< Kau ʻAposetolo 1 >

1 ‌ʻE Tiofilusi, ko e fuofua tohi naʻaku fai, ko e fakahā ʻoe meʻa kotoa pē naʻe kamata fai mo ako ʻaki ʻe Sisu,
The former book I wrote, Theophilus, told all that Jesus began to do and to teach,
2 ‌ʻO aʻu ki he ʻaho naʻe ʻave ai ia ki ʻolunga, ʻi he hili ʻene tuku ʻae ngaahi fekau ʻi he Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni ki he kau ʻaposetolo naʻa ne fili:
until the day that he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.
3 ‌ʻAkinautolu naʻa ne fakahā ia ki ai kuo moʻui, ʻi he hili ʻene mate, ʻi he ngaahi fakamoʻoni ʻilongofua pea lahi, he naʻa nau mamata kiate ia ʻi he ʻaho ʻe fāngofulu, pea lea ia ki he ngaahi meʻa ʻoe puleʻanga ʻoe ʻOtua:
After his suffering, he presented himself alive to them with many convincing proofs. For forty days he appeared to them, and he spoke about the kingdom of God.
4 Pea ʻi heʻenau fakataha mo ia, naʻa ne fekau kiate kinautolu “Ke ʻoua te nau ʻalu ʻi Selūsalema, kae tatali ki he talaʻofa ʻae Tamai, ʻa ia, [naʻe pehē ai ʻe ia], kuo mou fanongo ai ʻiate au.
When he was meeting together with them, he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, about which, he said, “You heard from me
5 He naʻe papitaiso moʻoni ʻe Sione ʻaki ʻae vai; kae ʻaho siʻi pē pea ʻe papitaiso ʻakimoutolu ʻaki ʻae Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni.”
that John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit in a few days.”
6 Pea ʻi heʻenau fakataha, naʻa nau fehuʻi kiate ia, ʻo pehē, ʻEiki, te ke toe ʻange ʻi he kuonga ni ʻae puleʻanga ki ʻIsileli?
When they were assembled together they asked him, “Lord, is this the time you will restore the kingdom to Israel?”
7 Pea pehē ʻe ia kiate kinautolu, “ʻOku ʻikai maʻamoutolu ke ʻilo ki he ngaahi kuonga mo e ngaahi ʻaho, ʻaia ʻoku faʻiteliha tokotaha pe ki ai ʻae Tamai.
He said to them, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father has determined by his own authority.
8 Ka te mou maʻu ʻae mālohi, ʻoka hoko mai ʻae Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni kiate kimoutolu: pea ko ʻeku kau fakamoʻoni ʻakimoutolu ʻi Selūsalema, mo Siutea kotoa pē, mo Samēlia, pea ki he ngataʻanga ʻo māmani.”
But you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
9 Pea hili ʻene ngaahi folofola ni, lolotonga ʻenau siofia ia, naʻe ʻave ia ki ʻolunga; pea fakapuli ia ʻe he ʻao meiate kinautolu.
When the Lord Jesus had said these things, as they were looking up, he was raised up, and a cloud hid him from their eyes.
10 Pea ʻi heʻenau kei sio fakamamaʻu ki he langi, ʻi heʻene ʻalu hake, ʻiloange, kuo tuʻu mai kiate kinautolu ʻae ongo tangata kuo kofu hinehina;
While they were looking intensely to heaven as he went, suddenly, two men stood by them in white clothing.
11 ‌ʻo na pehē, “ʻAe kau tangata Kāleli, ko e hā ʻoku mou tutuʻu mo sio fakamamaʻu ai ki he langi? Ko e Sisu ko ia, kuo ʻave ʻiate kimoutolu ki langi, ʻe pehē pē ʻene toe haʻu ʻo hangē ko hoʻomou mamata ʻene ʻalu hake ki loto langi.”
They said, “You men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into heaven? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner as you saw him going into heaven.”
12 Pea naʻa nau toki liu mai ki Selūsalema mei he moʻunga ʻoku ui ko ʻOlive, ko hono vahaʻa mo Selūsalema ko e mamaʻo ʻoe fononga ʻi he ʻaho Sāpate.
Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which is near to Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.
13 Pea kuo nau hoko mai, pea nau ʻalu hake ki he potu ki ʻolunga, ʻaia naʻe nonofo ai ʻa Pita, mo Semisi, mo Sione, mo ʻAnitelū, mo Filipe, mo Tōmasi, mo Pātolomiu, mo Mātiu, mo Semisi [ko e foha ]ʻo ʻAlefiusi, mo Saimone Selote, mo Siutasi ko e tokoua ʻo Semisi.
