< Luk 7 >

1 Vdwlo Jisu so gv minse mvnwngnga nyi vdwa minya jito kudw, nw Kaparnaum bv vngtoku.
When Jesus had brought to a conclusion all that he had then had to say to the people, he entered Capernaum.
2 Roman nyigam ako hoka pakbu go dooto hv ninyia achialvbv mongrumara lo aanvgo; hv nyi angv lvvmato okv sida svngvbv ritoku.
A centurion in the Roman army had a slave whom he valued, and who was seriously ill – almost at the point of death.
3 Nyigam angv vdwlo Jisu gv lvkwng nga tvvpa tokudw, nw Jius nyiga vkv vngmuto Jisunyi tvula naam aala okv ninyigv pakbua mvpu modubv vla.
And, hearing about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him, with the request that he would come and save his slave’s life.
4 Bunu Jisu gvlo aatoku okv ninyia dinchialvbv minto, “So nyi si jvjvrungbv noogv ridur ha dinchi rungdu.
When they found Jesus, they earnestly implored him to do so. “He deserves the favor from you,” they said,
5 Nw ngonugv nyi ha ayado okv nw atubongv ngonugv lvgabv jius kumkunaam go mvjito.”
“For he is devoted to our nation, and himself built our synagogue for us.”
6 Vkvlvgabv Jisu bunua lvkobv vngming gvto. Nw naam lokv adu kuma toku, vdwlo nyigam angv ajin vkv vngmuto ninyia minpa modubv, “Tamsarnv, atubongv agarapi bv mvsuyoka. Nam ngoogv naamlo aamu dubv ngo alvka yama,
So Jesus went with them. But, when he was no great distance from the house, the centurion sent some friends with the message – “Do not trouble yourself, Sir; for I am unworthy to receive you under my roof.
7 vbvmaka ngooka noogv dookulo nyidum gubvrila aadu bv alvnv nyi bvka riyama. Gaam bv milin jimwng boloka okv ngoogv pakbu hv pooya reku.
That was why I did not even venture to come to you myself; but speak, and let my manservant be cured.
8 Ngooka ngam kaiyanv nyigam vdwgv arwnglo doonv nyi go, okv ngoogv arwnglo ngoogv sipai vdwv doodu. Ngo so anga, ‘Vngto’ vla orto jibolo okv nw vngdu; ngo olo doonv anga ‘So aato’ vla orto jibolo hv aadu; okv ngo ngoogv nyira nga ‘Sum rito’ vla orto jibolo hv um ridu.”
For I myself am a man under the orders of others, with soldiers under me; and if I say to one of them ‘Go,’ he goes, and to another ‘Come,’ he comes, and to my slave ‘Do this,’ he does it.”
9 Jisu hum tvvgvrila lamtoku; nw dakkur dakrwk dvla ninyia vngming gvnv nyitwng nga minto, “Ngo nonua mindunv, ngo vdwloka svkvnv mvngjwng go himpa tvvma, Israel arwng so lvrika kaama!”
Jesus was surprised to hear these words from him; and, turning to the crowd which was following him, he said, “I tell you, nowhere in Israel have I met with such faith as this!”
10 Jokjiyanv vdwv nyigam gv naam lo vngkur toku okv ninyigv pakbuv chvrv dukubv kaatoku.
And, when the messengers returned to the house, they found the slave recovered.
11 Ayung madwbv Jisu Nain vnam banggu lo vngtoku, ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv la okv nyitwng go vngming gvtoku.
Shortly after, Jesus went to a town called Nain, his disciples and a great crowd going with him.
12 Nw banggu gv agi lo aachinam gula, svma bvngla vnglinnv vdwa kaapato. Sinv nyi angv hvngmi gv tumpu hotum gubv rito, okv banggu gv nyitwng twngtv nvgo ninyia lvkobv reming gvto.
Just as he approached the gate of the town, there was a dead man being carried out for burial – an only son, and his mother was a widow. A large number of the people of the town were with her.
