< Zaburi 115 >

1 Sio kwetu, Yahwe, sio kwetu, bali kwa jina lako ulete heshima, kwa ajili ya uaminifu wa agano lako na uaminifu wako.
Not to us, Adonai, not to us, but to your name give kavod ·weighty glory·, for your cheshed ·loving-kindness·, and for your truth’s sake.
2 Kwa nini mataifa yalazimike kusema, “Yuko wapi Mungu wako?”
Why should the nations say, “Where is their God, now?”
3 Mungu wetu aliye mbinguni; hufanya chochote apendacho.
But our God is in the heavens. He does whatever he pleases.
4 Sanamu za mataifa ni fedha na dhahabu, kazi ya mikono ya wanadamu.
Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.
5 Sanamu hizo zina vinywa, lakini haziongei; zina macho, lakini hazioni;
They have mouths, but they don’t speak. They have eyes, but they don’t see.
6 zina masikio, lakini hazisikii; zina pua lakini hazinusi.
They have ears, but they don’t sh'ma ·hear obey·. They have noses, but they don’t smell.
7 Sanamu hizo zina mikono, lakini hazishiki; zina miguu, lakini haziwezi kutembea; wala haziongei kutoka viywani mwao.
They have hands, but they don’t feel. They have feet, but they don’t walk, neither do they speak through their throat.
8 Wale wanao zitengeneza wanafanana nazo, vile vile yeyote anaye amini katika hizo.
Those who make them will be like them; yes, everyone who trusts in them.
9 Israeli, amini katika Yahwe; yeye ni msaada wako na ngao yako.
Israel [God prevails], trust in Adonai! He is their help and their shield.
10 Nyumba ya Haruni, amini katika Yahwe; yeye ni msaada wako na ngao yako.
House of Aaron [Light-bringer], trust in Adonai! He is their help and their shield.
11 Ninyi mnao mheshumu Yahwe, mwamini yeye; yeye ni msaada wenu na ngao yenu.
You who fear Adonai, trust in Adonai! He is their help and their shield.
12 Yahwe hutukumbuka sisi na atatubariki; ataibariki familia ya Israeli; atabariki familia ya Haruni.
Adonai remembers us. He will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel [God prevails]. He will bless the house of Aaron [Light-bringer].
13 Atawabariki wale wanao muheshimu yeye, wote vijana na wazee.
He will bless those who fear Adonai, both small and great.
14 Yahwe na awaongeze ninyi zaidi na zaidi, ninyi pamoja na watoto wenu.
May Adonai increase you more and more, you and your children.
15 Yahwe na awabariki, aliyeziumba mbingu na nchi.
Blessed are you by Adonai, who made heaven and earth.
16 Mbingu ni za Yahwe; lakini nchi amewapa wanadamu.
The heavens are the heavens of Adonai; but the earth has he given to the children of men.
17 Wafu hawamsifu Yahwe, wala wote washukao chini kwenye ukimya;
The dead don’t Halleluyah ·praise Yah·, neither any who go down into silence;
18 bali tutamtukuza Yahwe sasa na hata milele. Msifuni Yahwe.
But we will bless Yah, from this time forward and forever more. Halleluyah ·praise Yah·!

< Zaburi 115 >