< Yohana 1 >

1 Hapo Mwanzo, Neno alikuwako; naye alikuwa na Mungu, naye alikuwa Mungu.
In the bigynnyng was the word, and the word was at God, and God was the word.
2 Tangu mwanzo Neno alikuwa na Mungu.
This was in the bigynnyng at God.
3 Kwa njia yake vitu vyote viliumbwa; hakuna hata kiumbe kimoja kilichoumbwa pasipo yeye.
Alle thingis weren maad bi hym, and withouten hym was maad no thing, that thing that was maad.
4 Yeye alikuwa chanzo cha uhai na uhai huo ulikuwa mwanga wa watu.
In hym was lijf, and the lijf was the liyt of men; and the liyt schyneth in derknessis,
5 Na mwanga huo huangaza gizani, nalo giza halikuweza kuushinda.
and derknessis comprehendiden not it.
6 Mungu alimtuma mtu mmoja jina lake Yohane,
A man was sent fro God, to whom the name was Joon.
7 ambaye alikuja kuwaambia watu juu ya huo mwanga. Alikuja ili kwa ujumbe wake watu wote wapate kuamini.
This man cam in to witnessyng, that he schulde bere witnessing of the liyt, that alle men schulden bileue bi hym.
8 Yeye hakuwa huo mwanga, ila alikuja tu kuwaambia watu juu ya huo mwanga.
He was not the liyt, but that he schulde bere witnessing of the liyt.
9 Huu ndio mwanga halisi, mwanga unaokuja ulimwenguni, na kuwaangazia watu wote.
There was a very liyt, which liytneth ech man that cometh in to this world.
10 Basi, Neno alikuwako ulimwenguni; na kwa njia yake ulimwengu uliumbwa, lakini ulimwengu haukumtambua.
He was in the world, and the world was maad bi hym, and the world knew hym not.
11 Alikuja katika nchi yake mwenyewe, nao walio wake hawakumpokea.
He cam in to his owne thingis, and hise resseyueden hym not.
12 Lakini wale wote waliompokea na kumwamini, hao aliwapa uwezo wa kuwa watoto wa Mungu.
But hou many euer resseyueden hym, he yaf to hem power to be maad the sones of God, to hem that bileueden in his name; the whiche not of bloodis,
13 Hawa wamekuwa watoto wa Mungu si kwa uwezo wa kibinadamu, wala kwa nguvu za kimwili, wala kwa mapenzi ya mtu, bali Mungu mwenyewe ndiye baba yao.
nether of the wille of fleische, nether of the wille of man, but ben borun of God.
14 Naye Neno akawa mwanadamu, akakaa kwetu. Nasi tumeuona utukufu wake, utukufu wake yeye aliye Mwana wa pekee wa Baba; amejaa neema na ukweli.
And the word was maad man, and dwellyde among vs, and we han seyn the glorie of hym, as the glorie of the `oon bigetun sone of the fadir, ful of grace and of treuthe.
15 Yohane aliwaambia watu habari zake, akasema kwa sauti, “Huyu ndiye niliyemtaja wakati niliposema: Anakuja mtu mmoja baada yangu ambaye ni mkuu kuliko mimi, maana alikuwako kabla mimi sijazaliwa.”
Joon berith witnessyng of hym, and crieth, and seith, This is, whom Y seide, He that schal come aftir me, is maad bifore me, for he was tofor me;
16 Kutokana na ukamilifu wake sisi tumepokea neema mfululizo.
and of the plente of hym we alle han takun, and grace for grace.
17 Maana Mungu alitoa Sheria kwa njia ya Mose, lakini neema na kweli vimekuja kwa njia ya Kristo.
For the lawe was youun bi Moises; but grace and treuthe `is maad bi Jhesu Crist.
18 Hakuna mtu aliyemwona Mungu wakati wowote ule. Mwana wa pekee aliye sawa na Mungu ambaye ameungana na Baba, ndiye aliyetujulisha habari za Mungu.
No man sai euer God, no but the `oon bigetun sone, that is in the bosum of the fadir, he hath teld out.
19 Huu ndio ushahidi Yohane alioutoa wakati viongozi wa Wayahudi kule Yerusalemu walipowatuma makuhani wa Walawi kwake wamwulize: “Wewe u nani?”
And this is the witnessyng of Joon, whanne Jewis senten fro Jerusalem prestis and dekenes to hym, that thei schulden axe hym, Who art thou?
20 Yohane hakukataa kujibu swali hilo, bali alisema waziwazi, “Mimi siye Kristo.”
He knoulechide, and denyede not, and he knoulechide, For Y am not Crist.