13 Vdwlo Jisu hvngmi a kaapa tokudw ninyigv haapok kv achialvbv ninyia aya kaapa toku, okv hvngmi ha minto “Kapma bvka.”
When he saw her, the Master was moved with compassion for her, and he said to her, “Do not weep.”
14 Vbvrikunamv nw vngsito okv maari ha mvsitto, bvngnv nyi vdwv daktungto. Jisu minto, “Nyi yaapa bongv! gudungto, Ngo nam mindunv!”
Then he went up and touched the bier, and the bearers stopped; and Jesus said, “Young man, I am speaking to you – Rise!”
15 Nyi sikunv gudung toku okv gaam raarap toku, okv Jisu ninyia ho anv gvlo jikur toku.
The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus restored him to his mother.
16 Bunu mvnwngngv busuto okv Pwknvyarnvnyi hartv nyato. “Kairungnv nyijwk go ngonu gvlo aapvku!” bunu minto “Pwknvyarnv aapvku ninyigv nyi vdwa ringdukubv!”
Everyone was awe-struck and began praising God. “A great prophet has arisen among us,” they said. “God has visited his people.”
17 Jisu gv lvkwngbv so yunying si jarkar toku mooku mvnwnglo okv adar aigv mooku lo.
And this story about Jesus spread all through Judea, and in the neighboring countries as well.
18 Vdwlo Jon gv lvbwlaksu vdwv so gv ogumvnwng nga mintam tokudw, nw bunu gvlo anyi gunyi gokto
All these events were reported to John by his disciples.
19 okv bunyia Ahtu gvlo tvvka moodubv vla vngmuto, “No rungri Jon gv aainvkv vla minamv, vmalo ngonu aku kvvbi gunyi kaaya dubvri?”
So he summoned two of them, and sent them to the Master to ask – “Are you ‘the coming one,’ or are we to look for someone else?”
20 Vdwlo bunu Jisu gvlo aatokudw, bunu minto, “Jon ngonua nam tvvka jilabv vla vngmupvnv ninyigv aainvkv vnam hv no rungre, vmalo ngonu ako gonyi kaaya segore.”
When these men found Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask – Are you ‘the coming one,’ or are we to look for somebody else?”
21 Hoka dw hoka Jisu lvvmanv nyi mego mvpu toku, bunugv achiayakha, okv alvmanv dow vdwa okv nyikchingnv nyi mego kaapa motoku.
At that very time Jesus had cured many people of diseases, afflictions, and wicked spirits, and had given many blind people their sight.
22 Nw Jon gv gindungpingko vdwa mirwkto, “Vngkur yikuka okv Jonnyi minpa teka no ogugo kaadu okv tvvdu: Nyikchingnv kaapa nyuduku, lvpiknv vngla duku, yvvbunudw apin alvmabv lvvmanv vdwa darwk mopvku, rungjinv vdwv tvvpa nyuduku, sinv vdwa turkur moduku, okv Gamlv nga heemanv vdwlo japji duku.
So his answer to the question was, “Go and report to John what you have witnessed and heard – the blind recover their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the good news is told to the poor.
23 Vdwgo mvngpuv yvvdw ngoogv lvkwng nga mvngngum madunv!”
And blessed is the person who finds no hindrance in me.”
24 Jon gv gindungpingko vdwgv vngro kochingbv, Jisu nyitwng nga japji raptoku Jon gv lvkwng nga: “Vdwlo nonu Jon gvlo chukrimooku lo vnglin rikulo, nonu ogugo kaapare vla dvminpvnv? Nvmwng anw hv doorilo yapchar dubv?
When John’s messengers had left, Jesus, speaking to the crowds, began to say with reference to John,
25 Ogugo kaadubv nonuno vnglin pvnv? Nyi ako vji kaapubv gvnv gore? Vkvnv nyi vji kaapubv gvnv okv himpukain bv doonv vdwa dvbvkarv vdwlo paadunv!
