< Apostlagärningarna 28 >

1 Först sedan vi hade blivit räddade, fingo vi veta att ön hette Malta.
After we [(exc)] had arrived safely [on the shore], we learned that it was an island called Malta.
2 Och infödingarna visade oss en icke vanlig välvilja; de tände upp en eld och togo oss alla med sig dit, för det påkommande regnets och för köldens skull.
The people who lived there received us kindly. They lit a fire and invited us to come and warm ourselves, because it was raining and it was cold.
3 När Paulus då tog upp ett fång torra kvistar som han lade på elden, kom, i följd av hettan, en huggorm fram därur och högg sig fast vid hans hand.
Paul gathered some sticks and put them on the fire. But [among those sticks was] a snake that had come out [from the fire to escape] from the heat, and it fastened itself on Paul’s hand.
4 Då infödingarna fingo se ormen hänga där vid hans hand, sade de till varandra: "Helt visst är denne man en dråpare, som rättvisans gudinna icke tillstädjer att leva, om han nu ock har blivit räddad undan havet."
[The islanders knew that the snake was poisonous, so] when they saw it hanging from Paul’s hand, they said to each other, “Probably this man has murdered someone. Although he has escaped from being drowned, [the god] ([who] pays [people back/who punishes people]) for their [MTY] sins will cause him to die.”
5 Men han skakade ormen ifrån sig i elden och led ingen skada.
But Paul simply shook the snake off into the fire, and nothing happened to him.
6 De väntade att han skulle svälla upp eller helt plötsligt falla ned död; men när de efter lång väntan fingo se att intet ont vederfors honom, ändrade de mening och sade att han var en gud.
The people were expecting that Paul’s body would soon swell up or that he would suddenly fall down and die. But after they had waited a long time, they saw [that the snake] had not harmed him [at all]. So then the people changed their minds and said [to one another], “This man is not a murderer! Probably he is a god!”
7 I närheten av detta ställe var en lantgård, som tillhörde den förnämste mannen på ön, en som hette Publius; denne tog välvilligt emot oss och gav oss härbärge i tre dagar.
Near where the people had made the fire, there were some fields that belonged to a man whose name was Publius. He was the chief official on the island. He invited us to [come and stay in] his home. He took care of us for three days.
8 Nu hände sig att Publius' fader låg sjuk i en magsjukdom med feberanfall. Paulus gick då in till honom och bad och lade händerna på honom och gjorde honom frisk.
[At that time] Publius’ father had a fever and dysentery, and he was lying [in bed]. So Paul visited him and prayed [for him. Then] Paul placed his hands on him and healed him.
9 Men när detta hade skett, kommo också de av öns övriga inbyggare som hade någon sjukdom till honom och blevo botade.
After Paul had done that, the other people on the island who were sick came [to him] and [he] healed them, too.
10 Och de bevisade oss ära på mångahanda sätt; och när vi skulle avsegla, försågo de oss med vad vi behövde.
They brought us gifts and [showed in other ways that] they greatly respected us. When we were [ready] to leave [three months later], they brought us food and other things that we would need [for the trip].
11 Då tre månader voro förlidna, avseglade vi på ett skepp som hade legat vid ön över vintern; det var från Alexandria och bar Tvillinggudarnas bilder.
After [we had stayed there] three months, we [got on] a ship [that was going to Italy and] sailed away. The ship had been in [a harbor on] the island during the months when there are many storms. It had come from Alexandria [city]. On the front of the ship there were carved images of the twin gods [whose names were Castor and Pollux].
12 Och vi lade till vid Syrakusa och stannade där i tre dagar.
We [sailed from the island and] arrived at Syracuse [city on Sicily island] and stayed there three days.
13 Därifrån foro vi längs kusten och kommo till Regium. Dagen därefter fingo vi sunnanvind, och vi kommo så redan på andra dagen till Puteoli.
Then we traveled on by ship and arrived at Rhegium [port in Italy]. The next day, the wind was blowing from behind us, [so we sailed along fast]. The day after that, we reached Puteoli [town, where we left the ship].
14 Där träffade vi på bröder, och hos dem stannade vi, på deras inbjudning, i sju dagar. På detta sätt kommo vi till Rom.
In Puteoli we met some believers who invited us to stay with them for a week. [After visiting them], we [left there and started to travel by land] to Rome.
15 Så snart bröderna där fingo höra om oss, gingo de oss till mötes ända till Forum Appii och Tres Taberne. När Paulus fick se dem, tackade han Gud och fick nytt mod.
[A group of] believers [who lived in Rome] had heard that we [(exc) were coming]. So they came out [from Rome] to meet us. [Some of] them met us at [the town called] ‘The Market on Appian [Road’, ] and others met us at [the town called] ‘The Three Inns’. When Paul saw those believers, he thanked God and was encouraged.
16 Och då vi hade kommit in i Rom, tillstaddes det Paulus att bo för sig själv, med den krigsman som skulle bevaka honom.
After we [(exc)] arrived in Rome, Paul was permitted {[a Roman official who was responsible for guarding Paul] permitted Paul} to live [in a house] by himself. But [there was always] a soldier there to guard him.
17 Tre dagar därefter kallade han tillhopa de förnämsta av judarna; och när de hade kommit tillsammans, sade han till dem: "Mina bröder, fastän jag icke har gjort något mot vårt folk eller mot fädernas stadgar, blev jag likväl i Jerusalem överlämnad i romarnas händer och fördes bort därifrån såsom fånge.
