< Semisi 2 >

1 ‌ʻE hoku kāinga, ʻoua naʻa mou maʻu ʻi he filifilimānako ki he kakai, ʻae tui ʻa hotau ʻEiki nāunauʻia ko Sisu Kalaisi.
My brethren, do not hold the faith of our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, so as to show a partiality for persons.
2 He kapau ʻe hū mai ki homou falelotu ha taha ʻoku ai ha mama koula ʻi hono nima, pea ai mo e kofu lelei, pea hū mai foki mo ha taha masiva mo e kofu kovi;
For if there comes into your assembly a man in splendid apparel, and with gold rings on his fingers, and there comes in also a poor man, in mean clothing,
3 Pea mou tokangaʻi ia ʻoku ne ʻai ʻae kofu lelei, mo pehē kiate ia, “Nofo koe ki heni ʻi he potu lelei;” kae pehē ki he masiva, “Tuʻu koe ki hena,” pe, “Nofo heni ʻi lalo hoku tuʻungavaʻe:”
and you show regard to him that wears the splendid apparel, and say to him, Sit here, in an honorable place; and you say to the poor man, Do you stand there, or sit here, under my footstool;
4 ‌ʻIkai ʻoku mou filifilimānako ʻiate kimoutolu, pea hoko ai ko e kau fakamaau mahalo kovi?
are you not partial in yourselves? and do you not judge from false principles?
5 Fanongo, ʻe hoku kāinga ʻofeina, ʻIkai kuo fili ʻe he ʻOtua ʻae masiva ʻoe māmani ke koloaʻia ʻi he tui, pea ko e kau hoko ki he puleʻanga ʻaia kuo ne talaʻofa ki ai kiate kinautolu ʻoku ʻofa kiate ia?
Hear, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which God has promised to those who love him?
6 Ka kuo mou fakamamahiʻi ʻae masiva. ʻIkai ʻoku fakamālohiʻi ʻakimoutolu ʻe he kakai koloaʻia, pea fetoho ʻakimoutolu ki he ngaahi fakamaauʻanga?
But you dishonor the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you, and do they not themselves drag you to the judgment-seats?
7 ‌ʻIkai ʻoku nau lauʻikovi ʻae huafa lelei ko ia, ʻaia kuo ui ʻaki ʻakimoutolu?
Do they not themselves revile that honorable name which is called upon you?
8 Ko eni, kapau te mou fakamoʻoni ki he fono fakaʻeiki, ʻo fakatatau ki he tohi, “Ke ke ʻofa ki ho kaungāʻapi ʻo hangē pe ko koe,” ʻoku mou fai lelei ai:
If, however, you fulfill the law of highest excellence, according to the scripture, You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you do well.
9 Ka ʻoka mou ka filifilimānako ki he kakai, ʻoku mou fai angahala ai, pea ʻoku fakahalaia ʻakimoutolu ʻe he fono ko e kau talangataʻa.
But if you show partiality for persons, you work sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
10 He ko ia te ne fai kotoa pē ʻae fono, kae hala ʻi hono meʻa ʻe taha, ʻoku halaia ia ʻi hono meʻa kotoa pē.
For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet fail in one, is an offender against all.
11 He ko ia ia naʻe pehē, “ʻOua naʻa ke tono fefine,” naʻe pehē foki ʻe ia, “ʻOua naʻa ke fakapō.” Ko eni, kapau ʻe ʻikai te ke tono fefine, ka ke fakapō, kuo ke hoko ko e maumau fono.
For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now, though you do not commit adultery, yet, if you kill, you are a transgresssor of law.
12 Ke pehē pe hoʻomou lea, pea pehē mo hoʻomou ngāue, ʻo taau mo kinautolu ʻe fakamaau ʻaki ʻae fono ʻoe tauʻatāina.
So speak, and so act, as those who shall be judged by the law of liberty.
