< 2 Kolinitō 11 >

1 Taumaiā ʻoku mou faʻa kātaki siʻi au ʻi [heʻeku ]vale: ʻio, mou kātakiʻi au.
Woulde to God, yee coulde suffer a litle my foolishnes, and in deede, ye suffer me.
2 He ʻoku ou fuaʻa kiate kimoutolu ʻi he fuaʻa fakaʻotua: he kuo u fakanofo ʻakimoutolu ki he husepāniti pe taha, koeʻuhi ke u ʻatu ai ʻakimoutolu ko e tāupoʻou māʻoniʻoni kia Kalaisi.
For I am ielous ouer you, with godly ielousie: for I haue prepared you for one husband, to present you as a pure virgine to Christ:
3 Ka ʻoku ou manavahē telia naʻa hangē ko hono oloa ʻe he ngata ʻi heʻene kākaaʻi ʻa ʻIvi, ʻe pehē ʻae fakahala homou loto mei he angatotonu ʻaia ʻoku ʻia Kalaisi.
But I feare least as the serpent beguiled Eue through his subtiltie, so your mindes shoulde be corrupt from the simplicitie that is in Christ.
4 Pea kapau moʻoni ʻoku malangaʻaki ʻe ia kuo aʻu atu, ʻae Sisu ʻe taha naʻe ʻikai te mau malangaʻaki, pea kapau ʻoku mou maʻu ha Laumālie ʻe taha, ʻaia naʻe ʻikai te mou maʻu, pe ha ongoongolelei ʻe taha, naʻe ʻikai te mou maʻu, pea neʻineʻi te mou faʻa kātaki ia.
For if he that commeth, preacheth another Iesus whome we haue not preached: or if yee receiue another spirite whome ye haue not receiued: either another Gospell, which yee haue not receiued, ye might well haue suffered him.
5 Ka ʻoku ou lau ʻeau ʻoku ʻikai siʻi te u tomui au ʻi he fungani “ʻaposetolo lahi.”
Verely I suppose that I was not inferior to the very chiefe Apostles.
6 He neongo ʻeku taʻepoto ʻi he lea, ka ʻoku ʻikai te u [pehē ]ʻi he ʻilo; ka kuo ʻosi hono fakahā lahi atu ʻakimautolu kiate kimoutolu ʻi he ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē.
And though I be rude in speaking, yet I am not so in knowledge, but among you wee haue beene made manifest to the vttermost, in all things.
7 He ko ʻeku fai hala ʻa ʻeku fakavaivai au kae fakahikihiki ai ʻakimoutolu, koeʻuhi ʻi heʻeku malangaʻaki kiate kimoutolu ʻae ongoongolelei ʻoe ʻOtua taʻehatotongi?
Haue I committed an offence, because I abased my selfe, that ye might be exalted, and because I preached to you ye Gospell of God freely?
8 Naʻaku fakamasivaʻi ʻae siasi niʻihi, ʻo maʻu [mei ai ]ʻae totongi, ke u ʻaonga ai kiate kimoutolu.
I robbed other Churches, and tooke wages of them to doe you seruice.
9 Pea ʻi heʻeku ʻi ai mo kimoutolu, peau masiva, naʻe ʻikai te u fakamāfasia ha tangata ʻe tokotaha: he ko ia naʻaku masiva ai, naʻe ʻomi ia ʻe he kāinga naʻe haʻu mei Masitōnia: pea kuo u fai ʻi he meʻa kotoa pē ke ʻoua naʻaku fakamāfasia ʻakimoutolu, pea ko hoku loto teu pehē pe.
And when I was present with you, and had neede, I was not slouthfull to the hinderance of any man: for that which was lacking vnto me, the brethre which came from Macedonia, supplied, and in all thinges I kept and will keepe my selfe, that I should not be grieuous to you.
10 ‌ʻO hangē ʻoku ʻiate au ʻae moʻoni ʻa Kalaisi, ʻe ʻikai taʻofi au ʻi he polepole ni he ngaahi potu ʻo ʻAkeia.