After [Paul had been there] three days, he sent a message to the Jewish leaders [to come and talk with him. So] they came, and Paul said to them, “My fellow Jews, although I have not opposed our people nor spoken against the customs of our ancestors, [our leaders] in Jerusalem [seized] [MTY] [me. But before they could kill me, a Roman commander rescued me and later sent me] to Caesarea for Roman [authorities/officials to put me on trial].
18 Och när de hade anställt rannsakning med mig, ville de giva mig lös, eftersom jag icke hade gjort något som förtjänade döden.
The Roman authorities/officials questioned me and wanted to release me, because I had not done any [bad] thing for which I should be executed {they should kill me}.
19 Men då judarna satte sig däremot, nödgades jag vädja till kejsaren; dock, icke som om jag hade någon anklagelse att göra mot mitt folk.
But when the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] there opposed [what the Roman authorities wanted to do], I had to formally request that the Emperor [judge me here in Rome]. But my reason for doing that was not that I wanted to accuse our leaders about anything.
20 Av denna orsak har jag kallat eder hit till mig, för att få se eder och tala med eder, ty det är för Israels hopps skull som jag är bunden med denna kedja."
So I have requested you [to come] here so that I can tell you why I am a prisoner. It is because I believe in [MTY] our Messiah, the one [God long ago promised to send] to us [(inc)] Jews.”
21 Då svarade de honom: "Vi hava icke från Judeen mottagit någon skrivelse om dig, ej heller har någon av våra bröder kommit och berättat eller sagt något ont om dig.
Then [the Jewish leaders] said, “We [(exc)] have not received any letters from [our fellow Jews] in Judea about you. Also, none of our fellow Jews who have arrived [here from Judea] has said anything bad about you.
22 Men vi finna skäligt att du låter oss höra huru du tänker. Ty om det partiet är oss bekant att det allestädes mötes med gensägelse.
But we [(exc)] want to hear what you [(sg)] think about this [Christian] sect/group, because we know that in many places [HYP] bad things are being said {people are saying bad things} about it.”
23 Sedan utsatte de en viss dag för honom, och på den kommo ännu flera till honom i hans härbärge. Då vittnade han för dem om Guds rike och utlade vad därtill hör, och försökte att övertyga dem i fråga om Jesus, med bevis både ur Moses' lag och ur profeterna; därmed höll han på från morgonen ända till aftonen.
So they [talked with Paul and decided that they would come back on another day to hear him. When that day arrived], those Jews came back to the place where Paul was staying, and they brought more Jews with them. Paul talked to them from morning until evening. He talked to them about how God wants to rule [people’s lives] [MET]. He tried to convince them that Jesus [is the Messiah] by reminding them what Moses and the other prophets had written [MTY].
24 Och somliga läto övertyga sig av det som han sade, men andra trodde icke.
Some of those Jews believed that what was said [by Paul] {what [Paul] said} about Jesus [was true], but others did not believe [that it was true].
25 Och då de icke kunde komma överens med varandra, gingo de sin väg, och därvid sade Paulus allenast detta ord: "Rätt talade den helige Ande genom profeten Esaias till edra fäder,
So they began to argue with one another. [Paul realized that some of them did not want to listen to him, so] when they were about to leave, he said, “The Holy Spirit said something to your/our(incl) ancestors. He spoke these words to Isaiah the prophet, [and what he said is also true about you]:
26 när han sade: 'Gå åstad och säg till detta folk: Med hörande öron skolen I höra, och dock alls intet förstå, och med seende ögon skolen I se, och dock alls intet förnimma.
Go to your fellow Israelites and tell them, ‘You repeatedly listen [to the message of God], but you never understand [what God is saying]. You repeatedly look at and see [the things that God is doing], but you never understand [what they mean].
27 Ty detta folks hjärta har blivit förstockat; och med öronen höra de illa, och sina ögon hava de tillslutit, så att de icke se med sina ögon eller höra med sina öron eller förstå med sina hjärtan och omvända sig och bliva helade av mig'
God also said to the prophet, These people do not understand, because they have become stubborn. They have ears, but they do not understand what they hear, and they have closed their eyes [because they do not want to see]. If they wanted to obey what I say to them, they might understand what they see [me doing] and what they hear [me saying]. Then they might turn from their sinful behavior and I would save them.’
28 Det mån I därför veta: till hedningarna bar denna Guds frälsning blivit sänd; de skola ock akta därpå."
[That is what God said to the prophet Isaiah about our ancestors. But you Jews today do not want to believe God’s message]. Therefore, I am telling you that [God] has sent to the non-Jews this message about how he saves people, and they will listen [and accept it]!”
30 I två hela år bodde han sedan kvar i en bostad som han själv hade hyrt. Och alla som kommo till honom tog han emot;
For two whole years Paul stayed [there] in a house that he rented. Many people came to see him, and he received them all gladly [and talked with them].
31 och han predikade om Guds rike och undervisade om Herren Jesus Kristus med all frimodighet, utan att någon hindrade honom däri.
He preached [and taught people] about how God could rule [their lives] [MET] and taught them about the Lord Jesus Christ. He did that without being afraid, and no one tried to stop him.

< Apostlagärningarna 28 >