< Luk 24 >

1 Vjwngalu gv arukamchi bv anvnyimv vdwv nyibung lo vngto, bunugv mvnam nampunv vkv bvngla ila.
The however on [the] first [day] of the week dawn very early to the tomb they came bringing that they had prepared spices (and certain with them. *K*)
2 Nyibung agv aaku vlwng nga ngora rodubv bunu kaapa toku,
They found then the stone rolled away from the tomb.
3 vkvlvgabv bunu arwnglo aatoku vbvritola bunu Ahtu Jisu gv svma nga kaapa kumato.
(and *k*) Having entered (however *no*) not they found the body of the Lord Jesus.
4 Bunu hum abwk kumabv hoka daktoku, lamdubv nyi anyigo achialvbv ungnv vji gvnv vkv bunu gvlo daklwkto.
And it came to pass while (perplexing *N(k)O*) they about this that behold men two stood by them in (garment dazzling. *N(k)O*)
5 Anvnyimv vdwv, achialvbv busu laila bunu kwdilo guplwk toku, nyi anyiv anvnyimv vdwa svbv minto, “Turkunv nyi anga sinv vdwlo nonu ogubv kaakar dunv?
Terrified then were becoming they and bowing (their faces *N(k)O*) to the ground they said to them; Why seek you the living among the dead?
6 Nw si dooma; nw turrap roku. Galili lo nw gv riri hoka nonua ogugo nw minpvdw hum mvngpa toka:
Not He is here but He is risen! do remember how He spoke to you yet being in Galilee
7 ‘Nyia Kuunyilo nga rimurnv nyi vdwgv laak lo laklwk reku, hum daapo lo takki reku, okv alu loum kochingbv turkur reku.’”
saying The Son of Man that it behooves to be delivered into hands of men sinful and to be crucified and on the third day to arise.
8 Vbvrikunamv anvnyimv vdwv nw gv minam a mvngpa toku,
And they remembered the declarations of Him,
9 nyibung lokv vngkur toku, okv ogumvnwngnga lvbwlaksu vring gola akin vdwa minpa toku okv kvvbi mvnwng haka.
And having returned from the tomb they related these things all to the eleven and to all the rest.
10 Anvnyimv vdwv Meri Magdalene, Joana, okv Jems gv anv Meri; bunu okv bunua vngming gvnv kvvbi anvnyimv vdwvka ogu mvnwng sam apostol vdwa minpa toku.
It was now Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the [mother] of James and the other women with them; (who *k*) were telling to the apostles these things,
11 Vbvritola apostol vdwv anvnyimv vdwgv minam si minamminsubv mindu nvgo vla mvngtoku, okv bunu anvnyimv vdwa mvngjwng mato.
And appeared before them like folly the declarations (of them *N(k)O*) and they were not believing in them.
12 Vbvritola Pitar dokrap toku okv nyibung bv joktoku; nw gublwk toku okv vji kvlap kvchap nvnv jebor a kaapa nyumtoku okv ogu ka kaama toku. Vbvrikunamv ogugo ripv kudw hum lamrw palaku nw naam bv vngkur toku.
But Peter having risen up he ran to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the linen strips (lying *k*) alone and he went away in (himself *NK(o)*) wondering at that having come to pass.
13 Ho gv alu akin hoka Jisunyi riming gvnv anyigo nampum aminv Emmaus vnamlo vngdubv vla vngdungto, hv Jerusalem lokv adu v kilomitar vring gola akin gubv rito,
And behold two of them on same the day were going to a village being distant stadia sixty from Jerusalem whose name [is] Emmaus.
14 Okv bunu ogugo ripv kudw ho mvnwng gv lvga nga raamisito.
and they themselves were talking with one another about all which having taken place these things.
15 Vbv bunu raami sula okv mimi surilo Jisu nyi atu v bunugv nvchilo aanwkto okv bunua lvkobv vngming gvto;
And it came to pass during the talking by them and reasoning that Himself (*k*) Jesus having drawn near He was walking along with them.
16 bunu ninyia kaato, vbvritola ninyia kaabwk mato.
but the eyes of them were held not to know Him.
17 Jisu bunua minto, “Ogugola, nonugv vngying dula raami svgv dvnammv?” Bunu mvngdwk dula, dakbwngto.
He said then to them; What words [are] these that you exchange with one another walking? And (they stood still *N(K)O*) looking sad.
18 Bunugv lokv akonvgv aminv Kleopas vnam hv ninyia tvvkato, “No Jerusalem so kaalwkbv aanv vmwngre sogv lonyi loum sokv ogu rinama chima dunv?”
Answering now (the *k*) one (from of them *O*) (whose *k*) (name *NK(o)*) Cleopas said to Him; You yourself alone visit (in *k*) Jerusalem and not have known the [things] having come to pass in it in days these?
