< Teutalonome 1 >

1 Ko eni ʻae ngaahi lea naʻe lea ʻaki ʻe Mōsese ki ʻIsileli kotoa pē ʻi he potu mai ʻo Sioatani ʻi he toafa, ʻi he toafa ʻoku hangatonu ki he tahi Kulokula, ʻi he vahaʻa ʻo Palani, mo Tofeli, mo Lepani, mo Heseloti, mo Tesapi.
These ben the wordis whiche Moyses spak to al Israel ouer Jordan, in the wildirnesse of the feeld, ayens the reed see, bitwix Pharan and Tophel and Laban and Asseroth, where is ful myche gold,
2 (Ko e fonongaʻanga ia ʻoe ʻaho ʻe hongofulu ma taha mei Holepi ʻi he hala ʻoe moʻunga ko Seia ki Ketesi-pania.)
by enleuene daies fro Oreb bi the weie of the hil of Seir, til to Cades Barne.
3 Pea naʻe hoko ʻo pehē ʻi hono fāngofulu taʻu, ʻi hono hongofulu ma taha ʻoe māhina, ʻi he ʻuluaki [ʻaho ]ʻoe māhina, naʻe lea ʻa Mōsese ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli ʻo fakatatau ki he meʻa kotoa pē naʻe fekau atu ʻe Sihova kiate ia ke tala kiate kinautolu;
In the fortithe yeer, in the enleuenth monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, Moises spak to the sones of Israel alle thingis whiche the Lord commandide to hym that he schulde seie to hem,
4 Hili ʻene tāmateʻi ʻa Sihoni ko e tuʻi ʻoe kau ʻAmoli, ʻaia naʻe nofo ʻi Hesiponi, mo Oki ko e tuʻi ʻo Pesani, ʻaia naʻe nofo ʻi ʻAsitelote ʻi ʻEtilei:
after that he smoot Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, that dwellide in Esebon, and Og, the kyng of Basan, that dwelide in Asseroth and in Edray, ouer Jordan, in the lond of Moab.
5 ‌ʻI he potu mai ʻo Sioatani, ʻI he fonua ʻo Moape, naʻe kamata fakahā ʻe Mōsese ʻae fono ni, ʻo pehē,
And Moyses bigan to declare the lawe, and to seie,
6 “Naʻe folofola ʻa Sihova ko hotau ʻOtua kiate kitautolu ʻi Holepi, ʻo pehē, ‘Kuo mou nofo fuoloa lelei ʻi he moʻunga ni:
Oure Lord God spak to vs in Oreb, and seide, It suffisith to you that ye han dwellid in this hil;
7 Mou tafoki, ʻo hiki homou fononga, pea ʻalu ki he moʻunga ʻoe kau ʻAmoli, pea ki he ngaahi potu ofi ki ai, ʻi he tafangafanga, ʻi he ngaahi moʻunga, pea ʻi he teleʻa, pea ʻi he potu tonga, pea ʻi he potu matātahi, ki he fonua ʻoe kau Kēnani, pea ki Lepanoni, ki he vaitafe lahi, ʻae vaitafe ko ʻIufaletesi.
turne ye ayen, and come ye to the hil of Amorreis, and to othere placis that ben next it; to places of feeldis, and of hillis, and to lowere places ayens the south, and bisidis the brenke of the see, to the lond of Cananeys, and of Liban, `til to the greet flood Eufrates.
8 Vakai, kuo u tuku ʻae fonua ki homou ʻao: mou ʻalu ki ai ʻo maʻu ʻae fonua ʻaia naʻe fuakava ai ʻe Sihova ki hoʻomou ngaahi tamai, ko ʻEpalahame mo ʻAisake, mo Sēkope, ke foaki ia kiate kinautolu, pea ki honau hako kimui ʻiate kinautolu.’”
Lo, `he seith, Y haue youe to you; entre ye, and `welde ye `that lond on which the Lord swoor to youre fadrys, Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob, that he schulde yyue it to hem, and to her seed after hem.
