< Mithali 22 >

1 Jina jema huchaguliwa dhidi ya utajiri mwingi na fadhila ni bora kuliko fedha na dhahabu.
A good name is more desirable than great riches, and loving favor is better than silver and gold.
2 Watu matajiri na masikini wanafanana katika hili - Yehova ni muumba wao wote.
The rich and the poor have this in common: Jehovah is the maker of them all.
3 Mtu mwenye hekima huiona taabu na kujificha mwenyewe, bali mjinga huendelea mbele na huumia kwa ajili yake.
The shrewd see danger and take cover, but the naive keep on going and suffer for it.
4 Thawabu ya unyenyekevu na kumcha Yehova ni utajiri, heshima na uzima.
The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is wealth, honor, and life.
5 Miiba na mitego hulala katika njia ya wakaidi; yeye anayelinda maisha yake atakuwa mbali navyo.
Thorns and snares are in the path of the wicked: whoever guards his soul stays from them.
6 Mfundishe mtoto njia inayompasa na wakati akiwa mzee hatayaacha mafundisho hayo.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
7 Watu matajiri huwatawala watu masikini na mwenye kukopa ni mtumwa wa yule anayekopesha.
The rich rule over the poor. The borrower is servant to the lender.
8 Yule anayepanda udhalimu atavuna taabu na fimbo ya hasira yake itanyauka.
He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will fail. God blesses a cheerful and generous person, but the vanity of his deeds he will bring to an end.
9 Mwenye jicho la ukarimu atabarikiwa, maana anashiriki mkate wake pamoja na masikini.
He who has a generous eye will be blessed; for he shares his food with the poor.
10 Mfukuze mbali mwenye dhihaka, na ugomvi utaondoka, mashindano na matukano yatakoma.
Drive out the mocker, and strife will go out; yes, quarrels and insults will stop.
11 Anayependa moyo safi na mwenye maneno ya neema, atakuwa rafiki yake mfalme.
He who loves purity of heart and speaks gracefully is the king's friend.
12 Macho ya Yehova huyaangalia maarifa, bali huyapindua maneno ya wadanganyifu.
The eyes of Jehovah watch over knowledge; but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
13 Mtu mvivu husema, “Kuna simba mtaani! Nitauwawa sehemu za njia.”
The sluggard says, "There is a lion outside. I will be killed in the streets."
14 Kinywa cha malaya ni shimo lenye kina kirefu; hasira ya Yehova huchochewa dhidi ya yule anayetumbukia ndani yake.
The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit: he who is under Jehovah's wrath will fall into it.
15 Upumbavu umefungwa katika moyo wa mtoto, lakini marudi ya fimbo huutoa.
Folly is bound up in the heart of a child: the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
16 Anayewanyanyasa watu masikini ili kuongeza mali yake, au kuwapa matajiri, atakuwa masikini.
Whoever oppresses the poor for his own increase and whoever gives to the rich, both come to poverty.
17 Tega sikio lako na usikilize maneno ya wenye busara na utumia moyo wako katika maarifa yangu,
The words of the wise: Incline your ear and hear my words, and apply your heart to my instruction.
18 maana itakuwa furaha kwako kama utayaweka ndani yako, kama yote yatakuwa katika midomo yako.
For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips.
19 Basi tumaini lako liwe kwa Yehova, ninayafundisha kwako leo- hata kwako.
That your trust may be in Jehovah, I teach you today, even you.
20 Sijakuandikia wewe misemo thelathini ya mafundisho na maarifa,
Haven't I written to you thirty excellent things of counsel and knowledge,
21 kwa kukufundisha kweli katika maneno haya yenye uaminifu, ili uwe na majibu yenye kutegemewa kwa waliokutuma?
To teach you truth, reliable words, to give sound answers to the ones who sent you?
22 Usimwibie masikini kwa sababu ni masikini, au kumponda kwenye lango,
Do not exploit the poor, because he is poor; and do not crush the needy in court;
23 maana Yehova ataitetea kesi yao, na atawaibia uzima wale waliowaibia masikini.
for Jehovah will plead their case, and plunder the life of those who plunder them.
24 Usifanye urafiki na mtu mwenye kutawaliwa na hasira na wala usiambatane pamoja na mwenye hasira kali,
Do not befriend a hot-tempered man, and do not associate with one who harbors anger:
25 au utajifunza njia zake na utakuwa chambo kwa nafsi yako.
lest you learn his ways, and ensnare your soul.
26 Usiwe miongoni mwao wapigao mikono, mwenye kuahidi madeni.
Do not be one of those who strike hands, of those who are collateral for debts.
27 Kama umekosa njia za kulipa, nini kitaweza kuzuia mtu kuchukua kitanda chako chini yako?
If you do not have means to pay, why should he take away your bed from under you?
28 Usiondoe jiwe la mpaka la wahenga ambalo baba zako wameweka.
Do not move the ancient boundary stone, which your fathers have set up.
29 Je umemwona mtu aliyeuwawa kwenye kazi yake? Atasimama mbele ya wafalme; hatasimama mbele ya watu wa kawaida.
Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve kings. He won't serve obscure men.

< Mithali 22 >