19 Nw tvvkato, “Ogu gula?” Bunu mirwkto, “Najaret lokv Jisunyi rinam mamnv,” “So nyi angv si nyijwk go nw Pwknvyarnv nyila okv nyi mvnwngnga mvngpu dubv rila, ninyigv rinam minam mvnwngngv jwkrw doonv gubv okv kairungnv nyijwk gubvrila kaatam toku.
And He said to them; What things? And they said to Him; The [things] concerning Jesus (of Nazareth, *N(k)O*) who was a man a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,
20 Ngonugv nyibu butvnv vdwv okv rigvdogvnv vdwv ninyia mvki tuku vla laklwk la lvklin jitoku, okv ninyi daapolo takki toku.
that then delivered up him the chief priests and the rulers of us to [the] judgment of death and crucified Him.
21 Okv ngonu ninyia Israel am ringlin laji kunv vla mvngtin nyato! hum mvnwng am mimabv, vbvrikunamv silu si alu loum dukunv.
We ourselves however were hoping that He himself it is who is about to redeem Israel. But indeed (also *no*) with all these things [the] third this day brings (today *ko*) away from which these things came to pass.
22 Anvnyimv megonv ngonua lamrwpamupv; bunu doonyi nyika dubv nyibunglo vngto,
However also women certain out from us amazed us Having been (at dawn *N(k)O*) to the tomb
23 Vbvritola ninyigv svma nga kaapama. Bunu vngkorla mintoku bunu nyikrw bv nyidogingdung vdwa kaapvnv ho vdwv nw turkur pvkunv vla bunua mintam toku.
and not having found the body of Him they came declaring also a vision of angels to have seen who say He [is] living.
24 Ngonugv lokv megonv nyibunglo vngla kaanam v anvnyimv vdwgv minam rungbv kaapatoku, vbvritola bunu ninyia kaapa mato.”
And went some of those with us to the tomb and found [it] so even as also the women said, Him however not they saw.
25 Vbvrikunamv Jisu bunua mintoku, “Vdwgo nonu pvcha dukunv, nyijwk vdwgv minam a nonu mvngjwng dubv tapv dunv!
And He himself said to them; O foolish and slow of heart to believe in all that spoke the prophets;
26 Hv Kristo ninyigv yunglit lo aanam lvgabv hinching chingma svngvri?”
Surely these things it was necessary for to suffer the Christ and to enter into the glory of Him?
27 Okv Jisu ninyigv lvgabv Darwknv Kitap mvnwnglo Moses gv kitap lokv minrapla nyijwk vdwgv lvknam lobv minpv nama bunua minbwk jitoku.
And having begun from Moses and from all the Prophets (He interpreted *N(k)O*) to them in all the Scriptures the [things] concerning (of Himself. *NK(o)*)
28 Bunugv nampum vnglwkjiku gv nvchilo bunu vngrilo Jisu vbv ritoku nw adubv vngtv dvnv aingbv;
And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He himself (appeared *N(k)O*) farther to be going.
29 Vbvritola bunu ninyia mintung gvrila, minto, “Ngonua lvkobv doomwng gvlaka; alu v tungtv yanv vngro pvku okv si kanv putv duku.” Vkvlvgabv nw doomwng gvdubv vla bunua vngming gvtoku.
And they constrained Him saying; do abide with us, for toward evening it is and has declined (now *no*) the day. And He entered in to abide with them.
30 Nw bunua lvkobv dvmwng gvdubv vla dootung toku, vtwng nga naatoku, okv bokta doolwk dubv minto; vbvrikunamv nw vtwng nga pintung toku okv bunua jitoku.
And it came to pass during the reclining of Him with them having taken the bread He blessed [it] and having broken [it] He was giving [it] to them.
31 Vbvrikunamv bunugv nyik v nyiktar toku okv bunu ninyia kaachin toku, vbvritola nw bunugv kaaku lokv nyetoku.
Of them then were opened the eyes and they knew Him; And He himself vanished being seen from them.
32 Bunu mimisuto, “Lamtvlo nw gv ngonua gaam raarilo okv Darwknv kitap a minbwk jirilo ngonua vmv gunam jvbv rimapvi?”
And they said to one another; Surely the heart of us burning it was within us as He was speaking with us on the road (and *k*) as He was opening to us the Scriptures?
33 Bunu vjakgobv gudungto okv Jerusalem lo vngkur toku, hoka bunu lvbwlaksu vring gola akin a paami sutoku kvvbi vdwa lvkobv doobam sidubv
And having risen up on [that] same hour they returned to Jerusalem and they found (gathered *N(k)O*) the eleven and those with them
34 okv minto, “Ahtu jvjv bv turrap rungpvku! Nw Saimon nyika kaarwk supv!”
saying that Indeed has risen the Lord and He has appeared to Simon.