9 Pea ne u lea kiate kimoutolu ʻi he kuonga ko ia, ʻo pehē, “ʻOku ʻikai te u mafai ke kātakiʻi ʻakimoutolu ʻeau pe:
And Y seide to you in that time, Y may not aloone susteyne you, for youre Lord God hath multiplied you,
10 Kuo fakatokolahi ʻakimoutolu ʻe Sihova ko homou ʻOtua, pea, vakai, ʻoku mou tatau he ʻaho ni mo e ngaahi fetuʻu ʻoe langi hono lahi.
and ye ben ful many to dai, as the sterris of heuene;
11 (Kae ʻofa ke fakatokolahi ʻakimoutolu ʻe Sihova ko e ʻOtua ʻo hoʻomou ngaahi tamai ke laui liunga afe ʻa homou tokolahi ni, pea tāpuakiʻi ʻakimoutolu, ʻo hangē ko ia kuo ne talaʻofa kiate kimoutolu!)
the Lord God of youre fadris adde to this noumbre many thousyndis, and blesse you, as he spak.
12 ‌ʻE fēfē ʻeku faʻa fai ke kātaki ʻeau pe hoʻomou fakafiu mo hoʻomou kavenga, mo hoʻomou fekeʻikeʻi?
Y may not aloone susteyne youre causis, and birthun, and stryues; yyue ye of you men wise `in dyuyn thingis,
13 Mou fili ha kau tangata poto, ʻoku loto matala, ʻaia kuo ʻiloa ʻi homou ngaahi faʻahinga, pea te u fakanofo ʻakinautolu kenau puleʻi ʻakimoutolu.
and witti `in mennus thingis worthi to be don, whose conuersacioun is preued in youre lynagis, that Y sette hem princes to you.
14 Pea ne mou tala mai kiate au, ʻo pehē, Ko e meʻa kuo ke lea ki ai ʻoku lelei ia ke mau fai.”
Thanne ye answeriden to me, The thing is good which thou wolt do.
15 Pea ne u fili mai ʻae houʻeiki ʻo homou ngaahi faʻahinga, ʻae kau tangata poto, pea ongoongo, ʻo fakanofo ʻakinautolu ke puleʻi ʻakimoutolu, ko e kau pule ki he ngaahi toko afe, mo e kau pule ʻoe ngaahi toko teau, mo e kau pule ʻoe ngaahi toko nimangofulu, mo e kau pule ʻoe ngaahi toko hongofulu, mo e kau matāpule ʻi homou ngaahi faʻahinga.
And Y took of youre lynagis men wise and noble, `in vertues and kyn; and Y ordeynede hem princis, tribunes, and centuryouns, and quynquagenaries, and denys, whiche schulden teche you all thingis.
16 “Pea ne u fekau ki hoʻomou kau fakamaau ʻi he kuonga ko ia, ʻo pehē, ‘Mou fanongo ki he ngaahi meʻa ʻa homou ngaahi kāinga, pea fakamaau māʻoniʻoni ki he tangata kotoa pē mo hono tokoua, pea mo e muli ʻoku ʻiate ia.
And Y comaundide to hem, and seide, Here ye hem, and deme ye that that is iust, whether he be a citeseyn, whether a pilgrym.
17 ‌ʻOua naʻa mou filifilimānako ki he kakai ʻi he fakamaau; ka te mou fanongo ki he siʻi pea mo e lahi; ʻoua naʻa mou manavahē ki he mata ʻoe tangata; he ʻoku ʻae ʻOtua ʻae fakamaau: pea ko e meʻa ʻoku faingataʻa kiate kimoutolu, ʻomi ia kiate au, pea te u fanongo ki ai.’
No difference schal be of persones; ye schulen here so a litil man, `that is, pore, as a greet man, nether ye schulen take the persoone of ony man, for it is the doom of God. That if ony thing semeth hard to you, telle ye to me, and Y schal here.
18 Pea ne u fekau kiate kimoutolu ʻi he kuonga ko ia ʻae ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē ke mou fai.
And Y comaundide alle thingis whiche ye ouyten to do.