The trueth of Christ is in me, that this reioycing shall not be shut vp against me in the regions of Achaia.
11 Ko e meʻa ʻi he hā? Koeʻuhi ʻoku ʻikai te u ʻofa kiate kimoutolu? ʻOku ʻiloʻi ʻe he ʻOtua.
Wherefore? because I loue you not? God knoweth.
12 Ka ko ia ʻoku ou fai, te u fai pe ia, koeʻuhi ke tuʻusi ʻae tupungalau meiate kinautolu ʻoku kumi ki ai; koeʻuhi ko e meʻa ʻoku nau viki ai, ke ʻilo ʻakinautolu ʻoku nau hangē ko kimautolu.
But what I doe, that will I doe: that I may cut away occasion from them which desire occasion, that they might be found like vnto vs in that wherein they reioyce.
13 Ka ko e kau ʻaposetolo loi ʻakinautolu, ko e kau ngāue fakakākā, ʻoku nau fakakehe ʻakinautolu ke hangē ko e kau ʻaposetolo ʻa Kalaisi.
For such false apostles are deceitfull workers, and transforme themselues into the Apostles of Christ.
14 Pea ʻoku ʻikai ko e meʻa fakaofo ia he naʻa mo Sētane ʻoku fakakehe foki ia ko e ʻāngelo ʻoe maama.
And no marueile: for Satan himselfe is transformed into an Angel of light.
15 Ko ia ʻoku ʻikai ko ha meʻa lahi, ʻo kapau ʻe fakakehe ʻene kau faifekau foki ke hangē ko e kau faifekau ʻoe māʻoniʻoni; ko e ngataʻanga ʻokinautolu ʻe fakatatau ki heʻenau ngaahi ngāue.
Therefore it is no great thing, though his ministers transforme themselues, as though they were the ministers of righteousnes, whose end shall be according to their workes.
16 ‌ʻOku ou toe pehē, ʻoua naʻa mahalo ʻe ha taha ko e vale au; pea kapau ʻe pehē, pea kātaki muʻa au ʻo taau mo e vale, koeʻuhi ke u polepole siʻi ʻiate au.
I say againe, Let no man thinke that I am foolish, or els take mee euen as a foole, that I also may boast my selfe a litle.
17 Ko ia ʻoku ou lea ʻaki, ʻoku ʻikai te u lea ʻaki mei he ʻEiki, kae hangē ko e vale, ʻi he polepole lahi ni.
That I speake, I speake it not after the Lord: but as it were foolishly, in this my great boasting.
18 Ko e meʻa ʻi he polepole ʻae tokolahi ki he kakano, teu polepole foki au.
Seeing that many reioyce after the flesh, I will reioyce also.
19 He ʻoku mou kātaki fiemālie pe ʻae kau vale, he koeʻuhi ʻoku mou poto.
For ye suffer fooles gladly, because that yee are wise.
20 He kapau ʻoku fakapōpulaʻi ʻakimoutolu ʻe ha taha, kapau te ne folo hifo, kapau te ne fakamālohiʻi ʻakimoutolu, kapau ʻe fakahikihiki ia, kapau te ne tukiʻi homou mata, ʻoku mou kātaki pe ia.
For ye suffer, euen if a man bring you into bondage, if a man deuoure you, if a man take your goods, if a man exalt himselfe, if a man smite you on the face.
21 ‌ʻOku kau ʻeku lea ki he manukiʻi, ʻo hangē kuo moʻoni ʻemau vaivai. Ka koeni, ʻilonga ha meʻa ʻoku pole ai ha toko taha, (ʻoku ou lea ʻo hangē ha vale, ) ʻoku ou pole ai foki.
I speake as concerning the reproche: as though that we had bene weake: but wherein any man is bold (I speake foolishly) I am bold also.
