< Sione 15 >

1 “Ko au ko e vaine moʻoni, pea ko ʻeku Tamai ko e tauhi ngoue ia.
I Am that true vine, and my Father is that husband man.
2 Ko e vaʻa kotoa pē ʻiate au ʻoku ʻikai fua, ʻoku ne tutuʻu ia: pea ko ia kotoa pē ʻoku fua, ʻoku ne ʻauhani ia, ke ʻāsili ai hono fua.
Euery branch that beareth not fruite in me, he taketh away: and euery one that beareth fruite, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruite.
3 Kuo mou maʻa eni, ʻi he lea kuo u lea kiate kimoutolu.
Nowe are ye cleane through the worde, which I haue spoken vnto you.
4 Nofo ʻiate au, mo au ʻiate kimoutolu. Hangē ʻoku ʻikai faʻa fua ʻae vaʻa ʻiate ia pē, ʻo kapau ʻe ʻikai nofo ʻi he vaine; pea ʻe pehē foki ʻakimoutolu, ʻo kapau ʻe ʻikai te mou nofo ʻiate au.
Abide in me, and I in you: as the branche cannot beare fruite of it selfe, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 “Ko au ko e vaine, ko e ngaahi vaʻa ʻakimoutolu: ko ia ʻoku nofo ʻiate au, mo au ʻiate ia, ko ia ia ʻe fua lahi: ka māvae mo au, ʻe ʻikai te mou faʻa fai ha meʻa.
I am that vine: ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruite: for without me can ye doe nothing.
6 Kapau ʻe ʻikai nofo ha tangata ʻiate au, ʻoku liʻaki ia ʻo hangē ko e vaʻa ʻoku mate; pea tānaki ia ʻe he kakai, ʻo lī ki he afi, pea vela ai ia.
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branche, and withereth: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they burne.
7 Kapau ʻoku mou nofo ʻiate au, pea nofo ʻeku ngaahi lea ʻiate kimoutolu, te mou kole ʻaia te mou loto ki ai, pea ʻe fai ia kiate kimoutolu.
If ye abide in me, and my wordes abide in you, aske what ye wil, and it shalbe done to you.
8 ‌ʻI he meʻa ni ʻe ongoongolelei ai ʻa ʻeku Tamai, koeʻuhi ke mou fua lahi; ko ia te mou hoko ai ko ʻeku kau ākonga.
Herein is my Father glorified, that ye beare much fruite, and be made my disciples.
9 Hangē ko e ʻofa ʻae Tamai kiate au, kuo pehē ʻeku ʻofa kiate kimoutolu: mou nofomaʻu ʻi heʻeku ʻofa.
As the father hath loued me, so haue I loued you: continue in that my loue.
10 Kapau ʻoku mou fai ʻeku ngaahi fekau, te mou nofo ʻi heʻeku ʻofa; ʻo hangē ko ʻeku fai ʻae ngaahi fekau ʻa ʻeku Tamai, pea u nofo ʻi heʻene ʻofa.
If ye shall keepe my commandements, ye shall abide in my loue, as I haue kept my Fathers commandements, and abide in his loue.
11 “Kuo u lea ʻaki ʻae ngaahi meʻa ni kiate kimoutolu, koeʻuhi ke u maʻu maʻuaipē ʻae fiefia ʻiate kimoutolu, pea ke kakato ai hoʻomou fiefia.
These things haue I spoken vnto you, that my ioy might remaine in you, and that your ioy might be full.
12 Ko ʻeku fekau eni, Ke mou feʻofaʻaki kiate kimoutolu, ʻo hangē ko ʻeku ʻofa kiate kimoutolu.
This is my commandement, that ye loue one another, as I haue loued you.
13 ‌ʻOku ʻikai ha tangata ʻe lahi hake ʻene ʻofa ʻi he meʻa ni, ke ne foaki ʻene moʻui koeʻuhi ko hono kāinga.
Greater loue then this hath no man, when any man bestoweth his life for his friendes.
14 Ko hoku kāinga ʻakimoutolu, ʻo kapau ʻoku mou fai kotoa pē ʻaia ʻoku ou fekau kiate kimoutolu.
Ye are my friendes, if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaund you.
15 ‌ʻOku ngata mei heni, ʻoku ʻikai te u ui ʻakimoutolu ko e kau tamaioʻeiki; he ʻoku ʻikai ʻilo ʻe he tamaioʻeiki ʻaia ʻoku fai ʻe hono ʻeiki: ka kuo u ui ʻakimoutolu ko e kāinga; he ko e meʻa kotoa pē kuo u fanongo mei heʻeku Tamai, kuo u fakaʻilo ia kiate kimoutolu.
