< Wahebrania 9 >

1 Sasa hata agano la kwanza lilikuwa na sehemu ya ibada hapa duniani na taratibu za ibada.
The former system had instructions as to how to worship, and an earthly sanctuary.
2 Kwani katika hema kulikuwa na chumba kimeandaliwa, chumba cha nje, paliitwa mahali patakatifu. Katika eneo hili palikuwa na kinara cha taa, meza na mikate ya wonyesho.
The first room in the Tabernacle housed the candlestick, the table, and the sacred bread. This was called the Holy Place.
3 Na nyuma ya pazia la pili kulikuwa na chumba kingine, paliitwa mahali patakatifu zaidi.
Past the second veil in the Tabernacle was the room called the Most Holy Place.
4 Mlikuwemo madhabahu ya dhahabu kwa kuvukizia uvumba. Pia mlikuwemo sanduku la agano, ambalo lilikuwa limejengwa kwa dhahabu tupu. Ndani yake kulikuwa na bakuli la dhahabu lenye manna, fimbo ya Haruni iliyoota majani, na zile mbao za mawe za agano.
This contained the golden altar of incense, the gold-covered “agreement chest.” Inside this were the golden pot containing manna, Aaron's rod that had produced buds, and the stone inscriptions of the agreement.
5 Juu ya sanduku la agano maumbo ya maserafi wa utukufu wafunika mabawa yao mbele ya kiti cha upatanisho, ambacho kwa sasa hatuwezi kuelezea kwa kina.
Above this were the glorious angel cherubim covering the place of reconciliation. We can't discuss all of this in detail now.
6 Baada ya vitu hivi kuwa vimekwisha andaliwa, Makuhani kawaida huingia chumba cha nje cha hema kutoa huduma zao.
Once all of this had been set up, the priests would go in regularly to the first room of the Tabernacle to perform their duties.
7 Lakini kuhani mkuu huingia kile chumba cha pili pekee mara moja kila mwaka, na pasipo kuacha kutoa dhabihu kwa ajili yake binafsi, na kwa dhambi za watu walizozitenda pasipo kukusudia.
But only the high priest went into the second room, and only once a year. Even then he had to make a sacrifice involving blood, which he offered for himself and for the people's sins of ignorance.
8 Roho Mtakatifu anashuhudia kwamba, njia ya mahali patakatifu zaidi bado haijafunuliwa kwa vile ile hema la kwanza bado linasimama.
By this the Holy Spirit indicated that the way into the true Most Holy Place hadn't been revealed while the first Tabernacle still existed.
9 Hili ni kielelezo cha muda huu wa sasa. Vyote zawadi na dhabihu ambavyo vinatolewa sasa haviwezi kukamilisha dhamiri ya anayeabudu.
This is an illustration for us in the present, showing us that the gifts and sacrifices that are offered can't make the worshiper's conscience clear.
10 Ni vyakula na vinywaji pekee vimeunganishwa katika namna ya taratibu za ibada ya kujiosha. Vyote hivi vilikuwa taratibu za kimwili vilivyokuwa vimeandaliwa hadi ije amri mpya itakayowekwa mahali pake.
They're just religious regulations—about food and drink, and various ceremonies involving washing—which were put in place until the time of God's new way of relating to him.
11 Kristo alikuja kama kuhani mkuu wa mambo mazuri ambayo yamekuja. kupitia ukuu na ukamilifu wa hema kuu ambayo haikufanywa na mikono ya watu, ambayo si wa ulimwengu huu ulioumbwa.
Christ has come as a high priest of all the good experiences we now have. He went into the greater, more complete Tabernacle that wasn't made by human hands—not part of this created world.
12 Ilikuwa si kwa damu ya mbuzi na ndama, bali kwa damu yake mwenyewe kwamba Kristo aliingia mahali patakatifu zaidi mara moja kwa kila mmoja na kutuhakikishia ukombozi wetu wa milele. (aiōnios g166)
He didn't enter through the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood. He entered once, for all time, into the Most Holy Place, setting us free forever. (aiōnios g166)
13 Kama kwa damu ya mbuzi na mafahari na kunyunyiziwa kwa majivu ya ndama katika hao wasiosafi walitengwa kwa Mungu na kufanya miili yao safi,
For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a cow sprinkled on those who are ritually unclean make the body ceremonially clean,
14 Je si zaidi sana damu ya Kristo ambaye kupitia Roho wa milele alijitoa mwenyewe bila mawaa kwa Mungu, kuosha dhamiri zetu kutoka matendo mafu kumtumikia Mungu aliye hai? (aiōnios g166)
how much more does the blood of Christ—who offered himself in his sinless life to God through the eternal Spirit—clean your consciences from your past sinful lives so you can serve the living God? (aiōnios g166)
15 Kwa sababu hiyo, Kristo ni mjumbe wa agano jipya. Hii ndiyo sababu mauti imewaacha huru wote walio wa agano la kwanza kutoka katika hatia ya dhambi zao, ili kwamba wote walioitwa na Mungu waweze kupokea ahadi ya urithi wao wa milele. (aiōnios g166)
This is why he is the mediator of a new agreed relationship. Since a death has occurred to set them free from the sins committed under the first agreed relationship, now those who are called can receive the promise of an eternal inheritance. (aiōnios g166)