“What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed waving in the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in rich clothing? Why, those who are accustomed to fine clothes and luxury live in royal palaces.
26 Nga minpalabv, nonu ogugo kaadubv vla vnglin pvnv? Nyijwk akore? Am hv jvbo, vbvritola nyijwk ka achialvbv kaiyanv go nonuno kaato.
What then did you go to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.
27 Jon Darwknv Kitaplo minpanam akonv: ‘Pwknvyarnv minto, ngo ngoogv gindungpingko akonyi nonu gvlo vngcho more nonugv lvgabv lamtv nga mvkok modubv.’
This is the man of whom scripture says – ‘I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way before you.’
28 Ngo nonua mindu,” Jisu mindvto, “Jon kaiyanv singcho dvdvnv nyi lokv. Vbvritola yvvdw Pwknvyarnv gv Karv lo miangdunv nw Jonnyi kaiyadunv.”
There is, I tell you, no one born of a woman who is greater than John; and yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”
29 Nyi mvnwngngv ninyigv minam ha tvvtoku; bunu okv lampu naayanv vdwv yabv Pwknvyarnv gv jvjvklv nga mvngya kunv okv Jon gvlokv baptisma naakunv vdwv.
(All the people, when they heard this, and even the tax collectors, having accepted John’s baptism, acknowledged the justice of God.
30 Vbvritola Parisi vdwv la Pvbv tamsarnv vdwv nwbunugv lvgabv Pwknvyarnv gv mvngnamha toa tuku okv Jon gvlokv baptisma naamare vtoku.
But the Pharisees and the students of the Law, having rejected John’s baptism, frustrated God’s purpose in regard to them.)
31 Jisu mindvto, “Vjak ngo ogugonyi mintaknvla minladubv svjak silugv nyi vdwsum? Bunu oguaingbv ripv?
“To what then,” Jesus continued, “should I compare the people of the present generation? What are they like?
32 Bunu piokpamdorpamlo vmi dopamnv aingbv rido. Twnggonv twnggonyi gokdu, ‘Ngonu nonugv lvgabv nyida sidupvbin dumuto, vbvritola nonuno harkw pajokma! Ngonu siinyimar mvto, vbvritola nonuno kapma!’
They are like some little children who are sitting in the marketplace and calling out to one another – ‘We have played the flute for you, but you have not danced; We have wailed, but you have not wept!’
33 Jon Baptist aatoku, vbvritola nw yikto okv opo tvngmato, okv nonuno minto ‘Nw gvlo uyuvram doodu!’ vla.
For now that John the Baptist has come, not eating bread or drinking wine, you are saying ‘He has a demon in him’;
34 Nyia Kuunyilo ngv aatoku, okv dvto okv tvngto, okv nonuno minto, ‘Kaatoka so nyi sam! Nw dvria nvgo okv tvngria nvgo, lampu naayanv vdwgv okv kvvbi nyi toakunam vdwgv ajin go!’
and now that the Son of Man has come, eating and drinking, you are saying ‘Here is a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and outcasts.’
35 Pwknvyarnv gv mvnglak kv jvjvrungbv kaatamdu, mvnwng gvlo yvvdw um mvngrwk dvdw.”
And yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”
36 Parisis akonv Jisunyi gokto ninyia lvkobv achin dvbam dubv vla, okv Jisu ninyigv naam lo aatoku okv dvdukubv dootung toku.
One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to dine with him, so Jesus went to his house and took his place at the table.
37 Ho banggu lo nyimv nvgo rimurla doonvgo dooto. Nw Jisunyi Parisis gv naam lo dvla doodukv vla tvvpato, vkvlvgabv nw pumchup golo nampunv ala vkv akomaring dubv bvnglwkto
Just then a woman, who was an outcast in the town, having heard that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster jar of perfume,
38 okv Jisu gv lvpa koching kiambv lvpa nga ninyigv nyikla ngv sarbum dubv kapla dakto, vbvrikunamv nw ninyigv dwmw lokv Jisu gv lvpa nga tipw to, mopup to, okv nampu nvnga lvpa lo pwke toku.
and placed herself behind Jesus, near his feet, weeping. Then she began to make his feet wet with her tears, and she dried them with the hair of her head, repeatedly kissing his feet and anointing them with the perfume.