Henceforth call I you not seruants: for the seruant knoweth not what his master doeth: but I haue called you friends: for all things that I haue heard of my Father, haue I made knowen to you.
16 Naʻe ʻikai te mou fili au, ka kuo u fili ʻakimoutolu, ʻo tuʻutuʻuni ʻakimoutolu, ke mou ʻalu atu, ʻo maʻu ʻae fua, pea ke tolonga homou fua: koeʻuhi ko ia kotoa pē te mou kole ki he Tamai ʻi hoku huafa, ke ne foaki kiate kimoutolu.
Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeined you, that ye goe and bring foorth fruite, and that your fruite remaine, that whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you.
17 Ko e meʻa ni ʻoku ou fekau kiate kimoutolu, ke mou feʻofaʻaki kiate kimoutolu.
These things commaund I you, that ye loue one another.
18 “Kapau ʻoku fehiʻa ʻa māmani kiate kimoutolu, ʻoku mou ʻilo naʻe tomuʻa fehiʻa ia kiate au ʻiate kimoutolu.
If the worlde hate you, ye knowe that it hated me before you.
19 Ka ne ʻo māmani ʻakimoutolu, ʻe ʻofa ʻa māmani ki he meʻa ʻaʻana: ka koeʻuhi ʻoku ʻikai ʻo māmani ʻakimoutolu, ka kuo u fili ʻakimoutolu mei māmani, ko ia ʻoku fehiʻa ai ʻa māmani kiate kimoutolu.
If ye were of the worlde, the world woulde loue his owne: but because ye are not of ye world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Manatu ki he lahi ʻae tamaioʻeiki ki heʻene ʻeiki.’ Kapau kuo nau fakatangaʻi au, te nau fakatangaʻi ʻakimoutolu foki; kapau kuo nau fai ʻeku lea, te nau fai ʻa e [lea ]ʻamoutolu foki.
Remember the word that I said vnto you, The seruant is not greater then his master. If they haue persecuted me, they will persecute you also: if they haue kept my worde, they will also keepe yours.
21 Ka te nau fai eni kotoa pē kiate kimoutolu koeʻuhi ko hoku huafa, koeʻuhi ʻoku ʻikai te nau ʻilo ʻaia naʻa ne fekauʻi au.
But all these things will they doe vnto you for my Names sake, because they haue not knowen him that sent me.
22 Ka ne ʻikai te u haʻu, ʻo lea kiate kinautolu, [pehē], kuo ʻikai haʻanau angahala: ka ko eni, ʻoku ʻikai hano kofu ki heʻenau angahala.
If I had not come and spoken vnto them, they shoulde not haue had sinne: but nowe haue they no cloke for their sinne.
23 Ko ia ʻoku fehiʻa kiate au, ʻoku fehiʻa ki heʻeku Tamai foki.
He that hateth me, hateth my Father also.
24 Ka ne ʻikai te u fai ʻae ngaahi ngāue ʻiate kinautolu naʻe ʻikai fai ʻe ha tokotaha, [pehē], kuo ʻikai haʻanau angahala: ka ko eni, kuo nau mamata mo fehiʻa kiate au mo ʻeku Tamai.
If I had not done workes among them which none other man did, they had not had sinne: but nowe haue they both seene, and haue hated both me, and my Father.
25 Ka ʻoku nau fakamoʻoni ʻae lea kuo tohi ʻi heʻenau fono, ‘Naʻa nau fehiʻa noa pē kiate au.’
But it is that the worde might be fulfilled, that is written in their Lawe, They hated me without a cause.
26 “Ka ʻoka haʻu ʻae Fakafiemālie, ʻaia te u fekau kiate kimoutolu mei he Tamai, ko e Laumālie ʻoe moʻoni, ʻoku ʻalu atu mei he Tamai, te ne fakamoʻoniʻi au:
But when that Comforter shall come, whom I will send vnto you from the Father, euen the Spirit of trueth, which proceedeth of the Father, he shall testifie of me.
27 Pea ʻe fakamoʻoni mo kimoutolu foki, koeʻuhi naʻa mou ʻiate au talu mei he kamataʻanga.
And ye shall witnesse also, because ye haue bene with me from the beginning.

< Sione 15 >