When they arrived, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were staying. They were Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James.
14 Pea naʻe nonofo loto taha ʻakinautolu ni kotoa pē, ʻi he lotu mo e hūfekina, fakataha mo e kau fefine, mo Mele ko e faʻē ʻa Sisu, mo hono kāinga.
They were all united as one, as they diligently continued in prayer. Included were the women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.
15 Pea ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ko ia, naʻe tuʻu hake ʻa Pita ʻi he ʻao ʻoe kau ākonga (koe lau fakataha ʻoe kakai ko e toko teau mo e toko uofulu, ) ʻo ne pehē,
In those days Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers, about 120 people, and said,
16 “ʻAe kau tangata mo e kāinga, naʻe totonu ke fakamoʻoni ʻae tohi ni, ʻaia naʻe leaʻaki ʻi muʻa ʻe he Laumālie Māʻoniʻoni, ʻi he ngutu ʻo Tevita, kia Siutasi, ʻaia naʻa ne tataki ʻakinautolu naʻe puke ʻa Sisu.
“Brothers, it was necessary that the scripture should be fulfilled, that the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who guided the ones who arrested Jesus.
17 He naʻe lau ia mo kitautolu, pea naʻe ai hono tufakanga ʻi he ngāue ni.”
For he was one of us and received his share of the benefits of this ministry.”
18 Pea naʻe fakatau ʻe he tangata ni ʻae potu fonua ʻaki ʻae totongi ʻo ʻene angahala; pea naʻe tō ʻo tuʻu hono mata, pea mafahi hono kete, pea ʻoho kituʻa hono toʻotoʻonga kotoa pē.
(Now this man bought a field with the earnings he received for his wickedness, and there he fell headfirst, and his body burst open, and all his intestines poured out.
19 Pea naʻe ʻilo ia ʻe he kau nofo kotoa pē ʻi Selūsalema: ko ia naʻe ui ai ʻae potu fonua ko ia ʻi heʻenau lea, Ko ʻAkeletama, ko e pehē, “Ko e potu fonua ʻoe toto.”
All those living in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language “Akeldama,” that is, “Field of Blood.”)
20 He ʻoku tohi ʻi he tohi ʻoe ngaahi Saame, “Ke lala hono fale, pea ʻoua ʻe nofo ai ha taha:’ pea, ‘Ko ʻene ngāue ke maʻu ʻe ha taha.’
“For it is written in the Book of Psalms, 'Let his field be made desolate, and do not let even one person live there'; 'Let someone else take his position of leadership.'
21 “Ko ia ʻi he kau tangata ni kuo tau nonofo mo kinautolu, ʻi he kuonga kotoa naʻe felemofafo ʻae ʻEiki ko Sisu ʻiate kitautolu,
It is necessary, therefore, that one of the men who accompanied us all the time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,
22 ‌ʻO fua fai mei he papitaiso ʻa Sione, ʻo aʻu ki he ʻaho pe ko ia naʻe ʻave ai ia ki ʻolunga meiate kitautolu, ʻoku totonu ke ai ha taha ko e fakamoʻoni mo kimautolu ʻo ʻene toetuʻu.”
beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was taken up from us, must be a witness with us of his resurrection.”
23 Pea naʻa nau fili ʻae toko ua, ko Siosefa naʻe ui ko Pasapa, pea fakahingoa foki ko Susitasa, mo Mataiasi.
They put forward two men, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also named Justus, and Matthias.
24 Pea naʻa nau lotu, ʻo pehē, “ʻE ʻEiki, ko koe ʻoku ke ʻiloʻi ʻae loto kotoa pē, ke fakahā pe ko hai ʻiate kinaua ni kuo ke fili,
They prayed and said, “You, Lord, know the hearts of all people, so reveal which of these two is the one whom you have chosen
25 Koeʻuhi ke ai ʻene tufakanga ʻi he ngāue ni pea ke ʻaposetolo, ʻaia kuo hinga mei ai ʻa Siutasi ʻi he angahala, kae ʻalu ia ki hono potu ʻoʻona.”
to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.”
26 Pea naʻa nau talotalo; pea totonu kia Mataiasi; pea naʻe lau fakataha ia mo e toko hongofulu ma tokotaha ʻoe kau ʻaposetolo.
They cast lots for them, and the lot fell to Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

< Kau ʻAposetolo 1 >