19 “Pea ʻi heʻetau hiki mei Holepi, naʻa tau ʻalu ai pe ʻi he fuʻu toafa lahi ko ia mo fakamanavahē, ʻaia naʻa mou mamata ʻi he hala ʻoe moʻunga ʻoe kau ʻAmoli, ʻo hangē ko e fekau ʻa Sihova ko hotau ʻOtua kiate kitautolu; pea naʻa tau hoko ki Ketesi-pania.
Forsothe we yeden forth fro Oreb, and passiden bi a feerdful deseert, and grettiste wildirnesse, which ye sien, bi the weye of the hil of Ammorrey, as oure Lord God comaundide to vs. And whanne we hadden come in to Cades Barne,
20 Pea ne u pehē kiate kimoutolu, Kuo mou hoko ki he moʻunga ʻoe kau ʻAmoli, ʻaia ʻoku foaki ʻe Sihova ko hotau ʻOtua kiate kitautolu.
Y seide to you, Ye ben comen to the hil of Ammorrey, which youre Lord God schal yyue to you;
21 Vakai, kuo tuku ʻe Sihova ko ho ʻOtua ʻae fonua ʻi ho ʻao: ʻalu hake ʻo maʻu ia, ʻo hangē ko e folofola ʻa Sihova ko e ʻOtua ʻo hoʻo ngaahi tamai kiate koe; ʻoua naʻa manavahē, pe loto vaivai.
se thou the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee; `stie thou, and welde it, as oure Lord God spak to thi fadris; `nyle thou drede, nether `drede thou in herte ony thing.
22 “Pea naʻa mou ʻunuʻunu mai kotoa pē kiate au ʻo mou pehē, Te mau fekau ʻae kau tangata ke muʻomuʻa ʻiate kimautolu, kenau asiasi ʻae fonua, pea toe fakahā mai ʻae hala ʻoku totonu ke mau ʻalu hake ai, pea ko e kolo fē ia te mau hoko ki ai.
And alle ye neiyiden to me, and ye seiden, Sende we men, that schulen biholde the lond, and telle to vs bi what weye we owen stie, and to whiche citees we owen to go.
23 Pea ne u fiemālie lahi ʻi he lea ko ia pea ne u fili ʻae kau tangata ʻe toko hongofulu ma toko ua ʻiate kimoutolu, ʻo tautau tokotaha ʻi he faʻahinga.
And whanne the word pleside to me, Y sente of you twelue men, of ech lynage oon.
24 Pea naʻa nau afe ʻo ʻalu hake ki he moʻunga, pea ne nau hifo ki he potu tafangafanga ʻo ʻEsikoli, ʻonau vakai foli ia.
And whanne thei hadden go, and hadden stied in to the hilli places, thei camen `til to the valei of Clustre; and whanne thei hadden biholde the lond,
25 Pea naʻa nau toʻo ʻae fua ʻoe fonua ʻi honau nima, ʻonau ʻomi ia kiate kitautolu, ʻonau ʻomi mo e lea kiate kitautolu, ʻo pehē, Ko e fonua lelei ʻaia ʻoku foaki ʻe Sihova ko hotau ʻOtua kiate kitautolu.
thei token of the fruytis therof, to schewe the plentee, and brouyten `to vs, and seiden, The lond is good which oure Lord God schal yyue to vs.
26 Ka naʻe ʻikai te mou fie ʻalu hake ki ai, pea ne mou fai talangataʻa ki he fekau ʻa Sihova ko homou ʻOtua:
And ye `nolden stie, but ye weren vnbileueful to the word of oure Lord God.
27 Pea naʻa mou lāunga, ʻi homou ngaahi fale fehikitaki, ʻo pehē, Ko e meʻa ʻi he fehiʻa ʻa Sihova kiate kitautolu, ko ia kuo ne ʻomi ai ʻakitautolu mei he fonua ko ʻIsipite, ke tukuange ʻakitautolu ki he nima ʻoe kau ʻAmoli, ke fakaʻauha ʻakitautolu.
And ye grutchiden in youre tabernaclis, and ye seiden, The Lord hatith vs, and herfor he ledde vs out of the lond of Egipt, that he schulde bitake vs in the hond of Ammorey, and schulde do awei vs.