16 Kama kuna agano linadumu, ni lazima kuthibitishwa kwa kifo cha mtu yule aliyelifanya.
For a will to be implemented, the person who made it must be dead.
17 Kwani agano linakuwa na nguvu mahali kunatokea mauti, kwa sababu hakuna nguvu wakati mwenye kulifanya akiwa anaishi.
A will is only valid when there's been a death—and is never applied while the person who made it is still alive.
18 Hivyo hata si lile agano la kwanza lilikuwa limewekwa pasipo damu.
That's why the first agreement was established with blood.
19 Wakati Musa alipokuwa ametoa kila agizo la sheria kwa watu wote, alichukua damu ya ng'ombe na mbuzi, pamoja na maji, kitambaa chekundu, na hisopo, na kuwanyunyizia gombo lenyewe na watu wote.
After Moses had given all the commandments of the law to everyone, he took the blood of calves and goats, and together with water, scarlet wool, and hyssop, sprinkled the book itself and all the people.
20 Kisha alisema, “Hii ni damu ya agano ambayo Mungu amewapa amri kwenu”.
He said to them, “This is the blood of the agreed relationship that God has told you he wants with you.”
21 Katika hali ileile, aliinyunyiza damu juu ya hema na vyombo vyote vilivyotumiwa kwa huduma ya ukuhani.
Moses sprinkled the blood in the same way on the Tabernacle and everything used in worship.
22 Na kulingana na sheria, karibu kila kitu kinatakaswa kwa damu. Pasipo kumwaga damu hakuna msamaha.
According to ceremonial law, almost everything is made clean with blood, and without shedding blood nothing is made ritually free from the stain of sin.
23 Kwa hiyo ilikuwa lazima kwamba nakala za vitu vya mbinguni sharti visafishwe kwa hii dhabihu ya wanyama. Hata hivyo, vitu vya mbinguni vyenyewe vilipaswa kusafishwa kwa dhabihu iliyo bora zaidi.
So if the copies of what is in heaven needed to be cleansed in this way, the things in heaven needed cleansing by better sacrifices.
24 Kwani Kristo hakuingia mahali patakatifu sana palipofanywa na mikono, ambayo ni nakala ya kitu halisi. Badala yake aliingia mbingu yenyewe, mahali ambapo sasa yuko mbele za uso wa Mungu kwa ajili yetu.
For Christ hasn't entered a Most Holy Place constructed by human beings that is only a pattern of the original. He has entered heaven itself, and now appears on our behalf, speaking for us in God's presence.
25 Hakuingia kule kwa ajili ya kujitoa sadaka kwa ajili yake mara kwa mara, kama afanyavyo kuhani mkuu, ambaye huingia mahali patakatifu zaidi mwaka baada ya mwaka pamoja na damu ya mwingine,
This was not to repeatedly offer himself, like a high priest has to enter the Most Holy Place year after year, offering blood that is not his own.
26 kama hiyo ilikuwa kweli, basi ingekuwa lazima kwake kuteswa mara nyingi zaidi tangu mwanzo wa ulimwengu. Lakini sasa ni mara moja hadi mwisho wa miaka aliyojifunua kuiondoa dhambi kwa dhabihu yake mwenyewe. (aiōn g165)
Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. No: just this one time at the end of the present age he came to remove sin by sacrificing himself. (aiōn g165)
27 Kama ilivyo kwa kila mtu kufa mara moja, na baada ya hiyo huja hukumu,
Just as human beings die only once, and then are judged,
28 ndivyo hivyo Kristo naye ambaye alitolewa mara moja kuziondoa dhambi za wengi, atatokea mara ya pili, si kwa kusudi la kushughulikia dhambi, bali kwa ukombozi kwa wale wamgojeao kwa saburi.
so too for Christ—having been sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people, he will come again, not to deal with sin, but to save those who wait for him.

< Wahebrania 9 >