< Ezekieli 42 >

1 Kisha yule mtu akanituma kwenda ua wa nje upande wa kaskazini, akanileta kwenye vyumba mbele ya ua wa nje na ukuta wa nje kaskazini.
And he brought out me to the courtyard outer the way [the] direction of the north and he brought me to the room which [was] before the separate place and which [was] before the structure to the north.
2 Hivyo vyumba vilikuwa dhiraa mia moja karibu na mbele yake na dhiraa hamsini upana.
To [the] face of length cubits the hundred [the] entrance of the north and the breadth [was] fifty cubits.
3 Baadhi ya hivyo vyumba vilielekea ua wa ndani na vilikuwa na dhiraa ishirini kutoka patakatifu. Kulikuwa na vyumba vitatu vinavyolingana, na kingine juu kilichokuwa kimetazama chini kuelekea kingine vilikuwa vimefunguliwa, vilikuwa na pakutokea. Baadhi ya vyumba vilielekea nje kwenye ua wa nje.
Before the twenty [cubits] which [belonged] to the courtyard inner and before [the] pavement which [belonged] to the courtyard outer a gallery [was] to [the] face of a gallery in the thirds.
4 Njia dhiraa kumi upana dhiraa mia moja urefu kueleikea mbele ya vyumba. Milango ya vyumba ilikuwa mbele kaskazini.
And [was] before the rooms a passage of ten cubits breadth to the inner [court] a way of a cubit one and entrances their [were] to the north.
5 Lakini kumbi za juu zilikuwa ndogo, kwa ajili ya njia za kutembea zilichukua kutoka kwazo sehemu kubwa kulikuwa walivyofanya kwenye vyumba vya chini na katikati usawa wa jengo.
And the rooms upper [were] short for they consumed galleries from them more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] [the] structure.
6 Kwa kuwa orofa tatu hapakuwa na mihimili, kama zile nyua, ambazo zilikuwa na mihimili. Hivyo usawa wa vyumba vya juu vilikuwa sawa sawa katika kipimo cha kulinganisha na vyumba vya chini na usawa wa katikakati.
For [were] divided into three parts they and not [belonged] to them columns like [the] columns of the courtyards there-fore it was shortened more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] from the ground.
7 Ukuta wa nje karibu na vyumba mbele ya ua wa nje, ua uliokuwa mbele ya vyumba. Huo ukuta ulikuwa dhiraa hamsini urefu.
And [the] wall which [was] to the outside close to the rooms [the] direction of the courtyard outer to [the] face of the rooms length its [was] fifty cubit[s].
8 Urefu wa vyumba vya ua wa nje ulikuwa dhiraa hamsini, na vyumba vilivyokuwa vimeelekea patakatifu vilikuwa dhiraa mia moja urefu.
For [the] length of the rooms which [belonged] to the courtyard outer [was] fifty cubit[s] and there! on [the] face of the temple a hundred cubit[s].
9 Kulikuwa na mahali pa kuingilia kwenye vyumba vidogo zaidi kutoka upande mashariki, kuingia kutoka ua wa nje.
(And [was] from under the rooms *Q(K)*) these (the [one] bringing *Q(K)*) from the east when comes he to them from the courtyard outer.
10 Karibu na ukuta wa ua wa nje juu ya upande wa mgaribi pa ua wa ndani, mbele ya patakatifu pa ua wa nje, pia kulikuwa na vyumba na njia ya mbele yao.
In [the] breadth of - [the] wall of the courtyard [the] direction of the east [were] to [the] face of the separate place and to [the] face of the structure rooms.
11 zilikuwa kama umbo la vyumba kwa upande wa kaskazini. Zilikuwa urefu ule ule na upana na matokeo yale yale na mipangilio na madirisha.
And a way [was] before them like [the] appearance of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the north like length their [was] so breadth their and all exits their and like plans their and like entrances their.
12 Kwa upande wa kusini kulikuwa na madirisha kwenye vyumba ambavyo vilikuwa kama yale yaliyokuwa upande wa kaskazini. Aya iliyokuwa ndani ilikuwa na mlango kwenye kichwa chake, na njia ilifunguliwa kwenye vyumba tafauti. Upande mashariki kulikuwa na malango wa njia kwenye njia mwishoni.
And like [the] entrances of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the south an entrance [was] at [the] head of a way a way in front of the wall corresponding [the] direction of the east when come [to] them.
13 Kisha yule mtu akanambia, “Vyumba vya kaskazini na vyumba vya kusini vilivyokuwa mbele ya ua wa nje ni vyumba vitakatifu amabapo makuhani wafanyao kazi karibu sana na Yahwe waweze kula chakula kitakatifu sana. Wataweka vitu vitakatifu sana-sadaka ya chakula, sadaka ya dhambi, na sadaka ya hatia-kwa kuwa hapa ni mahali patakatifu.
And he said to me [the] rooms of the north [the] rooms of the south which [are] to [the] face of the separate place they - [are] [the] rooms of holiness where they will eat there the priests who [are] near to Yahweh [the] holy things of the holy things there they will set down - [the] holy things of the holy things and the grain offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering for the place [is] holy.
14 Wakati makuhani watakapoingia hapo, wasitoke nje ya mahali patakatifu kwa ua wa nje, bila kuweka mavazi karibu mahali wahudumupo, kwa kuwa hapa ni patakatifu. Hivyo watavalia mahali pengine nguo kabla ya kwenda karibu na watu.”
When go they the priests and not they will go out from the holy place into the courtyard outer and there they will set down clothes their which they will serve in them for [are] a holy thing they (and they will put on *Q(K)*) clothes other and they will draw near to [that] which [is] for the people.
15 Yule mtu akamaliza kupima ndani ya nyumba na kisha akanichukua nje ya lango lililokuwa limeelekea magharibi na kuzipima sehemu zote zilizokuwa zimepazunguka hapo.
And he had completed [the] measurements of the house inner and he brought out me [the] way of the gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the east and he measured it all around - all around.
16 Akaupima upande wa mashariki na fimbo ya kupimia-dhiraa mia tano kwa fimbo ya kupimia.
He measured [the] side of the east with [the] reed of measurement five (hundred *Q(K)*) reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
17 akaupima upande wa kaskazini-dhiraa mia tano na fimbo ya kupimia.
He measured [the] side of the north five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
18 Pia akaupima upande wa kusini dhraa mia tano na fimbo ya kupimia.
[the] side of The south he measured five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
19 Pia akageuka na kuupima upande wa magharibi dhiraa mia tano kwa fimbo ya kupimia,
He turned to [the] side of the sea he measured [it] five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
20 Akaipima pande nne. Ilikuwa na ukuta umeizunguka ilikuwa dhiraa mia tano urefu, na dhiraa mia tano upana, kulitenganisha umbo takatifu kutoka ambapo ni pa kawada.
To four sides he measured it a wall [belonged] to it all around - all around [the] length [was] five hundred [cubits] and [the] breadth [was] five hundred [cubits] to make a distinction between holy thing and a profane thing.

< Ezekieli 42 >