39 Vdwlo Parisis angv um kaato kudw nw atubongv minsuto, “So nyi si jvjvbv nyijwk guloka, ninyia gakka nvnga chindu nvpv ogu nyimv gudw; ogu rimur go rila nw svngpv nvdw!”
When the Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this, he said to himself, “Had this man been ‘the prophet,’ he would have known who, and what sort of woman, this is who is touching him, and that she is an outcast.”
40 Jisu gamtv rungbv ninyia minto, “Saimon, ngo nam mintam segu doodukv.” “Vkv, tamsarnv,” nw minto, “Nga mintam labv.”
But, addressing him, Jesus said, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Pray do so, teacher,” Simon answered; and Jesus began,
41 “Ho hoka nyi anyigo dooto bunyi morko narnv gvlo morko narto,” Jisu minrap toku. “Akonv ninyigvlo ain lokdwng lwngu go narto, okv kvvbi angv chamngu go narto.
“There were two people who were in debt to a moneylender; one owed five hundred silver coins, and the other fifty.
42 Bunyi lokv yvvka ninyia jikur nyuma toku, vkvlvgabv nw bunyi gv dvdu doonam a kayu jitoku. Vbvrikunamv, ogolo angv ninyia kaiyabv ayare?”
As they were unable to pay, he forgave them both. Which of them, do you think, will love him the more?”
43 “Ngo mvngkanamv,” Saimon mirwkto, “Hv ho angv nvpv yvvnyi kaibv kayu jinam angv.” “No minjwk gvibv,” Jisu minto.
“I suppose,” answered Simon, “it will be the man to whom he forgave the greater debt.” “You are right,” said Jesus,
44 Vbvrikunamv nw nyimv nvnga kaarwk toku okv Saimonnyi minto, “No so nyimv sum kaadure? Ngo noogv naam lo aato, okv no ngoogv lvpa lvgabv isi jimato, vbvritola nw ninyigv nyikla lokv ngoogv lvpa nga harkakto okv ninyigv dwmw lokv hum tipw toku.
and then, turning to the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house – you gave me no water for my feet, but she has made my feet wet with her tears and dried them with her hair.
45 No ngam naam lo alvbv aamu rilo moopup mato vbvritola nw ngoogv aaro lokv lvpa nga moopup nama topuma.
You did not give me one kiss, but she, from the moment I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.
46 No ngoogv dumpo lvgabv olib tvli jimato, vbvritola nw ngoogv lvpa nga nampunv vkv harbum pvku.
You did not anoint even my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume.
47 Ngo nonua mindunv, vbvrikunamv, nw gv kairungbv aya kaatam kunam si ninyigv achialvbv rimur vdwa mvngnga jipvku vla chimu rungduku. Vbvritola yvvnyi miang go mvngnga jipv kudw miang go aya nga kaatam mvngdo.”
So I tell you, her great love shows that her sins, many as they are, have been pardoned. One who is pardoned little loves little.”
48 Vbvrikunamv Jisu nyimv nvnga mintoku, “Noogv rimur vdwa mvngnga jipvkunv.”
Then he said to the woman, “Your sins have been pardoned.”
49 Tvbul lo doodungnv kvvbi vdwv atu hv minrap suto, “Yvvdw si, rimur haka mvngnga jikunv?”
The other guests began to say to one another, “Who is this man who even pardons sins?”
50 Vbvritola Jisu nyimv nvnga mintoku, “Noogv mvngjwng ngv nam ringsupvku; alvbv vngnyiku.”
But Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has delivered you; go, and peace be with you.”

< Luk 7 >