< Warumi 11 >

1 Basi nasema, je, Mungu aliwakataa watu wake? Hata kidogo. Kwa kuwa mimi pia ni Mwiisraeli, wa ukoo wa Abrahamu, wa kabila la Benyamini.
I say then, Has God cast away his people? Far be the thought. For I also am an Israelite, of [the] seed of Abraham, of [the] tribe of Benjamin.
2 Mungu hakuwakataa watu wake, aliowajua tangu mwanzo. Je hamjui andiko linasema nini kuhusu Eliya, jinsi alivyomsihi Mungu juu ya Israeli?
God has not cast away his people whom he foreknew. Know ye not what the scripture says in [the history of] Elias, how he pleads with God against Israel?
3 “Bwana, wamewaua manabii wako, nao wamebomoa madhabahu zako. Mimi peke yangu nimesalia, nao wanatafuta uhai wangu.”
Lord, they have killed thy prophets, they have dug down thine altars; and I have been left alone, and they seek my life.
4 Lakini jibu la Mungu lasema nini kwako? “Nimetunza kwa ajili yangu watu elfu saba ambao hawampigii magoti Baali.”
But what says the divine answer to him? I have left to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed knee to Baal.
5 Hata hivyo, wakati huu wa sasa pia kuna walio salia kwa sababu ya uchaguzi wa neema.
Thus, then, in the present time also there has been a remnant according to election of grace.
6 Lakini ikiwa ni kwa neema, si tena kwa matendo. Vinginevyo neema haitakuwa tena neema.
But if by grace, no longer of works: since [otherwise] grace is no more grace.
7 Ni nini basi? Jambo ambalo Israeli alikuwa akitafuta, hakukipata, bali wateule walikipata, na wengine walitiwa uzito.
What [is it] then? What Israel seeks for, that he has not obtained; but the election has obtained, and the rest have been blinded,
8 Ni kama ilivyoandikwa: “Mungu amewapa roho ya ubutu, macho ili wasione, na masikio ili wasisikie, mpaka leo hii.”
according as it is written, God has given to them a spirit of slumber, eyes not to see, and ears not to hear, unto this day.
9 Naye Daudi anasema, “Acha meza zao na ziwe wavu, mtego, sehemu ya kujikwaa, na kulipiza kisasi dhidi yao.
And David says, Let their table be for a snare, and for a gin, and for a fall-trap, and for a recompense to them:
10 Acha macho yao yatiwe giza ili wasiweze kuona. Ukawainamishe migongo yao daima.”
let their eyes be darkened not to see, and bow down their back alway.
11 Basi nasema, “Je, wamejikwaa hata kuanguka?” Isiwe hivyo kamwe. Badala yake, kwa kushindwa kwao, wokovu umefika kwa Mataifa, ili wao wenyewe watiwe wivu.
I say then, Have they stumbled in order that they might fall? Far be the thought: but by their fall [there is] salvation to the nations to provoke them to jealousy.
12 Sasa ikiwa kushindwa kwao ni utajiri wa ulimwengu, na kama hasara yao ni utajiri wa mataifa, ni kiasi gani zaidi itakuwa kukamilika kwao?
But if their fall [be the] world's wealth, and their loss [the] wealth of [the] nations, how much rather their fulness?
13 Na sasa naongea nanyi watu wa Mataifa. Kwa kuwa nimekuwa mtume kwa watu wa Mataifa mengine, najivunia huduma yangu.
For I speak to you, the nations, inasmuch as I am apostle of nations, I glorify my ministry;
14 Labda nitawatia wivu walio mwili mmoja na mimi. Labda tutawaokoa baadhi yao.
if by any means I shall provoke to jealousy [them which are] my flesh, and shall save some from among them.
15 Maana ikiwa kukataliwa kwao ni maridhiano ya dunia, kupokelewa kwao kutakuwaje ila uhai toka kwa wafu?
For if their casting away [be the] world's reconciliation, what [their] reception but life from among [the] dead?
16 Kama matunda ya kwanza ni akiba, ndivyo ilivyo kwa donge la unga. Kama mzizi ni akiba, matawi nayo kadhalika.
Now if the first-fruit [be] holy, the lump also; and if the root [be] holy, the branches also.
17 Lakini kama baadhi ya matawi yamekatwa, kama wewe, tawi pori la mzeituni, ulipandikizwa kati yao, na kama ulishiriki pamoja nao katika mizizi ya utajiri wa mzeituni,
Now if some of the branches have been broken out, and thou, being a wild olive tree, hast been grafted in amongst them, and hast become a fellow-partaker of the root and of the fatness of the olive tree,
18 usijisifu juu ya matawi. Lakini kama unajisifu, si wewe ambaye unaisaidia mizizi, bali mizizi inakusaidia wewe.
boast not against the branches; but if thou boast, [it is] not thou bearest the root, but the root thee.
