo pehē, “Ko Sione hono hingoa.” Pea naʻa nau ofo ai kotoa pē.
And, asking for a small tablet, he wrote, saying—John, is his name! and they marvelled all.
64 Pea matoʻo leva hono ngutu, pea mo hono ʻelelo, pea lea ia ʻo fakamālō ki he ʻOtua.
And his mouth was opened instantly, and his tongue [loosed], and he began to speak, blessing, God.
65 Pea naʻe tō ʻae manavahē ki he kakai kotoa pē naʻa nau nonofo ʻi he potu ko ia: pea naʻe ongoongoa ai ʻae ngaahi meʻa ni kotoa pē ʻi he fonua moʻunga kotoa pē ʻo Siutea.
And fear came upon all the neighbours themselves; and, throughout all the hill-country of Judaea, were all these matters being much talked of;
66 Pea ko kinautolu kotoa pē naʻe fanongo ki ai, naʻa nau fifili ʻi honau loto, mo pehē, “ʻE fēfē nai ʻae anga ʻae tama ni!” Pea naʻe ʻiate ia ʻae nima ʻoe ʻEiki.
and all who heard laid [them] up in their hearts, saying—What then shall his child be? for, even the hand of the Lord, was with him.
67 Pea naʻe fakafonu ʻa ʻene tamai ko Sakalaia ʻi he Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni, pea kikite ia, ʻo pehē,
And, Zachariah his father, was filled with Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying: —
68 “Fakafetaʻi ki he ʻEiki ko e ʻOtua ʻo ʻIsileli; He kuo ne ʻaʻahi mo huhuʻi ʻa hono kakai,
Blessed, be the Lord, the God of Israel! Because he hath visited and wrought redemption for his people,
69 Pea kuo ne fokotuʻu ʻe ia ʻae mālohi ʻoe fakamoʻui kiate kitautolu, ʻI he fale ʻo ʻene tamaioʻeiki ko Tevita;
And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us, In the house of David his servant:
70 ‌ʻO hangē ko ʻene folofola ʻi he ngutu ʻo ʻene kau palōfita māʻoniʻoni, Naʻe ai talu ʻae tupuʻanga ʻo māmani: (aiōn g165)
According as he hath spoken by mouth of his holy ancient prophets, — (aiōn g165)
71 Koeʻuhi ke fakamoʻui ʻakitautolu mei hotau ngaahi fili, Mo e nima ʻokinautolu kotoa pē ʻoku fehiʻa kiate kitautolu;
Of salvation from among our foes, and out of the hand of all them that hate us:
72 Ke fakamoʻoni ʻae ʻaloʻofa ki heʻetau mātuʻa, Mo manatu ki heʻene fuakava māʻoniʻoni;
To perform mercy with our fathers, and to be mindful of his holy covenant, —
73 ‌ʻAe fuakava ʻaia naʻa ne fuakava ʻaki ki heʻetau tamai ko ʻEpalahame,
The oath which he sware unto Abraham our father, To grant us,
74 Ke tuku ʻe ia kiate kitautolu, Ke tau hao mei he nima ʻo hotau ngaahi fili, Pea tau tauhi ia taʻemanavahē,
without fear, from the hand of enemies rescued, to be rendering divine service unto him,
75 ‌ʻI he māʻoniʻoni mo e angatonu ʻi hono ʻao, ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē ʻo ʻetau moʻui.
in lovingkindness and righteousness before him, all our days.
76 Pea ko koe, ʻe tama, ʻe ui koe ko e palōfita ʻoe Fungani Māʻolunga: He te ke muʻomuʻa ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻEiki ke teuteu hono hala;
And, even thou, child, prophet of the Most High, shalt be called, —for thou shall march on before the Lord, to prepare his ways,
77 Ke fakaʻilo ʻae fakamoʻui ki hono kakai ʻi he fakamolemole ʻo ʻenau hia,
Giving a knowledge of salvation unto his people, by a remission of their sins.
78 Ko e meʻa ʻi he ʻaloʻofa ongongofua ʻa hotau ʻOtua; ʻAia kuo hoko mei ai ʻae hengihengi ʻoe ʻaho mei ʻolunga kiate kitautolu,
Because of the yearning compassion of the mercy of our God, wherein shall visit us a day-dawn from on high, —
79 Ke fakamaama kiate kinautolu ʻoku nofo ʻi he fakapoʻuli mo e ʻata ʻoe mate, Ke fakahinohino hotau vaʻe ki he hala ʻoe fiemālie.”
To shine on them who, in the darkness and shade of death, are sitting, to guide our feet into a way of peace.
80 Pea naʻe tupu ʻae tama, pea fakaʻaʻau ʻo mālohi ʻi he laumālie, pea naʻa ne ʻi he toafa ʻo aʻu ki he ʻaho naʻa ne fakahā ai ia ki ʻIsileli.
And, the child, went on growing, and being strengthened in spirit, and was in the deserts, until the day he was pointed out unto Israel.

< Luke 1 >