28 Te tau ʻalu hake ki fē? Kuo fakavaivaiʻi homau loto ʻe homau ngaahi kāinga, ʻo pehē, ʻOku lahi hake mo lōloa ʻae kakai ʻiate kimautolu; ʻoku lahi ʻae ngaahi kolo pea ʻoku hoko hake ki he langi honau ʻā; kaeʻumaʻā foki ʻemau mamata ʻi ai ki he ngaahi foha ʻoe kau ʻAnaki.
Whidur schulen we stie? the messangeris maden aferd oure herte, and seiden, A grettiste multitude is, and largere in stature than we; the citees ben greete, and wallid `til to the heuene; we sien there the sones of Enachym, that is, giauntis.
29 Pea ne u pehē kiate kimoutolu, ʻoua naʻa mou lilika, pea ʻoua naʻa mou manavahē kiate kinautolu.
And Y seide to you, `Nyle ye drede `with ynne, nether `drede withoutforth; the Lord God hym silf,
30 Ko Sihova ko homou ʻOtua ʻaia ʻoku muʻomuʻa ʻiate kimoutolu, ʻe tau ia maʻamoutolu, ʻo hangē ko ia kotoa pē naʻa ne fai ʻi ʻIsipite maʻamoutolu ʻi homou ʻao:
which is youre ledere, schal fiyte for you, as he dide in Egipt, while alle men sien.
31 Pea ʻi he toafa, ʻaia naʻa ke mamata ai ki he fua ko e ʻe Sihova ko ho ʻOtua, ʻo hangē ko e fua ʻe he tangata hono foha, ʻi he hala kotoa pē naʻa mou ʻalu ai, kaeʻoua ke mou hoko ki he potu ni.
And ye sien in the wildirnesse, thi Lord God bar thee, as a man is wont to bere his litil sone, in al the weie bi which ye yeden til ye camen to this place.
32 Ka ʻi he meʻa ni naʻe ʻikai te mou tui kia Sihova ko homou ʻOtua,
And sotheli nether so ye bileueden to youre Lord God, that yede bifor you in the weie,
33 ‌ʻAia naʻe ʻalu muʻomuʻa ʻi he hala ʻiate kimoutolu, ke kumi ʻae potu ke fokotuʻu ai homou ngaahi fale fehikitaki, ʻi he afi ʻi he poʻuli, ke fakahā kiate kimoutolu ʻae hala ko ia te mou ʻalu ai, pea ʻi he ʻao ʻi he ʻaho.
and mesuride the place in which ye ouyten to sette tentis, and schewide in nyyt the weie to you bi fier, and in dai bi a piler of cloude.
34 Pea naʻe ongoʻi ʻe Sihova ʻae leʻo ʻo hoʻomou ngaahi lea, pea naʻe houhau ia, pea ne fuakava, ʻo pehē,
And whanne the Lord hadde herd the vois of youre wordis, he was wrooth,
35 Ko e moʻoni ʻe ʻikai ha tokotaha ʻoe kau tangata ʻoe toʻutangata kovi ni te ne mamata ki he fonua lelei ko ia, ʻaia ne u fuakava ke foaki ki hoʻomou ngaahi tamai,
and swoor, and seide, Noon of the men of this werste generacioun schal se the good lond, which Y bihiyte vndur an ooth to youre fadris,
36 Ka ko Kelepi ko e foha ʻo Sifune: ʻe mamata ia ki ai, pea te u foaki kiate ia, ʻae fonua kuo ne tuʻu ki ai, pea ki heʻene fānau ko e meʻa ʻi heʻene muimui angatonu kia Sihova.
outakun Caleph, the sone of Jephone; for he schal se it, and Y schal yyue to hym the lond on which he trad, and to hise sones, for he suede the Lord.