21 Hapo wakamwuliza, “Basi, wewe ni nani? Je, wewe ni Eliya?” Yohane akajibu, “La, mimi siye.” Wakamwuliza, “Je, wewe ni yule nabii?” Yohane akawajibu, “La!”
And thei axiden hym, What thanne? Art thou Elie? And he seide, Y am not. Art thou a profete? And he answeride, Nay.
22 Nao wakamwuliza, “Basi, wewe ni nani? Wasema nini juu yako mwenyewe? Tuambie, ili tuwapelekee jibu wale waliotutuma.”
Therfor thei seiden to hym, Who art thou? that we yyue an answere to these that senten vs. What seist thou of thi silf?
23 Yohane akawajibu, “Mimi ndiye yule ambaye nabii Isaya alisema habari zake: Sauti ya mtu imesikika jangwani: Nyoosheni njia ya Bwana.”
He seide, Y am a vois of a crier in deseert, Dresse ye the weie of the Lord, as Ysaie, the prophete, seide.
24 Hao watu walikuwa wametumwa na Mafarisayo.
And thei that weren sent, weren of the Fariseis.
25 Basi, wakamwuliza Yohane, “Kama wewe si Kristo, wala Eliya, wala yule nabii, mbona wabatiza?”
And thei axiden hym, and seiden to hym, What thanne baptisist thou, if thou art not Crist, nether Elie, nether a profete?
26 Yohane akawajibu, “Mimi nabatiza kwa maji, lakini yuko mmoja kati yenu, msiyemjua bado.
Joon answeride to hem, and seide, Y baptise in watir, but in the myddil of you hath stonde oon, that ye knowen not;
27 Huyo anakuja baada yangu, lakini mimi sistahili hata kumfungua kamba za viatu vyake.”
he it is, that schal come aftir me, that was maad bifor me, of whom Y am not worthi to louse the thwong of his schoo.
28 Mambo haya yalifanyika huko Bethania, ng'ambo ya mto Yordani ambako Yohane alikuwa anabatiza.
These thingis weren don in Bethanye biyende Jordan, where Joon was baptisyng.
29 Kesho yake, Yohane alimwona Yesu akimjia, akasema, “Huyu ndiye Mwana-kondoo wa Mungu aondoaye dhambi ya ulimwengu!
Anothir day Joon say Jhesu comynge to hym, and he seide, Lo! the lomb of God; lo! he that doith awei the synnes of the world.
30 Huyu ndiye niliyesema juu yake: Baada yangu anakuja mtu mmoja aliye mkuu zaidi kuliko mimi, maana alikuwako kabla mimi sijazaliwa!
This is he, that Y seide of, Aftir me is comun a man, which was maad bifor me; for he was rather than Y.
31 Mimi mwenyewe sikumfahamu, lakini nimekuja kubatiza kwa maji ili watu wa Israeli wapate kumjua.”
And Y knew hym not, but that he be schewid in Israel, therfor Y cam baptisynge in watir.
32 Huu ndio ushahidi Yohane alioutoa: “Nilimwona Roho akishuka kama njiwa kutoka mbinguni na kutua juu yake.
And Joon bar witnessyng, and seide, That Y saiy the spirit comynge doun as a culuer fro heuene, and dwellide on hym.
33 Mimi sikumjua, lakini yule aliyenituma nikabatize watu kwa maji alikuwa ameniambia: Mtu yule utakayemwona Roho akimshukia kutoka mbinguni na kukaa juu yake, huyo ndiye anayebatiza kwa Roho Mtakatifu.
And Y knew hym not; but he that sente me to baptise in watir, seide to me, On whom thou seest the Spirit comynge doun, and dwellynge on hym, this is he, that baptisith in the Hooli Goost.
34 Mimi nimeona na ninawaambieni kwamba huyu ndiye Mwana wa Mungu.”
And Y say, and bar witnessyng, that this is the sone of God.
35 Kesho yake, Yohane alikuwa tena mahali hapo pamoja na wanafunzi wake wawili.
Anothir dai Joon stood, and tweyne of hise disciplis;
36 Alipomwona Yesu akipita akasema, “Tazameni! Huyu ndiye Mwana-kondoo wa Mungu.”
and he biheeld Jhesu walkinge, and seith, Lo! the lomb of God.