19 Basi utasema, “Matawi yalikatwa ili nipate kupandikizwa katika shina.”
Thou wilt say then, The branches have been broken out in order that I might be grafted in.
20 Hiyo ni kweli. Kwa sababu ya kutoamini kwao walikatwa, lakini wewe ulisimama imara kwa sababu ya imani yako. Usijifikirie mwenyewe kwa hali ya juu sana, bali ogopa.
Right: they have been broken out through unbelief, and thou standest through faith. Be not high-minded, but fear:
21 Kwa maana ikiwa Mungu hakuyaachia matawi ya asili, hatakuhurumia wewe pia.
if God indeed has not spared the natural branches; lest it might be he spare not thee either.
22 Angalia, basi, matendo mema na ukali wa Mungu. Kwa upande mmoja, ukali ulikuja juu ya Wayahudi ambao walianguka. Lakini kwa upande mwingine, wema wa Mungu huja juu yako, kama utadumu katika wema wake. Vinginevyo wewe pia utakatiliwa mbali.
Behold then [the] goodness and severity of God: upon them who have fallen, severity; upon thee goodness of God, if thou shalt abide in goodness, since [otherwise] thou also wilt be cut away.
23 Na pia, kama hawataendelea katika kutoamini kwao, watapandikizwa tena. Maana Mungu anao uwezo wa kuwapandikiza tena.
And they too, if they abide not in unbelief, shall be grafted in; for God is able again to graft them in.
24 Kwa maana ikiwa ninyi mlikatwa nje kwa ulio kwa asili mzeituni mwitu, na kinyume cha asili mlipandikizwa katika mzeituni ulio mwema, si zaidi sana hawa Wayahudi, ambao ni kama matawi ya asili kuweza kupandikizwa tena ndani ya mzeituni wao wenyewe?
For if thou hast been cut out of the olive tree wild by nature, and, contrary to nature, hast been grafted into the good olive tree, how much rather shall they, who are according to nature be grafted into their own olive tree?
25 Kwa maana ndugu sitaki msijue, kuhusiana na siri hii, ili kwamba msiwe na hekima katika kufikiri kwenu wenyewe. Siri hii ni kwamba ugumu umetokea katika Israeli, hadi kukamilika kwa mataifa kutakapokuja.
For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this mystery, that ye may not be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the nations be come in;
26 Hivyo Israeli wote wataokoka, kama ilivyoandikwa: “Kutoka Sayuni atakuja Mkombozi. Atauondoa uovu kutoka kwa Yakobo.
and so all Israel shall be saved. According as it is written, The deliverer shall come out of Zion; he shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
27 Na hili litakuwa agano langu pamoja nao, wakati nitakapoziondoa dhambi zao.”
And this is the covenant from me to them, when I shall have taken away their sins.
28 Kwa upande mmoja kuhusu injili, wanachukiwa kwa sababu yenu. Kwa upande mwingine kutokana na uchaguzi wa Mungu, wamependwa kwa sababu ya mababu.
As regards the glad tidings, [they are] enemies on your account; but as regards election, beloved on account of the fathers.
29 Kwa kuwa zawadi na wito wa Mungu haubadiliki.
For the gifts and the calling of God [are] not subject to repentance.
30 Kwa kuwa awali ninyi mlikuwa mmemwasi Mungu, lakini sasa mmeipokea rehema kwa sababu ya kuasi kwao.
For as indeed ye [also] once have not believed in God, but now have been objects of mercy through the unbelief of these;
31 Kwa njia iyo hiyo, sasa hawa Wayahudi wameasi. Matokeo yake ni kwamba kutokana na huruma mliyojaliwa ninyi wanaweza pia kupokea rehema.
so these also have now not believed in your mercy, in order that they also may be objects of mercy.
32 Maana Mungu amewafunga watu wote katika uasi, ili aweze kuwahurumia wote. (eleēsē g1653)
For God hath shut up together all in unbelief, in order that he might shew mercy to all. (eleēsē g1653)
33 Jinsi zilivyo kuu utajiri na hekima na maarifa ya Mungu! Hazichunguziki hukumu zake, na njia zake hazigunduliki!
O depth of riches both of [the] wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable his judgments, and untraceable his ways!
34 “Maana ni nani aliyeijua nia ya Bwana? Au ni nani amekuwa mshauri wake?
For who has known [the] mind of [the] Lord, or who has been his counsellor?
35 Au ni nani kwanza aliyempa kitu Mungu, ili alipwe tena?”
or who has first given to him, and it shall be rendered to him?
36 Kwa maana kutoka kwake, na kwa njia yake na kwake, vitu vyote vipo. Kwake uwe utukufu milele. Amina. (aiōn g165)
For of him, and through him, and for him [are] all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Warumi 11 >