37 Pea naʻe houhau ʻa Sihova kiate au foki koeʻuhi ko kimoutolu, ʻo pehē, Ko koe foki ʻe ʻikai te ke hoko ki ai.
Nether the indignacioun ayens the puple is wondirful, sithen the Lord was wrooth also to me for you, and seide,
38 Ka ko Siosiua ko e foha ʻo Nuni, ʻaia ʻoku tuʻu ʻi ho ʻao, ʻe ʻalu ia ki ai: ke ke tokoni kiate ia: he te ne pule ke maʻu ia ʻe ʻIsileli.
Nether thou schalt entre thidur, but Josue, the sone of Nun, thi mynystre, he schal entre for thee; excyte and strengthe thou him, and he schal departe the lond bi lot to Israel.
39 Ka ko hoʻomou ngaahi fānau iiki ʻakinautolu ne mou pehē ʻe hoko ʻo moʻua, mo hoʻomou ngaahi fānau, ʻakinautolu naʻe ʻikai ʻilo ʻi he ʻaho ko ia ʻae lelei mo e kovi, tenau hoko ki ai, pea te u foaki ia kiate kinautolu, pea tenau maʻu ia.
Youre litle children, of whiche ye seiden, that thei schulden be led prisoneris, and the sones that kunnen not to dai the diuersite of good and of yuel, thei schulen entre; and Y schal yyue to hem the lond, and thei schulen welde it.
40 Ka ko kimoutolu, mou tafoki, pea hiki homou fononga ki he toafa ʻi he hala ʻoe Tahi Kulokula.
Sotheli turne ye ayen, and go ye in to the wildirnesse, bi the weie of the Reed See.
41 Pea naʻa mou lea ʻo pehē kiate au, Kuo mau fai angahala kia Sihova; te mau ʻalu hake ʻo tau, ʻo fakatatau ki he meʻa kotoa pē ʻoku fekau ʻe Sihova ko homau ʻOtua kiate kimautolu. Pea hili hoʻomou nonoʻo taki taha ʻae tangata ʻene mahafutau kiate ia, naʻa mou teu pe ke ʻalu ki moʻunga.
And ye answeriden to me, We synneden to the Lord; we schulen stie, and we schulen fiyte, as oure Lord God comaundide. And whanne ye weren arayed with armeris, and yeden `into the hil, the Lord seide to me,
42 Pea naʻe folofola ʻa Sihova kiate au, Tala kiate kinautolu, ʻOua naʻa ʻalu hake, pea ʻoua naʻa tau; he ʻoku ʻikai te u ʻiate kimoutolu; telia naʻa teʻia ʻakimoutolu ʻi he ʻao ʻo homou ngaahi fili.
Seie thou to hem, `Nyle ye stye, nether fiyte ye, for Y am not with you, lest ye fallen bifor youre enemyes.
43 “Pea ne u lea kiate kimoutolu; pea naʻe ʻikai te mou tui ki ai, ka naʻa mou angatuʻu ki he fekau ʻa Sihova, ʻo ʻalu hake loto fielahi pe ki he moʻunga.
Y spak, and ye herden not; but ye `weren aduersaries to the comaundement of the Lord, and bolnden with prijde, and stieden in to the hil.
44 Pea naʻe haʻu ʻae kau ʻAmoli, ʻaia naʻe nofo ʻi he moʻunga ko homou tali, pea naʻa nau tuli ʻakimoutolu ʻo hangē ko ia ʻoku fai ʻe he fanga pi, pea naʻe teʻia ʻakimoutolu ʻi Seia, ʻo aʻu ki Hoama.
Therfor Ammorrey yede out, that dwellide in the hillis, and he cam ayens you, and pursuede you, as bees ben wont to pursue, and killide fro Seir til Horma. And whanne ye turneden ayen,
45 Pea ne mou foki ʻo tangi ʻi he ʻao ʻo Sihova, ka naʻe ʻikai tokanga ʻa Sihova ki homou leʻo, pe fakaongo kiate kimoutolu.
and wepten bifor the Lord, he herde not you, nether wolde asente to youre vois;
46 Ko ia naʻa mou nofo ai ʻi Ketesi ʻo ʻaho lahi, ʻo fakatatau ki he ngaahi ʻaho naʻa mou nofo ʻi ai.
therfor ye saten in Cades Barne bi myche tyme.

< Teutalonome 1 >