35 Nyi anyiv lamtvlo ogugo ripv kudw hum bunua minpa jitoku, okv Ahtu gv vtwng nga pintung rilo bunu oguaing bv kaachin pvkudw humka.
And they themselves were relating the [things] on the road and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
36 Vdwlo anyi gv sum mintam rilo, lamdubv Jisu atubongv bunugv dookulo daklwk toku okv bunua minto, “Nonu gvlo mvngpu v lvkobv doolaka.”
These things now when they are telling He Himself (*k*) (Jesus *K*) stood in midst of them and says to them; Peace to you.
37 Bunu achialvbv lamrwpatoku bunu vram go kaadunv vla mvngto.
Having been terrified however and filled with fear having been they were thinking [themselves] a spirit to see.
38 Vbvritola nw bunua minto, “Nonu ogubv lamdunv? Ogubv so gv mvngjwng manamv nonugv haapoklo aapvnv?
And He said to them; Why troubled are you and through why doubts do come up in (the heart *N(k)O*) of you?
39 Ngoogv lvpa okv ngoogv laak am kaatoka okv kaakato si ngo kuna. Ngam mvsit toka, okv nonu chinreku, nonugv ngam kaanam aingbv vram v adwnayak okv loobung gvma doonv.”
do see the hands of Me and the feet of Me that I myself am He himself; do touch Me and do see for a spirit flesh and bones not has even as Me myself you see having.
40 Nw vbv mintam toku okv nw gv lvpa okv nwgv laak am bunua kaatam toku.
And this having said (He showed *N(k)O*) to them the hands and the feet.
41 Bunu vjaklodvbv mvngjwng nyuma toku, bunu achialvbv mvngpubv okv lamrwpanam bv ritoku; vkvlvgabv nw bunua tvkato, “Nonu so dvse go dooma lare?”
Still now while are disbelieving they for the joy and amazement He said to them; Have you anything to eat here?
42 Bunu ninyia ngui nunv go jito,
And they gave to Him of a fish broiled part (and from honeycomb tablet. *KO*)
43 hum nw naagvrila okv bunugv kaakulo dvtoku.
And having taken [it] before them He ate [it].
44 Vbvrikunamv nw bunua mintoku, “So gv sum ngoogv nonua lvkobv riri hoka minam v: ngoogv lvga mvnwngnga Moses gv Pvbv lo lvkpv, nyijwk vdwgv lvknam loka okv mirimimpak minam loka v jvjvbv aarung jinv.”
He said now (unto *no*) (to them; *N(k)O*) These [are] the words (of mine *NO*) which I spoke to you still being with you that it behooves to be fulfilled all things which written in the law of Moses and (in the *no*) Prophets and in [the] Psalms concerning Me.
45 Vbvrikunamv nw bunugv haapok a Darwknv Kitap a chimu dukubv mvkok toku,
Then He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures
46 okv bunua minto, “So svbv lvkpvnv: Kristo hingching chirungre okv alu loum kochinglo sinam lokv turrap reku,
And He said to them that Thus it has been written (and thus it was necessary for *K*) Was to suffer the Christ and to rise out from [the] dead on the third day
47 okv ninyigv amin lokv mvngdin okv rimur a mvngnga kunamgv doin a Jerusalem lokv rirap laila, mooku mvnwnglo japgo reku.
and to be proclaimed in the name of Him repentance (to *N(K)O*) forgiveness of sins to all nations (having begun *N(k)O*) from Jerusalem.
48 Nonu kuna so vdw sum mingo yajikunv.
You yourselves (now *k*) (are *ko*) witnesses of these things,
49 Okv ngo Atu v ngo Abu gv milv nama nonu gvlo jilu jire. Vbvritola nonu pamtv lo kaayala doorung laka aotolokv jwkrw v nonu gvlo aalwkma dvdvlobv.”
And behold (I myself am sending *NK(o)*) the promise of the Father of Mine upon you. you yourselves however do remain in the city (Jerusalem *k*) until that you may be clothed with from on high power.
50 Vbvrikunamv nw bunua pamtv agum lo lingv toku Betani jebv adu lo, hoka nw ninyigv laak v idungto okv bunua boktalwkji toku.
He led now them out until (to *N(k)O*) Bethany, and having lifted up the hands of Him He blessed them.
51 Nw bunua aya jidung dvla, nw bunua vngyu toku okv nyidomooku bv naacha toku.
And it came to pass during the blessing by Him them He was separated from them and was carried up into heaven.
52 Bunu ninyia kumtoku okv Jerusalem bv vngkur toku, kairungbv mvngpu puingla,
And they themselves having worshiped Him returned to Jerusalem with joy great
53 okv bunugv rinam doonam mvnwngnga Pwknvyarnvnaam lo Pwknvyarnvnyi umbonyikv vla relwkdoolwk toku.
and were (through *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) in the temple (praising and *KO*) blessing God. (Amen *K*)

< Luk 24 >