13 He ko ia naʻe ʻikai ke fakahā ʻae ʻofa, ʻe maʻu ʻe ia ʻae fakamaau taʻehaʻofa; pea ʻoku fiefia ʻae ʻofa ki he fakamaau.
For he shall have judgment without mercy, who has shown no mercy. Mercy glories over judgment.
14 ‌ʻE hoku kāinga, neongo ʻoku pehē ʻe ha taha ʻoku ʻiate ia ʻae tui, ka ʻoku ʻikai ʻi ai mo e ngaahi ngāue, ko e hā hono ʻaonga? ʻE fakamoʻui ia ʻe he tui [pe]?
What profit is there, my brethren, if any one say he has faith, and have not works? Can faith save him?
15 Kapau ʻe telefua pea fiekaia ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē ha tokoua pe ko e tuofefine,
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
16 Pea pehē ʻe homou tokotaha ki ai, “ʻAlu ʻo ke fiemālie, pea ke mafana, pea ke mākona:” kae ʻikai siʻi te mou ʻatu ki ai ʻae ngaahi meʻa ʻoku ʻaonga ki he sino; ko e hā hono ʻaonga?
and any of you say to them, Go in peace, be warmed and be filled, and yet give them not the things that are needful for the body, what does this profit them?
17 ‌ʻOku pehē foki ʻae tui, kapau ʻoku ʻikai ʻi ai ʻae ngaahi ngāue, ʻoku mate ia, pea ʻoku tuʻu taha pe ia.
So, also, faith, if it has not works, is dead, being by itself.
18 ‌ʻIo, ʻe pehē nai ʻe ha taha, “ʻOku ʻiate au ʻae ngaahi ngāue: fakahā mai kiate au hoʻo tui taʻehanongaahingāue, pea te u fakahā kiate koe ʻa ʻeku tui ʻaki ʻeku ngaahi ngāue.”
But some one will say, You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith by your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
19 ‌ʻOku ke tui ʻoku ai ʻae ʻOtua pe taha; ko hoʻo fai lelei ia: ʻoku tui foki ʻae kau tēvolo, pea nau tetetete.
You believe that there is one God; you do well: the demons also believe, and tremble.
20 Ka ʻoku ke loto ke ke ʻilo, ʻe tangata vale, ko e tui taʻeʻiai ʻae ngaahi ngāue, ʻoku mate ia?
But will you know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
21 ‌ʻIkai naʻe fakatonuhiaʻi ʻe he ngaahi ngāue ʻa ʻetau tamai ko ʻEpalahame, ʻi heʻene ʻohake ʻa ʻAisake ko hono foha ʻi he funga ʻesifeilaulau?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?
22 ‌ʻOku ke mamata ki he ngāue ʻoe tui ʻi heʻene ngaahi ngāue, pea naʻe fakahaohaoa ʻae tui ʻe he ngaahi ngāue?
Do you see that faith was the moving principle in his works, and by works his faith was made perfect?
23 Pea naʻe fakamoʻoni ʻae tohi ʻaia ʻoku pehē, Na’e tui’a’Epalahame ki he’Otua, pea na’e lau ia kiate ia ko e mā’oni’oni: pea naʻe ui ia ko e Kāinga ʻoe ʻOtua.
And the scripture was fulfilled, which says, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness: and he was called the friend of God.
24 Ko eni, ʻoku mou mamata ʻoku fakatonuhia ʻae tangata ʻe he ngaahi ngāue, kae ʻikai ʻi he tui pe.
Do you see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only?
25 ‌ʻIkai naʻe fakatonuhia pehē foki ʻa Lehapi ko e fefine feʻauaki ʻe he ngaahi ngāue, ʻi heʻene tali pea ne fekau ʻae kau mataki ʻi he hala kehe?
Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and sent them out another way?
26 He ʻoku hangē ʻoku mate ʻae sino taʻeʻiai ʻae laumālie, ʻoku pehē ʻae tui taʻeʻiai-ʻae-ngaahi-ngāue, ʻoku mate foki ia.
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

< Semisi 2 >