< 1 Pita 3 >

1 Ko kimoutolu ʻae kau fefine foki, mou fakavaivai ki homou husepāniti ʻomoutolu; koeʻuhi ka ai ha niʻihi ʻe ʻikai talangofua ki he folofola, ke liliu mai ʻakinautolu foki ʻe he anga ʻoe moʻui ʻae kau fefine, ʻo taʻekau ʻae folofola;
In this way, you who are wives should submit to your own husbands. Do this so even if some men are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word, through their wives' behavior.
2 ‌ʻI heʻenau mamata ki hoʻomou moʻui angamaʻa [fakataha ]mo e manavahē.
For they will have seen your sincere behavior with respect.
3 Pea ko honau teunga ke ʻoua naʻa ʻituʻa pe, ʻi he fi ʻoe louʻulu, mo e ai ʻoe koula, mo e ai ʻoe ngaahi kofu;
Let it be done not with outward ornaments such as braided hair, jewels of gold, or fashionable clothing.
4 Ka [ke teunga ]ʻae tangata fufū ʻoe loto ʻaki ʻae meʻa taʻeʻauha, ʻaia ko e loto angavaivai mo angamalū, pea ʻoku maʻongoʻonga lahi ʻaupito ia ʻi he ʻao ʻoe ʻOtua.
Instead, let it be done with the inner person of the heart, and the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious before God.
5 He naʻe pehē foki ʻae teunga ʻaki ʻakinautolu ʻe he kau fefine māʻoniʻoni ʻi muʻa, naʻa nau falala ki he ʻOtua, ʻo fakavaivaiʻi ʻakinautolu ki honau husepāniti ʻonautolu:
For this is how holy women long ago who hoped in God adorned themselves, by submitting to their husbands.
6 ‌ʻO hangē naʻe talangofua ʻa Sela kia ʻEpalahame, ʻo ne ui ia ʻeiki: ko e fānau ʻaʻana ʻakimoutolu, lolotonga hoʻomou fai lelei, mo taʻemanavahē ʻi he manavahē kovi.
In this way Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are now her children if you do what is good and if you are not afraid of trouble.
7 Ko kimoutolu foki ʻae kau tangata, ke mou nonofo mo [kinautolu ]ʻo fakatatau ki he ʻilo, ʻo fakaʻapaʻapa ki he uaifi, ʻo taau mo e ipu vaivai, pea ke hangē ko e kaunga hoko mo ia ki he ʻofa fakamoʻui; pea koeʻuhi ke ʻoua naʻa taʻofia hoʻomou ngaahi lotu.
In the same way, you husbands should live with your wives according to understanding, as with a weaker container, a woman. You should give them honor as fellow heirs of the grace of life. Do this so that your prayers will not be hindered.
8 Pea ko hono fakaʻosi, ke mou uouangataha pe, pea femanavaʻofaʻaki kiate kimoutolu, mou ʻofa fakakāinga, mou loto ongongofua, pea angalelei:
Finally, all of you, be likeminded, compassionate, loving as brothers, tenderhearted, and humble.
9 ‌ʻO ʻikai totongi ʻae kovi ʻaki ʻae kovi, pe ko e lea kovi ʻaki ʻae lea kovi: kae kehe ke tāpuaki; he ʻoku mou ʻilo kuo ui ʻakimoutolu ki ai, koeʻuhi ke mou maʻu ʻae tāpuaki.
Do not pay back evil for evil or insult for insult. On the contrary, continue to bless, because for this you were called, that you might inherit a blessing.
10 He ko ia, “ʻOku loto ke ʻofa ki he moʻui, pea ke mamata ki he ngaahi ʻaho lelei, ke taʻofi ʻe ia hono ʻelelo mei he kovi, mo hono loungutu ke ʻoua naʻa lea ʻaki ʻae kākā:
“The one who wants to love life and see good days should stop his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.
11 Ke afe ia mei he kovi, kae fai lelei ke kumi ʻe ia ʻae melino, pea tuli ki ai.
Let him turn away from what is bad and do what is good. Let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 He ʻoku ʻi he kakai māʻoniʻoni ʻae fofonga ʻoe ʻEiki, pea ʻoku ongo kiate ia ʻenau ngaahi lotu: ka ʻoku houhau ʻae fofonga ʻoe ʻEiki kiate kinautolu ʻoku fai kovi.”