37 Hao wanafunzi walimsikia Yohane akisema maneno hayo, wakamfuata Yesu.
And twei disciplis herden hym spekynge,
38 Basi, Yesu aligeuka, na alipowaona hao wanafunzi wanamfuata, akawauliza, “Mnatafuta nini?” Nao wakamjibu, “Rabi (yaani Mwalimu), unakaa wapi?”
and folewiden Jhesu. And Jhesu turnede, and say hem suynge hym, and seith to hem, What seken ye? And thei seiden to hym, Rabi, that is to seie, Maistir, where dwellist thou?
39 Yesu akawaambia, “Njoni, nanyi mtaona.” Hao wanafunzi wakamfuata, wakaona mahali alipokuwa anakaa, wakashinda naye siku hiyo. Ilikuwa yapata saa kumi jioni.
And he seith to hem, Come ye, and se. And thei camen, and sayn where he dwellide; and dwelten with hym that dai. And it was as the tenthe our.
40 Andrea, nduguye Simoni Petro, alikuwa mmoja wa hao wawili waliokuwa wamemsikia Yohane akisema hivyo, wakamfuata Yesu.
And Andrewe, the brother of Symount Petir, was oon of the tweyne, that herden of Joon, and hadden sued hym.
41 Andrea alimkuta kwanza Simoni, ndugu yake, akamwambia, “Tumemwona Masiha” (maana yake Kristo).
This foond first his brother Symount, and he seide to him, We han foundun Messias, that is to seie, Crist; and he ledde him to Jhesu.
42 Kisha akampeleka Simoni kwa Yesu. Naye Yesu akamtazama Simoni akasema, “Wewe ni Simoni mwana wa Yohane. Sasa utaitwa Kefa.” (maana yake ni Petro, yaani, “Mwamba.”)
And Jhesus bihelde hym, and seide, Thou art Symount, the sone of Johanna; thou schalt be clepid Cefas, that is to seie, Petre.
43 Kesho yake Yesu aliamua kwenda Galilaya. Basi, akamkuta Filipo, akamwambia, “Nifuate.”
And on the morewe he wolde go out in to Galilee, and he foond Filip; and he seith to hym, Sue thou me.
44 Filipo alikuwa mwenyeji wa Bethsaida, mji wa akina Andrea na Petro.
Filip was of Bethsaida, the citee of Andrew and of Petre.
45 Naye Filipo akamkuta Nathanieli, akamwambia, “Tumemwona yule ambaye Mose aliandika juu yake katika kitabu cha Sheria, na ambaye manabii waliandika habari zake, yaani Yesu Mwana wa Yosefu, kutoka Nazareti.”
Filip foond Nathanael, and seide to hym, We han foundun Jhesu, the sone of Joseph, of Nazareth, whom Moyses wroot in the lawe and profetis.
46 Naye Nathanieli akamwuliza Filipo, “Je, kitu chema chaweza kutoka Nazareti?” Filipo akamwambia, “Njoo uone.”
And Nathanael seide to hym, Of Nazareth may sum good thing be?
47 Yesu alipomwona Nathanieli akimjia alisema juu yake, “Tazameni! Huyo ni Mwisraeli halisi: hamna hila ndani yake.”
Filip seide to hym, Come, and se. Jhesus siy Nathanael comynge to hym, and seide to hym, Lo! verili a man of Israel, in whom is no gile.
48 Naye Nathanieli akamwuliza, “Umepataje kunijua?” Yesu akamwambia, “Ulipokuwa chini ya mtini hata kabla Filipo hajakuita, nilikuona.”
Nathanael seide to hym, Wherof hast thou knowun me? Jhesus `answerde, and seide to hym, Bifor that Filip clepide thee, whanne thou were vndur the fige tree, Y saiy thee. Nathanael answerde to hym,
49 Hapo Nathanieli akamwambia, “Mwalimu, wewe ni Mwana wa Mungu. Wewe ni Mfalme wa Israeli!”
`and seide, Rabi, thou art the sone of God, thou art kyng of Israel.
50 Yesu akamwambia, “Je, umeamini kwa kuwa nimekwambia kwamba nilikuona chini ya mtini? Utaona makubwa zaidi kuliko haya.”
Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, For Y seide to thee, Y sawy thee vndur the fige tre, thou bileuest; thou schalt se more than these thingis.
51 Yesu akaendelea kusema, “Nawaambieni kweli, mtaona mbingu zinafunguka na malaika wa Mungu wakipanda na kushuka juu ya Mwana wa Mtu.”
And he seide to hem, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, ye schulen se heuene opened, and the aungels of God stiynge vp and comynge doun on mannys sone.

< Yohana 1 >