22 Ko e Hepelū ʻakinautolu? ʻOku pehē mo au. Ko e ʻIsileli ʻakinautolu? ʻOku pehē mo au. Ko e hako ʻo ʻEpalahame ʻakinautolu? ʻOku pehē mo au.
They are Hebrues, so am I: they are Israelites, so am I: they are the seede of Abraham, so am I:
23 Ko e kau faifekau ʻa Kalaisi ʻakinautolu? (ʻOku ou lea ʻo hangē ha vale) ʻoku ou lahi hake; ʻi he ngaahi ngāue lahi ʻaupito, ʻi he ngaahi kauʻimaea ʻo lahi ʻaupito, ʻi he nofo fale fakapōpula ʻo liunga lahi hake, pea liunga lahi ʻi he mate.
They are the ministers of Christ (I speake as a foole) I am more: in labours more aboundant: in stripes aboue measure: in prison more plenteously: in death oft.
24 Naʻe liunga nima ʻa hoku haha ʻe he kakai Siu, pea taki tolungofulu ma hiva [ʻae tā].
Of the Iewes fiue times receiued I fourtie stripes saue one.
25 Naʻe tuʻo tolu hoku teʻia ʻaki ʻae ngaahi vaʻa ʻakau, pea tuʻo taha hoku tolongaki ʻaki ʻae maka, kuo tuʻo tolu ʻeku mate ʻi he vaka, ko e pō mo e ʻaho naʻaku ʻi he moana;
I was thrise beaten with roddes: I was once stoned: I suffered thrise shipwracke: night and day haue I bene in the deepe sea.
26 Pea faʻa fai ʻae ngaahi fononga, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he ngaahi vai, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he kaihaʻa kau, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he kakai ʻo hoku fonua, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he hiteni, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he kolo, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he toafa, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he tahi, ʻi he tuʻutāmaki ʻi he kāinga loi;
In iourneying I was often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of mine owne nation, in perils among the Gentiles, in perils in the citie, in perils in wildernes, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren,
27 ‌ʻI he ongosia mo e ngāue mamahi, ʻi he faʻa leʻo, ʻi he fiekaia mo e fieinu, ʻi he faʻa ʻaukai, ʻi he momoko mo e telefua.
In wearinesse and painefulnesse, in watching often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in colde and in nakednesse.
28 Pea ʻikai pe ko e ngaahi meʻa ni mei tuʻa, ka ko ia foki ʻoku fetaʻomi kiate au ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē, ko e tokanga ki he ngaahi siasi kotoa pē.
Beside the thinges which are outwarde, I am combred dayly, and haue the care of all the Churches.
29 Ko hai ʻoku vaivai, pea ʻoku ʻikai teu vaivai ai? Ko hai ʻoku tūkia, pea ʻoku ʻikai te u vela ai?
Who is weake, and I am not weake? who is offended, and I burne not?
30 Kapau kuo pau pe ke u polepole, teu polepole ki he ngaahi meʻa ʻoku kau ki heʻeku vaivai.
If I must needes reioyce, I will reioyce of mine infirmities.
31 Ko e ʻOtua mo e Tamai ʻa hotau ʻEiki ko Sisu Kalaisi, ʻaia ʻoku monūʻia ʻo taʻengata, ʻoku ne ʻiloʻi ʻoku ʻikai te u loi. (aiōn g165)
The God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which is blessed for euermore, knoweth that I lie not. (aiōn g165)
32 Ko e pule ʻi Tamasikusi ʻi he tuʻi ai ʻa ʻAlitasi, naʻa ne leʻohi ʻae kolo ʻoe kakai Tamasikusi ʻaki ʻae kau tau, ʻo holi ke moʻua au:
In Damascus the gouernour of the people vnder King Aretas, layde watch in the citie of the Damascens, and would haue caught me.
33 Pea naʻe tukutuku hifo au ʻi ha kato mei he kātupa ʻi he ʻā, peau hao mei hono nima.
But at a window was I let downe in a basket through the wall, and escaped his handes.

< 2 Kolinitō 11 >