The eyes of the Lord see the righteous, and his ears hear their requests. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
13 Pea ko hai ia te ne fai ha kovi kiate kimoutolu, ʻo kamou ka faʻifaʻitaki kiate kinautolu ʻoku lelei?
Who is the one who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good?
14 Pea kapau ʻe mamahi ʻakimoutolu koeʻuhi ko e māʻoniʻoni, ʻoku mou monūʻia: pea ʻoua ʻe manavahē ki heʻenau fakamanavahē, pea ʻoua ʻe puputuʻu;
But if you suffer because of righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear. Do not be troubled.
15 Kae fakaʻapaʻapa ki he ʻEiki ko e ʻOtua ʻi homou loto: pea mou nofo teu pe ke talia ʻi he angavaivai mo e manavahē ʻae tangata kotoa pē ʻe ʻekea ʻakimoutolu ki hono ʻuhinga ʻoe ʻamanaki lelei ʻoku ʻiate kimoutolu:
Instead, set apart the Lord Christ in your hearts as holy. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you why you have confidence in God. Do this with meekness and respect.
16 ‌ʻO maʻu ʻae ʻatamai lelei; koeʻuhi, ʻi heʻenau lauʻikovi ʻakimoutolu, ʻo hangē ko e kau faikovi, ke mā ʻakinautolu ʻoku nau lohiakiʻi ʻa hoʻomou moʻui lelei ʻia Kalaisi.
Have a good conscience so that the people who insult your good life in Christ may be ashamed because they are speaking against you as if you were evildoers.
17 He ʻoku lelei lahi, ʻo kapau ko e finangalo ʻoe ʻOtua ke pehē, ke mou mamahiʻia koeʻuhi ko e fai lelei, kaeʻoua ʻi he fai kovi
It is better, if God desires, that you suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
18 He naʻe mamahi foki ʻo tuʻo taha pe ʻa Kalaisi koeʻuhi ko e ngaahi angahala, ko e angatonu mā ʻae taʻeangatonu, koeʻuhi ke ne ʻomi ʻakitautolu ki he ʻOtua, kuo fakapoongi ia ʻi he sino, kae fakaake ʻe he Laumālie:
Christ also suffered once for sins. He who is righteous suffered for us, who were unrighteous, so that he would bring us to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but he was made alive by the Spirit.
19 ‌ʻAia naʻe ʻalu ai ia ʻo ne malanga ki he ngaahi laumālie ʻoku ʻi he fale fakapōpula;
By the Spirit, he went and preached to the spirits who are now in prison.
20 ‌ʻAkinautolu naʻe talangataʻa ʻi muʻa ʻi he tatali mo e faʻa kātaki ʻae ʻOtua ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho ʻo Noa, lolotonga ʻae teuteu ʻae vaka, ʻaia naʻe fakamoʻui ai ʻa e tokosiʻi i he vai, ko e toko valu pē.
They were disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in the days of Noah, in the days of the building of an ark, and God saved a few people—eight souls—by means of the water.
21 Pea ko hono tatau moʻoni, ʻaia ko e papitaiso, ʻoku ne fakamoʻui eni ʻakitautolu, (ʻikai ko e siʻaki ʻoe ʻuli ʻoe kakano, ka ko e fakamoʻoni ʻoe ʻatamai lelei ki he ʻOtua, ) ʻi he toetuʻu ʻa Sisu Kalaisi:
This is a symbol of the baptism that saves you now—not as a washing away of dirt from the body, but as the appeal of a good conscience to God—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
22 ‌ʻAia kuo ʻalu ki loto langi, pea ʻoku ne ʻi he nima toʻomataʻu ʻoe ʻOtua; kuo fakamoʻulaloa kiate ia ʻae kau ʻāngelo mo e ngaahi pule mo e ngaahi mālohi.
Christ is at the right hand of God. He went into heaven. Angels, authorities, and powers must submit to him.

< 1 Pita 3 >